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Chapter 1: Rainy Day

It was one week after Ichigo and the others came back from Hueco Mundo.
It was one week after the fall of Aizen's army.
It was one week after Ichigo defeated Aizen.
It was one week after he had saved her.
It was one week after she had told him how she truly feels."Man, that was one nasty hollow"
said Ichigo as he was rubbing his head, while looking at his surroundings. "I didn't know that I had
come all the way out here. I'm actually close to." He stopped."Kurosaki-kunII love you." He
had remembered what had happened between them when they were at Hueco Mundo. Right next to
Aizen's dead body and the destroyed Hgyoku, he had asked her why she had come here."It was
because II wanted to protect you and the others from Aizen. But it seems that you were the one
that protected me instead." She had starting to blush. "Thank youKurosaki-kunII love you."
Surprised at what she had said, she had turned red and turned away so that Ichigo could not
see her.'Why do those words make me warm and happy?' He thought. "Kurosaki-kunII love
you." He started to have this strange feeling in his stomach. 'What the hell is this feeling?'
-"Huh?" He looked up and right in front of him was the one that made is heart start racing,
-"Are you okay, Kurosaki-kun?"
-"Huh..Oh.Yeah, I'm okay. Why do you ask?"
-"Well it's because I saw you on the corner rubbing your head and your stomach and you
look a little flushed. And well I thought that you might not be feeling good."
-"Oh. No, I was just thinking of..what to eat." - 'What the hell, is that the best excuse you
can come up with? I'm such an idiot.' Then he remembered that this is the first time since she had
told him "those" words that they were talking to each other without a group of people
around."Oh."Ever since coming back from Hueco Mundo, whenever he had seen her, he felt this
sensation. The urge of holding her in his arms and never letting her go, kissing her on her soft pink
lips. 'Her lips must taste like sweet candy. Maybe strawberries or honey, either way they would taste
-"Kurosaki-kun, are you sure your okay? You're turning red."
-"Huh?" He hadn't noticed that he was turning red by just thinking of her. "No, really. I'm
-"Oh. Okay."
-"What do you have there, Inoue?"
-"Oh. I went to the market to get groceries for dinner and then I remembered I needed other
things as well. So then I went to this other store and then I walked by a clothing store and
remembered that I needed some clothes."
-"Well, you have a lot of bags. Do you want me to help you take them home?" - Orihime
started to blush and looked down. - "I don't want to trouble Kurosaki-kun. I troubled you enough."
-"It's no trouble at all."
-"Okay then." She said smiling at him, joy filled both their hearts.Ichigo was glad to be
spending time with Orihime, even if it was just helping her with her bags, he was still with her.
That's all he wanted.The walk to Orihime's house was a silent one, full of awkward moments. He
didn't know what to say to her and her to him."Uh, Ino..""OH NO!"The unexpected rain was
pouring down on them. They started to run to Orihime's place but it was still blocks away. By the
time they had made it there they were dripping wet.
-"Thank you, Kurosaki-kun. Do you want to come in?"
-"Um, I don't know. I think I should get going."
-"But it's still pouring down outside and you don't really live close. I don't want you to catch
a cold because you walked me home."
-"Don't worry about me, I will be fine." - He turned to walk out the door but something
stopped him. 'What's stopping me?' He looked down at his arm and saw Orihime's hand grabbing
hold of his arm. Her touch was soft but firm.
-"Please don't go. You're drenched. You should dry off and get warm."He turned to look at
her. Her grey eyes were looking straight into his brown eyes with a look of love and concern.
-"Alright. I'll stay."
-"Okay, good. Let me get you a towel to dry off.
"She disappeared into kitchen and entered the bathroom. This was the first time he had been
here since he was told that she was a traitor. The first time he was here with her, alone. It was the
same as he remembered from before only this time the huge big screen communicator was gone. He
could sense her reiastu everywhere; it was her place after all.
"Here you go Kurosaki-kun." - She reemerged with a towel for him. She had changed out of
her wet clothes and was in a short white robe. - "Thank you, Inoue." - 'She's really beautiful,' - he
thought to himself. 'She's really sexy like that, her hair wet and the robe showing off her legs and
cleavage.' He was getting nervous, 'How can I be in the same room with her when she is naked
underneath that robe.' He wanted her so much that he couldn't stand it. He wanted to take advantage
of her, he wanted to grab her and pin her down to the floor and make passionate love to her. By just
the thought of it, made him turn red and he knew it. He placed the towel over his face so she
wouldn't see his red face.
-"Um, I don't know if you want to get out of those wet clothes. But there are no clothes here
for you. So if you want I can give another towel."
-"No, it's okay. I'll just take my sweater off."
-"Alright. Do you want something to drink? I can make you some tea to warm you up."
-"That sounds good. Thank you." - She went to the kitchen to make him some tea. She was
happy that she was making him tea. - 'It seems like we're married and I'm his little housewife.' -
She thought about it, and started to fantasize about spending the rest of their lives together. A high
pitched noise that came from the teapot snapped her back to reality. - 'How disappointing,' - she
thought. She went back to Ichigo, who was sitting at the table.
-"Here you go, Kurosaki-kun."
-"Thank you."
-"UmYou're still wet."
-"It's okay. I don't mind." - He sneezed." - Oh no. You're catching a cold. You should get out
of those wet clothes."
-"No I'm alright." He started to blush. The one thing that he didn't want was to be naked in
Orihime's home. He sneezed again. - 'Damn, I am getting a cold,' - he thought.
-"See you are catching a cold and at this rate you might get a fever. I think that I have one of
my brother's old robes. I kept a few things of his, to remember him by. You could use that."
-"Are you sure?"
-"Yeah, it's fine."He nodded. Orihime went to the closet and got the robe. She handed it to
Ichigo. - "You can change in the bathroom and hang the clothes over the bathtub." - Ichigo entered
the bathroom. - 'Oh no, what am I going to do? Inoue is in the other room with just a robe on and
she's probably naked under there.' - He felt the blood rush to his head turning his face red. - 'I've
never blushed this bad in my whole entire life,' he thought as he smirked. He looked around and
saw her wet clothes hanging over the bathtub; he hung his clothes next to hers. - "Okay you have to
breathe. Calm down you can't look like you've gotten hot and bothered." He sighed and opened the
door. Orihime was standing there in the kitchen cutting some tomatoes. - 'Oh no, she's cooking! I
never eaten any of her cooking but just by looking at her lunch at school, I don't think I want any.
But I think I will be able to get used to it.after a while.'
-"What are you making?"
-"A salad with tomatoes, lettuce, bean sprouts, tuna, red bean pasta, and mustard. Want
any?" - She didn't look at him because she knew that by just looking at him she will not be able to
function. She knew that he was mostly completely naked under the robe.
-"Umokay." - He rubbed his head thinking of how he was going to be able to eat it.
Awkward silence fell upon them, neither of them knew of what to say to the other
-'SAY SOMETHING,' ! - they both thought and at the exact same time they both uttered
-"Uh, you first Inoue."
-"I just wanted to say thank you for going to Las Noches and saving me." - She stopped
cutting the tomato. - "You really didn't have to go and save me. Kurosaki-kun is so kind. I never
thought that you would do something like that for me.." - She felt his strong arms circle around
her holding her tight. His touch made her heart skip a beat.
-"Of course I was going to go save you." - He whispered. - "I would never let anyone or
anything harm you. I will always be here to protect you and save you from anything and
everythingI-I-I love you, Orihime." - It was the first time that he had said that to himself and to
her.Orihime's eyes widened, she was caught by surprised. She never thought that would be what he
was going to say. Tears started to run down her cheeks.
-"Kuro."He turned her around and they locked eyes. He smiled and wiped the tears from
her cheek with his fingers.
-"Why are you crying?"
-"Because of those words.youyou said that you loved me..and you called me by my
name. I love you too, Ichigo." - She replied, smiling at him.
-"Orihime." With his hand, he tilted her chin upward.
-"Ichi." She couldn't finish, her mouth was busy. Ichigo leaned in and kissed her. She
resisted at first but gave in and kissed him back. Both their tongues exploring each other's mouth,
deeply and passionately. Finally, they came up for air, panting.
-"Ichigo." - He wanted to do so much more with her, to her, but didn't want to make her
uncomfortable. He kissed her again this time firmer and deeper. He wanted to show her how much
he loved her. - 'I was right, her lips are sweet like candy,' - he thought. She had wrapped her hands
around his neck and started playing with his hair. He wrapped his arms around her pressing her
body into his, wanting more and more of her. He decided to explore her neck from one side to the
other, kissing, licking and nipping at her. - "I love you so much, Ichigo." - She moaned. -"I'd do
anything and everything to make you happy." - Ichigo grinned. - "Hey, that's my line." - He said to
her softly that she almost became putty in his hands. He kissed her and this time one of his hands
grabbed a hold of her breast and started gently caressing it.Orihime pulled away,
-"Ichigo! - What are you doing?" She placed her arms in an X formation on her chest,
looking down blushing. -"I'm sorry, Orihime. But I couldn't help myself; there is something about
you that is making me want you all to myself. I understand if you don't want to go any further right
now. We can wait." - He said ashamed and disappointed. He turned and walked into the other room.
- 'Is he mad at me?' She thought. She walked into the other room nervously. - "Ichigo? Are you mad
at me for pulling away? - "There was a look of surprise on his face. -"No, I'm not mad. I just don't
want you to do anything that you're not ready to do. - "Orihime walked to him smiling and kissed
him softly. -"It's not that I'm not ready. You just caught me by surprise and I was embarrassed.
That's all." - She started to kiss the exposed part of his chest up to his neck, while her fingers from
one of her hands ran up and down the seam of the robe and the other hand going down his body.
-"Orihime, are you sure?" - She stopped kissing his neck and looked into his eyes. In a soft,
seductive voice she said to him. -"No matter how much I try to resist youI can'tI just can't. I
just want youI want you so muchI want you to take metake advantage of me Ichigo
make me yours." - With that he pressed her up against the wall, kissing her, his tongue deep into her
mouth. Both his hands found her succulent breasts and she let out a soft moan. He freed his hands
and untied the belt of her robe. She stopped him and pushed him back. Ichigo stood where he was
with a look of confusion. Slowly Orihime opened her robe exposing a soft rose colored bra and
matching underwear." - You're so beautiful."She smiled and proceeded to untying the belt of the
robe Ichigo was wearing. She slowly opened his robe and kissed his chest as it was being exposed
and Ichigo tossed the robe aside. Ichigo growled and then kissed her lips then continued to her neck,
then shoulder and with his hands he lowered her bra straps. His touch was soft; to him it was like
she was a fragile porcelain doll that could break at any time. He moved his hands to the clasp of her
bra and unhooked it; the bra fell to the floor exposing her breast. He cupped one of her breast and
started to play with her already erected nipple. She moaned softly. His mouth found the other one.
He circled his tongue around her nipple. She let out a moan. He sucked then gently bit her
nipple."Mmm, Ichigo."Orihime heart started racing, she started panting. Her nipples were really
sensitive that every time Ichigo would bit it she would let out a moan. His mouth moved over to the
other nipple so it wouldn't be left out. He laid her down on the futon that she had left out from the
night before, kissed her firmly and full of passion. He placed soft kisses all over both her breast, he
continued down to her stomach. She started to giggle."It tickles."He smiled at her and went back to
her lips then back to where he had left off. He parted her legs and started to kiss her inner thighs,
her underwear, then her thighs, then her underwear again. He did the same thing over and over. She
moaned out of frustration, why did he have to tease her. He grinned, and slowly slid off her
underwear. He finally was going to get his grand prize. Those beautiful pink lips were already wet.
They both started to blush. Ichigo took his middle finger and inserted in her."Mmm, Ichigo."He
started liking and sucking her clitoris at the same time that his middle finger was coming in and out
of her. She moaned louder. He loved hearing her moan his name. He took his middle finger out and
placed both his middle and ring finger in her. Orihime was moaning louder and panting faster,
felting like she was going to burst, she bit down on her lower lip. Ichigo added his index finger and
continued to move his fingers in and out while playing her clitoris."OH, ICHIGO!"She let out a
loud yell. He made her reach her peak. Her juices were running down Ichigo's fingers. He took
them out to catch the juice that was running down. He took his fingers and licked them clean."You
taste sweet."
Orihime smiled, sat up and kissed Ichigo. She had him lay on his back."My turnto taste
you." - She kissed a line from his mouth all the way down to his navel. Took off his blue boxers and
saw her grand prize all ready for her. His member was hard and ready for her; she ran her fingers
from his navel down to his member. She grabbed it, and started stroking it up and down. Ichigo
grunted in pleasure and tried hard to stop himself from take her. She started to kiss it up and down
and her hand was massaging his testicles. He tilted his head up to see what she was going to do. She
looked at him and smiled. -"Nah uh."- She said as she made moved her finger from side to side.
Then her mouth took him in. Massaging his member with her hand, mouth and tongue, Ichigo cried
out in pleasure.
-"Orihime!" - 'I didn't know that she would ever do this to me,' -he thought.It felt so good
to him but he couldn't fight the urge anymore. He grabbed her and turned her on her back. He
wanted her more than ever.
-"Are you ready? This may hurt." -Orihime nodded. Ichigo leaned down to kiss her,
hopefully it would ease the pain a little, and he entered her slowly. -She cried out in pain. She was
being ripped and stretched by his hard, thick member but she didn't care. It was her love, Ichigo.
Tears where rolling down her face, Ichigo knew that he was hurting her, he didn't want to hurt her.
Orihime saw the look of concern on his face; she brushed her hand on the side of his face.
-"Pleasedon'tstop." -He thrust himself in her; she kept moaning his name over and over.
She was so tight; her walls put a firm pressure on his member. He kept his rhythm and pace slow, in
order to savior the moment.
-"I never want this moment to end." - Said Orihime, while looking straight into his eyes.
-"It doesn't have to. I'll always be here whenever you want to relive this moment." He
whispered into her ear.He quickened his place, their panting became louder. They were becoming
one. One body. One mind. One soul. Orihime wrapped her legs around Ichigo's waist and raised her
pelvis up so that she can take him in deeper."OH! ICHIGO!"She was about to explode, she couldn't
take it anymore. She dug her nails into Ichigo's back making him growl with pain and pleasure. She
was getting closer and closer. -"NmmIchiooo.ICHIGO!" He had made she cum harder than
before. Ichigo felt her juice run down and her walls contract around his member, it was a wonderful
sensation for him. Orihime's body quivered with pleasure, she arched her back and Ichigo wrapped
his arms around her and pressed her close to his chest as he sat up. She wrapped her legs around his
waist and placed one hand on his back and the other grabbing his hair."I love you so much, Ichigo."
Orihime whispered into Ichigo's ear."I love you."And with that, she kept going; he went in deeper
than before. She kept moaning his name over and over again. Orihime tilted her head back giving
Ichigo a chance to kiss and nip her neck. She quickened her pace and with that he couldn't take it
anymore."MmmORIHIME!""ICHIGO!"He had exploded inside her and she erupted as hard as he
did. The room filled with their moans and heavy breathing. Their bodies were shaking from the
pleasure and their lips met in a long passionate kiss. Orihime didn't realize that Ichigo had laid her
down while they were kissing. Ichigo laid his head on top of her chest to hear her rapid heart
beating."You're so beautiful."Orihime smiled and twirled her fingers in his hair. His lips moved
from her chest to her lips. He turned to his back and pulled her close to his chest. She started to
circle his nipple with her finger and he stroked her hair. Both of them, with smiles on their faces and
exhausted fell asleep in each other's arms.The next morning Orihime woke up to a quiet room. 'Why
am I naked under these covers?' Then she quickly remembered the blissful night that she had.
'Ichigo! Where is he?' He wasn't there with her. 'Did he leave?' She hated to think that all this was a
one night stand."Good morning, Orihime."She sat up to see her prince charming smiling back at her
coming from the kitchen with a tray in his hands. He sat down the tray right next to her and kissed
her."Did you sleep well?""Yes. Thank you." She smiled back at him. She looked down to the tray
and saw that there was food on that tray. "I didn't know that you could cook.""Yeah well I can only
cook a couple of things.""Oh, I see.""I decided to make something for my beautiful princess. I
wanted to show her how much I appreciated last night."She leaned in and kissed him. "She must be
a lucky girl.""She is."Ichigo went in and kissed her, with one of his hands he started to caress one of
her breast. She pulled back, Ichigo was surprised that she had pull away."Ichigo. What are you
doing? We have to be at school in an hour.""I wanted to reminisce what we had last night." He gave
her a look that said, 'I want you.'"But we are going to be late for school.""Don't worry. It's alright if
we're late." He smiled back. "We can skip school altogether and no one will care that
much."Orihime smiled back at him. "Alright. We can be a little late I guess."The two dropped back
to the futon giggling and reminiscing the whole day.That's it, I hoped you liked it.What will happen
in chapter 2?
Rukia's Curiosity

Six o'clock came ringing through the Kurosaki household with the sound of forks and knives
on cold porcelain plates filled with half eaten food that Yuzu carefully prepared like that of her past
away mother. After a long sigh, Ichigo sits up from the table and tiredly says, "I'm gonna go and lay
down in my room to rest this food off. Thanks Yuzu for the food.""I'm glad you enjoyed my
cooking, Ichigo." Yuzu replies and goes to clean off the plates that Ichigo left on the table while
Ichigo heads upstairs."I think I'll head to bed as well," said Rukia, who was sitting on Ichigo's right
during dinner, "I'm getting a little tired as well, thank you ever so much for that lovely dinner,
Yuzu.""Thank you Rukia, I'm glad that another person enjoyed my cooking." Yuzu replied as Rukia
started up the stairs to her room that Ichigo's dad set up in the guest room. Rukia stopped by her
room to lie down for a while to just to wait until Yuzu came to make sure that she was sleeping
well, just like every night. Rukia thinks to herself 'Yuzu is a really sweet girl, Ichigo is lucky to
have a sister like that.' After Yuzu made her rounds to make sure everyone was sleeping well,
skipping Ichigo's room at his request, she went to bed herself in her and Karin's room.Rukia waited
a few minutes for the sound of Yuzu's door to close. Rukia had been increasingly curious to what
Ichigo did in his room after dinner the past few days, and tonight, her curiosity has gotten the better
of her. When she was certain that both Yuzu and Karin were both asleep, she left her gigai in the bed
in case Karin, who could actually see ghosts and soul reapers, woke up. She opened the window in
her room and used her shunpo to quickly get over to Ichigo's window. She was determined to finally
find out what Ichigo does in his private time.Rukia arrives at Ichigo's window just as his desk lamp
is turned on. Rukia watches intently from the window as Ichigo digs underneath his bed for
something that Rukia tries to figure out with little success. As Ichigo puts whatever he was looking
for on his desk, it dawns on Rukia what it is that Ichigo has been stockpiling underneath his bed:
Porno magazines, a huge pile of them that Ichigo has been hiding without anyone noticing.Rukia
decided to just stay quiet and observe, against what she has been taught during her life. Rukia
played the quiet observer as she watched Ichigo flip through a couple of the magazine and then
slowly reach toward his crotch.Rukia watched in awe. She has lived a sheltered and noble life while
in the Soul Society with the Kuchikis. She has never even seen a penis in her life, let alone watch a
man play with his own.Rukia continued to stare as Ichigo pulled out his dick and started to jack off
to the magazines. Her only slight curiosity slowly turned into fascination without her even realizing
it.Only when she moved to a more comfortable position did she realize that she was getting wet in
between her legs. This feeling is completely new to a sheltered girl like Rukia. As she realized what
was going on, she kept on observing Ichigo.Rukia slowly massaged the wet spot between her legs
through her shuhakusho. As she massaged more rhythmically, she moaned at the pleasure she was
surprised to feel. The pleasure, and flow of vaginal juice, started slowly escalating with each and
every rub. The pleasure kept on surprising Rukia and she felt this urge to put something in.
Overwhelming pleasure took away any sense of reason and public decency that she had. She
chanced a finger to slide in to try to find the pleasure she so desperately craved.When she felt the
warm flowing juice escaping from her and touched her oversensitive clit, she groaned and flinched
in the pleasure that kept surprising her. Her voice was growing out of her control as she slipped a
finger slowly into her slit.Her moans continued to get more aggressive as she approached her first
orgasm, which she didn't even know what was coming.Right then, Ichigo heard something out his
window and slowly put his dick away and approached the window. Ichigo stared in disbelief as he
watched Rukia masturbate intensely outside his window."Rukia, what the hell are you doing?!"
Ichigo said just loudly enough so that only Rukia could hear.Rukia was startled enough to lose her
last bit of focus and she fell to the ground below, her lewd pussy still showing. And Ichigo
continued to interrogate her."Rukia, why were you fingering yourself outside my window?" Ichigo
pressed while Rukia was recomposing herself."W-W-Well," Rukia stuttered, "you didn't cover
yourself while you were reading those magazines." She said that last part as she finished covering
herself and working her way up and through Ichigo's bedroom window."Why were you even
watching me masturbate anyway?" Ichigo asked with a little blush starting to appear on his face at
the realization that a woman was watching him play with himself."Well," Rukia started nervously,
"I was curious about what you do every night and when I saw you start stroking your penis, I got
caught up with playing with myself."Ichigo thought of how to handle the situation. On one hand, he
can act responsible and sent Rukia away and then continue jacking off to magazines, or he could
take advantage of Rukia's curiosity and have sex with a woman instead of his hand. It wasn't a hard
choice for a fifteen-year-old to make."Rukia, why don't you close the window, you're letting the
cold air in." Ichigo said as he went to sit back on his chair and put the magazines away."Wait,
Ichigo." Rukia said when she saw that he was putting the magazines up under his bed. Ichigo raised
his head in questioning attention. "Do you mind if I look at those before you put them away?"
Rukia asked, with nervousness set all over her face."O-Ok." Ichigo stuttered, wondering what Rukia
would want with the porno mags that he had been jacking off to just a minute ago. Ichigo hands
Rukia the top magazine and Rukia slowly takes it in hand and just looks at the cover.On the cover
of the magazine it has a nude woman of about twenty-three with very large breasts that look about
double D's. Rukia suddenly felt inadequate to the woman that Ichigo obviously preferred over
Rukia, who was not very strong in the breasts department"You prefer these types of women to
someone like me, Ichigo?" Rukia asked nervously as she opened the magazine and looked at the
photos of women in all sorts of lewd positions with men and other women."W-Well," Ichigo started,
trying best to answer in a way that Rukia's mind would understand, "those women are just fantasies,
people like me would never be able to get them. So, we just do what we can with what bit of them
we have. It's a little complicated for a woman to understand.""Uh-huh," Rukia responded while too
preoccupied looking at the women in the magazine to give a more coherent answer. As she moved
her eyes over the nude bodies of the people in the magazine, she started getting wet again, but even
more so because she was looking at a closer range than outside a window. While she got wetter, she
had to somehow control the flow of pussy juice that was now flowing like a river down her leg. She
tried to stop it by folding her legs together, something that Ichigo noticed."Are you feeling all right
Rukia?" Ichigo asked after he noticed Rukia's legs move and started to feel a heat that was not there
before"Its just a little hot, that's all," Rukia started, "these magazines are what got yourpenis to
stand up, am I right?" All the while, Rukia continued to look at the magazine, and Rukia continued
to get wetter between her legs."Um," Ichigo hesitated, wondering how to put this, "yeah, girls in
general have that effect on me, especially when they're naked." Ichigo still sat at his desk as Rukia
just sat and read the magazines while sitting on his bed. And Ichigo could tell that Rukia was
getting horny."Do I have the same effect on you as these women do?" Rukia chanced her question,
secretly hoping that Ichigo wanted to do the same things to her that he would do to the women in
the book. All the while, the scent of her pussy juice was being released into the room."Uh," Ichigo
nervously started, "to be honest Rukia, if you were naked, then yes, you would." Ichigo felt hot all
of a sudden. Something he never thought would happen when he was around Rukia."Oh," Rukia
muttered,"do you want me to take off my shuhakusho? I will if you want me to." Rukia had secretly
wanted this since Ichigo rescued her from almost being executed.Ichigo suddenly got a lot hotter
than was appropriate in front of a woman, but at that comment, he grabs his talisman that Captain
Ukitake gave him and went into his soul reaper form. "Now I'm ready, Rukia. I can see where this is
going."Rukia looks up at Ichigo and knows what she needs to do. She slowly stands up off of the
bed and gets out of her shuhakusho. She lets the cloth fall to the floor along with her
zanpaktou.Rukia now stands in front of Ichigo naked waiting for Ichigo's next move. She
desperately wants Ichigo to do to her what he would do with a woman that he was passionately in
love with. The flow of pussy juice was completely visible to Ichigo.Words were not needed as
Ichigo took off his shuhakusho and let it fall to the floor as he approached Rukia, them both
naked."Do you know what we are about to do, Rukia?" Ichigo asked Rukia while she looked at his
raging hard-on."Uh, based on those magazines, am I supposed to put it in my mouth to start off?"
Rukia asked while the blush spread from her cheeks to her entire face."Only if you want to, but it
does make men feel good down there." Ichigo said slowly, wondering if Rukia would actually do it,
just wanting her to feel comfortable with this."Okay, I'll do it if it will make you feel good, but I
might not be good at it." Rukia admitted to Ichigo, almost shaking because of the nervousness
running through her body, mostly tingling near her pussy, making the juices flow harder than
before."Just don't force yourself, Rukia." Ichigo cautioned Rukia as she lowered her body so that
she was standing on her knees with Ichigo's 7 inch cock at her eye level. She just stared at it for a
few moments before carefully licking the head while Ichigo watched and flinched at the delicate yet
highly arousing touch of Rukia's tongue on his dick.Rukia continued to lick slowly with the tip of
her tongue, but after awhile, she started using more and more of her tongue. Soon she was lightly
sucking the tip of Ichigo's hard cock while he moaned in pleasure, surprised she was this good at
something she was new at."Rukia," Ichigo moaned," how did you get this good at this so quickly?"
Rukia took Ichigo's cock from her mouth to answer."I'm a quick learner." Simple and quick. And
Rukia got right back to sucking Ichigo's tip. She heard Ichigo moaning from the warmth of Rukia's
mouth and tongue gliding over the sensitive head of Ichigo's cock.Rukia guessed that what she was
doing was getting a positive response, so she tried to up the pleasure. Rukia started to take more of
the cock into her mouth. Only the tip at first, slowly bobbing back and forth taking in and letting out
the head of Ichigo's cock with a slow speed but slowly increasing the speed as she started in on the
shaft. She then started taking in another inch, still bobbing her head back and forth as she heard
Ichigo moaning more audibly than before, and she took it as a message to keep it up."Oh Rukia,"
Ichigo moaned with his eyes closed in pleasure," your mouth is s warm and wet." Rukia, in
response, quickened her pace and took in even more of Ichigo's cock in her mouth, now taking in
about three-fourths of the 7 inch cock.Ichigo put his right hand on the back of Rukia's head and
added just a touch of pressure to encourage her to take in even more of his cock. Rukia didn't seem
to mind the encouragement, and she took in more of Ichigo's cock, now almost all of it.Ichigo saw
that Rukia didn't mind the pressure he put on her head, so he added a little more to get her to take in
more cock. Rukia seemed to welcome the pressure and took in the last of the cock, now having the
entire length in her warm mouth. With the entire length, her bobbing quickened to almost her
limits.Ichigo was now close to his limits. He was on the verge of cumming. His nuts felt like
exploding and he couldn't control the pressure he put on Rukia's head anymore. The pressure he
applied on her head was more than what he meant to. He started almost shoving with full force
Rukia's head down on his shaft.Rukia was starting to choke as Ichigo's pressure made her forcibly
deep-throat the cock. Soon, it was Ichigo who was making Rukia's head suck his cock, not Rukia
herself."Rukia," Ichigo moaned right before he came," I'm cumming!" Not a moment after he said
that, than he shot out thick jets of cum into Rukia mouth. Rukia felt the large gushing of cum that
suddenly shot into her mouth and filled it almost till she needed to drain it out. Ichigo rode out the
orgasm until the last jet of thick cum was shot into Rukia's mouth. He let go of her head and sat
down on his desk chair basking in the afterglow of his monstrous orgasm.Meanwhile, Rukia had a
mouthful of Ichigo's thick cum that she didn't know what to do with. She remembered what she saw
in the magazine and tried to swallow it. She let the bitter seed flow down her throat and down to her
awaiting stomach. Then she wiped with her finger the cum that got on her chin and lips and
swallowed that, too.
After she drank the last of Ichigo's thick seed, she just gazed at Ichigo in amazement, just happy
that she could satisfy him s completely."That was amazing, Rukia." Ichigo finally said after a few
minutes of resting. He stared at Rukia the way a newlywed husband looks at his wife. He then got
up and got something to clean up with.
He went to the bathroom to get a towel for both him and Rukia. He came back to see Rukia still
sitting on the floor, with just a little cum left on her cheek that she missed, which he wiped off with
the towel."I'm sorry for forcing your head like that Rukia," Ichigo started, "but I was just so into it,
you made me feel so good I just couldn't help it." Ichigo looked as Rukia seemed to be in the same
daze that he was in when he came."It's okay Ichigo," Rukia said, but not looking like she was fully
coherent," I enjoyed making you feel good. Does this mean we will be able to continue, because I
would like that." She finally looked up into Ichigo's eyes with a pitiful look, one that screams
longing. She really wanted to do this again with Ichigo."Sure we will," Ichigo promised," just not
now, you wore me out and I need rest, probably just as much as you need it. C'mon, let's go to bed."
Then he got back into his body and went over to Rukia as she was slowly putting her shuhakusho
back on. "Go and get back in your gigai and meet me back here, we'll sleep in my room tonight."
Ichigo said before Rukia left out the window."Okay." She said before disappearing into the
night.Ichigo heard a knock on his door not two minutes after Rukia left. He went to the door and,
just as expected, met Rukia on the other side of the door. He beckoned her in and led her to the bed.
Neither of them spoke as the climbed into the bed. They both fell asleep while Rukia was cuddling
against Ichigo, and he was embracing her.
Heat of Summer
"Go around! GO AROUND, YOU IDIOT!" Rukia shouted at Ichigo. He was running under
her through the streets of Karakura. The air for him was thick and hot. In her spirit form, the
weather had little bearing. The same couldn't be said for Ichigo.
"Who are you calling an idiot!" He stopped to shout back at her.
"You, you idiot!" She huffed disappearing in the direction of the retreating hollow.
Bitch. Ichigo mumbled to himself running after her wiping sweat from him brow. It was so
damn hot and taking this hollow down was taking way too long. He wanted to take his soul candy
or use his Substitute Shinigami Badge, but Kon was no where around and it had taken a few hours
to find his body when he had tried to hide it last time. So he followed Rukia on foot. Sweat
pouring.Ichigo saw her in the distance closing in on the hollow.
"Kurosaki-kun why aren't you in your shinigami uniform?" Orihime asked running up,
coming to help with the hollow. Her school shirt was damp, her hair clinging to her skin, from the
"Great, Inoue!" Ichigo said and without explanation her took his badge releasing his spirit
and his limp empty body fell back on to her.
"Thanks, Inoue," he said taking to the the sky, going to help Rukia.
Rukia was still angry when they arrived back at Kurosaki clinic. She walked into the not so
cool empty house, it was much cooler than outside though. She went about opening the windows
and turing on the fans that littered the room. The AC had broken a few days before and Isshin had
taken the girls to the beach for the weekend to get away from the heat. He had invited Rukia and
Ichigo to come along but they had pretended that they had to do a school project and the beach
would be too distracting.Both of them were regretting the decision now, but Hollows had been
jumping up like fleas lately,they couldn't just leave everything to Zennosuke. Not that he helped that
much anyway, Rukia had noted. That mixed with the constant heat it was beginning to wear on
them both.
-"So your not talking to me now?"Ichigo said taking off his shoes as he slammed the front
-"When I do talk to you, you don't listen!" she barked. "How many times have I told you to
always carry Kon with you!" She turned to him, her face bright with anger and the heat. She was
cute when she was angry and pouting, he realized. He wanted to kiss her wipe he sweaty brow, pull
her damp clothes from her body."See you're not even listening now!" she turned on her heel and
walked to the kitchen for a drink."Whatever.." Ichigo said bringing himself back to the argument.
-"Anyway, I don't know where that little bastard went. Probably some place cooler than this
house." He pretended to look around the house."Its your job to keep up with him, Ichigo. Just forget
it!" she said running upstairs. A nice cold shower would work wonders for her. Rukia let herself
relax in the cold running water, but still she felt hot. She stroked her tiny frame. The sticky sweat of
the day rolled off her. She soaped herself up letting Yuzu's cherry scented soap fill her senses.
Taking extra time and care to make sure everything was extra lathered. She paid special attention to
her nipples that had jutted out as soon as the cold water hit them, and she stroked longer than she
should over her mound, no matter how cold he water got it still felt hot. Made her fell hot and
horny."What the hell are you doing in there? I need to shower too." Ichigo said beating on the door.
Rukia reluctantly stopped the exploration between the legs."Alright Alright!" she shouted back.
When she came out of the shower, Ichigo's door was shut. She thought of going to apologize to him
but she wasn't wrong so she opted to lounge in front of the TV and the multitude of fans in the
living room. As she headed downstairs she heard his door open, close, then the bathroom door open
and close.I guess he's headed to the shower too. With the heat wave the cold water was what they
needed.Maybe they could order out after that, and try and have a pleasant night.Rukia sunk down
on the sofa. She was wearing a light airy white sun dress that hung off her shoulders. She had
entertained the idea of not wearing any underwear, but decided against it. She would definitely be
sleeping naked though.She grabbed the remote, turned on the TV, and let her mind relax as she
flipped through the channels. Ichigo finally emerged from the shower. The cold water had done its
job to relieve his heated temper. She was right, he hated hearing I told you so, though. He'd have a
talk with Kon about running off as soon as that little shit showed back up.(which wouldn't be until
Sunday, Kon had hitched a ride with Yuzu and was relaxing by the beach.)The one thing the shower
didn't do was calm down Ichigo arousal and all around horny feeling that had been clouding his
thoughts for the last couple of weeks. The heat had turned up his libido tenfold but every time he
tried to get something started with Rukia hollows seemed to flood into the city. Hollow cock-
blockers, is what he began to call them.He dried his hair but let the water stay beaded on his skin,
the fans blowing on him kept him cool. He pulled on a pair of red stripped trainers and nothing else.
He headed downstairs so that Rukia could get her scolding out of the way then they could have
dinner. When he got downstairs the TV was blaring."RUKIA! RUKIA!" He looked around the
living room. Rukia was sound asleep on the sofa, her chest rising and falling slowly, the fans gently
blowing her hair and the edge of her skirt.Ichigo stood over her watching her sleep, almost
mesmerized. He finally pulled his eyes away, picking up the remote that was on the sofa by her feet.
He turned the TV down so it was just louder than the hum of the fans. He stopped staring at her
petite nubile body as she slept, his cock stirred in his pants, he grabbed himself trying to calm down
the familiar aching that was beginning. He went to the kitchen and made himself some iced
tea.Glass in hand he came back to the living room and reclined on the sofa clicking through the
channels. The wind from the fans felt good on his bare chest. The blinds were all closed making the
room like a cool cave, the sunlight streaming in on the sides of the blinds.Of course nothing was on
TV. He sighed and settled for a rerun of Liar Game, not really watching it.Rukia stirred beside him,
stretching her legs out and draping them over his lap. He sat still letting her get comfortable and
settled. She moaned slightly, her moan sent a shiver through him. His cock twitched eagerly. He
looked over her legs, her small feet, her toes were painted a cute coral shade of pink. His eyes
trailed up the lines of her legs until the view was obstructed by the gently ruffling fabric of her
dress.His blood started racing,he was making up his mind what to do. Just let her lay there or... he
chose OR. He started at her feet stroking them lightly, he did that for a while gently making sure not
to wake her. Then letting his hand trail up to her ankle, then calves, she still lay sleeping quietly. He
drank his tea absently hoping that if she woke it would look like that's what he was doing the whole
time.He liked the feel of her silky soft skin in his hand, her skin was cool from sitting in front of the
fans so long, his hand was cold from holding the glass of ice tea, though his palms warmed quickly
withe desire when he touched her.As his hand crept up her legs, and Rukia still lay sleeping
peacefully Ichigo became more confident. He put the glass of tea down allowing both hands to
stroke her slender firm thighs, he was beginning to breath deeply, as his body and thoughts got
hotter. How far could he go before Rukia woke up? He was now playing a little game with himself,
to see how much he could do to her, how far he could go before he woke her. He leaned over to her
stroking and kneading her thighs lightly, leaning in to kiss her legs every few strokes. Licking her
cherry smelling soft skin.His hands made it to the edge of her shirt, he debated only for an instant if
he should go on. His now throbbing cock made the decisions for him and he tentatively let one hand
slip up her dress. His fingers crawled achingly slow up her inner thigh, she opened her legs a bit as
he moved on the sofa giving him easier access. Ichigo was about to go out of his mind with desire,
his cock was rock had now, straining against his pants. He looked back to the front door of the
house out of habit and instinct, his father and sisters were over 50 miles away safe, sound and cool
at the beach, they wouldn't be back all weekend.He pulled down his pants hurriedly, trying not to
rouse her, letting his dick pop out, stiff twitching and already precum glistening on the tip. He
stroked it slowly with the other hand, his eyes closed trying to imagine it sinking deep inside Rukia.
His hand under her dress trailing up and down her thigh.He began to roll his head over her legs
letting his lips brush against her skin, he could feel the heat from between her legs almost calling to
him. If he was going to stop here he had to do it now. He could jack off next to her and she would
be none the wiser.If he went any further, he wouldn't be able to stop himself and he wouldn't want
to either.Rukia moaned and rolled on her back, her legs falling open, her dress up just at her crotch.
He could see the cute white string bikini panties she wore,and her light scent filled his nose, causing
his cock to ache and twitch as if trying to reach her. His decision had again been made for him and
he sat up quickly taking his jogging pants down to his ankles and stepping out of them.He knelt on
the sofa between Rukia legs gently lifting up her dress to her waist. He watched her sweet face, her
moist lips parted as she continued to sleep. He could see her eyes moving rapidly under her lips .
She was dreaming. He would make sure it was a good dream. He thought of trying to slip her
panties off her, but smiled devilishly at the next thought that flashed in his mind. In one motion he
snapped the flimsy sting of her panties on both sides and just pulled the top of the fabric down
revealing her beautiful mound like a present.She was freshly shaven with just a small tuft of dark
hair above her cleft. Her lips were exposed for him to gaze on their pinkness, they glistened
invitingly. She must be having a really good dream, he thought because she was dripping wet.He let
his thumb start at the top of her mound and roll over her slick pink button lightly, she responded
with a moan. Her delicious smell was filling the room and his brain, he stroked her repeatedly
watching her sleeping face respond.He slid his thumb down her pink petals spreading them open.
Then he dipped two fingers into her, a little mewl escaped and he licked his wet fingers tasting her
sweetness.He had to have more, he licked his lips as he leaned down to taste her fully, his tongue
splitting the petals of her nether lips and drinking in her cream; his eyes focused on her face. He
was in heaven. Deep moans of satisfaction coming from him as his mouth, his lips devoured Rukia's
cute pink wet pussy. She began to roll her hips into him. She was beginning to smile in her sleep,
her hand reached for her dream lover but got Ichigo's head and began to stroke his head as he
continued to eat her. He feasted on her, for quite a long while Rukia 's mewls of delight increasing.
He could feel her hot flesh twitching and throbbing under his tongue, she was close he could tell
and he didn't let up.She began to buck slowly and moan "Ahhh Ahhh..." suddenly she stopped and
sat up looking around right as her body was ready to release the built up pleasure.Rukia looked
down bleary eyed trying to take in her surroundings, all the fans turning in the dim room. She was
having such a wild wet hot dream but she could still feel it, feel her pussy wanting, aching to come.
She looked down to see Ichigo, naked. His head buried between her legs, his hot tongue rolling over
and licking her wanton flesh."ICHIGO!" she shouted trying to scoot back from him, he just looked
up at her. His eyes squinted in sly slits as he continued to lick her. His lips covered her clit sucking
hard, she couldn't help but cry out in pleasure as her body stiffened. He grabbed her leg, pulling her
deeper into his open mouth rolling her clit on his tongue. Her body tensed and she bucked up into
him rapidly, her mind going blank in surprised almost violent pleasure, as she came in waves on his
mouth!He smiled seeing her writhe under him, his hand firmly on her thighs so she couldn't wiggle
away from his hot eager tongue. Ichigo slowed and became more gentle as he felt her orgasms
begin to subside.Now it was his turn and in one swift motion he sat up jerked her closer to his body,
grabbing hold of his dripping cock, he mounted her before she could catch her breath from her
orgasms. He sunk himself deeply firmly into her tight wet entrance. Her back arched into
him."ICHIGO! she squealed in erotic shock. His thick hard rod,filling her instantly, causing her to
gasp. "Wait!" but it was too late he had begun to stroke into her. He was propped up over her his
eyes burning lustfully into her as he moved his dick his back and forth. Deep and deeper with each
stroke.Rukia was trying to gather herself, her senses, he felt so good, so thick hot and meaty inside
her. She shuddered with pleasure at his boldness, at her lewd thoughts. He could feel her twitch and
his mouth sunk into her nipple through her flimsy dress.She was full of butterflies and she felt
another orgasm already beginning to build. NO, she had to get a hold of herself and him."Ichigo
stop!" she tried to look fiercely at him as he continued his passionate thrusts into her. "Stop I said."
Her leg swung up catching him right in the face. His stopped in mid thrust and she tried to pull
herself from his cock."Wukia" His voice muffled under her foot, but she as squirming away fiercely
now. He knew it couldn't end like this. And he struggled to get a hold of her as she tried to climb
over the top of the sofa and head to the stairs.He grabbed her by the waist as she tried to make a
break for it and held her firmly, leaning his weight against her so she couldn't move."Don't Rukia,"
he said with a heavy breath in her ear causing goose bumps to rise on her skin."Please... please don't
leave." She could feel his wet hot cock on her back as he tried to maneuver himself back into
her."Ichigo, we cant.""Why not?" He said his hand grabbing her breast and tweaking her hard
nipples that betrayed her, his hot lips kissed her skin on her shoulders causing her to arch her butt
up into him, he smiled as he kissed her neck. He slid her dress down over her shoulder as she began
to pant revealing her breasts. His large strong hand cupped her bare skin and she moaned in delight
again."I'll ask you once Rukia and never again." he was bluffing but she didn't know that. She
tensed in his arms as he was breathing in her ear. One hand cupping her breast her nipple begin
rolled in his thumb and forefinger, the other hand reached around to her now dripping pussy,
stroking his finger over her wet lips. "Do you want me to fuck you?"She hesitated only a
moment."Yes." she sighed,her head falling forward, defeated but thrilled. He quickly eagerly spread
her legs with his knees and guided himself into her again, planting himself and letting her feel him
deep inside her before he began to thrust in and out. He took his hand from her breast just long
enough to grab her face and turn it to his mouth so he could kiss her fully and deeply,his tongue
shooting in and out off hers. She could taste herself on him, and that turned her on even more, she
began to roll and gyrate her hips.Ichigo pulled back grabbing her on the curve of her waist to steady
himself on the edge of the sofa and he pumped into her more forcefully, the sound of their slapping
sweaty skin hardly drowned out by the fans.She was twitching and squeezing him hungrily from the
inside the instant he sunk into her. He knew she was close. He reached around with one hand
pinching her nipple. Sending shock waves of delight through her.He rammed himself into her
repeatedly, sweat dripping down her back into the crevice of her ass make easy and slick his assault
on her needy tight pussy.SSSMAAACKKKK. He slapped her ass with his open hand as he plowed
into her."AHHHHHHHHh.." Rukia cried out at inital sting, then the dirities shiver of raw indecent
pleasure went through her. Doing it in the Kurosaki's living room, Just feet from the front
door.SSSMAAAKKK. He slapped her ass again, his cock still thrusting roughly.The heat added to
their mounting fever pitch of lust, causing each of them to grind and thrust on the other wildly as
they furiously rode each other for self gratification.Ichigo threw Rukia's leg over the side of the
sofa, spreading her pussy wider, gaining better access to her. She moaned in perverse excitement,
grabbing her ass spreading herself even wider.Ichigo growled, passionately ramming himself
deeply, savagely into her open cunt."Hannnnnn..." Rukia moaning mounted. "I'm cumming... I'm
cumming Ichigo!" Her head flew back as her body began to shudder and pulse in waves of heated
ecstasy. He felt her pussy flood with more of her honey as he kept pumping into her. Her mound
tightened on his shaft as her passionate orgasm, exploded through her overwhelming her senses, and
continued and his thrusts became fervent and erratic , he sunk himself deep into her with one final
thrust, pumping his searing load into her belly. Rope after hot rope of his white thick cream filling
her, causing her to writhe in a luscious indulgent thrill.Ichigo's body, rocked into Rukia, for several
more minutes as if in an erotic daze,just relishing the sweat , the sensual connection he had with her
now. He hands roaming over her body, kneading and stroking her; taking in the feel and smell of her
damp skin. He curled over her, his arms wrapped around her waist, his head on her back. He
throbbed inside her now and again and she responded by squeezing him, almost causing him to
giggle in joy.He finally lay back on he sofa, still planted inside her, pulling her with him. Rukia lay
over Ichigo like a little blanket. They were both hot and sticky but neither wanted to move. The fans
cooled their skin, but that was about all. Heated arousal was already growing in each of them
again.When they finally did get up, it was to take a shower, together. The cold water did nothing but
wash their combined fluids away as Ichigo had Rukia several different ways under the cool flowing
water. It wasn't until he almost lost his footing and slipped that they decided to leave.The rest of the
night was spent watching TV then fucking each other raw and back again. They both thought as
long as they were sweating like this, the heatwave wasn't so bad.
Sexy Bee
Ichigo was slowly walking through the forest somewhere deep with in Soul Society. He was
completely lost he knew he shouldn't ask Yachiru for directions but he was going to be late."Rukia's
going to kill me," Ichigo said before realising a sigh and walking on.He was starting to think that
this was a never-ending forest he had been walking for hours and had gotten nowhere. He had even
climbed up the biggest tree he could, but all that he saw was forest green forest.The forest was so
thick that it had made a complete canopy over the whole forest. This caused the forest to be
extremely dark, so dark in fact that he could barely even see where he was going.Finally in the
distance he could see some light was only a little, but it was a welcomed sight compared to the
darkness he was surrounded in. He started jogging and then running towards the light as he
approached he could hear the sounds of water crashing against water."Well I'll be dammed if
Yachiru actually sent me in the right direction." He said to himself as he thought of the place Rukia
had described to him about the place they where going.He finally reached the opening and was
immediately blinded by the bright light.
He slowly opened his eyes to take in his surroundings when he shut them again immediately.
'Did I just see what I thought I saw?' Ichigo thought to himself as the image ran through his mind
again. He slowly opened his mind and was happy to see that it wasn't his imagination and was
indeed the second division captain Soi Fongnaked. He took her in from the loose strands of wet
hair that clung to her face and neck to her lean shoulders, her beautiful curved back and finally to
her soft firm ass that stuck out just above the water.Ichigo gulp audibly and before he could even
blink found himself pinned down to the ground by the beautiful little bee."Who are you and what
Kurosaki?" Soi Fong said in confusion as she looked down at the boy she was straddling. Ichigo's
face went blood read as he looked into her dark eyes. She was so sexy. He realised he was staring
and tried to look away but soon realised that was an impossible task even for him. Soi Fong watch
him carefully he was acting really strange and she couldn't figure out why. Suddenly a cold breeze
blew past and instantly gave her the answer she had been looking for when she felt her nipples
harden slightly, but that's not all she felt harden. Her gaze shot back to Ichigo and she quickly
realised that he was not looking at her face anymore and that his eyes where now focusedlower.
She blushed slightly as she realised what else had hardened exactly. They both lay there for a few
seconds beforeSlap! Soi Fong delivered a painful slap to Ichigo's face. She immediately got up
and looked away from him while folding her arms over her breasts. She looked over at Ichigo as he
sat up and saw that he was still staring at her.
It suddenly dawned on her that when she had turned around she had given him a perfect
view of her firm ass. She noticed that he hadn't stopped staring and that it didn't look like he was
anytime soon. She quickly turned around and slapped him across the other cheek sending his face
flying away from her body. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him triumphantly. His
head snapped back, his mouth opened, but no words came out of his mouth as his attention was
once again drawn away from those of pain and anger. Soi Fong face flared red in both anger and
embarrassment as it hit her that her lower half was totally exposed for his eyes to see, and see they
did. Ichigo had memorized her entire body and what a beautiful body it was. Ichigo unconsciously
grinned as his mind processed a hundred different situations they could be in right about now, but
his fantasies where cut short by a painful kick to his chin that sent him flying back through a tree
that was directly behind him. Soi Fong disappeared and reappeared above of him fully clothed with
an evil smirk on her face. She looked down at the boy she was about to bring a lifetime of pain
upon, but was immediately pulled from her fantasies as it dawned on her that he was unconscious.
Her face once again turned a dark shade of red as she saw the huge smile that was plastered on his
face and the 'other' object of his anatomy that was still aware and ready. She bit her lip as she
looked at him and at 'it' and how big and intoxicating it looked. She couldn't understand why she
felt like this she had only ever been interested in woman before, but for some unknown reason was
she completely taken in by him and his 'friend' and her body was staring to feel the effects as well.
She carefully picked him up, her face still red as she felt his 'member' brush up against her arm. She
looked down at his face and smiled when she realised she was the one that made him feel this good.
She walked over to another tree and sat down holding Ichigo closely as she ran her hand through his
hair waiting for his arousal to soften. As she thought about what she was thinking and doing she
couldn't help but look away from the still enlarged member in his pants. She tried to look away but
found herself slowly looking back ever so slightly to catch one last glimpse before she disappeared.
(Later that day)
Ichigo shot up out his bed panting and sweating slightly. He looked around and realised that
he was in a small dark room. He quickly looked around and found Rukia fast asleep on the side of
his bed. He sighed and fell back closing his eyes on the way. The second his head hit his pillow his
memories of what had happened at the waterfall came rushing back causing his eyes to shoot open
and widen in shock.
"HmmmI-Ichigo? Ichigo!" Rukia squealed as she jumped on him hugging him tightly.
"R-Rukia! A-are you o-okay?" Ichigo asked caught completely of guard by Rukia's strange
behaviour. She had never been so; soclingy in the entire time he had known her. He honestly
thought she would kick his ass for not showing up at the party."Me? Are you okay? I was so
worried you never showed up at the party and then I get a hell butterfly telling me you're in the
fourth division."
Rukia said looking at him with worry written across her face."Fourth division?" Ichigo
seemed totally confused by the statement before he remembered getting kicked through the tree and
thedarkness. He suddenly freed himself from Rukia and tore open his robes while carefully
examining his fine upper body. Rukia blushed as she looked at his chizzled abs and perfectly built
pecks. Ichigo sighed and looked up at Rukia and noticed that her attention was drawn somewhere
other than his face. He smirked as he realised he had caught her staring and could tell by the blush
on her face that she liked what she saw. "Enjoying the view Rukia?" He asked smugly before
receiving a foot to his face sending him flying back. "You wish!" Rukia said looking away while
crossing her arms across her chest. "What the fuck was that for? I can't help you want me so badly!"
Ichigo shouted while grabbing Rukia by the collar of her robe. "What? Don't kid yourself. I would
never ever fantasize over someone like you!" Rukia said while grabbing him and pushing him down
to the ground. "Huh! Who said anything about Fantasizing?" Ichigo said with a giant smirk as he
looked up at Rukia.""
Rukia had no idea how to respond at this but didn't want to loose either so she did the only
thing she could think ofor in other words the one thing she wanted to do at that very moment. She
lowered her head and placed a soft kiss on Ichigo's lips catching the unsuspecting shinigami totally
of guard. Ichigo's eyes widened in shock as Rukia continued to kiss him. He felt her tongue gently
messaging his lips so he did what came naturally and opened his mouth letting her tongue enter him
and explore. He slowly started kissing back and gently messaged her tongue with his eliciting a soft
moan from her. They broke apart and looked at each other before moving back in to another kiss.
There lips barely touched before they where interrupted by the voice of the fourth division
captain. "Kuchiki-san I think Kurosaki-kun should rest until we can figure out what exactly
happened to him," The calm voice of Retsu Unohana said as she stood directly in front of the two
young shinigami. Rukia was off from Ichigo so fast that he didn't even realise it. He looked over at
Rukia who was bowing her head to hide the blush that had spread across her face from captain
Unohana. Ichigo grinned slightly and scratched the back of his head. "Um it's kinda embarrassing
but while I was on my way to meet Rukia I fell and hit my headI guess I knocked myself
unconscious," he said with a nervous laugh. Rukia's head shot up and she stared at him in
confusion, 'if he had hit his head why did he look at his chest when he woke up' Rukia thought to
-"Well Kurosaki-kun if you insist that your fine then you may leave anytime, but if you
should feel any pain or discomfort please pay me a visit."
-"I'm really fine" Ichigo said. - "Thank you very much captain Unohana" Rukia said still not
making eye contact with the older woman. Unohana just bowed her head and left the two alone
again. The second the door slid shut Rukia immediately looked over at Ichigo and gave him one of
her famous death glares. Ichigo gulp as he slowly backed up from her in fear of what she might do
to him.
-"We need to talk Ichigo" was all that came out of her mouth before she got up and made her
way to the door."Hurry up and get dressedbaka" - Ichigo did as he was ordered and quickly got
dressed and followed the fiery shinigami out of the room. Ichigo and Rukia where walking quietly
to the sixth division and the Kuchiki manor when Rukia stopped dead. Ichigo noticed her stop and
looked at her in confusion before she suddenly pulled him and pushed him up against a wall. Ichigo
hit the wall hard his back bouncing slightly before Rukia pushed herself up against him. Her face
drew nearer to his and Ichigo couldn't help but stare at her luscious lips. He wanted to feel their
warmth, to taste her so bad. He moved closer to her, but she held him back just out of reach before
-"Tell me what happened Ichigo?" Her voice was soft and passionate and it turned him on
beyond belief."I-I ran into a-a Soi-" Before he could finish his sentence he freed himself from the
spell Rukia had cast on him with the sweet temptation of her lips. "Hmm who was that Ichigo?" her
voice oozed sex and Ichigo was once again trapped by her. Without thinking he answered her, "Soi
Fong" Rukia looked at him surprised for a while before continuing with her interrogation. She
slowly moved closer to his lips and just as they were about touch she moved to the side and started
sucking gently on his neck. Ichigo moaned in pleasure from the treatment he was receiving from
Rukia. Rukia stopped her ministrations and looked at him his eyes where hazy and his breath had
become rather heavy.
-"What happened between you and Soi Fong, Ichigo?" She asked before lightly kissing up
his jaw and sucking tenderly on his earlobe. Ichigo's head fell backwards against the wall before he
answered her question, "I found her in the woods earlier" Ichigo said as he panted lightly."And what
happened then Ichigo?" Rukia asked as she licked lightly across his jaw to his chin and then up to
his lips. She tugged lightly at his bottom lip before gently suckling on it. Ichigo pulled her up onto
her toes and kissed her passionately, there tongues sharing dominance. Rukia suckled lightly on his
tongue before pushing her own into his mouth and exploring it thoroughly. Ichigo could hear Rukia
moaning lightly and loved how the vibrations from her voice sent shockwaves of pleasure through
his body. Rukia broke the kiss and looked him dead in the eye before asking the same question as
before. Ichigo was just about to answer when a sudden interruption broke him from his world of
pleasure. "Yes Kurosaki do tell what happened then," Soi Fong said from behind the two. Rukia
fastened her grip on Ichigo and looked over her shoulder at Soi Fong.
She could tell Soi Fong was rather pissed, but was that a blush she saw on her face. "What
do you wantTaichou?" Rukia said remembering to mind her manners in front of her superiors.
Soi Fong noted Rukia's possessive nature over Ichigo and even though she wouldn't admit it she
was feeling a strange tinge of jealousy start to build up. She looked over at Ichigo and could see that
he was frozen stiff in fear or what ever else it could be she didn't know, but he was just staring
wide-eyed at her. She had been standing there for a few minutes waiting for them to notice her, but
they just continued to kiss and she so badly wanted to kiss them both but held back as she realised
what Rukia was trying to do, but now she couldn't take it anymore. She slowly walked up to them
and with one quick movement moved Rukia out of the way and pulled Ichigo into a sudden kiss.
Even as she felt him start to respond to the kiss she didn't even know why she was kissing
him yet it felt so good she wanted more."Soi Fong!" Rukia shouted as she saw the two of them
making out. 'How can she do that to my Ichigo!' Rukia thought as she grabbed Soi Fong by the
shoulder and pulled her of Ichigo. She was just about to voice her completes when Soi Fong pushed
her against the same wall Ichigo was still leaning against and kissing her violently. Soi Fong forced
her tongue into Rukia's unsuspecting and started exploring. Rukia was so shocked she couldn't do
anything to stop the invasion to her mouth and just stood there in total shock.'Whatwhat's going
onwhy is she doing thisit feelsit feels, it feels soso good.' Rukia thought as her hands
found there way to the back of Soi Fong's head. She felt Soi Fong pull away before her mouth was
once again invaded by yet another tongue. Rukia looked through half lidded eye's at Soi Fong
licking up Ichigo's jaw line as he kissed her passionately. Rukia fought Ichigo's tongue for
dominance as he continued to kiss her. Soi Fong pushed into Rukia's chest as Ichigo pushed into her
back, his head hovering over her shoulder as he continued to kiss Rukia. Soi Fong pulled him away
from Rukia and kissed him roughly. Rukia was panting heavily as she recovered from the breath
taking kisses she had just received as well as watching the kiss that was taking place right in front
of her. Soi Fong broke the kiss panting just as heavily as Rukia and looked at the pair in front of her.
-'What just happened?' thought Soi Fong as she watched the two out of breath teens in front
of her."Let's go." Soi Fong said as she took hold of them and shunpo'd away. Rukia and Ichigo
found themselves in a dark room alone. Ichigo looked around for Soi Fong, but Rukia had other
ideas and pulled him down onto the bed that was next to him. Ichigo immediately responded and
started to once again make out with Rukia. Rukia flipped Ichigo over and sat up while still
straddling his lap; she started to undo the sash around her waist. When it was undone two hands
appeared from behind her and slipped the robe off of her shoulders exposing her small breast as
well as her rosy nipples. Soi Fong appeared from behind her and slowly licked up along her
shoulder to her neck and then jaw bone. Rukia turned her head back and started kissing Soi Fong
passionately as one of Soi Fong's hands found there way to Rukia's perky breasts and gave them a
light squeeze.
Rukia moaned into Soi Fong's mouth from the ministrations from Soi Fong's hand and the
increasing bulge in Ichigo's pants. Ichigo sat up and took Rukia's free breast in his hand and started
to lick gently around her nipple. He gently started sucking on her nipples and Rukia moaned so
loudly that her mouth detached from Soi Fong's. Soi Fong stood up and removed her jacket and
special corps suit with one quick movement and was standing behind Rukia completely naked.
Ichigo looked up from his place at Rukia's breast and looked at the sexy woman in front of him.
"Come here my Sexy little bee." He said as he continued his therapy on both of her breast
with his hands. Soi Fong moved behind Rukia and kissed Ichigo quickly before pulling his head
down to her breasts. Ichigo noted that her breasts where only slightly bigger than Rukia's, but he
didn't mind he honestly preferred them to the bigger ones. Soi Fong moaned loudly before pulling
Rukia into a passionate long kiss. As Soi Fong was kissing Rukia, Ichigo felt Rukia's hands find
there way to his shoulders and gently push his robes off his shoulders. Her hands roamed down his
body and she took him in all of him from every last detail got taken in until her hand reach the large
bulge in his pants. She grinned and released his erection from its confines and started to slowly
pump her hand up and down his length earning a loud grunt from Ichigo. Soi Fong pushed Ichigo
back down onto his back and crawled to his side and looked at his member that Rukia was slowly
pumping. Soi Fong pulled Rukia into a quick kiss before lowering her head and giving it a long lick
from the base till the tip. Soi Fong licked down his length again, but this time on her way up Rukia
joined her and gave his erect member a long lick of her own. Ichigo looked down at the two
beautiful women pleasuring him and couldn't help but smile. Ichigo gasped as he felt his entire
member became totally engulfed by something warm and wet. When he looked down he saw that
Soi Fong had totally engulfed his hard member, even taking him into her throat and he loved it. He
moaned loudly, but found his mouth preoccupied by Rukia's lips. Rukia had completely removed all
her clothes by now and was completely naked.
She kissed Ichigo one last time before she moved and straddled his face revealing her
slightly soaked pussy. Ichigo looked at her beautiful womanhood and immediately knew what she
wanted. He lifted his head and gave a long hard lick all the way from the bottom till the top of her
slit splitting her lips on his way. He moved his hand up to her now dripping womanhood and parted
her delicate lips and gave her another long lick. Rukia moaned loudly from the pleasure she was
receiving from Ichigo and fell forward supporting her self with her arms to stop herself from falling
over. Ichigo gave her another long lick before focusing all his attention on her clit, slowly licking,
flicking, nibbling and sucking on it, sending shockwaves of pleasure through Rukia's body. Ichigo
groaned loudly from the pleasure he was receiving from Soi Fong and the vibrations sent even more
waves of pleasure through Rukia's body. Suddenly Rukia was pulled backwards by Soi Fong her
face landing directing in front of Ichigo's erection. Rukia wasted no time in taking Ichigo's erection
in her mouth and slowly sucking on it. Soi Fong moved her hips above Ichigo's face demanding the
same treatment that Rukia had received. Ichigo responded in kind and immediately attacked her
already swollen clit, sucking on it hard before lightly grinding his teeth over it. Soi Fong shouted
out in pleasure at the pleasure she was receiving from Ichigo and fell onto Rukia. Rukia gasped in
surprise when she felt Soi Fong insert two fingers into her. Rukia wanted to scream, but when she
opened her mouth even more of Ichigo's member slipped into her mouth and slightly down her
throat. She almost gagged from the feeling, but soon realised she like itno she loved it the feeling
of being filled in this way. Soi Fong was frantically pumping into Rukia with more and more speed
as her own pleasure started to reach its climax. She screamed in pleasure as she came her orgasm-
sending wave after wave of pleasure through her body. Ichigo felt her inner walls clench tightly
around his fingers before he removed them and started lapping up her wonderful juices. Rukia felt
Ichigo's hips jerk before he came shooting shot after shot of hot cum into the back of her throat. She
pulled away to early and two shots of cum landed directly on her face one on her cheek and one just
above her upper lip. Her body took in the aroma that was Ichigo causing her body convulse as she
had her own orgasm. Rukia moaned loudly as she came her cum coating Soi Fong's fingers. Rukia
fell down on Ichigo's leg as she felt Soi Fong pull out her finger. She took a deep breath and was
instantly reminded of the cum that was still sitting on her upper lip, she slowly seductively licked it
of as she saw Soi Fong's finger lap up the remnants of Ichigo's cum that still covered Rukia's cheek.
Soi Fong stuck her left hand that was completely drenched in Rukia's cum in her mouth and started
sucking on it before she inserted her right hand which contained a descent amount of Ichigo's cum.
She sucked all four of her fingers and squealed in delight at the wonderful taste of her two
young lovers. She moved off of Ichigo and pulled Rukia back up ad into a rough kiss. Ichigo got up
and pushed his tongue in between the two beautiful goddesses and added the flavour, which was Soi
Fong to the mix. The three of them continued to kiss and share the wonderful taste of sex.When
they broke apart Soi Fong pushed Rukia down onto the bed and pushed their chest tightly together
spreading hers as well as Rukia's legs wide open. She looked back at Ichigo and winked playfully.
Ichigo immediately got the idea and placed himself behind the two dark haired women. He looked
down at the beautiful sight of there two pussies tightly pushed together and grinned. He moved
forward and pushed himself into Soi Fong waiting womanhood fast and hard. When he was
completely inside of her he realised that she was screaming into Rukia's mouth and that she was still
a virgin. He stopped moving still completely inside her and waited for her to quiet down before he
started moving again slowly at first but he quickly quickened his pace as he heard the two of them
moaning loudly as they continued to rub up against each other and kiss wildly. Soi Fong was almost
screaming from the amazing feeling of being penetrated and knew that she was close to coming
again. With the exceptionally hard thrust she received from Ichigo and the feeling of Rukia's wet
pussy on hers she came. Her back arched and she let out a quite scream as she rode out her orgasm.
Ichigo pulled out of Soi Fong and positioned himself in front of Rukia's soaked womanhood
and slowly entered her. Rukia kissed Soi Fong hard to muffle her screams of pain as Ichigo went
deeper and deeper until he finally reach her barrier. He pulled back a little before pushing himself
completely into her. Rukia gasped as pain shot through her body and a few tears left her eyes.
Soi Fong saw this and slowly licked the tears away before kissing Rukia again. Ichigo felt
her inner walls loosen up and slowly started to pull back again before thrusting back into her a little
faster and faster each time. Both Rukia and Soi Fong moaned loudly into each other as Ichigo
slammed into Rukia, his hips hitting Soi Fong's ass with each thrust. Ichigo could tell he was close
but desperately held on eager to make Rukia cum before him. He started thrusting very hard and
very fast into Rukia, which increased the amount of pleasure, both girls felt as they moaned louder
and louder. Rukia couldn't hold out any longer and came her inner walls clenching around Ichigo's
member and milking him from all he was worth. Ichigo grunted as he shot load after load of cum
into Rukia and she loved the feeling. Soi Fong yelped out as she came for the third time, her juices
leaking out and running down onto Ichigo's member and Rukia's soaked pussy. The three of them
collapsed to the ground in a mess of sweat and cum. They were utterly exhausted and all panting
heavily. Ichigo collapsed onto the bed and soon found himself between two beautiful women. He
smiled to himself and couldn't help but think that this had to be the best day of his life.
-"Hmmm Ichigo we have to have this conversation again sometime." Rukia said with a
slight giggle in her voice.
-"Indeed. I think I have a meeting with Yoruichi in a week from now." Soi Fong said as she
gently ran a finger along his chest. Ichigo grinned widely as the concept of a foursome ran through
his mind with the beautiful goddesses of flash.
-'Dammit! Where the hell did that Riruka girl go?' - Rukia had been stumbling over bunnies
for the past 20 minutes, trying to find the girl with the long pink pigtails who had trapped her inside
this peculiar, but fascinating room. She had to admit, the bunnies were cute."Riruka! I'm tired of
playing games! Show yourself!" Rukia exclaimed, clutching her zanpakuto in one hand and a small
pink bunny in the other.
-"You never answered my question. What is your relationship with Kurosaki Ichigo?"
Riruka's voice traveled all the way to Rukia from who knows where. Rukia, on the other hand, was
puzzled. Her relationship... with Ichigo. - 'He's a baka. A strawberry baka.' Rukia though, puffing up
her cheeks indignantly. She would never admit anything she didn't want to. Her relationship with
Ichigo was...She couldn't explain it. More than friends, less than lovers. She wasn't so sure she was
fully content with that, but what did it matter? Ichigo already has someone who's in love with him.
-Orihime was beautiful, smart, and kind. However...The thought of Ichigo falling for
Orihime - 'I feel terribly sick now' - Rukia just wanted to get the hell out of there. Perhaps
resting might be good for her. She hid herself between two large bunnies, and closed her eyes. -
"Giving up already? Ha! I knew you couldn't handle it, Kuchiki!" Riruka said, smirking. After
hearing no reply, she frowned. Suddenly, she felt the reiatsu of another person enter the room. -
"Rukia?" - Riruka gasped. She could recognize that voice anywhere."Rukia? Where are you?" I felt
your reiatsu suddenly drop, so I became worried. God, what is with this room?" - 'If Ichigo was able
to enter this room, then that means... Yukio..." She had to admit, the stupid boy was beginning to
grow on her."Rukia? Where are you?" - 'Damn you, Kuchiki! I'll win next time. You'll see!' Riruka
huffed and left, hoping the brat was alright.
-"Rukia! Where are you?"Ichigo was frantically looking for the petite shinigami, tripping
over those damn stuffed animals and having to ignore those beady eyes looking at him from every
angle."Rukia..." Ichigo was getting scared now. Where could that midget be? She's not that big,
what with those dainty arms and legs, short ebony hair, sapphire blue eyes...Not paying attention to
where he was stepping, he slipped on a green bunny, falling on his side.
-"Dammit!" He exclaimed. That girl was making him lose his concentration. She already
consumed most of his mind everyday, with her strong voice, impish smile, and caring personality.
She was all he thought about.'Rukia...' He strained to find her reiatsu."Mmm..."The sound broke his
concentration once more. It sounded close by. He peeked over the bunny he was behind, and his
eyes widened.Lying there was none other than Rukia herself. Eyes closed, she had locks of black
hair stuck to her face. Nevertheless, she looked stunning. Her small lips were opened ever so
slightly, forming a pout. Her hands were above her head, and her legs were folded just so. But,
something else had caught his attention. Assuming she got a little hot, Rukia's shinigami robe was
pooled around her thighs, showing off her snow white legs. The neckline was also pulled down
dangerously low, until it reached the middle of her chest. Ichigo swallowed a nervous lump in his
Here was a beautiful girl, ripe for the taking. And Ichigo wasn't doing a goddamn thing. He
tugged nervously at his robe, feeling his body temperature rise tenfold. He was torn between
waking her up, or taking her right there and then.'What am I thinking? Rukia would hate me if I
ever tried anything with her. I can't just take advantage of her like this. - 'He ran a hand through his
orange locks and sighed. Taking a seat next to her, he pushed her bangs out of her face. Then, with
some difficulty, he gently fixed her shinigami robe, making sure he didn't wake her up. He looked at
her and smiled. She really was gorgeous. He couldn't help but gaze at her beauty. He played with a
lock of her hair, feeling its soft texture. He wanted to touch much more than her hair, but it would
have to do for now. Suddenly, she rolled over and moaned slightly. -'A nightmare...? 'Rukia moaned
once more. This time, she mumbled three little words that broke Ichigo's self control. -"Ichigo... Eat
me..."Ichigo stared at the girl, both in shock and disbelief. He lightly slapped himself in the face to
see if he was dreaming."Ah... Ichigo... Touch me..."Ichigo was this close from taking her, but still
didn't make any advances. She could've said the wrong name, or the wrong phrase. The only thing
he knew is if she said anything else, he was going to crack."Ichigo... Love me..."And there it was.
He leaned in and kissed her. Oh, God. Those lips were to die for. He wanted to touch her
everywhere, to learn each and every dip and curve of Rukia's body. He began pulling down her robe
until he could see her chest binding. He kissed every area he uncovered, feeling her silky smooth
skin on his lips. At that moment, she woke up.
She looked down to see the guy she loved kissing her body, and unintentionally forming
goosebumps on her body. She gasped, and pushed him away.
-"I-Ichigo! What are you doing?" She yelled out in surprise. She covered her chest with her
robe and blushed."I can't take it anymore, Rukia. I'm at my breaking point." Ichigo said, inching his
way closer to her once more.
-"W-What do you mean?" She blushed harder, scooting away even farther."I love you,
Rukia."She stared at him.
-"Want me to prove it?" He quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her again.
She couldn't help but melt as he slipped his pink tongue inside her mouth. They pulled apart
as quickly as they began, a wet popping noise filling the silence of the room.
-"I-Ichigo..." Rukia gasped, her face burning up. She really hoped this wasn't a dream, and if
it was, she never wanted to wake up ever again if her dream life was going to be like this
forever."Rukia... I love you... Be mine, please..." Ichigo whispered into her ear. He began nibbling a
trail down her neck, smelling the freshness of her skin. He began devouring her collarbone, its spicy
sweetness driving him insane.Rukia couldn't help but shiver in pleasure. She wanted to reach out
and touch him. Touch him everywhere, to rub their bodies together until the unique scents of each
of their skin were mixed. Oh, dammit. She was feeling extremely embarrassed right now.
-"I-Ichigo, please..." She stammered incoherently. She was a hot mess, with her blushing
face and hiked up robe. She prayed that Nii-sama wouldn't magically appear, or they would be in
for a world of hell.
-"Please, what?" He said airily, trailing his lips from her collarbone to her shoulder."Stop
teasing me, baka!" She exclaimed, her voice cracking a bit after he nipped her roughly.He smirked.
Lying her on her back, he began to drag down the top of her robe, until he could see her chest wrap.
He was contemplating on whether to rip it or unwrap it, when Rukia began squirming.
-"I-Ichigo, I feel uncomfortable." - His lips swooped down to hers.
-"Why is that?"
-"Y-You keep staring at my chest! Is it really that unsatisfying?" - Ichigo blinked.
-"What do you-"
"I'm nothing compared to Orihime. Why do you love me and not her?" Rukia moved her
head to the side, her face becoming blotchy.I chigo stared at her in surprise. He had always thought
of Orihime as a close friend, basically like a sister he cared about very much. He loved her, but his
love for Orihime was not even close to to his love for Rukia. He never really was into big chests or
anything like that. He looked down at Rukia. Petite, fragile, snow white skin. These were things that
turned him on, not big boobs and curvy figures. He loved the way Rukia's chest looked. He loved
the way her legs were so tiny and doll like. He loved the way her eyes complimented her lips, which
complimented her skin. Everything. Just everything about her was intoxicating. Ichigo suddenly
brought her up to him and embraced her.
-"I-Ichigo?" Rukia stammered."I love Orihime, as my sister. I love you, as my lover." He
nuzzled his face into her neck. Rukia blushed.
-"Really." - Rukia smiled blissfully.
-"Now... where was I?" Ichigo grinned, and tackled Rukia to the ground once more. He
finally decided to just rip the damn chest wrap, because that was the quickest way to her perfect
little chest. The wrap had fallen apart easily, and Rukia blushed."Don't worry. You're beautiful."
Ichigo whispered in her ear.
-"T-Thank you." Rukia murmured.Ichigo grinned, and began a trail from her small ear, to
her chest. Right when he was about to latch his mouth on her pretty little breast, she covered
-"Take off your robe." She said, looking away to the side. Ichigo smirked. "A bit forward,
eh?" He slipped off his robe, and watched as her face turned a darker shade of crimson."Now, may I
continue?" He licked his lips as his smirk widened. She put her small arm over her eyes, and
nodded, biting her lip.He started off with her left breast. Ah, she was soft. Soft and warm and sweet.
Just like a chocolate truffle, his favorite kind of candy. He felt her whimper and shiver in
delight, tempting him even more so. He then went to her right breast, which was as sweet, if not
sweeter, than her right one. Wanting to up the ante a bit, he used his sharp teeth, and she cried out.
-"Ichigo!" She exclaimed, slowly losing control of her body. She couldn't take it. She felt
like she was about to burst at any second. Ichigo laughed airily. He continued using his teeth, and
she continued to pour out whines, whimpers, and moans from her mouth like there was no
tomorrow. Finally, Ichigo had pulled down the rest of his robe, until all there was left was his thin
-"I-Ichigo..." Rukia blushed, her eyes beginning to wonder what was under that hakata.
-"Hmmm?" Ichigo hummed, his hand reaching under her robe to trace the hem of her
-"I-I'm nervous." She said, her eyes shifting from one side, and then to the other.
-"Don't worry. Believe or not, I'm pretty damn nervous, too."
Rukia looked at him, and noticed that although he was grinning, his cheeks were a bright
scarlet. She caressed his face, and kissed his cheek.
-"I'm ready."
-"Alright. I'll try not to hurt you."
-"Okay... I love you."
-"I love you, too, midget." Ichigo smiled. He gently slipped her white panties off, and
positioned himself on top of her.
-"Oh, Rukia."
-"What?""You smell really, really good right now. Did you know that?" Ichigo said,
-"Wait, what... YOU PERVERT!" She yelled, her cheeks turning dark red. He grinned, and
then slowly pushed inside of her.
-"Ah!" She exclaimed, feeling the small tear inside of her. She knew it would've hurt even
more if she had been nervous. That's why he teased her, the dumbass.
-"You're welcome." He said, kissing her nose.
-"Yeah, whatever." She scowled, blushing.
-"You know, you feel really hot on the inside. All hot, soft-"
-"Shut up! Just go!" She exclaimed, blushing harder.
-"Whatever you say." He thrust inside of her again.
-"Ahh!" She yelled, tightening her grip on Ichigo's back. He began thrusting inside of her
again, earning embarrassing moans and mewls from Rukia.
-"I-Ichigo! Ah!" Rukia moaned.Ichigo felt her nails dig into her back. He didn't mind. It just
turned him on more.
-"Hah... Rukia..." He panted, smirking. He was almost at his climax, and could tell she was
almost at hers, as well.
-"I-Ichigo... I-I'm so close..." She panted, her face hot, sweaty, and erotic.
-"That just means I'll have to try harder, eh?" He grinned, and thrust inside of her again.
-"Ahh!~" She moaned, her face turning a darker shade of scarlet.
-"Rukia..." He continued to push inside of her, until she was full of him, and he of her.
-"I-Ichigo.. I-I'm..!" She let out a breathless scream as she finally reached her climax. He
grunted, slowly pulled out, and plopped on top of her. They both caught their breath as they rested,
the sound of their heartbeats resonating through both of their bodies.
-"Great... Now I smell like sweat and sex..." Rukia muttered.Ichigo laughed.
-"Yeah, well, so do I."Rukia sighed. -"I wish I could just take a nap and-"
-"Alright, Kuchiki! I'm back!"
-"Oh, God! Not her, again!" Rukia steamed.
-"Riruka?" Ichigo shuddered. He wasn't exactly a fan of the pink haired girl.
-"Hmm... I sense two people in here... I-Ichigo?"
-"How can she tell? Dammit, I'm going to kill a bitch!" - Rukia exclaimed.
-"I won't stop until I find both of you! So you two better come out!"
-"Get dressed!" Rukia whispered, slipping on her panties and shinigami robe."
-This sucks." Ichigo pouted, throwing on his hakata and robe.
-"I'll stay here. I really want to slap her." She twitched in anger.
-"I left Ginjou unconscious, but I bet he's awake right now." - Rukia looked upset, so Ichigo
gave her a quick kiss. - "Hey, I love you." Ichigo grinned. - "I love you, too." Rukia smiled. He
smiled, and quickly left. Then, she grimaced. - 'Damn you, Riruka..
The Gaze
He felt her hands on his body and looked into her dark eyes. In the darkness that was in the room
they looked almost black, though they really were purple-blue. He smiled and got a smile back from
her. But her smile was more playful, as if she had something fishy going on."How about if you
relaxed and just watched me, Ichigo? I'm here, I'm only yours." Rukia looked him deeply in the
eyes and continued to give him that playful smile.Ichigo could feel that whole he was aroused by
Rukia's soft voice and body that now was so close to his. Her warm breath against his cheek, the
momentum and adrenaline seemed to fully fill whole him. Most of all he wanted to just grab Rukia,
throw her down on the bed and explore whole her. Both outside and inside."Excuse me, Rukia ..."
he managed to get up and sat up from the bed. Quickly he went into the bathroom and shut the door
behind him.Just when he would walk up to the sink, he thought he heard a clicking sound coming
from his bedroom door, as when a lock is turned on. What was Rukia doing? Why did she lock the
door from the inside?Instead of finding out the answers to the questions piling up in his skull,
Ichigo turned on the water in the sink and waited for it to turn cold. His eyes were drawn up against
the mirror above him where a young man's face looked back at him. The orange hair was tousled
from Rukia's hands and his eyes radiated lust, just the person who was behind the door of the room
he was in. "God, why do I feel so drawn to her? And such a strong addition ... Is it her charisma or
her beauty? Whatever it is I do not know how to do this. Let it pass over or take a chance that she
feels the same?"Ichigo shook his head and his reflection did the same. He cupped his hands and
putted them under the running water. When his hand was filled with the icy water he st it stroked it
slowly over his hot face and let the water cool it down. A towel hung to the right of him on a hook.
He took it and dried the water that dripped from both his face and hair. Before he opened the door
and walked out of the bathroom Ichigo sighed a deep sigh and told himself to try to take it easy.The
first thing he noticed when he opened the bathroom door was how dark it was in his room. The
curtains were drawn across the windows. The only light in the room came from a dozen candles
beside his bed, where Rukia also lay.She was completely naked and lying with her legs apart while
she began to stroke herself as soon as Ichigo came into the room. "Oh Ichigo, you're back. At last, I
thought you wouldn't come back ..." Rukia groaned and heaved up her middle finger. With that, she
made a gesture by bending it against herself, which meant "Ichigo, come here".At first Ichigo did
not know what to either say or do. He just stood there in the doorway and stared at Rukia with big
eyes. She was so beautiful, so sexy ... God, he wanted her, and that now, immediately! Ichigo could
feel that also his gender agreed; it got hard, raised in his trousers. It felt as if he would crack in the
eagerness to get to Rukia and take her hard, slow, fast ... However she might like it, for he it didn't
matter, as long as he just could be able to take her.After the first shock had settled Ichigo smiled a
playful smile, just as Rukia had done not too long ago. He walked slowly to the bed while garment
after garment fell to the floor beneath him. When he was standing right in front of Rukia, he had
only his underwear's on, something that Rukia seemed to like."Oh Ichigo, you hit the big jackpot ..."
She sat up from the bed and putted her arms around Ichigo's shoulders. A happy smile played on her
face and her lips tenderly kissed Ichigo, as if they were made of porcelain and she was afraid to
crush them.Ichigo put his hands around Rukia's breasts and stroked them slowly while he got a taste
of her soft lips against his own. Their tongues met and their bodies pointed towards each other.
Ichigo let his hands explore Rukia's small breasts and her soft pink nipples. He noticed that she
liked what he did, her breathing became deeper and small groans escaped from her lips between
their deep tongue kissing.Hands were around the edges of his undergarments. Ichigo felt how they
pulled down his underpants and the cold air stroked his hard gender. He shuddered, but soon felt
warm hands around his balls and gender. They started slowly and gently to stroke his most private
parts while lips continued to stroke his tongue with his own."Rukia ..." Ichigo managed to say
between a kiss and let out a faint moan. Never before had he felt like this; a young woman's naked
body against his hands or a woman's hands on himself that stroked his body.Rukia did not answer.
Instead, she pressed herself closer to Ichigo, closer to his throbbing and hard gender. Her body
began to move up and down against Ichigo's, which led to that Rukia not only rubbed her body
against Ichigo's, but she and he also got more pleasure. She by that Ichigo's gender pressed against
hers and that his hands were stroking more places across her breasts and nipples. He by Rukia's
hands stroking his gender faster and because it also was rubbed against her, by now, wet
gender.Suddenly and surprisingly Rukia felt something wet on her left breast. She opened her eyes
and looked down on it. There she saw Ichigo's head that moved around her stiffened breasts. His
rough tongue played with her nipple and made her shiver of pleasure. She moaned quietly and
stroked Ichigo's hard gender harder to prove that she appreciated what he did.Ichigo groaned and
continued to lick Rukia's nipple slowly while he explored the other breast with his hand. Just to hear
her moan of pleasure, feeling her body move against him and the taste of her warm breast against
his tongue/mouth caused him to get harder, but also the feeling of wanting her increased. His whole
body was filled with a longing he had never felt before; it filled whole of him in to his soul."Rukia,
I want to feel my cock deep inside of you. I want to fuck you hard ...", Ichigo whispered and looked
up in Rukia's beautiful eyes. They glittered in the moonlight - that trickled in through a gap in the
curtain - which lit them up and showed them to be even darker than they already were. In them
Ichigo also could see Rukia's lust towards him. The same sort of desire that he felt towards her.In
response Ichigo got a grin and a tongue kiss. That, plus what he had seen in Rukia's eyes, he took as
a sign that she wanted the same.Ichigo suddenly felt the heat from Rukia's body disappear from his
and saw how she lay down on her back in the bed with legs apart. At first he did nothing, just
looked at her beautiful, naked body, which had small spray of sweat and his saliva. The sight made
him smile and turn even harder. He took off his underwear and lay down over Rukia."What are you
waiting for, Ichigo? I lie here in front of you, naked and wet", Rukia whispered in Ichigo's ear and
putted a finger inside herself before she stroked it over her chest and stomach."I'm waiting for the
right time ..." Ichigo bent down, gave Rukia a wet kiss and then licked off the wet that Rukia had
stroked over herself from her abdomen.Rukia groaned and shuddered a bit before she started
shaking of pleasure. Ichigo's tongue had found her clitoris and started licking it slowly as he
listened to Rukia's moaning. He could feel her shaking with lust and desire. Ichigo decided to give
Rukia more pleasure by inserting a finger inside her wet and open gender."Ichigo ...", Ichigo heard
Rukia moan loudly and he also felt how she began to move back and forth as his fingers
movements. To make it even better Ichigo stuffed in another one of his fingers and moved them
faster inside Rukia's wet abdomen.Moan after moan escaped Rukia's lips. Whole she shook
uncontrollably from all waves of pleasure that washed up over her. Never before had she felt this ...
alive! All this pleasure, which it could fit into such a little body like hers! This was even better than
when she had to satisfy herself ...A new wave of pleasure washed over her and got her thoughts to
disappear. Rukia could feel an orgasm approaching. She was biting her lip hard and pushed himself
harder against Ichigo. Just before she knew she would come, Ichigo pulled out both his fingers and
tongue from her. Quickly he lifted up himself, laid his hands on Rukia legs and pressed himself into
her warm, wet womb.Ichigo quickly began to move back and forth, causing both him and Rukia to
groan loud. Ichigo pushed hard into Rukia that putted her legs around the back of Ichigo so that he
could get deeper into her."Rukia, you feel so nice ... Much better than I first thought ..." Ichigo
managed to say between a couple of pushes."The same, Ichigo ..." he got as answer. She sat up in
Ichigo's knee and kissed him passionately while she helped Ichigo to get deeper into her throbbing
gender. "I will ... come soon ..."Ichigo grinned and whispered in Rukia's ear: "Let me help you ..."
He put his hand over her clitoris and began to stroke it.Rukia groaned loud, and once again felt the
orgasm approach at each new wave of pleasure that came over her. Quickly she took hold of
Ichigo's hair, looked him deep in his eyes and smiled. "Now ... it comes ..." A loud groan escaped
Rukia and she leaned back as the orgasm washed over her body and made her tremble.Ichigo took
his chance and grabbed Rukia when she trembled as most. He hugged her and kissed her hair.
"Good girl ...", he whispered in her ear."Do not stop ...", he was told. "What about you, your orgasm
...? Continue, Ichigo ..." Rukia smiled and breathed with a tired breath."Are you sure, Rukia ...?"
Ichigo looked at Rukia with a questioning expression on his
face. The expression quickly changed to a grimace of pleasure when Rukia began to move up and
down against his gender that became harder the more she pressed herself against it."Yes ... I am",
Rukia whispered and let her tongue play over Ichigo's lips.Ichigo putted his hands on Rukia's ass
and guided her up and down his throbbing, hard gender while he pressed himself against her. Rukia
was moving up and down Ichigo as a sensual dancer. Her body bent each time she went up and
sometimes she swung her head in one - for Ichigo - sexy gesture. Her body seemed to shine where it
stood out from the glow of the candles and the moon that trickled in through the window.Never
before had Ichigo been able to remember that Rukia had been as beautiful as she was now, dancing
with her body pushing against his and with his gender inside herself. She was so sensual, sexy and
beautiful that it took the breath out of him ...His concentration was returned to Rukia when she once
again laid herself down on the mattress of his bed. She leaned against the edge of the bed and
smiled. "Now I'll take you on a journey you never experienced, Ichigo ..." she whispered, and
withdrew from him. She turned around slowly and lay down on her stomach on Ichigo's bed.Ichigo
knew immediately what she wanted him to do and he wasted no time. He lay down on top of Rukia
and gently, gently, he looked out the port to Rukia's abdomen. Once he found it he pressed himself
slowly down and felt how his cock seemed to disappear far into an abyss of skin and muscles.Rukia
smiled and began to slowly move back and forth. She groaned with pleasure when she felt how
deeply Ichigo came inside her. She had never dreamed that it would be like this nice with doggy
style; although she had heard that there would be a really cool feeling.Ichigo also seemed to like it;
he groaned loudly and thrust into Rukia with fast, hard strokes. Rukia was grabbing the pillow and
bite into it to not scream high of pleasure; she did not want to bring up any of Ichigo's sisters or
dad.They both knew that the border was near; they would not be able to keep on for so much longer.
Ichigo pressed even harder against Rukia and Rukia harder against Ichigo. Rukia felt as if she could
rupture at any time of all the pleasure that went through her."Rukia, I will come in a
moment ...""Come then, I want to feel it ... Come inside me, Ichigo ..." Rukia whispered and
pressed hard against Ichigo's cock.Ichigo did as Rukia commanded him to and pressed really hard
against Rukia few times before he grabbed her hips as the orgasm washed over him. Both he and
Rukia moaned really loud and shook. Rukia turned around and pressed her head against Ichigo's
own. She gave him a tired smile and kiss. "Thanks, that were fucking really, please excuse the
phrase, nice, Ichigo."Ichigo laughed, stroked his nose towards Rukia's and kissed her. "The pleasure
was entirely on my side, Rukia ... Glad you liked it."Ichigo took out his, now slack, vaginal gender
from Rukia and laid himself down on his back on the bed. He breathed heavily with eyes closed but
they opened soon again when he felt a hand around his own. He turned his head and saw Rukia's
red flamed face looking at him with eyes shining of joy."You are a really good lover, you know
that?", she said and kissed Ichigo again.Ichigo stroked Rukia's hair gently and kissed her back. "No,
because you're the only one I have make love to. I do not want to hear it from someone else either,
because you're the only woman I want, Rukia. I love you, don't you know that?"Rukia smiled and
pressed Ichigo's hand. She let her head slip down to Ichigo's shoulder and breathed in his scent. It
made her warm while she replied: "Yes, I know because I love you too, Ichigo."Rukia could feel
Ichigo put his head in her hair and take a deep breath. "You smell so good ... I could be like this,
close to you, forever."Rukia looked up at Ichigo's smiling face and stroked his cheek. "I will always
be here for you Ichigo, you know that. You and I have a band that can not be broken.""I know,
Rukia. I love you with all my heart and will always be here for you too, whatever happens." Ichigo
smiled and hugged Rukia.A smile could be seen on both their lips. After that they had remain so for
a while Rukia heard Ichigo's voice ask: "How about we go take a shower so we can remove all the
sweat?"Rukia was not slow to jump out of bed and into the bathroom. "What are you waiting for,
Ichigo? Not will you let me wait?"A grin appeared on Ichigo's lips when he walked up to Rukia,
putted his arms around her body and walked with her into the shower. He started it without letting
go of her gaze, and before he gave her a kiss on the lips and again began to stroke her body hot, he
replied: "Of course not, Rukia.

The Haircut

My first One-shot! I have no idea what I'm doing but here goesRukia gives Renji a haircut"Why
don't you just go to the seireitei barber shop to get a hair cut?" asked an aggravated Rukia as she
picked up the sharp silver scissors from the table."Because the girls are always giggling and
whispering behind their hands when I go there for a trim. There's like some hidden joke about me or
something," Renji complains in his gruff voice from where he is sitting in the center of the room on
a small wooden chair.Rukia huffs and walks behind the spiky red hair. She snips the air beside his
ear and leans forward to whisper, "And you trust me to do this?"Renji's entire body tenses from the
proximity of her lips and nods his head while gulping audibly.Rukia is pleased by his reaction,
thinking his gulp was from fear instead of longing. She reaches her other hand up and gently pulls
on the hair band, releasing the flaming hair from its binding. The thick strands tumble down his
back and Rukia is slightly mesmerized by the sight. She licks her lips spontaneously and grips the
scissors tighter in her fingers."So what am I supposed to do?" she asks, trying to disguise the
small trembling of her lips."Just cut a few inches off the bottom," he answers and pushes a few
strands out of his face with his tanned fingers."Doesn't your hair need to be wet first?" she
asks."Huh?" he grunts, then a moment later, "Yea I guess you're right." Renji stands up and walks
across the room to the washroom. When he re-emerges a minute later, his hair is dripping wet
around his head, tiny beads streaking down his face and neck. He takes a seat again and Rukia grabs
a comb from the table.She starts pulling the comb through the wet strands, amazed at how soft the
thick hair was. She watches him relax in the chair, spreading his legs slightly and tilting his head
back as she brushes the mass. The cherry blossom robe was wet around the collar and clung to his
back where his wet hair rested.'Alright here goes,' she thought to herself as she grabbed a chunk
of hair and quickly snipped a good two inches off. She picks up the comb again and runs it from his
scalp, down his back. She hears what she thinks is a soft moan but shrugs it off as her
imagination.Renji sits there, enjoying the feeling of her tiny fingers running through his hair. The
teeth of the comb scratch his scalp wonderfully and he finds himself anticipating every stroke of her
hands. His body relaxes and he closes his eyes, resting his hands in his lap as Rukia works behind
him. Her hands start to run through his hair again, scratching his head with her nails. The feeling is
unexpected and his whole body starts to tense.Rukia starts working her way around his back and
once satisfied, moves to his right side and brushes the hair down over his shoulder and across his
chest. She leans down to start clipping the ends and sticks the tip of her tongue out as she
concentrates. Her hand brushes against his muscular chest as she reaches for another clump of hair
and it feels like a hot brand has been pressed against the back of her hand. She snatches it away and
smiles nervously when he opens an eye to look at her."S Sorry," she says and starts running the
comb through his hair again."Nothin' to be sorry about," he responds and closes his eyes again.She
dives back into her work and starts cutting his hair with increasing confidence. Her hand tilts his
head to the side so she could get a better angle and starts snipping away. When she starts getting
closer to the hair close to his face, she's so involved in the task that she doesn't waste a thought as
she climbs over his outstretched leg and straddles his thigh.Her body was so close to his as she
leaned forward, brushing his hair over his face. He could feel the heat emanating from her and his
pulse began to quicken. He'd wanted her for so long and now here she was, within inches of his
body.Rukia noticed that Renji's eyes were still closed and when she finished cutting the strands
around his face, she brushed his hair back and gave in to the impulse to admire his tattoos. She
wanted to trace the bold lines with her fingers but she didn't dare. Instead, she lifted her leg and
moved to his other side. Her fingers started lingering in the wet strands as she alternated between
running the comb and her fingers through."That feels good Rukia," rasped Renji huskily as she
subconsciously massages his scalp.Heat floods her body at his seductive tone and her hands begin
to shake. Not a good thing when you are wielding a sharp object close to someone's ear. She takes a
shaky breath and tries to calm herself down. When she's confident that she can continue without
causing bodily harm to the man in front of her, she starts snipping the ends again.. a bit slower than
before.As she nears the front of his face again, she hesitates before straddling his thigh. She lifts her
leg and the inside of her thigh brushes against his as she lowers her foot to the ground. Renji sucks
in a breath at the contact. The sound emboldens her and slowly she starts brushing his long bangs
over his face. She leans forward, tongue poking out again, and snips slowly at the red hair. Her face
is just inches from his and when she runs her hand through his hair to pull it out of his face; her eyes
are drawn to his parted lips.Renji was going to lose control if the woman didn't step away soon. His
hands yearned to grab her tiny waist and press her slight form against him. It would be so easy to
lift the leg standing between his and drape it over his other leg, making her straddle his hips. His
groin twitched at the thought and he felt blood rush to the area.Her fingers tilted his head back as
she brushed the slightly shorter bangs away from his face. He could feel her breath against his face
and he licked his lips in response. Gently, a finger touched the top of his forehead. The digit moved
along his hair line and he knew it was tracing the pattern of his tattoo. 'What was she doing?'Rukia
couldn't believe what she was doing but the curiosity completely outweighed the trepidation. With
his eyes closed, it was almost like she could pretend he wasn't really there. When she finished
tracing the lines on one side, she moved to the other and mimicked the action. Her stomach fluttered
pleasantly and when she finished the pattern, she looked down and locked eyes with her best friend.
She'd never seen a look like that before from him. There was so much heat and desire in them that
she sucked in a surprised breath but didn't break the contact.She felt his calloused hand brush
against her cheek and then his fingers sifted through her black locks to grasp her head gently. He
tilted her head and raised his own towards hers. Her lips hovered over his, tiny breaths escaping her
mouth as she waited. She felt her lips go dry and she darted her tongue out to moisten them. 'Was
she about to kiss Renji? Did she want to kiss Renji?' she wondered silently. His beautiful mouth is
her sole focus of attention as she waits breathlessly for what's about to happen. Her own body was
paralyzed with anticipation. Her mind reached out desperately for him but her body wouldn't
move couldn't move."Rukia," Renji whispers against her lips. "Can I kiss you?"Finally her body
is able to react to the waves her brain has been sending it. Her head nods slightly and an agonizing
moment later, his surprisingly soft lips brushed against hers. A strange sound worked its way up her
throat and suddenly she was pressing against his lips, trying to sink into his warmth. His hand
tightened its hold on her hair and his mouth opened hungrily over hers. She felt his tongue demand
entrance and she eagerly parted her lips, meeting his tongue with her own.Renji's body was aflame
with desire. His whole body quaked as Rukia's tongue slid over his. He wanted more. He needed
more. He'd been waiting his whole life it seemed for this moment. His free hand reached up and slid
around her waist, caressing her lithe body above the silk robe. Amazingly, she responded to his
touch and pressed closer to him. He moved the hand in her hair, down to the back of her knee and
lifted the leg up and over his other thigh. Her legs now straddled his hips completely and if he
pulled her forward just a few inches, she would be sitting over his growing erection.Soft fingers
found their way to Renji's muscular chest. The robe made it easy for her to slide her fingers beneath
and caress his skin as she moved her hands from his sternum to his shoulders. The fabric parted and
slid down over his arms, revealing his chest and chiseled abs. She'd always admired his hard body.
Every muscle was perfectly honed for battle but right now, it was perfectly honed for her eyes. She
sat back on his thighs and let her gaze devour him. He freed his arms from the sagging sleeves and
lifted his hands up to bring her face back to his for a searing kiss. Her hands were caught between
their bodies, palms pressed against his bare chest. She could feel his heart beating rapidly beneath
her hands; nearly matching the speed of her own. A strange longing coursed through her and she
couldn't help her body's response.With a strangled moan, she wrapped her arms around his thick
neck and began kissing him with a passion that she didn't know she possessed. Renji reacted to the
sound and gathered her slight frame closer to his body. He stood up easily from the chair and
Rukia's legs instinctively wrapped around his hips as he walked across the room.She breaks the kiss
and sucks in a deep breath. "Renji what what are you doing?" she asks and looks at him
with wide violet eyes.Renji looks at her confused, his mouth stuttering as he answers. "Rukia I
thought," he doesn't finish what he was going to say and instead buries his face in her neck,
exhaling loudly in frustration as he presses her back against the wall. He releases his grip on her but
she clings tightly to him. His eyes search her face, trying to gauge what she was feeling."I.. I'm
sorry Renji. I don't know what to do," she says nervously. "Can you show me?"Renji groans and
kisses her again. Their tongues meet and his hands start to grab the silk over her back. His fingers
clench the soft fabric in his hands and the robe begins to part slightly in front. He reaches a hand up
to the back of her neck and pulls the robe down over her shoulders to let it pool at the belt around
her waist. He keeps an arm wrapped around her back and reaches up with the other to gently caress
the side of her face. Their lips drink in the other and Rukia starts to wiggle provocatively against his
bare chest. His hard body feels incredible against hers and she clutches him tightly to her. She
nearly groans with frustration when his lips leave hers but she's quickly panting instead as he trails a
hot path over her chin and down her neck.Rukia tastes so good beneath his mouth and Renji can't
help but grind his hips against her core. Their bare upper bodies rub hungrily together and Renji can
feel his arousal becoming painfully erect."Rukia, I need you now," he begs huskily and looks
longingly into her eyes.Words were beyond her ability at the moment so she simply nods her head
and squeals when he pulls her away from the wall and moves through the nearby doorway to his
futon laid out in the other room. He gently lays her down and stares at her half naked body as he
kneels beside her. Her skin is luminous in the shadowed light and he reaches a hand out to run down
her neck and over her small bosom. He rubs the pad of one finger over a sensitive nipple, bringing
the small nub out to a hardened point. He can hear her ragged breath as he plays with the sensitive
spot and his other hand reaches out to pull the knot from her belt. The knot comes undone easily
and with a quick brush of his hand, the robe falls to either side of her body, revealing her gently
curved hips covered in plain white underwear."You are so beautiful," he whispers and starts to move
his hand from her chest, down to her waist. His lips replace the teasing fingers and start to suck
gently on her pink nipple as his fingers start to creep over her underwear.Rukia's chest is heaving
with need and the feel of his hot lips wrapped around her breast sent licks of lightning through her
body. Her back arched up, searching for his body but he wasn't there. Only his mouth and hand
were within reach."Renji please. This isn't fair," she whines and it turns into a cry of pleasure as
his finger starts to rub up and down her slit above her panties. Her hand shoots out and starts
grabbing at the belt around his waist, pulling the silk cord till it unraveled in her hands. The robe
parted over his body and when she rolled her head to face him, she gasped in surprise at the sight of
him. His erection stood up proudly for her scrutiny. The thick, hard member twitched longingly and
her eyes lifted up to look into his nervous face."I'm trying to control myself Rukia," said Renji with
a torturous look on his face.Her gaze turned back to his member and her whole body shuddered. It
was undeniably erotic looking at him. His body was perfectly crafted for sex and the tattoo's
directed her gaze unerringly back to his arousal whenever she tried to look away. She couldn't
imagine something that big being able to fit inside her tiny body and she voiced the same
concern."Renji, I don't think" she began but when his fingers started to slide under the waist band
of her underwear she sucked in a ragged breath and lifted her hips into the air. His finger slid down
over the feminine slit and then gently started to rub over the sensitive bundle of nerves. She
screamed in stunned amazement at the feeling and she forgot any inhibitions she had had. His lips
came down and smothered hers. His strong body moved over hers and gently pressed against her,
careful to not place too much weight on her. His finger worked its magic, circling her clit and
rubbing in long sensual strokes.Rukia's finger slid into his hair and she held his head in place as her
tongue moved inside his mouth. A growing tension near her groin made her writhe beneath him and
grab fistfuls of crimson hair."Please, Renji!" she cried out, demanding something she had never
experienced before.With what sounded almost like a growl, Renji leaned back and quickly pulled
Rukia's white panties off. His body moved stealthily back over hers and their lips resumed their
battle. She could feel his erection pressed against her thigh and she wiggled to settle his body
between her legs.He broke the kiss and looked down at her beautifully lust filled face, "Are you
sure Rukia?" he asks, hoping more than anything that she would say yes.She gulps audibly and
gazes up at him. She couldn't deny a face like that or her own screaming desire for that matter but
she remembered how big he was. "Y Yes. But Renji I don't think it's going to work."Renji
laughs painfully and says, "Trust me Rukia. It will work."He could feel her trembling beneath him
so he takes his time. Kissing her softly and placing his erection at her opening. She's already wet
and ready for him but he doesn't press forward, letting her get used to him and waiting for her to
start the intrusion. As the kiss stretches on, he can feel her body start to squirm beneath him. Her
hips started to flex and soon she was lifting herself to pull more of him inside.He groaned as the wet
sheath slowly closed around him. He wanted desperately to just thrust fully inside but he didn't want
to hurt her. Slowly the warmth enfolded him; taking him in, inch by inch. When he finds himself
butting against a thin membrane, his eyes shoot open. She was a virgin."Rukia you're a you're a
virgin," he states, staring at her wide-eyed.She nods her head and then buries her face against his
chest. She knew this wasn't going to work. He was just too big and she was way too
inexperienced."It's going to hurt momentarily but I promise, it won't last," he says and waits for her
answer.She trusted him completely so she nods her head and waits for the coming pain. She watches
Renji close his eyes tightly and then, in the next instant, he is thrusting fully inside of her; ripping
through the barrier that had barred his way before. He'd been right, the pain had only been
momentary but there was a lingering soreness inside her. He sat perfectly still and opened his eyes
to look down at her."Are you ok?' he asks softly."Mhmm," answers Rukia, adjusting to the
overwhelming feeling of him seated deeply inside her.With a slow stroke, Renji starts to slide out.
Rukia can feel her muscles clenching around him and when he pushes back in, a low moan escapes
her lips. "Renji, that sorta feels good," she says and watches his lips quirk upwards in a quick
smile. His arousal starts to move inside her, in and out in slow stokes that leave her gasping for
breath. His rhythm starts to increase and soon she is matching his thrusts with inexperienced thrusts
of her own. Her body starts to bead with sweat and they start to slide over each other; their breaths
mingling in a chorus of sexual need."Oh God, Rukia you are so tight," Renji cries out and starts
to pump wildly inside her."Aargh!" she cries out and soon, the pounding of his hips against hers
drowns out their ragged breaths.A foreign pleasure is starting to mount near her groin and each
thrust from his deliriously incredible hips brings her closer and closer to that something. She grabs
his biceps and holds her breath as the last few thrusts push her closer and closer till suddenly she
explodes from within, crying out in pure bliss and arching her back off the ground.Renji's ragged
breath is near her ear and it's the sexiest thing she'd ever heard. Suddenly, he jerks one last time and
seats himself deeply within her and cries out his own release. She wraps her arms tightly around his
sweat covered back, kissing his chest and shoulders and let's the waves come down as her climax
unravels.His arms start to give out and he rolls to the side bringing Rukia with him and laying her
over his body. They cling to each other as they try to catch their breaths. He starts to press kisses to
her dark hair and he can feel her lips curl up in a smile against his chest."Rukia, that was
incredible," he says, enjoying the feel of her body against his."Mmm I agree," she answers, her
voice husky and ragged. "When can we do it again?"

The Party
Greetings!I will try to make more elaborate sentences and stuff. So everyone hope. The plot is
slightly different now. More substance now.Yeah I didn't really like the 1st person point of writing
so it will be 3rd person.Warning: Drug use, Attempted rape, Lemon and, profanity.MmMmMm"
Midget, you coming to my party?" question an orange haired classmate Rukia bumped into as she
entered her class." It is Petite, Ichigo" Rukia respond as she kick said oranges haired classmate's
shin." Damn it!" muttered Ichigo as he rubbed is injured shin." Well, are you going?"" I have better
thing to do than go to your party." Suddenly Ichigo is holding Rukia by the waist and rubbing a hot
spot on her side with his thumb causing her moan to erotically." I'll let you go it you come to my
party." Ichigo replied to Rukia's erotic moans as he continues to rub her spot."Ahhh... I'll go-Ahhh!"
Rukia moaned as her resolution broke into million of little pieces, causing Ichigo to smirk."
Kurosaki, Kuchiki get to your sets no P.D.A. At school." senseii-Oci demanded" Hai." they respond
and went to their set in the far corner of the room Ichigo behind Rukia.MmMmMm" Do you have
what I asked for?" Isshin asked with a sun of money." Yes" Urahara replied with a large grin as the
sum of money was exchanged for a package of an unknown drug." Excelent."" Have fun being a
grandfather."MmMmMmRukia looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a simple lavender button
up and low-cut blue jeans." It look good." She decided and headed down stairs. " Hisana-oneesan
I'm going out. I don't know how late I'm going to be so I might be late."" Where are you going?"
Hisana demanded to know." Kurusaki-san is having a party."" Ok then don't be to late and bring him
over one day I want to meet him."" Sure... Bye"Rukia walked into Ichigo's house filled with
everyone in her class." Rukia! There you are." exclaimed Renji from across the room. " Juice? It is
good." Renji offered."Something about Renji seemed odd. No thanks. I need to find Ichigo." Rukia
replied but it seemed to set Renji off." Quit saying his name. After tonight you will not think of him
again." Renji unceremoniously grabbed Rukia and carried a writhing Rukia upstairs into the first
bedroom.(Warning)Renji quickly ripped Rukia's shirt open sending a flurry of buttons across the
room and pinned her hands above her." Renji! What the hell are you doing? AHH!" Rukia
demanded as she failed to keep said man from planting kisses down her collard and neck." I said
you will be mine." growled Renji as he forcibly stripped Rukia.." Ahh! Renji quit. I don't want this!
Ahh!" Rukia moaned in forced and unwanted pleasure." You will want this. You body wants it."
Renji declared as he positioned himself over Rukia's opening. Rukia shut her eyes tightly in hope
that the pain form being raped by your best friend from kindergarten would be over soon. The pain
never came. The grip on her wrist was gone and Renji's presence was no longer around her. She
forced her abused body to let her see what happened to her offender. Her abuser was being
victimized by Rukia's savior a orange top classmate." Ichigo! You can stop he is bloody and
unconscious !" Rukia pleaded as she used a discarded sheet to cover herself. Ichigo gave no
indication to whether or not he heard and continued to punch Renji. " Ichigo!" Rukia called snaping
Ichigo from his trance. Ichigo dropped Renji outside of the door before turning to Rukia." Are you
ok?" He inquire cautiously." I'm dandy! Nothing wrong with me except I was almost raped by my
best friend." Rukia hysterically shrieked as she began to weep." Rukia, drink this it will make you
feel a little better." he offered his forgotten cup on the dresser. Rukia to a sip of the fruit liquid
allowing the last of the cold substance down her throat before the placing the cup on the floor.
Ichigo quickly enveloped Rukia into a caring embrace placing said woman's head on his shoulder . "
Please stop crying. I can't take it for a women to cry But, if you have to cry on my shoulder" Rukia
froze from the close contact until his spicy and comforting scent of cinnamon filled her nose. Rukia
buried her face deeper in to his shoulder inhaling it's spice scent. Rukia's mind slowly began to
become dream like hazy and filed with lustful thoughts.MmMmMm"Keigo did you do as I asked?"
Isshin question Kegio." In the end yes." He repied" What do you mean?"" I put the pill in Ichigo's
drink but, Renji took it out of his hand. I poured Ichigo another drink while he wasn't looking. An
he drunk about half before I last sight of him."" Good job Keigo."MmMmMmRukia looked at
Ichigo feeling something in her stirring. " Ichigo, please." She begged from something unknown to
her. The next moments where a blur to her. She just found herself hungrily tracing the muscles of
his naked toned abs as he kissed her creamy collarbone and fondling her perky breast." Ichigo,
please." Rukia begged again.Rukia felt herself be rolled on the bed with Ichigo between her legs.
"When did he take of his pants?" She wondered but that didn't stay in her mind long." Are you sure
about this? This is going to hurt a bit." Ichigo asked him self positioned above her." Just fuck me!"
Rukia cried. In one quick thrust Ichigo was enveloped by Rukia's softness causing Rukia to loudly
gasp in pain." Hold on the pain will be go in a moment." Ichigo whispered soothingly. " Fucking
Kami, you are so tight."After several moments the pain had subsided and Rukia moved her hips
testingly. " Ichigo the pain is gone you can move." Ichigo did not need to be told twice. Ichigo
pulled out and quickly thrusted in again and again." Ichigo! Faster!" Rukia moaned in pure ecstasy.
Both began to feel something build in the stomachs that need a release. " Ichigo I'm going to cum."
but it was to late Rukia was already feeling a grand orgasm coursing though though her veins.
Ichigo followed step releasing all he had into Rukia velvetiness. Ichigo collapses beside Rukia.
Both laid their panting." Good night, Rukia." Ichigo whispered and placed a kiss on Rukia's
forehead." Good night." She replied.

The 8-fenced walls

Warning: extremely long lemon and cursing ensues. No minors allowed."Ya know, Renji," Rukia
mused, tilting her gaze to the sky above her, where her purple irises soaked up the clash of amber
and brilliant pink of the sunset just in the distance. "I've never seen your apartment before."Renji,
too, was distracted by the beauty of the sunset, leaving Rukia to bask in the silence between the two
of them. Rukia bit her lip, glancing down at the ground."Actually, I don't think I've ever even seen
any barracks at all," she realized.Renji chuckled, "Yeah, well there's nothing special about it, Sure it
wouldn't live up to the standards of a noble."Rukia frowned, though she realized Renji didn't mean
any harm in that statement, it just pained her to be reminded of the distance between them.
Especially because of what today is, she noted, thinking back to earlier in the day. Today was the
day when, so many years ago, they buried their last friend. Eighty years ago on this day, they were
left alonetheir makeshift family of five torn apart by the very town they called home. Every day
was a struggle, a fight to stay alive. Sickness, disease, and violence. All those horrors, horrors that
most inhabitants of the soul society only faced in nightmares, plagued their everyday lives. Yes,
today was the day.so many years agothat their lives would change foreverStanding on the
edge of the cliff, Rukia could feel the heat of Renji's gaze on her. The wind blew a cold chill
through her body, coursing though her veins and soaking her to the bone with sorrow. Tears sprung
from her eyes, rolling continuously down her cheeks, but she would not allow Renji to see them.
She kept her back to him, the last thing she wanted to see was the pained look in Renji's eyes; the
sorrow that she knew was reflected in her own gaze. No, she told herself. Wiping the tears from her
face, Rukia stiffened riding her face of any emotion. Enough, she snarled in her mindI've had
enough! "Renji.let's become soul reapers,"Rukia said, pausing, awaiting a response, any type of
response from the man behind her, anything that told her he didn't feel the same way. She sensed he
did in the way he was completely silent, giving her his undivided attention and
consideration."Renji, If we become soul reapers we can live in the Seretetei we can make better
lives for ourselvesfar away from this horrible place""Yes," Renji agreed immediately, Rukia
couldn't help but notice how hollow his voice sounded. "Let's become soul reapers"I'll never
forget that day, Rukia thought, glancing over at Renji as they walked side by side through Seretetei.
They had just returned from the graves of their fallen friends, providing offerings and flowers in
their memory. This day was the first time in eighty years that they had gone together, of course with
their busy schedules and their different lives it was near impossible that they would ever be able to
go at the same time, to mourn and remember together. So, Rukia had been used to going alone, and
she's sure Renji had as well. However, since the war had ended, peace had fallen on Seretetei, and
soul reapers had a lot of time on their handsshe was pleased to feel his presence as she reached
the grave sites, remembering how she saw him on his knees, praying in silence. Her heart jumped
when he turned his face towards her direction, eyes connecting with hers, as a genuine smile graced
his face."Hey baka, did you hear me?" Renji's gruff voice snapped Rukia from her thoughts.
Rukia stopped walking, turning to Renji to shoot him a confused glance "Huh?"Renji sighed "I said
fine already, no need to get depressed bout it. You can see my stupid apartment," he stated,
beginning to walk again, but stopped when he sensed Rukia's hesitation. Renji turned around to see
Rukia standing still, he studied her soft features, her wide violent gaze was averted to the ground
below her and her small, pale hands clutched the end of her beautiful black silk kimono. Renji's
eyes taking in the way the white lilies on the kimono curled down and around her small
frame."Ohsorry I forgot about that, I was thinking about something else," Rukia explained,
Renji's concerned gaze never left her face, but when she glanced towards him he quickly wiped the
concern from his face and replaced it with a smug look."Well, c'mon, do ya wanna see my place or
not?""Yeah! Geez I'm coming already! Don't pop a vein or anything, Renji." Rukia teased.Renji
fumed, "well I'm leading you to it and I turn around and you're staring off into nothing, drooling
like you're dense." Renji chuckled when Rukia's fists clenched and she glared angrily at him, "I'm
not dense Renji, you're denseAND I wasn't drooling, baka!"Renji laughed as he turned around
and began walking, Rukia's so easy to get mad, he mused.Rukia sighed and quickened her pace to
catch up with Renji, the urge to kick him hard in the shin was rising, but she swallowed her
pride.only, because she really wanted to see his apartment, and kicking his ass would probably
hurt her chances.Rukia followed Renji up flight after flight of stairs. Geez, how many levels do
these complexes have anyways? Rukia pondered, kind of annoyed but feeling even more uneasy
about the silence between the two of them, as Renji continued to lead her silently. Finally, Renji
didn't turn to follow the path to another flight of stairs, instead turning right onto a level where
numerous doors lined the wall to the left. Across from the doors was a simple, black railing, where
you can lean against it, gaze past the walls of Seretetei and view the horizon. Rukia studied the hall
carefully, with full interest and intrigue. The walls in between the doors were a pure shade of white,
contrasting the dark brown hard wood floors that covered the ground, which had no signs of scrapes
or scuff marks and appeared glossy and as smooth as silk. Rukia noted that the hall smelled of lilacs
and lemon, she inhaled the nice smell, welcoming it into her senses. She was usually used to the
scent of cherry blossoms, for the trees filled the Kuchiki gardens all around the manorbut she
grew tired and sick of that aroma after being surrounded by it all the time, so the smell of this
hallway was greatly appreciated.Renji stopped abruptly in front of a door etched in gold lettering,
with the number 73. "Well" Renji stated.fumbling in his pocket for awhile before pulling out a
long, tiny keyslipping it into the lock, turning the handleand finally pushing inwards to open
the door. "Here's my place." Renji stood there, back against the open door, motioning with his left
hand for Rukia to come in. She stepped inside his apartment, hearing him shut the door behind them
and lock it. Rukia took in everything she sawdirectly ahead of her was a simple wooden kitchen
table surrounded by a matching set of six chairs, to her right, far ahead was a kitchen area
counters adorned with marble, simple wood cabinets just above, a stove on the island in the middle
of the room, a shiny stainless steel sink placed in the counter to the right of the island, a stainless
steel refrigerator with two doors straight ahead behind the island, a medium size door to the right of
the refrigerator; no doubt a pantry. Rukia laughed and Renji shot her a puzzled look "HAHAHA,
why the hell do you need such a nice kitchen?"Like you cook at all Renji!" She laughed."Shuddup!"
Renji yelled, visibly flustered. "I do so cook, you just haven't seen me cook before. Plus, It came
with the place, I didn't request it.""Well, anyways, it's very nice." Rukia added, easing up the mood,
Rukia looked around to the left of the kitchen she could see the back of stairs, leading to upstairs, of
course. To her far left was another room filled with long, elegant black leather couches and
matching single recliners, a glass coffee table in the middle, small end tables in opposite corners
supporting black shade covered lamps. The walls were a deep maroon color, and on the left wall
was an opened white colored door, where inside she could see a medium sized bathroom adorned
with marble everything. Glancing from her left to the right she noted that Renji hung copious
amounts of paintings on the walls, breathtaking paintings of white lilies in a serene black pond,
tigers hiding behind bushes, ready to pounce and jagged rocks jutting up through the ocean and so
forth. Rukia was surprised that Renji's taste was actually gentle, elegant and, dare she say,
beautiful."WellI mean ya can, like walk around and stuff" Renji interrupted rubbing the back of
his neck
awkwardlynonetheless uncomfortable in the silent way Rukia was viewing his place. He walked
past her into the maroon colored room, and she followed slowly behind him."Renji, your place is
amazing," Rukia observed gazing around in awe."What, did you expect it to be shitty or
something?" Renji snapped, becoming defensive."No, Renji. I never thought that. I mean, you're a
lieutenant, you've accomplished a lot. I'm glad you finally got what you deserved." Rukia admitted,
shyly lowering her gaze back to the floor, but she could feel Renji's gaze burn holes in her
cheeks."Whaddya mean?""I mean a nice, peaceful home where you don't have to worry about
anything that you had to in Rukongai. You have everything you need""What about you, Rukia?
Do you have everything you need?"Rukia bit her lip, surprised with that sudden question of his,
"II guess.""So, they treat you okay?" Renji questioned abruptly turning his back to her."Of course
they do, why would you ask that?" Rukia snapped, as old feelings that she wished to forget began to
rise inside her."I was just making sure; I worry about that sometimes. I knew there was a possibility
that they would treat you like you were just some stray from Rukon-""-If you knew that, then why
did you push me for the adoption?" Rukia cut in, her voice betraying her, cracking at the end of her
statement, but she swallowed down tears.Renji caught the sadness that dripped from her voice. He
turned around to face her, but she refused to meet his gaze. He stepped forward, Rukia felt
mortified, she never wished to revisit these feelings. She wanted nothing more than to run away
far away. But then, his large hand enveloped her frail wrist, Rukia gasped, biting her lip as her eyes
met his own. His hand is so warm, was the only thought that ran rampant through her mind.
"Rukia" Renji sighed, turning around, his hand still wrapped tightly around her wrist, leading her
towards the couch ahead to his right.Renji sat on the couch, gently tugging her wrist, motioning
silently for her to sit beside him. Rukia obeyed his wishes, but kept her head lowered, refusing to
meet his gaze. Renji's large hand released her tiny wrist, noting how her hands fell to rest on the top
of her thighs, almost mechanically. "Listen, Rukiacause I'm only gonna say this once" Renji
stated, his voice so smooth and calming "...I never wanted you to go," he admitted in a near
whisper. Rukia's head snapped up, her eyes rampantly searching his own with a questioning gaze,
"Then why, Renji?"Renji swallowed at the sound of her voice, so tiny and vulnerable. "II wanted
what was best for you. I mean, being adopted into the Kuchiki clan was an amazing offer Rukia!
You'd have everything and anything you ever wanted. You deserved so much more than what you
had. I wanted so bad for you to staybut" Renji paused, shaking his head. Rukia's eyes began to
well up with tears, she couldn't believe what he was saying."But it wasn't bout me Rukia. I wasn't
gonna be selfish. I always knew you were better, so much better than just some stray from
Rukongai. You deserved and still deserve everything you want.""And all this time I thought you
didn't want me in your life anymore, Renji! It hurt so much to just know that you would let me go
so easilyafter all we've been thr-"Renji interjected in shock "-I can't believe it! That's what you
thought Rukia? That I didn't wanna be with you anymore? How could you think that?""I don't know
Renjiwe were drifting apart. You fit right in, made friends, succeeded in everything you did and I
was just getting in your way," Rukia cried, unable to stop those stubborn tears from streaming down
her cheeks."Rukia" Renji whispered, taking her small face in his hands, wiping at her tears gently
with his thumbs. Visibly swallowing, when her wide violet eyes gazed at him with such intensity. A
blush crept up Rukia's face. She paused for awhile, simply staring into Renji's eyes, before she
moved her hands up off her thighs to lay over Renji's hands. Renji closed his eyes briefly at the
sensation.His eyes flickered open with determination, "RukiaI-mrph!"Renji's response was cut
off abruptly as Rukia closed the distance between them, pressing her lips lightly against his
own.Renji froze, unable to grasp what was happening; he simply examined the peaceful look on her
face, before his eyes mimicked hers as they slowly closed. Renji leaned in, pushing his lips against
hers more insistently, smirking slightly when she responded with a small whimper. Renji parted his
lips, hers parting as well, as their lips began to move against one another's in a slow, passionate
rhythm.Rukia's head was spinning, she felt dizzythe feel of his lips against hers arose those
fluttering butterflies in her stomach. She gasped when Renji's tongue darted out to slowly trace her
bottom lip, asking for entrance then slipped past her lips into her mouth. Rukia brushed and
massaged her tongue against Renji's, when she heard his thick grunt she slid her hands from his
own, down his thick wrists, brushed down his elbows and settled on his strong biceps, clenching the
sleeves of his hakama. Renji responded by removing his hands from her petite face, gripping her
hips before sliding his strong arms around her waist and pulled her body flush against his
own.Renji's forceful actions startled, and yet pleased Rukia. She loved that Renji could be rough
and gentle at the same time, so contradictingsoundeniably Renji. Rukia felt a pleasurable shock
run through her body at feeling his hard, muscular chest pressed tightly against her soft, silk
covered breasts. Rukia pushed harder against Renji, the feel of him, the smell of him, the taste of
him, everything about him at this moment was so incredibly addicting. Their lips continued to
dance, pouring all their pent up passion for one another with every mating of their mouths, lips and
tongues. God, she tastes so good, thought Renji as he yanked his lips from hers, and sensually
tugged on her lower lip with his teeth. Hearing her small, shaky intake of breath, Renji leaned back
in to capture her plump, swollen lips. This kiss was different, it grew quickly from slow and
passionate to rough and desperate. Lips clashed in desperation, the heat between them increased, the
air becoming thick and smolderingthe need to touch one another became unbearable. Their
breaths were coming in shallow pants, both surprised how a simple gesture like a chaste kiss could
intensify so easily and envelope all their senses. He couldn't think, he couldn't breath, he was
entranced by everything about Rukia...her scent invaded his nose, her lips slid erotically against his
own, just the feel of her tongue in his mouth made his stomach twitch and tighten in
pleasure.Hearing Renji's deep groan and feeling its vibration against her tender lips stirred Rukia
into a frenzy. Rukia roughly grabbed the front of his hakama, leaning backwards on the couch,
pulling Renji down on top of her. Her legs parted to cradle his hips as she pulled him snug against
her body, Renji settled his forearms on both sides of her body to support his weight. Though in
shock and disbelief of what just happened, Renji nonetheless continued responding to her kiss, as
her smooth, exposed arms wrapped around his neck. Renji's lips slowly caressed her own before
softly pulling away, making her whimper at the loss of contact. But, a sharp gasp was drawn from
her lips when he settled on her neck, tenderly sucking and nibbling.Rukia sighed in pleasure as
Renji moved his lips up, over her pulse point and suckled on it. Dazed, Rukia reached for the tie of
his hakama, fumbling and struggling to untie it, in a desperate attempt to touch his bare skin. Renji,
getting the message licked her neck one last time before sitting back on his knees, still in between
her legs. Blushing and looking down, Renji's hands landed on the stubborn knot and worked at it
until it was undone. Rukia sat up on her forearms, intently watching as Renji slipped his hakama
opened, down his arms and onto the floor below. Renji watched Rukia, feeling slightly flustered and
self conscious as her wide eyed gaze took in the intricate tattoos that marked his rock hard torso.
Rukia's eyes followed the trail of the harsh, jagged black marks that began from his pectoral
muscles, all the way down to his hard abdomen. Her left hand stretched out ahead pressing heatedly
against the smooth skin of his chest. Renji licked his lips and closed his eyes, as Rukia's smooth,
delicate hand trailed lightly down, lower and lower over every muscle in his stomach.and lower.
Renji's eyes shot opened, as he caught her small hand in his own just above the waistband of his
pants, stopping any further movements. Rukia blushed, feeling as if she went too far and started to
recoil her hand, but Renji's grip tightened. Rukia's eyes shot up to his own, he was staring intently at
her. His gaze never faltered and Rukia blushed harder.Renji gripped her hand and leaned forward on
his knees, their lips seconds away from touching, he placed her hand behind his neck, then wrapped
both his arms around her lower back to support her as he leaned backwards. Rukia, slightly
confused, simply wrapped her other arm around his neck as she felt Renji move over and off the
couch. Feeling her legs dangling off the ground, Rukia instinctively wrapped them around his thin
hips for support, her kimono rising high up her legs, revealing pale and creamy skin. She blushed
upon feeling his large arousal pressing insistently between her legs, filling her head with images of
what was
about to come. Feeling embarrassed when she caught him studying her face, Rukia hugged his neck
tightly, her cheek against his as her chin rested on his sturdy shoulder. Renji, unsure of what she
was feeling, though he was damn sure about what he was feeling, hesitated and continued to stand
still in the middle of his living room."Rukia? Are you sure this is okay?" Renji questioned, rubbing
her back soothingly, causing Rukia's eyes to drift closed. "Is this gonna be okay with you?" Rukia's
arms tightened around his neck, nuzzling her cheek lovingly against his. She inhaled a shaky breath
to calm herself down, but her mind continued with those racy thoughts that made her blush. Damn,
what is he doing to me?"Yes, Renji," she whispered, so softly that Renji barely heard it, even
though her mouth was so close to his ear. But he did hear it, and those words echoed through his
mind, extremely loud and extremely clear, she feels the same.With that thought in his mind, Renji's
confidence increased ten fold as he began walking out of the living room in long, confidant strides,
through the kitchen and to the left up the stairs. Rukia's eyes flickered open, though she hadn't
remembered closing them in the first place. Her eyes focused on the moving scenery around them,
she watched as stair after stair was revealed to her as he continued his path up to his second floor
up to his bedroom. Renji's so strongRukia noted, I always feel safe and secure in his armsI
always have. Rukia unclenched her arms as she leaned back, crossing her wrists loosely behind his
neck. Renji raised an eyebrow as he felt Rukia readjusting her position, until her face was in front of
his again, too far away for his liking though. Sensing this, Rukia closed her eyes, and slowly
almost teasingly slow, she closed the gap between them, lightly brushing her lips against his once
more.Renji's head swirled, his eyes closed immediately and everything but him and Rukia crumbled
away into non-existence. His legs moved by memory, for his eyes were no longer guiding him to his
destination. When she slowly slipped her tongue past his lips, Renji groaned loudly somehow
loosing his balance when she also tightened her legs around his waist. Renji popped his eyes
opened, and unfortunately, had to pull away from the kiss to find the door to his bedroom. Rukia
simply occupied her mouth on his neck, teasing and nipping the sensitive skin there, mimicking the
attention he had given to hers earlier. Renji's left arm tightened around her lower back, holding her
as close to him as he could as his right hand fumbled with the door knobfuck, her mouth is
distracting, Renji thought. Finally, grasping the knob in his hand, Renji flung the door opened
violently, making Rukia's mouth curve into a smirk, as she placed another heated kiss against his
thick neck. Renji all but jumped into the room, grasping the edge of the door as he slammed it shut,
the wood smacking hard against the frame. As soon as the door shut, Renji pressed Rukia's back up
against it, hard.He cupped her face with his left hand, and lowered his lips to touch hers in a wild,
passionate kiss. Rukia gasped into the kiss when she felt Renji's right hand softly caressing her left
leg. His calloused, yet gentle hand trailed soft, fiery touches up her leg. Beginning by gripping her
delicate calf, that was still wrapped tightly around the small of his back, traveling up to lightly
squeeze her kneethen pressed down firmly around her upper thigh, his thumb gently stroking the
inside of her thigh, tickling and teasing the soft skin there. Rukia squirmed against his touches, and
whimpered against his lips, she wanted more. More of this. More of him. Renji groaned, Rukia was
fidgeting against him, brushing and rubbing his arousal, igniting sparks in his belly. If she kept
going on like this, Renji knew he'd loose his resolve to go slow, but he also knew she needed more
than this, fuck; he needed a lot more than this. The hand that was cupping her face slid down her
pale cheek, along down her neck, out along her shoulder, where he paused, squeezing her shoulder
for reassurance, just before he pulled down the sleeve of her kimono, allowing the silk fabric to
slide agonizingly slow down her shoulder, and Rukia could feel Goosebumps rise on her exposed
skin. Pulling his lips from hers, Renji disengaged the kiss, leaning back slightly to drink in the sight
of her pale shoulder that was now revealed to him. Renji leaned into her, placing a tender kiss on
her collarbone, Rukia's eyes slipped shut as she held her breath, her hands clutched Renji's
shoulders and her head fell back against the door behind her.Renji glanced up at her, asking for
permission with his gaze, but he learned he didn't need to when his eyes took in the peaceful and
utterly vulnerable look on her face. Renji glanced down as his hand reached in between them to rest
on the tie of her kimono. With a slight tug the tie was loosened, enough for Renji to reach with both
hands and part the front of her kimono. His eyes darkened as her soft delicate breasts were exposed
before him, her rose colored nipples hard. He tugged further on the sleeves and Rukia took the hint,
opening her eyes.she lifted her hands from his shoulders, placing them down at her sides she felt
the fabric slip from her torso completely. She slipped her arms around his neck once again,
attempting to calm her nerves, but when she glanced down Renji's eyes were still looking at her
chest intently. Feeling more than a little insecure, Rukia turned her head, and squeezed her eyes
shut. Renji looked up from her beautiful breasts, taking in the shyness plastered on her face; Renji
leaned into her neck, his breath fanning over her ear, making her shiver. "Rukia" He breathed out,
his voice hoarse and filled with passion. "You're beautiful" he explained nibbling on her earlobe
and sliding his large hands up her smooth stomach to squeeze and rub her small mounds. Rukia
gasped feeling Renji's hands close over her breasts, biting her lip when his thumbs stroked her
nipples firmly, making her uncomfortably wet. He continued his slow, teasing ministrations and
Rukia continued her small, arousing whimpers and gasps, music to his ears. Rukia's left hand
moved from behind his neck to tug at the hair band that kept her from running her fingers through
his soft crimson locks. Rukia threw the hair band across the room, clenching her fists in his hair; she
roughly tugged Renji towards her, crashing his lips against her own. Both shinigami moaned against
each others mouths, fighting for dominance and control.Renji wrapped his strong arms around her
tiny waist, walking backwards until the back of his knees collided with the edge of the bed, his
hands moved to her legs, unwrapping them from the small of his back, encouraging her to straddle
his hips as he sat down. Reaching both hands behind him, Renji leaned back, lifting his feet from
the floor as he maneuvered them to the middle of the bed. Rukia tightened her legs on either side of
Renji's hips as he turned them, lowering her bare back onto his black satin sheets. When her head
rested comfortably on his pillow, Renji, still on all fours leaned down as Rukia's leaned up, their
lips colliding together. Renji forced her head back onto the pillow with his intense kiss; he explored
the cavern of her mouth once again, tasting her, teasing her. Rukia responded eagerly to his
advances, but whimpered when he pulled his lips away again. Renji kissed down her cheek, down
to trace her jaw line, feeling pleased in the way she titled her head back, exposing the length of her
soft neck to him. He pressed urgent sucks, nips and open mouthed kisses all down her tender neck.
But he didn't stop; he continued the path, kissing her collarbone before closing his lips over the
peak of her left breast. "Uh...Ren-ji!" Rukia begged, making Renji's cock twitch, it was so arousing
to hear her say his name like that. It only made Renji desperate to find more ways to make her cry
out his name. Renji suckled on her left breast, and supporting his weight with his right hand he used
his left to gently squeeze and massage the other breast. After giving proper attention to her left
breast, he alternated his attentions to her right breast, sucking on that one as well.Rukia felt
amazing, Renji's actions made the muscles in her stomach clench intensely, she couldn't keep the
sounds from escaping her swollen lips, and she wanted nothing more than for him to touch her there
and everywhere. Renji's resolve was weakening with every high, breathless whimper she made
below him; the desire to make love to her was becoming unbearable. Licking her breast one last
time, Renji moved back on his knees, sensing him moving away, Rukia sat up on her forearms,
giving him a questioning look. Renji reached his hands to rest on the still intact knot of her kimono;
he leaned in to kiss her left knee as he untied the knot completely, sliding the fabric from her body
and tossing it on the floor. Clad in only her undergarment, Rukia blushed, but her eyes still gazed
into Renji's lust-filled ones. He smirked at her, realizing he was over dressed he untied the knot on
his pants, sliding them down his hips, and leaned forward to kick them off his legs. Crawling up and
over her, Renji leaned down slowly planting a heated kiss above her naval. Smirking again when he
felt her muscles twitch, Renji slipped his tongue momentarily
into her belly button, drawing a small gasp from his partner. He slid his hands down her hips,
hooked his thumbs on the sides of her underwear and slid them down her body, Rukia arched her
back and lifted her bottom to help him remove her last article of clothing, revealing her tiny black
curls and the tender juncture between her legs. She bit her lip when she felt her underwear slide all
the way down to her ankles, before Renji completely yanked them off her body, throwing them,
once again, to the floor.Air thrashed against her exposed skin, making her blush and bite her lip
harder. Renji then grasped the back of Rukia's knee, pulling her thigh further apart from the other.
Rukia blinked, trying to analyze his face, but the crimson locks streamed down, blocking his
expression from her view. Renji leaned in, tilting his head slightly as he placed a soft kiss on the
middle of her thigh. Rukia closed her eyes and her hands fell down at her sides to grip the silky
sheets beneath her in anticipation. Renji paused to search for any sign from her that told him to stop,
but no sign ever came. Renji placed more kisses up her thigh, pausing to lick and suck at her skin.
Rukia had never wanted anything so badly in all her life, the way he was going about this was
agonizingly slow, she whimpered his name, begging for him to stop teasing her. Renji sensed her
impatience and set her thigh down so that both of her legs stayed bent at the knee, her feet flat on
the bed. He moved forward, still on his knees, his hands grasped each thigh and pushed her legs
further apart. He examined her slightly, taking in how vulnerable she was to him right now, how
much she trusted him. Pushing the annoying hair out of his face, Renji leaned in, sliding his rough
hands up and down her soft thighs as his tongue dragged a long, hard lick against her sensitive
folds. Rukia let out a loud moan, her hands clenching the sheets beneath her harder. Pleased at her
reaction, Renji rubbed at her thighs and enclosed his lips around her aching clit, and suckled on it.
"Uh.Re-Ren-ji" Rukia pleaded in a high, breathless manor, making him groan against her.
Rukia, in a dizzy haze moved her hand down to clutch and tug at his hair.Renji sucked harder,
watching her reaction as his teeth lightly grazed her swollen bud. He watched as her hips rocked
slightly against his mouth, her back arched to the sky in ecstasy, her neck craned back against the
pillow as her lips parted to release a loud, lust-filled moan. He wanted to see her mindless, he
wanted to make her forget everything but his name.Ohmyuh godthisthis feels good, so
damn good! Rukia thought. She had never felt pleasure like this before, it felt as though a white hot,
spring clenched tighter and tighter in her stomach, sending tendrils of electricity coursing through
her veins, making her toes curl with every movement Renji's mouth made against her. Instinctively,
she bucked against his mouth, her legs shaking when he quickened his pace, sucking harder and
harder. She didn't recognized the high, keening whimpers and moans that came from her mouth
she couldn't compose any clear thoughts at all, all she could do was beg and plead with him silently
to bring her to the end. Renji, though he didn't think it was possible, was becoming even harder,
achingly hard. He watched her head toss on the pillow, felt the hand in his hair tighten, and noticed
how much her legs were shaking and moving with pleasure. He wanted to end her, wanted to make
her feel so good. Because he loved her and he wanted to show her how much. He removed his right
hand from its place on her thigh and watched as his middle finger glided down and into her. "Uh!"
Rukia exclaimed, making Renji's eyes snap up to her face, he took in the way she gasped, her mouth
opening and closing as his finger slid in and out of her tight entrance, as his lips never left her
swollen bud.Her moans increased in pitch and intensity, he knew she was close and he knew she
wanted it so bad. Renji groaned in his head, God, Rukiayou are so fucking beautiful. Rukia
writhed and whimpered, tossing her head as a fine sheen of sweat began to coat her body. She
couldn't even think anymore, all she could do was feel. Feel Renji's persistent sucking and
thrustingshe screamed in her head when his finger began twisting inside of her, but she couldn't
stifle the mew that broke from her lips when Renji's finger brushed roughly against that spot deep
inside of her. Hearing her gorgeous sounds, Renji quickened the pace thrusting his finger in and out
of her hard, licking and sucking at her nub. Then, he felt her inner walls flutter and clench
impossibly tight around his finger, he sucked harder and his finger continued her through her
orgasm. Rukia arched her back, her eyes squeezed shut as that coil clenched so tight in her stomach
that it exploded, making her see a hot white light behind her eyelids, she tugged roughly at Renji's
hair, her head lolling back. She cried out his name as the feeling coursed through her body, rocking
her to her very core with intense pleasure. Her arched body flopped down against the bed, her
breathing coming in shallow pants as her body hummed with the after shocks of her release.Renji,
stopped his ministrations when he felt the hand in his hair loosen, he glanced up at Rukia, drinking
in her current state. Her arm was draped over her eyes and her chest heaved up and down because of
her panting. Her pale, unscathed skin looked as if it was glowing and was covered with a sheet of
sweat, making her skin appear moist and glistening. Curious, Renji leaned his mouth back between
her folds, his tongue licking at her juices, tentatively tasting her. Rukia whimpered above him,
blushing harder as Renji lapped at her essence, her skin there so sensitive after her recent release.
Oh, godshe tastes so goodit's fucking addicting!was all Renji could think as he tasted her,
basking in how erotic that whole experience was. Feeling thoroughly satisfied, Renji sat up on his
knees, licking his lips before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes scanned up her
body, god she was gorgeous. Renji felt his chest swell with pride as he observed how utterly
breathless and pleasured she looked right now. Crawling up her body, Renji watched her stomach
twitch as strands of his hair slid along her flesh, tickling and teasing her.Rukia exhaled softly,
evening out her breath as she sensed Renji moving above her. Her body still recovering from the
explosion that left her tingling and above all.feeling amazing. She couldn't believe Renji's
actionssimply thinking back to what he just did makes her blush and bite her lip in
embarrassment. But, she noted, it felt so damn good, he was so damn good. Rukia felt Renji's
fingers entwine in her own as he pulled away the arm that was hiding her face from him. Rukia
blushed and turned her cheek to him as he smiled at her, but he simply leaned in to press a soft kiss
to her cheek, trying to calm her nerves. "Hey, what's wrong?" He cooed into her ear, nuzzling the
juncture of her neck with his nose, before he leaned over her, to study her face. Rukia, feeling less
nervous, turned her face, her eyes meeting his own. When Renji saw the blush that stained her face
he moved to kiss the top of her head, causing Rukia's eyes to drift shut. But, when she felt his breath
fan over her lips, she closed the gap between them, pressing her lips to his firmly. Renji responded,
matching her enthusiasm as their kiss grew more and more passionate, breaths coming in heaving
pants as their hands began to explore each others body. His black, plain boxers the only thing
separating them at this point. When Renji felt Rukia's hand brush confidently over the bulge in his
pants, he groaned, leaning back as he yanked the cotton material down his hips and eventually
kicked them off. He sighed, as his painful and throbbing erection was finally freed from its strict
confines.Rukia sat up, her eyes slightly widening as they took in the sight of Renji, completely
naked before her. Her eyes immediately dropped down to his manhood, noting how large and thick
he was. She bit her lip, feeling overwhelming nervous, and slightly scared. Renji darted his eyes up
and caught the shocked look on her face, as he moved over top of her, forcing her to lie down on the
bed. His left hand rubbed at her right thigh, as his right hand rested beside her head. As he leaned
down to kiss her, he noticed how she was still examining his cock, tilting her head to the side and
biting her lip. "What?" He asked, flinching under her scrutiny. Rukia, never moving her gaze,
reached between them "Nothing" she said as a small smile graced her lips, he blinked, and
watched in shock as her hand gripped his manhood. He groaned as she began to pump him slowly
fuck, that's good, Renji thought as his eyes slid shut. Rukia continued her pace, looking up to weigh
his expression and smiled when she observed the peaceful look on his facehe was clearly
enjoying this. She quickened her pace, clutching him harder, feeling him throb and pulse against her
and heard his throaty moan.Oh, shit. Keep it together Renjifuck, fuck, fuck, he thought. When
she quickened her pace even more, Renji yanked his hand from its place on her thigh, gripped her
chin and smashed his lips against hers. Rukia whimpered, the kiss felt so good, so
rough and desperateshe continued pumping her hand and swallowing his moans. His hips started
to thrust in time with her hand, groaning against her soft lips he knew he was close. Shit, he was
close. That thought hit him, his eyes snapped open, his lips left hers and he pulled her hand away
from his aching shaft. He felt doused with cold water, and he felt himself missing her hand already,
but he couldn't ruin this for them. He wanted to be inside her, to feel her clenched around him, to
hear her moaning his name in his ear. Rukia's eyes opened, shooting Renji a confused look, "Renji,
wha-" she began, but was cut off by Renji's persistent lips against hers, making her eyes close in
bliss once more. Renji lowered his body against hers, shivering upon feeling every inch of their skin
meet, as he placed himself snug in between her open legs. Rukia slipped her hands around his neck,
sliding her fingers through his soft hair.Renji sat up some, his face a breath away from Rukia's as he
positioned himself at her entrance. "I'm sorry Rukia, this might hurt a little. But, if you want me to
stop just say so, okay? I won't be mad or anything," Renji stated, his eyes filled with concern. Rukia
breathed out, "Okay, Renji" as she smiled up at him, watching as he leaned in and brushed his
lips against hers. Their eyes drifted shut when their lips made contact, the kiss growing passionate
and sensual. Keeping Rukia distracted with his lips, Renji positioned himself against her folds,
pushing in slightly as he began to slip inside of her. Rukia stiffened at the feeling, it felt so foreign
and strange. She whimpered at the feeling of him parting her folds intimately, as he slid further
inside of her, but she tensed as he finally reached her barrier. Renji buried his face in her neck when
she tightened her arms around his neck, "I'm sorry," he breathed out, thrusting his hips forward,
sheathing himself fully inside of her in one quick motion,Somehow managing to stifle his thick,
pleasured groan. God, she was so wet and tight, her walls gripped and fluttered against him,
accommodating to his size and it was all he could do not to pull out and thrust into her over and
over in a frenzy. But hearing Rukia's rather loud pained cry kept him in check, as he kept himself
completely still against her.Rukia cried out, her eyes squeezing shut, it felt like she'd been torn
apart. It felt strange and uncomfortable and she couldn't help but wince at the pain. She felt Renji
begin to kiss and suck on her neck, making her eyes darken as she whimpered in lust. His rough,
calloused hand slid along her inner thigh, teasing and stroking the soft skin. The pain in Rukia
began to ease; she felt the heat rise to an intensity inside of her at Renji's gentle ministrations. She
got used to the feeling of him inside of her, he filled her so completely, and she could feel him
throbbing as her muscles gripped at him. Rukia wanted him to move, wanted to feel him loose
control and thrust wildly into her. She wanted to feel him leave her, only to fill her completely
again, to remind her of what she was missing. Rukia wrapped her legs tightly around his hips and
bit her lip as she ground her hips against his. His moan echoed her own as she felt a shock burst
through her lower stomach at the slight movement. Renji pulled his face from her neck, placing his
bent arms on either side of her head as he lent down to kiss her. When she wriggled and whimpered
against him, Renji pulled out til only his head was inside of her, before he softly thrust back in.
Rukia's moan echoed his own as he continued to repeat the action, pulling out and thrusting back in,
pulling out and thrusting back in. Renji kissed Rukia harder, with more passion this
time.swallowing her high moans and whimpers as he proceeded to pound into her harder. Rukia's
face contorted in pleasure, Renji's thrusts were becoming deeper and much harder, making her
writhe her hips against his own, fueling the spark between them, tempting the fire to ignite.Renji
felt Rukia's hips sway instinctively against his own and he groaned against her mouth, he could feel
himself getting closer to the brink of pleasure, and he wanted to take her with him. Renji pulled his
lips from hers and stopped his ritual thrusting, making Rukia whimper in protest. Hearing this,
Renji smirked, grabbing the underside of her right thigh and lifting it some. With his face a breath
away from hers, Renji held her lusty gaze as he pulled out slowly and sunk into her roughly, angling
himself to hit that sweet spot. Rukia gasped loudly, calling out his name as he repeated the action,
all the while his eyes never leaving her own. All he could do was look into her beautiful violent
irises, watching as her face contorted in pleasure and her lips formed a chant of his name, she
looked so sexy right now. Feeling desperate to finish them, Renji thrust wildly into her, kissing and
moaning against her neck.Rukia's hands moved to grasp desperately at his back, her nails biting into
the flesh as the pleasure in her built and built. She called out Renji's name in pleasure only to hear
him echo hers in a hoarse, thick tone that made her toes curl. Rukia could feel that spring coil inside
of her again, but this feeling was way more intense. Renji felt that same pressure inside of him, as
his thrusts became faster and harder, until Rukia let out a loud cry, her walls closing tightly around
his member. All her could hear was her breathless pants and moans as he continued thrusting and
thrusting, feeling the pressure intensify and finally burst. He moaned her name and kissed her
roughly, breathing harshly against her swollen lips as tendrils of electricity shot through both of
their bodies, filling them with utter pleasure. Rukia felt Renji's hot liquid fill her completely,
making her twitch and whimper, they both panted against one another, completely exhausted. Renji
fell against her some, while still supporting his weight; he didn't want to crush her.They lay there on
Renji's soft black satin sheets, flush against one another, as their bodies relaxed, basking in the after
shock of their orgasms. After hearing her erratic breathing start to even out, Renji nuzzled his nose
against Rukia's soft neck and lightly planted a kiss there. Renji pulled out of her, hearing her
whimper as he did so, he reached down at the end of the bed to tug the forgotten sheet and
comforter over their tired bodies. Rukia sighed at the feeling of the soft bedding covering her naked
flesh, and curled against Renji's side, resting her head under his chin comfortably. Renji chuckled at
her delicate yawn, before caressing her bare back with his right hand, ".I love you, Rukia," he
admitted, as sleep began to gnaw faintly at his body. But before sleep overcame both of them, his
ears picked up Rukia's small whisper, "I love you too, Renji"My first shot at lemon. Let me know
what you think and where I need to improve.

Title: </strong><em>The Art of Sex Appeal</em></p><p><strong>Pairing: </strong>Yoruichi /

Ichigo</p><p><strong>Rating: </strong>M</p><p><strong>Summary:</strong>When Ichigo's
sexual frustration gets in the way of his fighting, its up to Yoruichi to help relieve him of said stress.
Who knew venting could feel so good? Mature Content. Yoru/Ichi.</p><p><strong>Authors Notes:
</strong>So I guess it's really no surprise at all that this fiction is rated <strong>M</strong>.
Definitely not a surprise since it's a Yoruichi/Ichigo fiction coming from me, of all people. I could
call myself the biggest perv when it comes to Bleach and it's characters. But why be that blunt and
weird, and not just call myself a Romantic. Right? So there you have it folks. Instead of flat out
admitting you're a perv, just call yourself a Romantic. Same meaning, in a way. Different
<em>appeal</em> to it. This is just a short little two-shot. Nothing too major, nor long. Sorry. I
don't have the time to do something too long at the moment.</p><p>On a different note; I didn't
have time to thoroughly go through the next chapter for <strong>Twilight Fading</strong>. I'm still
dishing out the idea's and flaws on that fiction. I've recently read through my own work and
realized, I need to slow down a bit more, take my time. I have a lot of mistakes I overlooked. Whilst
having a beta would be a good route to go, I dislike sharing my own work with another. Mainly
because my idea's and what not have been "stolen" so to speak, and said person did not return my
revised fiction until they themselves put out one with the exact idea. Therefore, I trust no one. Tad
bit of info as to why my chapters have an occasional spelling error. No beta, work with
me.</p><p><strong>Read. +Review+ Enjoy!</strong></p><hr><p>If there was one thing Yoruichi
loved, it was at the end of everyday's Hollow slaying routine. Coming home to a nice hot spring. A
spring that healed all wounds, no less. Given the extremity of course. Any nicks or bruises healed
within a matter of seconds. Lacerations took mere minutes, and wounds such as internal damaging
took only a bit longer. So long as one wasn't mortally wounded, the spring pretty much took care of
what the Fourth division of the Gotei would normally do.</p><p>Too bad the General knew
nothing of it. The Fourth would surely be out of a job, but it wasn't her matter. She cared not about
any of that. What she did care about, however, was defeating Aizen. So far, any attempt at an
ambush was a little more than failure. No matter how they tried, the mans defenses were skin tight.
There was no possible way to infiltrate Hueco Mundo without someone noticing. Given there were
only a few powerful Espada left; there was still the regular Arrancar.</p><p>It wasn't their efforts
that seemed to reflect upon them poorly. Every plan executed the way it were discussed. It
definitely wasn't their timing. As far as Yoruichi knew, they'd managed to catch Aizen's army off
guard a total of three times. Although, this had been a span of months. There really wasn't a thing
called patience in this matter. At any given time, it could be the right to strike. However, with the
current situation the way it was, another cloak-and-dagger attack could prove fatal, and not on their
enemies part.</p><p>Heaving a sigh, the Shihouin heir completely submerged herself in steaming
hot water. The smooth liquid rose above her breasts, bathing her silky chocolate skin in a purifying
sensation. Every tense muscle in her body slowly began to ease. Simply amazing. How something
so simple could create such effects on ones apparent attitude and appearance. Not to mention their
well being. Which was why Yoruichi believed the reason they weren't succeeding in taking down
Aizen was not because of their lack of power, or tactic; but because of those fighting against the
man.</p><p>'<em>If I'm right this would mean Ichigo's been distracted. But just what could be
distracting him at a time like this?' </em></p><p>It was true that the young boy had a lot on his
plate. Being the only one capable of making a difference, and all. In the end, everything fell on his
shoulders to finally kill Sousuke Aizen. His friends could die in this war. Being the one who carried
said burden of keeping them alive had to weigh one down. Tasked with that, it was no wonder he
had a lot on his mind. <em>But even so </em></p><p>'<em>The boy knows where his
weakness lies. So could it be that he's not holding back because of his concern for the others?'
</em></p><p>Sinking into the water more, Yoruichi displayed an image of pure relaxation. Her
arms lifted up over the rocks behind her, head falling backward whilst golden eyes closed. Purple
locks were disheveled, clinging to her face. An effect of perspiration.</p><p>'<em>As far as I
know, he isn't sick. And he hasn't come to me with any questions. Which means he is sure of what
his mission is. Ichigo knows what he must do. So, if that isn't the cause of his distraction, then what
is?'</em></p><p>With an exasperated sigh, the Goddess lifted up, her lean form cracking and
popping. She stepped from the hot spring, reaching for a towel she'd laid out. The moment her hand
connected with the soft material, she had an epiphany.</p><p>'<em>Is that why he can't
focus?'</em></p><p>Golden hues snapped back to reality, a wry smirk appearing on her once
sedated features. Quickly pulling up, the Goddess admired the way the droplets of water roamed
down her skin; each move provoking a drop to travel its way towards gravities calling. If this was
what was bothering the poor teen, Yoruichi knew she could more than provide complete
satisfaction.</p><p style="text-
:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:</p><p>The substitute shinigami sighed for what seemed to be the thousandth
time that night. After the last failed attempt at taking down Aizen; they'd all retreated back to the
Soul Society. Many had given up; forgoing the option to try again another day. They chose to wait
for this war that would soon come, rather than eliminating the threat ahead of
schedule.</p><p>Ichigo couldn't blame them.</p><p>After all, it was his fault the last few
attempts were unsuccessful. It wasn't that he didn't <em>trust </em>his allies. It wasn't that he
lacked skill. It wasn't that he felt weak, nor his concern for his friends. The strawberry knew they
would be fine. The lot of them could handle themselves, otherwise they wouldn't have made it this
far. It wasn't even the fact that he wasn't strong enough.</p><p>The reason he couldn't concentrate
was actually quite simple.</p><p><strong>It was all because of his damned hormones!
</strong></p><p>Gritting his teeth, Ichigo moved from his spot near the window of his room at
Kukaku's safe house; which was now located directly above the underground training cavern he'd
learned Ban-Kai in. And the said person to be unofficially blamed for his lack thereof was none
other than the sexy temptress, Shihouin Yoruichi. Ichigo couldn't point fingers, but it
<em>was</em> all her damn fault!</p><p>"Damnit! If she hadn't ever shown me her true form the
way that she did, I wouldn't be having these thoughts about her!" The teen scowled, tossing his
shinigami robes onto his makeshift bed before heading into the bathroom. With a few adjustments
to the shower, he managed to set its settings on a relaxing massage spray; making sure the notch
was only on hot so the steam washed away any stress, and smoothed any aching muscles. He
imagined, right about now, the Goddess of Flash was beneath this place; basking in her own form of
relaxation at the spring she loved so much.</p><p>And hot damn, did that thought bring an image
to mind!</p><p>Without realizing where his mind was going, Ichigo slipped out of the rest of his
robes before stepping fully into the shower. He groaned at the feeling of the hotness caressing his
skin, wholly welcoming its touch.</p><p>Brown orbs closed, peace overtaking his mind before
reverting to a different type of peace. Ichigo let out a strained groan as his minds vivid imagination
conjured up a very wet, and very naked, Yoruichi Shihouin. In this fantasy, she was getting out of
the hot spring. Her gorgeous figure outlined by the mysterious, serene light of the cavern; the tiny
water droplets clinging to her skin as golden eyes peered through half open eyes. Long violet hair
hung to her skin, lithe physique accentuating upon every movement. Every curve becoming
apparent as toned muscles rippled when she lifted her arms <em>above</em> her head in a mild
stretch.</p><p>Droplets of water cascaded down from the ends of her hair, dripping onto her skin
and beginning their plummet downward. Ichigo's eyes traced these water lines, following them.
From the ones going into the canyon of her breasts; disappearing in sexy cleavage, before he got
sidetracked by another. One of which moved over her skin in an agonizingly slow trail. Starting
from her neck, trailing down over her plush breast, only to be caught at the tip of a hardened dark
nipple. The water stayed there a brief moment, before falling off and hitting the ground in a graceful
splash.</p><p>Fisting his hardened man-hood, Ichigo's eyes opened to reveal himself in his own
shower room. Oh, the disappointment! Groaning inwardly, the strawberry leaned forward on the
shower wall, propped upon by his forearm whilst the other made work of the erection he knew he
would have all night if he didn't take care of it now. "Ah, Yoruichi" He moaned out, eyes
squeezing closed so he could picture that image of her again.</p><p style="text-
Goddess was utterly shocked. Her golden eyes staring wide eyed at the shower door to which
provided a crystallized cover for Ichigo. Coming here hadn't been her direct intention, but when the
Goddess changed into something comfortable, and headed towards the kitchen in hopes to find
some food She'd instead been perplexed by the sound of Ichigo's shower. Having tip-toed her
way down the hall, spotting his door open, and oddly feeling like she were invited. She had had no
problem in just getting a peak inside. That is, until she heard her name come from the males
lips.</p><p>Hearing his strained moan when he reached his climax caused a shiver to run through
the purple haired Goddess. The shower turned off, signaling time for her to escape the room.
Stealing her hand from her shorts, Yoruichi smirked to herself before using her shunpo in order to
leave unnoticed by him. Though, she didn't go far.</p><p>Ichigo toweled off quickly, another sigh
escaping his lips as he gazed at his reflection in the mirror. "You're just kidding yourself." He
muttered, giving a pitiful smile before pulling on a pair of black jogging pants. Tossing the towel
over his shoulder, he left the bathroom, though not before turning out the light.</p><p>Drying his
hair, he tossed the towel across the room into the laundry basket; that was when he saw
her.</p><p>Bathed in the aluminous glow of the moonlight, Yoruichi was leaning back against his
door. Her arms folded beneath her large chest, obviously she knew how it would look. Her generous
figure was intentionally in profile, of course. She was his biggest cock tease, after
all.</p><p>Silence invaded the room, Ichigo's eyes having been too preoccupied at the moment for
any words to flee his partially open mouth.</p><p>Gaping at her beauty, he took immediate notice
to the soft halter top she wore. It was a thin material that clung to her very womanly curves like a
second skin; having stopped just below her breasts to reveal a flat, yet chiseled stomach. Her
bottoms didn't help the matter either. The silky, short drawstring shorts clung to her firm ass,
suggesting nothing underneath. Toned thighs proof of her lively hardships, calves all the same.
Indeed, she had a pair of legs to die for, and which was more than enough skin to get him going
again. Her long violet hair was left unbound, free to flow over her shoulders and accentuate even
more of her natural beauty. She was a Goddess in every way, <em>shape</em> and
form.</p><p>Was this her normal sleeping attire?</p><p>Ichigo blinked, a blush marring his
features as he prepared to ask her what it was she were doing in here. And just how much she had
heard of his little shower interlude. However, something about her threw him off.</p><p>Golden
orbs gazed at him with a different weight to them. Gone was the otherwise lethal and untamed exile.
The Shihouin that stood before him now was a beautiful and svelte woman.</p><p>"Y-Yoruichi"
"Y-Yoruichi What're you--"</p><p>"I think the question is, Ichigo, what are <em>you
</em>doing?"</p><p>The boy gave her a confused look, obviously having forgotten about his little
'friend' which betrayed his usual 'I'm not into that sort of thing' attitude. With a more than noticeable
crimson blush marring his features, the orange haired male stumbled backwards, scratching his head
in an almost nervous sense. Just how long had she been in here for anyhow?</p><p>"Y-You
heardthat?" He mumbled, brown orbs straying away as the Goddess pushed off from her spot
and came towards him. Her stride was painfully slow, and Ichigo was lucky if he could even breathe
with how her breasts seemed to jiggle ever so slightly by her subtle movements. His eyes grew wide
with both curiosity, and fear. He was still a virgin damnit!</p><p>It didn't take a rocket scientist to
know when you were screwed. In both senses of that pun.</p><p>Yoruichi paused a few feet away
from him. She knew first hand what would happen if she were too forward. The boy was
unconfident in himself, a complete chicken when it came to sex. He'd scream some obscurity about
being too young and run away. The violet haired woman wouldn't be surprised if he shouted rape
this time around. Her last attempt at getting him laid was a total failure.</p><p>'<em>Although,
that was when we first met.'</em></p><p>"I heard enough. Look Ichigo, lets face it." Licking her
lips, the Shyunshin took those final steps, stepping directly in front of him. What was surprising,
however, was the fact he didn't scurry away. There was <em>some</em>hope at least. "You've been
too distracted to fight. I thought we were going to have to bury you after that last attack on Aizen."
A soft sigh escaped his lips, body brushing past her own which only made matters worse. He wasn't
the only one who was horny.</p><p>"What's your point, Yoruichi?" The question fell from his lips,
though his tone suggested he already knew and was merely stalling. Before he could even turn
around to face her again, his feet had been swiped from beneath him, and he fell backwards against
the mattress of his bed. The substitute shinigami didn't have a chance to object, her weight fell
against his own; body pinned down by hers. She straddled his waist in a such a fashion, Ichigo
could barely even breathe. Bountiful breasts pressed themselves against his chest, her hot breath
against his ear caused him to shiver. Damn this woman and her fucking sex appeal!</p><p>"My
point is Ichigo, you need to relieve some of that stress. I know why you can't focus. I've seen you
watching me I can't even relax in the spring without you gawking at me" She paused, "You
know I want you." Her husky whisper sent even more chills through his body, causing an
overwhelming throb in his lower region. Yoruichi smirked at this, obviously feeling his hardness
through the silk of her shorts. In an almost agonizing rotate of her hips, she caught the bulge in his
pants between her thighs, eliciting a groan from him. "And its obvious you want me,
too."</p><p>A light chuckle erupted from her, causing the friction to slightly
increase.</p><p>Pulling back to gaze into his eyes, Yoruichi wondered if he would indeed go with
this. She knew he needed her. And <em>damn</em>, did she need him.</p><p>Out of all the
possible candidates, she was the most willing, and to be honest, most fitted.</p><p>Rukia was a
woman, sure. But, she lacked the confidence in her own form. Lacked the pleasures of a fully
developed female. Orihime was a sweet girl, who was relatively well endowed. But, she was also so
shy, and inexperienced. Ichigo needed to be treated with an expertise; needed to feel complete
fulfillment. Then there was also Kukaku. However, with her came the risk of being burned alive, or
scarred for life. The woman was rough and wild, Yoruichi knew from experience.</p><p>Changing
her mind back to her current <em>prey</em>, the Goddess offered him a genuine
smile.</p><p>"You need this, and to be honest Ichigo, so do I." She admitted, golden eyes holding
back nothing from his seemingly silent search.</p><p>'<em>Aw, shit.' </em>Ichigo thought
silently, the blush on his face now more apparent. He couldn't deny her Not after the shower. Not
after wanting her for so long. Hell, it would be easier to deny his next breath. Of course, he couldn't
forget his now raging hard on and the painful throbbing he was enduring. <em>'I guess there is
no getting out of this. Why the hell should I even be wanting out of it?! Just look at
her'</em></p><p>'<em><strong>King, if you don't do something, I will. Why do you even need
to think about it anyway? Shihouin is offering you her body. Are you that pathetic, you can't even
handle a woman? How will you ever beat Aizen this way?'</strong></em></p><p>'<em>That's
right Yoruichi noticed my lack of skill lately. If that's true, then this is all because of wanting to
improve my performance on the battlefield Alright then.'</em></p><p>Yoruichi didn't know just
what the hell was taking him so long. All she needed was a simple 'no', and she would have climbed
right off, and went about her business. Her hands were more than useful, and more times than not
are women better left with their own devices.</p><p>Though, not a mere second after that thought,
did she feel Ichigo's strong hand on the bare skin of her thigh. Golden eyes shot to his own, wide
with interest. Gone was the reluctant boy, here lay a man who wanted his
<em>booty</em>.</p><p>Rocking her hips slowly against his straining cock, Yoruichi slid her
hands up his bare chest, a shaky moan releasing from her throat as his bulge rubbed against her
heated core. Clothed or not, it still felt pretty damn good. His hand squeezed her thigh, the action
showing that he wanted her to teach him a thing or two. And who knew? Maybe this wouldn't be a
'first and only' for them.</p><p>Yoruichi never fancied one night stands.</p><p>Quickly brushing
any intruding thoughts on the future from her mind, the violet beauty leaned down, her hands
sliding onto the mattress above him, gripping the sheets to gain more leverage for her teasing. Her
lips hovered over his a moment, both golden and brown eyes closing before their tiers met. Her
tongue wasted no time in prying his lips a part, desperate to find his own appendage. Ichigo tried to
pour every ounce of experience he had into this kiss. What good would it do to dissatisfy her now?
Before she even started.</p><p>He couldn't sleep with this fucking rock in his pants!
</p><p>"Mmm, you're so hard, Ichigo." She whispered against his lips, tongue occasionally
slipping through to brush over his own before she pulled back to remove her top.</p><p>Ichigo
could have died a happy man at that moment. Despite having seen her in the nude countless times
before, none of those situations had the ambiance this one did. Her breasts were full, and lush. Dark
nipples hard from her own ministrations.</p><p>Taking the initiative, Ichigo sat up, his arms
wrapping around her so she wouldn't fall back. He didn't want to interrupt the slow movement of
her hips. Her breasts came into contact with his bare chest, rubbing softly against him and causing a
low moan to emanate from his mouth. Yoruichi found it cute that such a small touch could set this
boy on fire. Although, her first time had been like that as well. And she couldn't deny the electricity
that passed through the two of them from a simple touch. She didn't care what it was, her mind was
too far gone for any serious thought.</p><p>Shifting her buttocks back slightly, the Goddess pulled
at the drawstring of his sweats, loosening them enough to where she could pull them out just a bit.
Her hand slid down his chest, taking in the chiseled muscles that rippled under her touch, until she
reached her destination.</p><p>Ichigo groaned aloud with her warm hand grasped his length, his
mouth voluntarily latching onto her neck. It was the only thing he could do to keep from coming so
soon in the game. The Goddess didn't seem to mind it, not even when his teeth and tongue met her
skin. She let out a small moan at the feeling, her hand beginning a slow pump which caused him to
shiver in delight.</p><p>"Yoruichi" He hissed through clenched teeth, his head resting against
her shoulder now whilst his hand greedily kneaded her left breast. The Goddess smirked to herself,
pleased such a simple thing could cause him this much pleasure. Although, she figured she needed
to step it up just a notch before she completely spent him.</p><p>"Don't worry, I won't stop." She
whispered against his ear, gently sliding off his lap and kneeling before him on the floor. Ichigo
gave her a quizzical stare before he felt her tugging at his bottoms. She managed to pull them off,
slinging them across the room behind her. Her golden eyes were lit with a mischievous glint, a
small smirk tugging the corners of her lips upward before she pulled her hair back and leaned
forth.</p><p>Ichigo could have sworn he'd died and gone to heaven, his head shooting back the
moment her lips touched his quivering manhood. The feeling sent a rush of pure pleasure through
him, her tongue working the length of him in slow, agonizing swirls. He didn't know if he could
last, even if she just started, she was already working his stiff member to the point of no return.
"Yoru-ichi" He gasped, her tongue sliding over his tip before she began a slow
suckle.</p><p>Just by the small noises he had been making, and his impressive size, not to mention
how hard he was, Yoruichi could already feel herself dripping wet. She wasn't sure how much
longer she could put off her own pleasure, but figured the more riled she got him, the more she
would get out of this too. Slowly, she slipped what she could of him in her mouth, damn near the
point of deep throating, but decided she needed her voice
for later. Her tongue swirled around his cock in between sucks, causing Ichigo to moan and fist a
handful of her hair before massaging her scalp and holding her head against his aching cock. Her
head began to bob, which only increased the pleasure, and he could feel himself starting to spill hot
pre-come. She seemed to notice this, slowing her movements and drawing him out. Damn, he'd
definitely been missing out.</p><p>'<em>And to think I could have gotten this
sooner'</em>The depressing thought slipped his mind the moment her mouth left him, a
dissatisfied groan leaving him before she stood and pulled at the drawstring of her own shorts. The
moment Ichigo had been anticipating arrived, he finally realized this. It wasn't about the blow job,
he wanted <em>her</em>. She had to feel a hundred times better than that, he was sure of it. Out of
all his male buddies, over half of them who weren't virgins claimed that being inside a woman was
much better than having their mouth working you for hours.</p><p>Although, the orange haired
boy felt slightly disappointed that he didn't know how to return the favor. Even if she hadn't fully
jerked him off, she'd still managed to make him feel good. His mind went over possibilities, but
when her shorts completely slid down her thighs, his eyes focused on something he found his mouth
watering for. Given that he didn't have any experience whatsoever in this field, Ichigo wasn't a
complete idiot. All the porno's Keigo managed to make him sit through should pay off. After all, it
didn't take a genius to eat a girl out.</p><p>Yoruichi was about to make a smart remark about his
staring, but before she could get a word out, he amazed her. In one swift movement, she was pinned
to his bed. Her wrists caught in his hands on either side of her head. Golden eyes registered a brief
incredulity before she noticed the dangerous spark in his own orbs. Had she awakened the
slumbering beast? A small shudder ran through her form, effectively raising her nipples once
again.</p><p>The sight laid out before him was more delicious than anything he'd ever seen. His
eyes took the time to roam over her, while he had a chance. This position gave him all the access he
required. (Not to mention the tables have indeed turned!) Yoruichi watched as he took in her
voluptuous form, her heart racing in her chest. Sheer anticipation of the unknown wafted over her.
What would he do now that she was at his submission? Golden eyes narrowed, curiosity
piquing.</p><p>Ichigo found himself too mesmerized to blink. Everything about her was utterly
gorgeous. Beauty rolled off her form in waves, not to mention she was the complete epitome of sex.
His eyes traveled from her alluring golden orbs, to her plush lips; admiring the way her dark violet
hair framed her cheeks. Her slender neck branched out into firm shoulders, and a deadly cleavage.
Ichigo felt his face redden again as his eyes roamed over her large breasts, though he pried his eyes
away to trail across her stomach, and finally, the V of her legs.</p><p>If he thought he couldn't get
any harder, he had been dead wrong. The throbbing in his cock increased ten fold as his eyes settled
on a her glistening womanhood. His view only hindered by her un-spread legs, which he would
soon change. He found it to be a nice touch that she kept herself shaven. Licking his lips, Ichigo
lifted himself over her once more, removing his hands from her wrists in order to trail down her
body.</p><p>Yoruichi laid back, allowing him to feel her. Who was she to stop him when his hands
caused such a magnificent feeling? The Goddess moaned softly when his finger tips brushed over
her breasts, his fingers paying extra attention to her hardened nubs. The boy leant forward, his lips
capturing the nipple of her right breast while his hand groped and squeezed her left; fingers rolling
her nipple as he toyed with the assets he'd been dying to touch from day one.</p><p>With her arms
above her head, Yoruichi writhed slightly, feeling a heat beginning to pool in her nether regions just
as the pulsing begun to start. A man had never caused this much need to well within her so quickly.
And Ichigo was so inexperienced! She could only imagine the pleasures once she broke him in.
Without a doubt, he could become a God at this.</p><p>His lips left her breasts, traveling down her
flat stomach. The Goddess of Flash panted a short breath before she felt his hands move over her
thighs. His intentions were obvious then. Watching with baited breath, Yoruichi saw the glint in his
eyes, his strong hands pulling her thighs a part. The cool air brushed over her heated centre, causing
yet another shiver to run through her, and she watched his reaction to seeing her
completely.</p><p>At first, she couldn't make out his expression, but then he smirked. His hands
giving her toned thighs a firm squeeze before he slowly lowered his mouth onto her extremely wet
pussy. Yoruichi suppressed a scream at the feeling, a sharp gasp tearing from her throat as her back
arched.</p><p>Her legs spread wider on their own accord. It had been so long since she'd last
engaged in any type of sexual intercourse with another. <em>Too </em>long, in fact. The
sensations shooting through her from his lips alone caused an immeasurable amount of pressure to
build in the pit of her stomach.</p><p>"Mmm Ichigo.." She moaned, encouraging him to let his
tongue slip from his lips and slide along her moist slit. Ichigo's mouth watered more, and he nuzzled
his face further into her, eliciting a loud moan. Yoruichi's toes began to curl as his tongue pushed
through her sopping slit, his lips closing around her clit to nibble gently before suckling to the point
where she was sure she was going to come. Though, as if he had knowledge of what he was doing,
Ichigo slowed his tongue down, licking his way up and down her cunt. She tasted
<em>so</em>fucking good. Ichigo was sure he would want to taste her again.</p><p>"Uhn,
Ichi--" Cut off by lack of air, Yoruichi bit her lower lip, arching her back higher. The pulsing was
becoming unbearable, the pain mixing with the pleasure almost worth the torture. She wanted
himnow.</p><p>Taking her moans as a good sign, Ichigo dared to lower his tongue in one
defined stroke, causing her to arch her body and let out a low scream, his tongue dipped inside her.
He lapped at her juices, finding that little bundle of nerves in the process which sent Yoruichi into a
frenzy. He'd never seen her so damned craved. Her breasts were heaving, eyes shut and face lined in
sheer pleasure. Though before he could completely topple her over the edge, his back suddenly met
the mattress.</p><p>"Play time's over, Ichi-kun." She purred, hoisting herself above him as she
positioned his standing cock at her entrance. Ichigo's heart felt as if it would burst from his chest. A
blush staining his cheeks as he watched her slowly lower herself down onto him. He could feel the
wetness from her sopping pussy dripping down his dick, the tip of his head pushing through her slit,
and it felt so fantastic.</p><p>The pace of it was too much, Ichigo couldn't take the wait, and
grabbed her hips only to thrust up as hard as he could into her.</p><p>Shocked by his sudden
action, Yoruichi let out a loud moan, her body tensing before relaxing completely, and she sat with
his cock engorged within her heat. God, she was so tight, hot, and wet, Ichigo had to clench his
teeth to keep from ravishing her completely. This was the area he wasn't so sure of. And he knew
she understood. Why else would she be on top? With a content sigh, Ichigo opened his eyes to gaze
at her, watching intently as she braced her hands against his chest. Golden eyes were laced with a
desire and a lust, her body beginning to move on its own accord.</p><p>Her hips lifted, only to
drop, sending spikes of pleasure throughout their bodies. Moaning, Yoruichi repeated the action
with more oomph, her breasts beginning a mild bounce that caught Ichigo's attention. He watched
as she rocked her hips, lifting and dropping. Again. And again. And again.</p><p>Each time
bringing hot tears to her eyes as she cried out. His own moans were almost as loud as
hers.</p><p>The moment she picked up her hips, he raised his own, and met her downwards thrust
with an upwards one.</p><p>"Ahh, Ichigo" She gasped, picking up her speed and he continued
the motion. The feeling began to build up within the two of them as she rode him harder, slowing
her pace when she felt their climax coming before picking it up again, and fucking him faster. His
dick felt so good, she couldn't get enough of him.</p><p>Arching her back, Yoruichi decided she
they needed this release, her eyes meeting his own as she began bouncing on him, contracting her
inner muscles around his cock for several seconds before letting him go again, and riding him.
Ichigo couldn't take it. His eyes closed as his arms reached up for her, pulling her down on him. His
hot seed burst from the tip of his cock, filling the Goddess with a warmth that caused her to moan
loudly.</p><p>Their lips met in a molten hot kiss, passionate behind belief. Tongues battled for
supremacy before Yoruichi won and grinned when she pulled back.</p><p>They were both
panting, her walls clenched around him, only making him hard again.</p><p>"Another round so
soon?" Yoruichi quirked a brow, obviously impressed by his stamina. The kid had one hell of a
libido for a virgin.</p><p>Her answer was a very Ichigo-like smirk, followed by being pinned to
the mattress. She was about to say something when his mouth crashed over her own, his hips
rocking into her with such speed, she moaned into his mouth and spread her legs wider. Her body
was already on fire. Ichigo thrusted his tongue against hers in the same fashion that his cock
pounded into her soaked pussy, causing the kiss to break so he could
call out her name.</p><p>"So good, Ichigo!" She gasped, wrapping her slender arms around his
neck. Her hands nestled themselves in his hair, gripping the strands as his lips encased around a
bouncing nipple, suckling the hard bud. She could feel him go deeper inside her with each thrust,
her legs rose to lock around his waist so she could feel more of him. Hot tears hung at the corners of
her eyes, her moans coming more frequently before he hit a spot that made her melt.</p><p>The
violet haired beauty screamed his name in sheer pleasure, every muscle in her body tensed, holding
him tightly as her orgasm tore through her. Ichigo couldn't help but release his own yet again, her
tightness so profoundly good, he couldn't contain it.</p><p>Gasping for air, Yoruichi held him to
her a bit longer before his exhausted form collapsed beside her, and he missed the smirk donning
her satisfied features.</p><p>"Thatwas amazing, Yoruichi." He said in between breaths, his
sweaty form glistening in the moonlight. Yoruichi grinned, lifting up on an elbow to gaze at him.
Her fingers trailed up his chest, golden eyes suggesting a whole knew energy.</p><p>"What? You
think I'm done with you already?" He gave her an incredulous look. How could there possibly be
more after that. The Goddess flashed him a smile before her lips claimed his own.</p><p>So,
Ichigo took it back. If he thought he was in heaven before, he was sorely mistaken.

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