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Algebra 2AC: Statistics

11.5A&B Data Gathering, Surveys, Experiments, and Observational Studies

Friday, March 3, 2017

Time49 minutes
Previous knowledge Potentially some from sciences classes, but none from math.
Big Ideas/Essential Understanding Data Collection
Learning Standards and Mathematical Practices
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSA.SSE.A.1.A: Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms,
factors, and coefficients.
1. Use appropriate tools strategically.
2. Look for and make use of structure.
3. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Learning Goals
SWBAT identify and differentiate between observational and experimental studies.
SWBAT evaluate data collection methods
SWBAT identify potential bias

Agenda Overview
1. Homework Check (10 mins)
a. Post answers on board
i. Walk around, stamp homework, and chat to students about current events
in their life
2. Prior Knowledge. Critical thinking (3 mins)
a. Present Testable Question and ask students to come up with ways with which they
could test this question
i. Can deferred gratification be an indicator of future success?
(Marshmallow Test)
ii. Think, pair, share
1. Take a minute to think about how you might be able to test this
theory. What specific criteria might you need? Once you and your
group members have each come up with a possible way, discuss
each method and its possible pros and cons. Pick one to share with
the class
3. Fill out Guided Notes
a. Handout Guided Notes
b. Go through the notes and have students fill in the blank sections. This lesson in
particular is very vocab heavy, but as far as the examples go, should be somewhat
i. Vocab- teacher led
ii. Examples - fairly intuitive type of problems, so generally they will all be
group or individual problems, with students sharing out answers. Try and
keep lecturing to a minimal and let this lesson be more student focused.
1. Only ask guiding questions. See filled out notes for potential
iii. Try and integrate discussion from beginning of class as examples
iv. See filled out notes for specific guiding questions.
4. Marshmallow Test Video (5 min)
a. Reevaluate methods from the beginning of class. How might you change it now?
What kind of study did you do?
b. So this was actually a question that researchers studied (explain premise of
Marshmallow Test
i. Ask students what kind of an study this was. Do they think it sounds
c. Watch video
i. LINK:
5. Allude to Statistic Project
a. So as I mentioned briefly at the beginning of this Unit, you will be conducting
your own survey, experiment, or observational study, so you can start thinking
about possible testable questions that you might want to base your study on.
6. Questions/Homework Time
a. Answer any last minute questions and briefly discuss the plan for the next day.
b. Remind students that the homework is always on the unit schedule handout and
written on the backboard. If extra time allows, let students start working on

Lesson Plan Checklist:

Instructional Activity
Learning Structure (whole group, pairs, small groups) -- Mostly small group work.
Incorporate some think pair share
Planned Questions -- (on my note sheet)
Anticipated Student Responses / Misconceptions
Teacher Response / Important Points
Differentiation (include initials of target students) -- More small group work today rather than
teacher led lecture notes
Assessment Method - Examples and verbally asking students (formative assessments). Opening
will act almost like a pre-test and the wrap up as a post-test

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