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II. THE MANDATE for Education-in-the-Truth
a. The vision for the nurture of children
b. The mission of education
III. The PROGRAM for Education-in-the-Truth
IV. Program Part 1: Revelation
a. Educational Goal #1: To know the sovereign and loving Father in fullness through
the three-fold manifestation of his Word and Spirit and, thus, receive the new Life
(Zo) in fullness.
V. Introduction
VI. STEP 1 OF (SPECIAL) REVELATION: Knowing the Father through his Incarnate
a. Wordthe Way
1. Why salvation?
2. Why salvationfor students?
3. What is salvation?
The work of God: regeneration
Our internal response: repentance and belief
Our external response: following Jesus
b. Salvation is about death before life
c. Salvation is about life before death
d. What about not-yet believers?
e. Teachers: The unwritten curriculum
VII. STEP 2 OF (SPECIAL) REVELATION: Knowing the Father through his
a. Inscripturated Wordthe Truth
1. Christ as the Word Incarnatein written form
2. The entire Bible is about Jesus
3. The Bible as spectacles
4. Loving God with all our minds
5. What is a renewed mind?
6. Teaching spiritual discernment
7. Biblical literacy is imperative
8. Biblical studies curricula
9. A scope-and-sequence for biblical studies
10. Approaches to the study of the Bible
VIII. STEP 3 OF (GENERAL) REVELATION: Knowing the Father through his
a. Word before, under, in, over, and after creationthe Life
b. Gods declarative proclamation through creation: I AM!
c. General Revelation citations in the Bible
d. Christ: Gods Revelatory Word communicates through creation
1. The Sacramental Essence of Creation
2. The Wisdom and Word of God for Creation
3. The Light Shining through Creation
e. Developing macro-curricula from the facets of created reality
f. The disciplines viewed within the four basic relationships of life
g. Creating a Course of Study
h. In summary
IX. Program Part 2: Response
X. Educational Goal #2: To seek the coming of Gods kingdomhis emanating
andeffectual Presenceon earth by living life (bios) in fullness, that is, by being
Christs faithful presence in all ways and in all things, for his glory.
XI. LIFE-RESPONSE STEP 1: Seeking the coming of the kingdom of God on earthas
prophets with true knowledge
a. Life as a prophet
b. True knowledge
c. In all things
XII. LIFE-RESPONSE STEP 2: Seeking the coming of the kingdom of God on earth as
priests with true holiness
a. Life as a priest
b. True holiness
c. In all things
XIII. LIFE-RESPONSE STEP 3: Seeking the coming of the kingdom of God on earthas
kings with true righteousness
a. Life as a king
b. True righteousness
c. In all things
Taken from original table of contents by Education-in-the-Truth.

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