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7.1 Practical Applications of Bernoullis Equation
There are many applications of Bernoullis equation such as in venturimeter,
Orifice plate and many other applications which will be considered in subsequent
7.1.1 Venturimeter
(a) Horizontal Venturimeter
Consider a horizontal venturimeter as shown in Fig 7.1. At the inlet section 1, let
d1, p1, v1 and a1 be the diameter, pressure, velocity and the cross-sectional area. Then d2,
p2, v2 and a2 are the corresponding values at section 2.
Applying Bernoullis equation at sections 1 and 2,
p1 v12 p v2
+ + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2
w 2g w 2g
Since the pipe is horizontal, z1 = z2
p1 v12 p 2 v 22
+ = +
w 2g w 2g
p -p
But 1 2 is the difference of pressure heads at sections 1 and 2, and is equal to
the venturi head H.
p -p
Or 1 2 = H
v 22 v12
H= - (i)
2g 2g
Applying the continuity equations at sections 1 and 2,
a1 v1 = a 2 v 2 or v1 = 2 v 2
Substituting in equation (i),
a 2 v2

v 2 a1 v 22 a 22 v 22 a12 - a 22
H= - = 1- =
2g 2g 2g a12 2g a12
Or v 22 = 2gH 2 1 2
a1 - a 2
a2 a1
v 2 = 2gH 2 1 2 = 2gH
a1 - a 2 a12 - a 22
Theoretical discharge,
a 1a 2
Qt = a 2 v2 = 2gH
a12 - a 22


Section 1 Entry zone Throat Diverging zone
1 Piezometric rings
Flow (Q)
1 2

Section 2
z1 z2 v2 Axis of water

x Leads to U-tube gauge filled with fluid

X X in pipeline of density

z Manometric fluid, density man


Fig. 7.1: Venturimeter

Actual discharge, Qa= Q = CdQt

Q = Cd 1 2 2gH (7.1)
a12 - a 22
where Cd = Coefficient of discharge.
If m is the area ratio, where m = 1 ,
Q = Cd 2gH (7.2)
m 2 -1
Example 7.1 A horizontal venturimeter with inlet and throat diameters of 300mm and
150mm respectively is used to measure the flow of water. If the reading of the differential
manometer connected to inlet and throat is 200mm of mercury, determine the discharge.
Take Cd = 0.98.


Diameter at inlet d1 = 0.3m a1 = 0.32 = 0.07069m 2

Diameter at throat d2 = 0.15m a2 = 0.152 = 0.01767 m 2
Cd = 0.98, and reading on differential manometer = 0.2m of mercury.
Difference in head is given by,

H = x man 1


H = 0.2 1 = 2.52m of water
Q = cd 2 gH
a12 a22
0.98 0.07069 0.01767 2 9.81 2.52
0.070692 0.01767 2
= 0.126 m/s of water.

(b) Inclined Venturimeter.

Consider an inclined venturimeter as shown in Fig.7.2. At the inlet section, let a1,
1 and v1, be the area, density and velocity respectively. The corresponding values at the
throat are a2, 2 and v2 respectively, and the flow is continuous.
Assuming that there is no loss of energy and applying Bernoullis equation to
sections 1 and 2;
p1 v12 p v2
+ + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2
w 2g w 2g
p p2
or v22 v12 = 2 g 1 + ( z1 z 2 ) (i)
But a1v1 = a2v2 or v2 = 1 v1
Substituting values in equation (i),
a1 2 a1 p1 p2
+ ( z1 z 2 )}
v1 v1 = v1 1 = 2 g
a 2 a 2 w
a2 p p2
v1 = 2g 1 + ( z1 z 2 )
a12 a22 w

Section 1

2 Section 2
Flow a2
1 2
z1 x z2 v2

z man

Fig 7.2 Inclined venturimeter


p1 p2
But H = + ( z1 z 2 )
Qt = a1v1 = 2 gH (ii)
a12 a22
If m is the area ratio, where m = ,
Qt = 2 gH (iii)
m2 1
Actual discharge, Q = QtCd.
Q = Cd 2gH (iv)
m2 1
The value of H can be evaluated from the reading of the U-tube gauge. The
connections to the gauge are filled with the fluid flowing in the pipeline of density , and
the density of the manometric fluid in the bottom of the U-tube is man. Considering the
pressures at level XX as same in both left and right limbs, with x as the deflection in the
PXX = p1 + g (z1 z ) = p 2 + g (z 2 z x ) + man gx
Expanding and rearranging:
(p1 p 2 ) + g(z1 z z 2 + z ) = man gx gx
or (p1 p 2 ) + g(z1 z 2 ) = gx + man gx
Dividing by g:
p1 p 2
+ (z1 z 2 ) =
( man ) = x man
g g
p1 p 2
But H = + (z1 z 2 )

H = x man 1 (v)


(a) When a differential manometer is connected, H = x man 1 , where x is the

deflection on the manometer, man is the density of the manometric fluid and is the
density of the fluid flowing through the pipeline. Equation (v) applies whether the
meter is horizontal, inclined or vertical.
(b) When a differential manometer contains a liquid lighter than the liquid flowing
through the pipe, then H = x1 l , where sl = specific gravity of lighter liquid in
U-tube, So is the specific gravity of liquid flowing through the pipe and x the
deflection of lighter liquid in the U-tube.


Example 7.2: Water flows through a 300mm diameter pipe placed in an inclined
position into which a venturimeter having a throat diameter of 150mm is fitted. The
difference in pressure between the main and the throat is measured by a liquid of specific
gravity 0.6 in an inverted U-tube, which gives a reading of 300mm. If the loss of head
between the main and the throat is 0.2 times the kinetic head of water in the pipe,
determine the discharge.

Diameter at inlet d1=0.3m a1 = 0.32 = 0.07069 m

Diameter at outlet d2=0.15m a2 = 0.152 = 0.01767 m
Deflection in U-tube manometer, x = 0.3m
Difference of pressure head,
p p s
H = 1 + z1 2 + z 2 = x1 l where sl = 0.6, and so = 1.0
w w s0
0 .6
H = 0.31 = 0.12m of water
1 .0
Loss of head hL = 0.2kinetic head of water in pipe = 0.2
Apply Bernoullis equation at sections 1 and 2;
p 1 v12 p v2
+ + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2 + h L
w 2g w 2g
p p v
Or 1 + z 1 2 + z 2 + 1 2 = h L
w w 2g 2g
p p v2
But 1 + z1 - 2 + z 2 = H = 0.12m of water and hL = 0.2 1
w w 2g
2 2 2
v v v
0.12 + 1 2 = 0.2 1
2g 2g 2g
v12 v22
or 0.12 + 0.8 =0 (i)
2g 2g
Apply continuity equation at 1 and 2;
a 0.1767 v
a 1 v 1 = a 2 v 2 , or v1 = 2 v 2 = v2 = 2
a1 0.07069 4
Substitute value in equation (i):
0.8 v2 v22 v22 0.8
0.12 + = 0.12 + 1 = 0
2 g 4 2 g 2 g 16
or 0.12 + 0.95 2 = 0 , or v 2 = 1.574 m/s
Q = a 2 v 2 = 0.01767 1.574 = 0.0278m 3 /s


(c) Vertical Venturimeter.

The equation for discharge for vertical venturimeter (Fig 7.3) is similar to that for
horizontal or inclined venturimeter provided that H is properly defined.

Note: h =z2-z1

z2 1 x

z1 X X

Fig 7.3 Vertical venturimeter

Example 7.3 A 300150mm venturimeter is inserted in a vertical pipe conveying water

vertically upwards. A differential mercury manometer connected to the inlet and throat
gives a reading of 200mm. Determine the discharge if Cd = 0.98.


Diameter at inlet d1 = 0.3 m a1 = 0.32 = 0.07069 m

Throat diameter d2 = 0.15m. a2 = 0.152 = 0.01767 m
H = x man 1 = 0.2 1 = 2.52 m of water.
1 .0
Coefficient of discharge, Cd = 0.98
Qa = cd 2 gH
a12 a22
0.98 0.07069 0.01767
= 2 9.81 2.52
0.07069 2 0.01776 2
= 0.126 m/s.

7.1.2. Orifice Meter

The Orifice meter (or Orifice plate) measures the rate of flow (discharge) through
a pipe and is a cheaper device than a venturimeter. It is kept generally 0.5diameter of
pipe (though may vary from 0.4-0.8diameter). A differential manometer is connected at
section 1, which is at a distance of about 1.5-2.0diameter of pipe at the entrance point.


For the orifice meter shown (Fig 7.4), let a1, v1 and p1 be the area of the pipe,
velocity of flow and pressure at section 1. The corresponding values at section 2 are a2, v2
and p2, with a2 as the area of the orifice.
orifice plate
p0, a0, v0

p1,a1,v1 p2,a2,v2

1 2

Fig 7.4: Orifice plate

Ignoring losses, and by Bernoullis theorem,

p1 v12 p v2
+ + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2
w 2g w 2g
With z1 = z 2 for horizontal meter,
p1 p 2 v 22 v12
=H= (i)
w 2g
For continuity of flow, a1v1 = a2v2 or v2 = v1
Substituting values in (i),
v1 v12
v12 a 1 v 2 a 2 a 2
p1 p 2 a2
=H= = 1 = 1 1 2 2
w 2g 2g a 2 2g a 2

a 2 gH
Or v1 = 2
a12 a22
Actual discharge, Q = Q a = Cd Qt
a 1a 2
Or Q = Cd a 1 v 1 = Cd 2gH
a 12 a 22
Comparing with the above equation, actual discharge at the orifice plate,
a o a1
Q = Cd 2gH , (7.3)
a12 a02
where, Cd = coefficient of discharge of the orifice plate.
Using m = as the area ratio,
Q = Cd 2gH
m2 1


Example 7.4 An orifice meter with orifice diameter of 100mm is inserted in a 200mm
diameter pipe. The pressure gauges on the upstream and down stream of the orifice
meter gave readings of 196.2 kN/m2 and 98.1 kN/m2 respectively. Determine the
discharge if Cd =0.6, and the fluid flowing is water.


Diameter of orifice d0 = 0.1m a0 = 0.12 = 0.007854 m

Diameter of pipe d1 = 0.2m a1 = 0.2 2 = 0.03142 m
Given: p1=196.2 kN/m2, p2=98.1kN/m2, Cd=0.6
p1/w =196.2 103/9.81103=20 m of water
and p2/w =10 m of water
p1 - p 2
H = = 20 -10 = 10m of water
a a 2gH 0.6 0.007854 0.03142 2 9.81 10
Q = Cd o 1 =
a 12 a 02 0.03142 2 0.007854 2
= 0.0682m3/s

7.2 The Momentum Equation and its Applications

7.2.1 Impulse Momentum Principle
The Impulse Momentum Principle states that the net force acting on a fluid mass
is equal to the change in momentum of flow per unit time in that direction.
In mechanics, the momentum of a particle is defined as the product of mass m and
its velocity v.
Momentum = mv
Any particle of fluid will obey the normal laws of mechanics similar to a solid body.
When a force is applied, its behaviour can be predicted from Newtons laws of motion
which state:
(i) A body will remain at rest or in a state of uniform motion unless acted upon by
an external force.
(ii) The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the force applied,
and takes place in the direction of the force.
(iii) Action and reaction are equal but opposite.

Since the fluid particle in a stream possesses momentum, whenever the velocity of
the stream is changed in magnitude and direction, there will be a corresponding change in
momentum of the fluid particles. For fluid particles of fixed mass, Newtons second law
of motion relates the change of velocity occurring in a given time (i.e. acceleration) to the
applied force.
The force (F) acting on a fluid mass is given by Newtons second law as:
F = masschange in velocity/time
= massacceleration
= ma =m dv/dt
Thus Fdt = mdv (7.4)


The quantity Fdt represents the impulse while the quantity mdv represents the
change in momentum.
The above relation is called the impulse momentum theorem and may be stated as
the impulse of a force F acting on a fluid mass m in a short interval of time dt is
equal to the change of momentum mdv in the direction of the force.

7.2.2 Rate of Change of Momentum

Consider a fluid flowing in a tapering pipe as shown in Fig 7.5


A1,v1, 1 A2,v2, 2

Fig 7.5

At section AB let a1, v1 and 1 be the area, velocity and the density of the fluid.
The corresponding values at section CD are a2, v2 and 2 .
In a small time interval t, fluid contained between AB and CD moves to AB
and CD.
Change of momentum of this fluid in time t
= increase due to momentum of fluid CCDD momentum of fluid AABB.
Distance AA = v1 t
Distance CC = v 2 t
Mass of fluid CCDD = 2 a 2 v 2 t
Momentum of fluid CCDD = 2 a 2 v 2 t v 2
= 2 a 2 v 22 t
Similarly, momentum of fluid AABB = 1 a1 v12 t
Change of momentum of fluid between AB and CD in time t,
= 2 a 2 v 22 t - 1 a1 v12 t
Rate of change of change of momentum of fluid between AB and CD in time t, is
obtained by dividing above equation by t, and taking = 1 = 2, where = mass
density of the fluid,
( )
= a 2 v 22 a 1 v12
For continuity of flow, a1v1 = a2v2 = Q = discharge
Rate of change of momentum of fluid between AB and CD,
= Q(v2- v1) (7.5)
= ( v 2 v1 ) , where = W/g
= mass per second flowing change of velocity.


7.2.3 Applications of Momentum Equation. Forces on Curved Vanes.
 Force due to the deflection of a jet by a stationary curved vane
Consider a jet flowing around a curved vane as shown in Fig 7.6. The resultant
force R exerted by the fluid on the vane is found by determining the component forces Fx,
and Fy in the x and y directions respectively.
X- direction:
Initial velocity = v1

Final velocity = v2cos
Mass of water deflected = Q
Change of velocity in x-direction = v1-v2cos Fy R
Force in x-direction, Fx Fx
= mass/s deflected change of velocity in x-direction.
= Q (v1-v2cos)
Y-direction: Fig 7.6
Initial velocity = 0
Final velocity = - v2sin
Change of velocity in y-direction = 0-(-v2sin) = v2sin
Force in y-direction, Fy = Q(v2sin)
Resultant force, R = Fx2 + Fy2
Resultant force R will be inclined to the x-direction at an angle, = tan 1
Example 7.5: A jet of water from a nozzle is deflected through an angle =30 from its
original direction by a stationary curved vane which it enters tangentially (similar to
Fig7.8) without shock, with a mean velocity of v1 of 32ms-1. The jet leaves with a mean
velocity of 27ms-1. If the discharge from the nozzle is 0.85 kgs-1, determine the magnitude
and direction of the resultant force on the vane. Derive the equations used.
Fx = m(v1-v2cos) ( m is the mass of water)
= 0.85(32-27cos30)
= 7.32 N
Fy = m v2sin
= 0.8527sin30.
=11.48 N
Resultant force, R = Fx2 + Fy2
= 11.482 + 7.322
= 13.615kN
The resultant force R will be inclined to the x-direction at an angle,
= tan1
= tan1
= 57 0 29

11 Forces on Bends.

Consider the pipe bend as shown
in Fig.7.7(a). Let a1, v1, and p1 be the area, v2sin a2, v2, 2
velocity and pressure intensity at section 1. v2 2 2
The corresponding values at section 2 are a2, v2cos
v2, and p2.Let Fx and Fy be the components
of the resultant force R in x and y directions 1
respectively. a1
Forces acting in the x-direction are : p1
Force due to p1 = p1a1. Fx
Component of force due to p2 = -p2a2cos.
Force due to change in momentum, 1 (a)
= mass/s change in velocity Fx
= Q(v1-v2cos)
Fy R
Fx = Q(v1-v2cos) + p1a1- p2a2cos (i) (b)
Forces acting in the y-direction are:
Force due to p2 = -p2a2sin. Fig 7.7
Force due to change in momentum,
= Q(0-v2sin)
= - Qv2sin
Fy = -Qv2sin - p2a2sin (ii)
(-ve sign indicates opposite direction).
Resultant force, R = Fx2 + Fy2 (iii)
Inclination of the resultant force from the horizontal,
= Tan -1 (Fy/ Fx), where is the angle of inclination (iv)
The actual directions of the forces acting at the bend will be as shown in Fig 7.7(b), with
the resultant force R inclined at from the horizontal.

Example 7.6: A 45 reducing bend is connected in a pipeline the diameter at inlet and
outlet being 600mm and 300mm respectively. If the flow rate is 600 l/s and pressure at
the inlet to the bend is 88.29 kN/m, determine the force exerted by water on the bend.

Diameter at inlet = 0.6 m
Fx v2
a1 = 0.6 = 0.2827 m. 2 2
Diameter at outlet = 0.3m R

a2 = 0.32 = 0.07068 m. 450
1 y
Pressure at inlet, p1 = 88.29 kN/m v1
Q = 600 l/s = 0.6m/s. x
v1= Q/a1 = 0.6/0.2827 = 2.122 m/s. 1
Fig 7.8
v2 = Q/a2 = 0.6/0.07068 = 8.488 m/s.


Apply Bernoullis equation at sections 1 and 2:

p1 v12 p v2
+ + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2
g 2 g g 2 g
But z1 = z2
p1 v12 p 2 v 22
+ = +
g 2g g 2g
88.29 10 3 2.122 2 p 2 8.488 2
Or + = +
9.81 10 3 2 9.81 g 2 9.81
2 = 5.558m of water
Or P2 = 5.5589.8110 = 54.524 kN/m
Forces on bend:
Fx = Q(v1-v2cos) + p1a1- p2a2cos
= -2328+2490-2725
= 19.907 kN.
Fy =-Qv2sinp2a2sin
= -100.68.488 sin4554.19100.07068sin 45
= -3601-2708
=-6.309kN (i.e vertically downwards)
Resultant force on bend,
R= (F2
x )
+ Fy2 = (19.907 2
+ 6.309 2 = 20.88kN

Angle made by resultant force with x axis,

Fy 6.309
= tan 1 = tan 1 0
= 17 35
x 19 . 907 Force Exerted by a Jet

(i) Jet strikes a flat plate normally
 Stationary plate
Let a, v, and be the cross-sectional area, velocity and mass density of the jet as
shown in Fig 7.9. The jet strikes the plate and does not rebound, but spreads sideways
over surface of plate so that the momentum normal to the plate is not destroyed.
Volume of water striking the plate per second = av
Mass of water striking plate per second = av
Initial velocity normal to plate = v
a,v P
Final velocity on impact = 0
Change of velocity = v-0 = v
Force exerted on plate,
Fig 7.9
P = rate of change of momentum of jet
Or P = mass/s change of velocity
= avv


P = av
 Plate moving with velocity u in the same direction as the jet.
Since the length of the jet is increasing continuously (Fig 7.10), part of fluid leaving
nozzle is required to extend the length of jet, thus reducing the amount that strikes the

a, v

u for unit time

Fig 7.10

Initial velocity of the jet =v, and area = a

Mass of fluid leaving nozzle/s = av
In unit time, plate moves distance u increasing the volume of the fluid in the jet by au.
Mass of fluid used to extend jet/s = au
Mass of fluid striking plate/s = a(v-u)
Final velocity of jet = velocity of plate = u.
Change of velocity = v-u.
Force on plate, P = rate of change of momentum of jet.
= mass/s change of velocity.
= a(v-u)(v-u)
Or P = a(v-u)

(ii) Jet strikes the plate at an angle to the normal to the plate.
 Stationary plate
Jet (Fig 7.11) does not rebound but flows over plate in all directions (smooth plate).
Momentum normal to plate is destroyed on impact.

a, v
900 vcos

Fig 7.11

Normal force on plate = rate of change of momentum normal to the plate

= mass/s striking platechange of velocity normal to the plate
Initial component of velocity of jet normal to plate = vcos
Final velocity of jet after impact = 0.
Change of velocity = vcos 0 = vcos
Force exerted normal to plate, P = mass/schange of velocity normal to plate.
= av vcos
P = avcos


 Plate moving at velocity u

Jet is continuously extending so that only part of the flow leaving the nozzle strikes
the plate as shown in Fig 7.12.

a, v

u for unit time

Fig 7.12

Increase in length of jet/s = u.

Mass required to extend jet/s =au.
Mass striking plate per second = au(v-u)
Initial component of velocity normal to plate = vcos
Final velocity normal to plate = u cos
Change of velocity normal to plate = vcos - u cos = (v-u) cos
Force exerted normal to plate P = mass striking/schange of velocity
= au(v-u) (v-u) cos
P = a(v-u)cos

Examples 7.7: A jet of water 225mm diameter impinges normally on a flat plate moving
at a velocity of 0.6m/s in the same direction as the jet. If the discharge is 0.14 m/s,
determine the force and work done/s on the plate.

Force exerted on the plate;
Given: u = 0.6m/s, diameter d = 225mm, Q = 0.14 m/s

a= 0.225 2 = 0.0398 m.
Q 0.14
v= = = 3.52 m/s
a 0.0398
Force on plate P = a(v-u)2
=100.0398(3.52-0.6) =339 N
Work done on plate/s;
Work done on plate/s
= force exerted distance moved per second.
= Pu = 3390.6 = 204 Nm or J/s =204W

Examples 7.8: A jet of water 25mm in diameter, moving with a velocity of 6m/s strikes a
flat plate at an angle of 30 to the normal to the plate. If the plate itself is moving with a
velocity of 1.5m/s and in the direction of the normal to its surface, determine the normal
force exerted on the plate, the work done per second and the efficiency.


The arrangement will be as shown below.

a, v

u/unit time
Fig 7.13

Mass leaving nozzle/s = av

Mass used to extend jet/s = a(AB) = a
Mass striking plate/s = a v
Initial component of velocity normal to plate = vcos
Final velocity normal to plate = u
Change of velocity normal to plate = vcos u
Force normal to plate, P = mass/schange of velocity
= a v (v cos u )

Or P = a
(v cos u )


Putting: = 10kg/m, a = 0.025 2 = 4.90910-4m2, v = 6m/s, u = 1.5m/s, =30

Force normal to plate, P = 10 3 4.909 10 4

(6 cos 30 o
1 .5 )2

cos 30 o
Work done/s = force distance/s
= Pu = 7.741.5 = 11.7W
Kinetic Energy of jet at nozzle/s = av 3
= 103 0.025 2 63 = 53.1W
2 4
work done/s 11.7
Efficiency = = = 22%
energy of jet/s 53.1 Undershot Water Wheel.

Example 7.9: In an under shot water wheel, the cross sectional area a of the stream
striking the series of radial flat vanes of the wheel is 0.1m and the velocity v of the
stream is 6m/s. The velocity u of the vanes is 3m/s. Determine the force P exerted on
the series of vanes by the stream, the work done per second and the hydraulic efficiency.


Since there are a series of vans on the wheel, average length of jet from the nozzle
to point of impact remains constant and all water from the nozzle strikes one or
other of the vanes as shown in Fig 7.14.


Fig 7.14 Undershot water wheel

Assuming the diameter of the wheel is large so that impact is approximately

Mass of water striking vane/s = av
Initial velocity of water =v
Final velocity = velocity of vane =u
Change of velocity = v-u.
Force of water on vane, P = rate of change of momentum of jet
= mass/schange of velocity
= av(v-u)
P = av(v-u)
Substituting: =10 kg/m , a = 0.1m, v = 6m/s, u = 3m/s.
Forces on vanes, P = 100.10.6(6-3)= 1800N
Work done on vanes /s = force distance moved/s
= Pu = 18003
= 5400 Nm/s or W
work done/s
Efficiency =
energy supplied/s
Energy supplied is the kinetic energy (K.E.)of jet/s
1 1 1
Or K.E. /s = mv 2 = av v 2 = av3
2 2 2
K.E./s = 103 0.1 63 = 10800 W
Efficiency, = 100 = 50%

Other applications of the momentum equation

(a) Reaction of Jet on Sprinklers
(b) Free Jets (jet of water exposed to the atmosphere such by fire extinguisher)
(c) Reaction of a jet on a tank with a side orifice
(d) Jet propelled vessel


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