Calgary Flood Mitigation Fact Sheet

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Morey Moores covnmenr ee pennant Pat Alberta Community Resilience Program — Fact Sheet ‘The Aberta Community Resiience Program (ACRF) suppor municipalities in tho development of long-term resilence‘o flood and drought events, while suppoting tegrated planning and healry unctoning watersheds Approved Grants (Calgary, April 2017) Tanepaliy and reject Proje Desorption Toproved Grant [ Bisbarsemenis City of Calgary ‘Consrucion oa food-adcted, woiorey 53400000 | Alun in ‘Sunnyste Pump | pumpetalon to dewalr Sunnyside communty zone Staton ring igh water events ~ dl purpose or Stormator and vor water managoment City of Calgary cod rsitenceimprovaens associated win | 85476959 | S4960,0514 ‘Sunnysie Pumpstaion | sn upgraded pump tatn im the communi of 201716 and ‘improvements | Sunnysi, S1as9.460in 2oiene City Calgary Supplameral undng forthe prvousiy wraezs | a tuns ie West au Cate Fteod | spproves West Eau Cle loos bai project pone Barter (tension) | tprtect downtown Galay City of Calgary Food reslfeneeimprovanentsassocated win [$1,728500 | Alfunds in Fotore Santry tit | erelacement santary ft stafon inthe 2oimhe Staton Reptcements | Gommunty of Roxboro. iy oF Calgary Improvements for emergency acceso Hanis | $887.00 | Afra ia Ste Condon Paazagelvesiom Headwors sto (new vee [one improvonent atthe | szseas rom emoral Dive SE), mprovements WestemHesdworks | tthe Gow Riverbank cownaeam of sice Dyerson ‘ute to pert open-gt condone curing igh ‘lor everts to reduce food sk to Inglewood, {Calgary 200, Deeroot Tan and Perce stale Pare TOTAL [sr288i.076 Program Eligibility “The ACAP wil provide grants ta municipal forthe design and construction of projct hat pote erica ‘municipal infrastucture from flooding and drought and help to ensure pubic salty is protected. ‘+ Municipalities, Fist Nations, Métis Stlements, improvement Dstrts and Special Areas are elgibe. 1 Private enttes (nlviduals, associations or businesses) ae pa ego [Any work funded under AGP must be owned and operatedmalnained by the municipal. ‘+ Giieal municipal infrastructure may include water, wastewater, slctcly and stormwater works, a5 well as inrastructure used io access these series (eg. access roads and transportation corior). + Publi safety is defined as projects that mitgate hazards, prevent loss of life andr enhance evacuation fine + Funding may also be considered for projects to protect residences in neighbourhoods, as long as they are rot locale in a mapped or unmapped locday. Project Selection Criteria ACR? projects are prorizad based on an assassmen ofthe projec’ longevily, maigated ek, itorical ‘damage, urgency and envonmenal impacts. Dstoution of funding between municipalities i &coneiration; however, fis nota ecg factor in determiing a acc’ priory. Tet2, 2017 Rr Game ealonca Pra Gr pra Fat Shae Pawo? (22017 Goverment of Aeasa Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program Grant Approval Fact Sheet ‘The Watershed Resiloncy and Restoration Program (WARP) ims to protect communities trom floods and rough by mproving natal walerched luncons. WRRP Grants (Calgary, April 2017) Recipient Projest Description [amount ‘Bow River Basin Cound | Location: Bow River basin ‘$235,000 Design and construcon of naturalized strmoata tention fact wth tmororng, valuation and outoach The Giy al Calgary Location: Bw River basin | $822,500 Sol bio-ngheerng demonstration site wth education program and {actives to promote natural iparan steam bark milgelon ana Improve fh nabiat TOTAL TTS Applicant Eligibility ‘Non-governmental ganization, stowardshp groups and other notfor-proft orparizains, murcpalies, Ft "atone, andl fcal auvorites to igi roca tunds unde the program, provided tha ti fo a prec! Luncoiaken in pannerahp wis andowrere, Privat ene, whater tan indvléval or enterpie, ee eligble Darilpate and connote to preests but are ot elgible to focava funng under the WFP. Parnorstips belveen Imuliplestakcholiors are encouraged under tis program. Project Egibitty ‘The WARP mts to watershed migation eos that promote the longterm aby of watersheds o mga the ‘eto fre flood and ought evens and falp eommunites adapt oa charging imal. Examples of etgbie proses re * ipaien erhancements (29 tence, planigs, grazing managerent, of-ream watering, et) 1 Wolland enhancoments (eg, wetland creation, conservation or restrain, et) 7 Poodplaiverimproverents (e.g channel nanwalzaton, romoval of ol srucures, removal of ow Impeainets,re-vegotaon, toedplah storage capacty enhancements, et) ‘+ Cresionincrease of absorpive capacies of a watershed ‘+ Irigaton and drainage dstict enhancements Conservation natives Data colecton eters forthe purpose of resaarch, valuation and assessment lated to a specie projects) tor waterchod reiloncy “+ Edaton and outreach sssocated wih a specie pojc() for watershed reslency ‘Structural projactseigie for funding under Enviroment and Pars’ Alberta Community Resllency Program (ACRP) fre oo eagle to vec Tuncing under he WARP. Exarmlos of nll projects nce: {> “Stvctual esoraton of constuston: dams, borms, dykes, unnas, irap stom water ponds + Municipal inrastuctre, such a slomater pond 2 Groyne and other in-sveam stucies {_Bivaraning or realgnmont ‘Erosion protection eto Project Selection Criteria “The pimary era ave 19700 fo wich he project milgates the Impacts om food or erouphis are impact on community safety andheath (9. hesdwatrs end foodplane where viduals could bo affected). Seccndary ceria Such as bacversiy and adcitonel ervirreentlbanelt, and complimentary eltaria including dala gataring,eapacty bling and ouveach, education and stewardship, wil ls be considered. eta 207 ‘Wad Rasianzy nd Resloaon Progen Gr Popol Fae Shot Pomtan

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