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Effective Speaking: Speech Outline Template

These are three things that you should think about before you start

1. Topic (What is your speech about?):

Flutie 5k

2. Specific Purpose (Why are you speaking about this?):

To encourage others to run for Autism Awareness

3. Thesis Statement (What will your speech prove?):

That it can be fun running to make a difference

Part 1: Introduction
1. Opening - What will you do in order to get your audience to want to listen to
you? (Examples: quote, poll, question, visual, fact, etc. BE CREATIVE)

Who here has been impacted by someone with autism in their life? who
here has been on an awareness run?

2. Always introduce yourself. (Dont assume everyone knows you, introduce

yourself and give a brief background name, grade, school, and hometown)

My name is Mike Demeritt and today I would like to talk about the Flutie

3. State your topic. (What is your speech about?)

The Flutie 5k

4. Specifically state your purpose. (Why are you speaking about this?)

It is something that my family has done for the past three years and is for
a cause near and dear to our hearts.

5. State your thesis statement. (What will your speech prove?)

That running just three miles can be a life changing experience.

6. Clearly state your three main points- Rule of 3 (What three points are you going
to speak about today? Make these points clear and to the point you dont want to
give out too much detail in your introduction.)

1. Where we run it
2. Who we run it with
3. Why we run it

7. Come up with a transition sentence that ties your introduction and your first
point together.

Lets take a look at where it all begins.

Part 2: Body
Point 1

1. Restate your first point.

Where we run it

2. Come up with AT LEAST three facts that you want to say about this point.
(Examples: Quick facts, statistics, stories, quotes, etc.)

1. Natick
2. Doug Fluties hometown
3. Its a drive out of the way

3. State why these facts relate back to your thesis. (How do these facts prove your

Its in a place far away from my home and the car ride in itself leads to our
family bonding and getting even closer.

4. Come up with a transition sentence that ties your first and second point together.

Family is part of the very reason we run it

Point 2

1. Restate your second point.

Who we run it with

2. Come up with AT LEAST three things that you want to say about this point.
(Examples: Quick facts, statistics, stories, quotes, etc.)

1. Moms first time running it

2. Family friends mostly moms friends
3. Me, Dad, Tony

3. State why these facts relate back to your thesis. (How do these facts prove your

Running with family and friends makes the experience more enjoyable
4. Come up with a transition sentence that ties your second and third point

Who we run it with is almost as important as why we run it

Point 3

1. Restate your third point.

Why we run it

2. Come up with ATLEAST three facts that you want to say about this point.
(Examples: Quick facts, statistics, stories, quotes, etc.)

1. Family member has autism

2. its a chance for all of us to do something together
3. Its our way of raising awareness

3. State why these facts relate back to your thesis. (How do these facts prove your

Having our own personal meaning behind running makes the experience
even more awarding.

4. Come up with a transition sentence that ties your third point and conclusion

Finishing the run isnt the biggest goal when running.

Part 3: Conclusion
1. Briefly restate your three main points. (Dont just summarize, make it creative!)
Where we run it
Who we run with
Why we run

2. Restate your thesis statement.

That running just three miles can make a difference

3. Closing - Come up with a creative conclusion. (Always leave the audience with
something to remember you by!)

I hope I could share the importance of the experience with all of you
today. And if anyone has interest in running the 5k in the future, please
dont be afraid to talk with me about it because it is an experience worth

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