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Notes for Acts of Teaching: Chapter 7

FOUR INSTRUCTIONAL ALTERNATIVES: to do and why that is important.

PRESENTATION. DISCUSSION, (3) Use an advance organizer - Link what is to be
INDEPENDENT STUDY, AND learned to what students already know.
INDIVIDUALIZED INSTRUCTION (4) Present information in an organized, step-by-
step manner. The better structured the lesson, the
greater likelihood it will be followed and
- How do you think a teacher should teach? How do
you think you will teach?
(5) Provide explanations that are complete,
- In planning, we focus on what to teach, how to
accurate, and clear - When teaching a new idea or
teach it, and how will the learning be assessed
concept, use both examples and non-examples
- We will focus on how to teach it
(6) Keep presentations short.
- This will help you to be a multitalented versatile
(7) Expect and solicit pupil interaction in the form
of questions and comments.
Presentations: Teaching as Telling and Showing Closure
*What Is a Presentation? - Since you told learners what they would learn at
- It is an informative talk from a more the outset, now remind them of what they have
knowledgeable person makes to a less learned.
knowledgeable people. - Review and summary are appropriate.
- It is an expository teaching and reception learning.
- showing can enhance the telling. *Computer Presentations: Pros and Cons
*Purpose and Characteristics of Teacher *When Teacher Presentations Should Be Used
Presentations - Present knowledge to your learners when
- the purpose is to inform an audience of certain 1) they don't know much about what is to be
facts ideas, concepts, and explanation. learned,
- it differs in length and formality. (2) the new knowledge is not available in a better,
- Socratic Technique what do you think? And why more understandable form (e.g., in a book),
do you think that? (3) the knowledge need not be remembered for a
- Team Teaching - Teachers working together to long time, or
share their expertise engage in (4) the knowledge is a basis for what will be
explored later in depth.
*Good Presenters *Limitations of Presentations
- Should be humorous, enthusiastic, clear, fluent - teachers may not know the content sufficiently to
and audible. present it, presentations often do not involve
learners enough, and they may be overwhelming,
*Good Presentations underwhelming, or boring. For these reasons they
- should go through the process of: may trigger frustration in learners who do not have
Preparation It includes good attention, note taking, or memory skills
(1) establishing the topic for the presentation and Discussion: Learning through Informative
the learning objectives, Interaction
(2) collecting and reviewing information to be - Discussion is mostly used in honors programs and
presented, and even then sparingly: advanced placement classes
(3) organizing or planning delivery can be as discussion free as any class
Delivery should follow
(1) Focus student attention (SET induction) *What Is a Discussion?
(2) Present learners with the learning objectives-tell - is a situation wherein students, or students and a
them what they are expected to know and to be able teacher, converse to share information, ideas, or
Notes for Acts of Teaching: Chapter 7
opinions or work to resolve a problem. discussion was prepared, presented, and concluded.
*Purposes and Characteristics of Discussion - The four purposes-to review and extend
- to review and extend what students have learned knowledge, examine ideas, solve problems, and
in order to ensure their mastery of a subject. improve communication skills.
- can also be held when the purpose is to have
students examine their ideas or opinions.
- Once you have determined your purpose, students'
- A third purpose a discussion might have is to solve
readiness, your role, group arrangements, and time
a problem.
constraints, you are now ready to deliver. This
- Sometimes a discussion can help students to
improve their face-to-face or interpersonal
(1) making certain your students understand the
communication skills.
purpose of the discussion
Characteristics of Discussions
(2) ensuring that you have related the discussion to
(1) Interaction Pattern Discussion something students previously learned or to
- differs from recitation, or the teacher question something upcoming;
student answer technique. (3) informing them of the discussion questions and
- Interaction is less formal and more conversational. potential information sources they can use in
(2) Group Size and Composition ( 4) organizing the participants. If several small
- The whole class can engage in a common groups will discuss, you may want to appoint or ask
discussion, or it can be divided into groups. each group to select a facilitator and a recorder, and,
- The composition of a group is also at issue. That of course, the students in these roles must know
is, should members be similar (homogeneous) or what is expected of them.
dissimilar (heterogeneous)? Arguments can be made - Give the discussants a purpose, a plan, and
for either position. freedom to operate.
(3) Group Arrangement Closure
- One rule seems to hold: To converse, participants - at this part, a teacher should review the purpose
should be face to face. and the things they have learned and achieved
(3) Role of the Teacher through the discussion.
- Of course, the interaction pattern suggests a
number of different teacher roles and *When Discussions Should Be Used
responsibilities. The teacher serves as observer, - Use it when you want to engage the students in
recorder, and perhaps arbitrator. At other times, you discussion when your purpose s to review
should be a member of the discussion or be information, examine ideas and opinions, solve
facilitator moderator. problems, or improve oral communication skills.
- It is also used for long-term memory, higher-order-
*Good Discussion Leaders thinking-skills, motivation, attitude change, or
- - Students, desire to communicate with others. moral reasoning.
- Review and extension of what students have - to meet the students social and psychological
learned, examination of ideas and opinions, problem needs.
solving, and increased interpersonal communication
skills. *Research on Discussion
- Discussion users must have confidence in their - It promotes knowledge retention, higher-order
students' capacities to think effectively. thinking, positive attitude change, enhanced moral
- Enhance their psychological and social growth. reasoning, and increased motivation.
*Good Discussions *Limitations of Discussions
- Both of these outcomes depend on how the - What if the learners do not seem to know what
Notes for Acts of Teaching: Chapter 7
they are supposed to do? What if learners do not independently
know enough or are not mature enough to engage in - Exhibit clarity, valence and challenge arousal,
the discussion? What if learners digress? What if variety and challenge, withitness, and overlapping
the discussion is dominated by a few? What if some
learners are reluctant to participate? *Good Independent Study
Independent Study: Teaching as Giving and When preparing:
Guiding Seat Work and Homework Assignments - Establish the general purpose
*What Is Independent Study? - Set specific instructional objectives
- Independent study is any assignment learners - Consider the ability of individual learners to work
complete more or less on their own. independently
- Plan the assignment so that it is interesting and at
*Purpose and Characteristics of Independent Study the optimal level of difficulty and length
- when students need to rehearse or practice - Collect, prepare instructional resources
something. When delivering:
- when you want to be certain that your learners - Get students' attention
gain specific knowledge or skills - Inform learners of the rationale for the assignment
- to encourage students to acquire study skills that and of the objectives
will serve them throughout life. - Relate assignment to previous and upcoming work
Types of Independent Study
By type of independent study, we refer to whether - Make sure learners know what to do and how to
the teacher prescribes the work assignment or do it before work begins
learners freely choose it. - Make certain learners know when and how they
Teacher's Role may get help
- is to facilitate students' learning and satisfaction. - Make sure learners know what to do if they finish
Context early
- We have already alluded to the fact that students - Be alert, move about to monitor and interact with
can do independent work either in school or as learners
homework. - Diagnose students' progress and provide assistance
when needed
*Good Independent Study Leaders When closing:
- Valence and challenge arousal is the ability to - Collect assignments
engender curiosity and enthusiasm in students and - Assess assignments
to get them involved in the independent work. - Provide feedback to students
- Variety and challenge involves the ability to - Count assignments toward the grade
identify and assign independent study assignments
*Limitations of Independent Study
that vary enough to be interesting and are
- If the intentions of such study are not clear and
challenging enough to maintain attention.
reasonable, students may resist the assignments or
- Withitness is the ability to communicate to
exert minimal effort.
learners that we know what they are doing even
when we are not nearby or looking at them.
*Making Good Homework Assignments
- Overlapping is the teacher's ability to attend to
- Let learners, parents, and caregivers know when
more than one thing at a time.
and how often assignments will be made and
- Believe independent study enhances learning
approximately how long they will be.
through rehearsal/practice
- Make sure that assignments serve a good purpose.
- Believe independent study enhances learning how
- Make certain that learners understand the good
to learn
purpose and meaning of the assignment and that
- Believe students can work successfully
Notes for Acts of Teaching: Chapter 7
they have resources necessary to succeed. pretested.
- Ensure that the assignment is clear and that - According to the results, students are assigned
learners know both what is to be accomplished and work at appropriate academic levels.
how. Individually Guided Education (IGE)
- Make assignments that are neither too easy nor too - is another form of individualized instruction. A
difficult. major difference between IGE and other systems is
- Vary assignments. that IGE is done in a "nongraded" school.
- Teach school study habits that transfer to - Each child's program is based on how and at what
homework assignments pace he learns best, and where he stands on
- Provide learners with feedback on their work. mastering specific skills and concepts
- Work with parents and caregivers to ensure that Tutoring or coaching
home assignments are meeting your expectations - is perhaps the oldest and best-known means of
and theirs in terms of quality and length and find individualizing instruction.
out what effects (positive and negative) they are - to give remedial instruction to a student or to
having on a learner's home life. provide supplementary information
Distance Learning
*Summary on Independent Study
- the intention is to make education more accessible
Individualized or Differentiated Instruction: to persons not located near an instructional facility
Tailoring Teaching such as a public school.
The Project Method: Self-Directed Leaming
*What Is Individualized Instruction? - Teaching by engaging students in a long-term
- or differentiated instruction are terms used to refer activity in which they gather information and
to any instructional maneuverer that attempts to develop a product of some kind, such as a written
tailor teaching and learning to a learner's, or a group report, oral presentation, or model.
of like-learners', unique strengths and needs.
*Purpose and Characteristics of Individualized *Good Users of Individualized Instruction
Instruction - Prize diversity
- To tailor teaching and learning to individual - Value individualism
strengths and needs - Know learners' strengths and needs
- Teacher knows and cares about learner diversity. - Have knowledge of and ability to implement such
- Learning tasks vary according to the individual or programs
group of like individuals. (Variable goals, Variable - Have strong interpersonal skills
learning activities, Variable resources, Variable
levels of student performance, Variable amount of *Good Individualized Education Programs
time and pacing) - Are tailored to meet individual learners' strengths
and needs
*Types of Individualized Instruction - Permit considerable learner autonomy with regard
Contracts to goals, means, resources, time
- are signed agreements in which learners promise - Result in greater equity
to perform specific academic work-perhaps read a - Have no damaging side effects
book and write a synopsis of it.
Programmed and Computer-Assisted Instruction *When Individualized Instruction Should Be Used
- whenever teachers hope to serve a student's unique
- The material to be learned is broken down into strengths and needs.
small, easily learned segments.
Individually Prescribed Instruction (!Pl) *Limitations of Individualized Instruction
- At the beginning of a school year students are - it is very time-consuming.
- Neither can you simply allow students to do
Notes for Acts of Teaching: Chapter 7
whatever they please. Discussion
- Described in this chapter, discussions occur when
*Summary on Individualized Instruction a group assembles to communicate with one another
by speaking and listening about a topic or event of
Matching Instructional Alternatives to Learners
mutual interest.
Overview of 31 Instructional Alternatives Drill and practice
Academic games or competitions - In this form of independent study, the teacher
Brainstorming explains a task and then learners practice it.
- To generate creative ideas, learners are asked to Field observation, fieldwork, field trips
withhold judgment or criticism and produce a very - Students make observations or carry out work in
large number of ways to do something, such as an outside-the-school setting.
resolve a particular problem. Independent study or supervised study
Cases-Students - independent study requires learners to complete a
- make detailed analysis of some specific, usually common task at their desks or as a home study
compelling, event or series of related events so that assignment.
learners will better understand its nature and what Individualized instruction
might be done about it. - Any of a number of teaching methods that tailor
Centers of interest and displays teaching and learning to meet a learner's unique
-Collections and displays of materials are used to characteristics.
interest learners in themes or topics. Learning modules
Colloquia - These are a form of individualized instruction that
-A guest or guests are invited to class to be allow students to use a self-contained package of
interviewed. learning activities.
Constructivism Mastery learning
- Learners coming to learn through purposeful - As a class, students are presented with information
experiences to be learned at a predetermined level of mastery.
Contracts The class is tested, and individuals who do not
- Written agreements students and teachers may obtain adequate scores are retaught and retested.
enter into describe the academic work students plan Oral reports
to accomplish in a particular period of time such as - Individuals or groups of learners are assigned or
over a week or month. choose topics.
Cooperative learning Presentations
- student-team learning. - Students listen to a person who talks about a topic.
- Students working in groups are rewarded for The teacher, or a guest speaker,
collective effort. Problem solving
Debates - Individuals or groups of learners are presented
- In this form of discussion, a few students present with a perplexing, difficult question or situation and
and contest varying points of view on an issue. are asked to think about and try to resolve it.
Demonstrations Programmed and computer-assisted instruction
- In this form of presentation, the teacher or learners - In this form of individualized instruction, students
show how something works or operates, or how learn information in small, separate units either by
something is done. reading programmed texts or by using computer-
Direct instruction presented teaching programs
- A teacher gives explicit, step-by-step instruction Project or activity method
Discovery - In this form of individualization, learners choose
- In discovery learning, students are encouraged to and work on projects and activities on related
derive their own understandings or meanings. topics.
Notes for Acts of Teaching: Chapter 7
- Learners study an original record or records of members are often rewarded for the team's overall
some important event and then try to understand the success.
event or its consequences. Tutoring
Reciprocal Teaching - Either a teacher or a fellow student provides a
- Teacher gradually shifts teaching responsibility to learner or small group of learners with special help.
Using Technology in Teaching
- search engines, PowerPoint.
- Students are given information to study. They then
- Increasingly we are becoming knowledgeable
recite what they have learned when the teacher
about blogs, wikis, and podcasts.
questions them.
*Selecting Quality Software and Websites
Role playing
*Utilizing Digital Content
- Learners take on the role of another person to see
- Word processing that allows learners to write and
what it would be like to be that person.
revise with the assistance of spelling and grammar
Simulation games
- Students play a specially designed, competitive
- Spreadsheets that permit adding up collected data,
game that mirrors some aspect of life.
crunching statistics, and graphing.
- Drawing/painting.
- Learners engage with something intended to
- Multimedia and presentation tools that allow
learners to create sophisticated class presentations.
-to give the appearance or have the effect of-
- Desktop publishing that enables students to create
something else.
materials for print or on the Web using scanning,
Student-team, pupil-team, cooperative learning
design, and layout tools.
- Learners are placed in groups or teams of four to
six. Sometimes the groups are as diverse or
heterogeneous as possible. In such cases, team

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