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NP Susan

They did not take any prescribed medications, just supplements. And
neither one of the couple had a primary care provider relationship the
wife saying she hadnt seen a provider in 40 years. Thus, she had not
received any vaccines or had any screenings, such as a mammogram
or colonoscopy.

So, my findings were probably not too surprising.

With the husband, I found a slight heart murmur and moderately high
blood pressure.

The womans blood pressure was extremely elevated 210/115. I

would have called 911, but she said she did not have any cardiac
symptoms, headaches or vision changes of any kind. So, I tried getting
her in to see a primary care provider. Being Friday, that was to no avail.

After explaining the potential consequences of her blood pressure and

the importance of being seen today, she agreed to an urgent care visit.
I was familiar with the urgent care center and staff, so with the
members permission, I called in advance and provided a report.

It turns out that on their arrival to the urgent care, the womans blood
pressure was 240/120 and she was immediately sent to the emergency
room for further diagnosis and treatment.

In the short term, todays visit helped the woman avoid complications
due to her high blood pressure. On a longer term, they both committed
to following up and establishing a primary care provider relationship.

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