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Course Evaluation Form

Training Class:
Instructor: Date:
You are utilizing this training for (check all that apply):
Job performance improvement Increase promotional opportunities Personal growth
University / supervisor requirement Other: ________________________________________________

From what you learned, what do you plan to apply back on the job?
From what you learned, what do you plan to apply back on the job?

From what you learned, what do you plan to apply back on the job?
Strongly Strongly
N/A Disagree Agree
Disagree Agree
This training addressed a need at VSU.

This training will be essential for my success in my current role.

I am satisfied with my understanding of the topic after

the training.

I will be able to apply the knowledge learned.

The content was organized and easy to follow.
Adequate time was provided for questions and discussion.
It was easy for me to get actively involved during the session.
The trainer was knowledgeable of the subject matter.
My learning was enhanced by the knowledge of the
My learning was enhanced by the experiences shared by
the presenter.
Additional comments:



Aggregate results will be reported by Employee & Organizational Development to ensure continued growth and quality.

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