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LessonDay InstructionalStrategies Technology Integration Adaptations/Contextual
Day1* 1.Appealingtoasmany 1. Anatomy Science:anatomy 1. Providesuppliesforjournals
learningtypesas PowerPointwith Health:proper forallstudentsinneedpaper
*SeeAppendixB possiblewhileteaching strongvisualsfor warmupandcool andpencil
fordetaileddaily anatomy:imagesfor everybone& downmethodsfor 2. Lotsofvisualaidsinanatomy
lessonplansand visuallearners,physical musclewewill exercise PowerPointandpostertohelp
materials touch/motionsfor cover Literacy:daily ELLs.
kinestheticlearners,a 2. Piktochart journals 3. Lotsofmovementand
preparedvocalchantfor developedvisual interactionforADHDstudents
musicallearners,and aidofLocomotor 4. Studentswithasthmacanstep
writtenvocabulary vs.Axialinprint outtobreatheatanytime
wordsontheboardfor posterform. duringwarmuporlocomotor
verballearners. 3. Strong,supportive sequenceonethemovement
2.Guidingstudents musicfor pacepicksup
easefullyand movement. 5. Strongphysicaldemonstrations
progressivelythrough anddynamicvocalcueing/side
simplemovement coachingforallmovement
exercisesthatwillactas combinations
afoundationandbe 6. Advancedoptionsofturning
builtuponinlater gallopandtwoleghopfor
classes.Teachingslowly studentswhowouldlikean
andarticulately, additionalchallenge
instructingonsafe 7. ELLspermittedtodraw
alignmentand picturesoruseiPadfor
technique. translation,ifnecessary,during
3.Usingavarietyof thedailyjournalwrite
Day2* 1.Appealingtoasmany 1. Piktochart Science:anatomy 1. Duringthepopsiclestickaction
learningtypesas developedvisual Literacy:daily wordactivity,students
*SeeAppendixB possiblewhile aidofLocomotor journals (especiallyELLs)cancometo
fordetaileddaily throughouttheclass: vs.Axialinprint English meduringtheexplorationtime
lessonplansand posterimagesforvisual posterform. Vocabulary:action togetideasofwhattheir
materials learners,physical 2. Strong,supportive wordactivity movementmightlooklikeor
touch/motionsfor musicfor whattheirwordmeans.
kinestheticlearners,a movement 2. Addressingtheimportanceof
preparedvocalmuscle kneetrackingandsoftlanding
chantformusical duringthejumpsectionofthe
learners,andwritten sequence,tokeepbeginners
vocabularywordsonthe safeandinjuryfree.
boardforverbal 3. Strongphysicaldemonstrations
learners. anddynamicvocalcueing/side
2.Slowlygrowing coachingforallmovement
students combinations(forELLs)
movement/technique 4. Advancedoptionsofturning
vocabularyandbuilding gallopandtwoleghopfor
directlyontothe studentswhowouldlikean
sequencelearnedinthe additionalchallenge
lastclass. 5. ELLspermittedtodraw
3.Usingavarietyof picturesoruseiPadfor
rich,dynamiclanguage translation,ifnecessary,during
andimagerypairedwith thedailyjournalwrite

Day3* 1.Encouragingstudents 1. Piktochart Science:anatomy 1. Fornewstudentswhomay

toreflectonlearningso developedvisual Literacy:daily haveaddedtheclasslate,
*SeeAppendixB farandidentifytheir aidofLocomotor journals continuetowritethenamesof
fordetaileddaily personalmovement vs.Axialinprint themusclesontheboard,and
lessonplansand preferencesand posterform. continuetohavepencilsand
materials strengthsthroughthe 2. Strong,supportive paperstockedforthedaily
dailyjournalwrite. musicfor journals;invitethesestudents
2.Nowgrowing movement tocometothefrontoftheclass
students tolearnthematerialsthatthey
movement/technique needtocatchupon.
vocabularyataslightly 2. Addressingtheimportanceof
faster,butstill alignmentandpostureforall
comfortablepace. studentsnewtotechnique,
Again,buildingdirectly especiallywhereconcerns
ontothesequence arise,likeindeepsquatswhere
learnedinthelastclass, thekneestendtogotoofar
addinglevelsand overthetoesandthestance
directionswhicharethe needstobewidened.
subjectoftheday. 3. Giveacleardemonstrationof
3.Allowingstudentsto thecreativeactivity(forELLs)
createbasedontheir sotheyhaveavisualtemplate
currentpersonal fromwhichtheycancreate.
experiencesand Continuetheuseofdynamic
feelings,connectingart voiceandgesturestoreassure
withtheirworld. andpraisethesestudents.
Todayscreative 4. Requirestudentstofaceaway
activityalsogives fromthemirrortosupport
studentsaslightly confidenceandkinesthetic
expandedrangeof awarenesswhiletheyare
choicemakingtoease creatingmovement.
themintousingmore 5. Givingdifferentlevelsof
advancedchoreographic difficultyinthecooldown
tools. stretchesforthosestudentswith
6. ELLspermittedtodraw
Day4* 1.Promptingthe 1.iPadsincasethere Science:anatomy 1. Continuetoencouragelateadd
studentstoseepathways isaneedfor studentstocometothefrontto
*SeeAppendixB both2dimensionally translation betterlearnmaterialstheymay
fordetaileddaily (floorpathways)and3 2.Engaging, havemissed,includingthe
lessonplansand dimensionally(air supportivemusical musclechant.
materials pathways)togivetheir accompaniment 2. Keepaneyeonthestudents
movementandtheir withasthmatodays
compositionsmore choreographicadditiontothe
depth,diversity,and unitsequenceishighcardio
visualimagery. withalotofaggressive
2.Clearlymodeling running.Allowadditionalrest
manydifferentpiecesof andbreakswhennecessary.
choreography,bothin 3. Choosestrongstudentswho
thewarmupandinthe wouldlikeachallengetogoin
progressingunit thefirstlinetomodelthenew
sequencewhichembody choreographyforotherstudents
thedaysprinciples. 4. Checkupregularlyonshy,
Addedchoreography hesitantstudentsandADHD
buildsdirectlyuponthe studentsduringthecomposition
growingphrase,soeach sectionofclassencourage
daystudentswilllearna andvalidatetheirideasand
bitmore,butfeel givesuggestionsorprompts
comfortableknowing whennecessary.
thattheyarealready 5. Askstudentswhodont
familiarwithmostof normallyparticipatein
themovement. conversationtorespondtothe
3.Allowingstudents meaningmakingquestionof
increasedfreedom(still theday.
Day5* 1.Coachingstudentsto 1.iPadsfor Science:anatomy 1. Approachstudentswhomay
identifyrhythmtypes translation Music:rhythm havebeenabsentalreadyfor
*SeeAppendixB throughavarietyof 2.Supportive, types,basicmeters oneormoredays,andhelp
fordetaileddaily methodsforavarietyof rhythmicallyclear 3/4and4/4 themtogetcaughtupwiththeir
lessonplansand learningstyles:words music Literacy:daily compositionsduringthe
materials onthevisualdisplay journal individualworktime.
boards,atreediagram 2. ELLspermittedtodraw
withimages(arrows, picturesoruseiPadfor
circlesandsquares), translation,ifnecessary,during
listeningactivitieswith thedailyjournalwrite
abroadrangeofsounds 3. Handmotionsandvisuals
andsongs,physical duringfirstexercisetoconnect
embodiment(arms ELLsmoreclearlytothe
shapingandovalora concepts.
Day6* 1.Buildingdirectlyon 1.iPadsfor Science:anatomy 1. Theopeningactivityishighly
yesterdayslearning translationif Music: interactive,andengagesmany
*SeeAppendixB activitiestoaddanother necessary syncopation, ofthesenses,whichwillcatch
fordetaileddaily layerofcomplexityto 2.Supportiveclear accents theattentionofallstudents,
lessonplansand thedanceconceptof musical Literacy:daily especiallythosewithADHD.
materials Timelayeringaccents examples/supplement journal 2. Iwillveryclearlymodelthe
andsyncopationontop sfromastrong exercisesoELLscanhear
ofthemeteredstyleswe playlist exactlywhatIexpectandwhat
learnedyesterdayin Iamlookingforwithinthis
classusinginteractive activity.
nonlingualactivities 3. Forstudentswhomayhave
thatcanhelpnearly missedchoreographyintheunit
everytypeoflearner sequenceduetoabsence,orif
grasptheconcept. theytendtostruggle,pairthem
2.Modelingthedaily withstrongstudentstoday,to
conceptsbyidentifying giveleadershipopportunitiesto
theminourexisting some,andcatchup
work,andcreatinga opportunitiestotheothers.
newadditiontothe 4. Thefastpacedadditionstothe
growingunitsequence sequencetodaywillreally
todemonstrateanew challengeELLsdemonstrate
example. slowlyandclearlyseveraltimes
3.Aftermodelingand whilestandinginclose
exampleforstudents, proximitytothemandtend
allowingthemtocreate towardvocalsoundsover
basedontheir verbalcues.
understandingofthe 5. Checkinregularlywith
conceptgivingthe studentswhostrugglein
mostfreedomsofar composition,andhighlight
todayinthe excellentcreationsfrom
composition,having studentswhoareexcellingto
workedstudentsupto givethemrecognitionandto
thischallengedayby modelasuccessfulexamplefor
day. otherstudents.
Day7* 1.Layerqualitiesof 1. 6Qualitiesof Science:anatomy 1. Bythispointintheunit,the
movementand Motion Literacy:daily sequenceisverylongand
*SeeAppendixB dynamicsontopofall PowerPointwith journal rigorous.Givestudents,
fordetaileddaily ofthephysical greatimagery especiallyasthmastudentsas
lessonplansand techniqueslearnedso 2. Driving,powerful manybreaksasnecessaryand
materials farthisunit,addingthe musical besuretheyusetheirinhalerif
finalsectionof accompaniment theyneedit.
choreographytothe 3. iPadsfor 2. Provideminiprintoutsofthe
massiveacrossthefloor translation namesofthemusclesfor
sequence. 4. NewPiktochart studentwhowanttotakethem
2.Allowingstudentsto developedvisual hometostudy.
createandaddtotheir aidof6Qualities 3. Giveacleardemonstrationof
solointhemost Motion todayscreativetask(forELLs)
abstract,freewaysofar sotheyhaveavisualtemplate
intheunit,havingbuilt fromwhichtheycancreate.
uptothispointslowly Continuetheuseofdynamic
daybyday. voiceandgesturestoreassure
3.Encouragingstudents andpraisethesestudents.
tothinkbackonalltheir 4. ELLspermittedtodraw
learningfromthisunit picturesoruseiPadfor
comprehensively, translation,ifnecessary,during
identifyingmovement thedailyjournalwrite.
Day8* 1.Guidingstudentsona 1., Science:anatomy 1. Anystudentwithoutaccesstoa
fieldtriptoanother personaldevice, Interpersonal smartphonewillbeableto
*SeeAppendixB roomintheschoolthat competitivetest Communication participatebyusinga haschairs,tables,and reviewquiz) Skills:peer classroomiPad.
quiz greatWiFiconnection. 2. Driving,powerful assessments 2. Kahoot.itisaverypositivetool
Studentswill musical forELLs,designedwithmany
competitivelytesttheir accompaniment images,colors,shapes,
knowledgeoftheunit 3. iPadsaccessible additiontothevocabulary
materialsina forstudentswho words,etc.
technologicallanguage dontownasmart 3. Absentstudentswhoapproach
thatisfamiliartothem phone meaftermissingthisclasswill
andveryeasytouse. 4. Gradingrubric begiventheopportunitytosee
Haveprizesforthetop3 projectedfromthe thegradingrubricandusethe
scorers,andbeableto computerforpeer kahoot.itquiztostudy.
assessinthemoment assessments
Day9* 1.Testingstudentstwo 1. iPadsfor Literacy:Reading 1. Studentswithexcusedabsences
bytwoforthe translationfor andwritingskills willbeallowedtomakeup
*SeeAppendix movementexam,giving ELLs onwrittenpost bothexamswithnopenaltyif
Aforexamsand studentstheirfirst 2. iPadsforfilming assessment completedwithinoneweekof
movementexam opportunitytoreally movementexam Science:anatomy theclasstestdate.
rubric performinanintimate contentonexam 2. Studentswithanunexcused
settinginfrontoftheir Music:musical absencewillbeofferedboth
classmates.Theaimis contentonexam examsforhalfcreditif
tofacilitateconfidence completedwithinoneweekof
andartistryina theclasstestdate.
challenging,yetsafe 3. iPadswillbeprovidedforELLs
environmentwhereall ifnecessaryforthemtousefor
studentsarewell thewrittenexam

Unit 1: B.E.S.T. Overview- Day1: Body(Anatomy&Locomotor)
Kelli Briggs
Th. Jan19th

LearningOutcome: Bythe end of the 70-minute class period, beginningdance studentswill be able to identifymajor anatomical structuresrelevant to dance, performand list
basic locomotor movements, and practice the essentials of warm-up and cool down for injuryprevention.
Equipment/Supplies/Special Preparations: Pre-Assessment worksheets, AnatomyPowerPoint, Board & Markersfor chant, SpotifyPlaylist, Locomotor Poster
Music or Class
Special Accompani Organization/Fo SpecificObjectives&
Time Activityand Analysis SafetyFactors Needs/Considerations TeachingCues ment rmation Evaluations

Please don't work collaboratively.

You are beingscored on completion, Spread out
10 Collect Disclosure --> Spare pencilsfor students not correct answers. This isto help awayfrom
min Pre-Assessment None without me
reasonwhat you alreadyknow.
we cover anatomyin None other peers
detail is so that you understand the
ELLs - Lots of visual aid lanaguage I'musingasI teach you Observe students touching
PowerPoint Anatomy (powerpoint, physical and give corrections in class. I might Sitting/Standing the correct parts of their
5min Intro None touch) use the work "psoas" when None around screen bodies
ELLs- Use the whiteboard, Sayit out loud--bythe end, I will Listen to studentscomplete
use touch/demo ; Special have you do it alone and I will walk Standing the chant and sayaccurate
10 Needs ask aide to help with around to listen and see if everyone around nameswhile touchingthe
min Muscles Dance/Chant None touches is doingit! None whiteboard correct muscle
Alignment in plank
wristsunder Basicsof a proper warmup: 1. Gets Observe students
elbows); Always Students with asthma, can your heart rate up 2. Getsyou lightly completingacorrect warm-
look behind you step out at anytime and sweating/breathingharder 3. Gentle up (bythe end theyare
15 when running get water, walk slowly, etc. ROM movements 4. at LEAST 5 Go Do by Circuts (3) physicallywarmand lightly
min Learn Circuit WarmUp backwards and if cardio getstoo intense minutes Jonsi across the floor sweating/breathingharder)
Locomotor isone of the two main
types of motion. Anythingthat
Explain when for moves you through space is
each group to go ELLs - Tons of physica Locomotor. The main movements Tops by
and where to wait demo, dynamics in my include walk, run, jump, hop, and Lincoln Observe students
Locomotor Basics to avoid collision, voice; Options for more leap. A leap issimlyalarger run. Jesser OR successfullyperforming
15 Combo: Walk, Run, always start and advanced movement The end product strives to look Nomads Circuts (3) locomotor movement
min Jump, Hop, Leap end jumps in plie (tuningthe jump) somethinglike this. But it can start byHIGHS across the floor withingchallengingcombo
Knees over ankels
in lunges, proper I Want You Observe students
alignment to Circle - remind everyone to The essentialsof cool down include: Back By practicingbreath,
10 maximize stretch, do their own right, don't loweringthe heart rate, usingdeep Lake relaxation, and proper
min Cool Down don't bounce in the mirror me breath, and static stretching Street Dive Circle stretchingin cool down
Read students journals to
ELLs & special needs draw assessif theycan recall
a picture to represent Name 3essentials to cool down and Anywhere in and list locomotor steps,
5min DailyJournal None today'slearning warmup. Name 3locomotor steps. None the room and important thingsabout
Unit1: B.E.S.T. Overview- Day2: Body(Anatomy&Axial)
Kelli Briggs
January23nd, 2017

LearningOutcome: By the end of the 70-minutesclassperiod, beginningdance studnetswill be able to demonstrate proper alignment in basictechnique,
distinguish between axial and locomotor movement, and compare the two formsof movement based on classexplorations.
Equipment/Supplies/Special Preparations: Spotifyplaylist, list on the board of muscle songterms, list on the board of warmup and cool down stuff, popsicle sticks
Music or Class
Special Accompanim Organization/For SpecificObjectives&
Time Activityand Analysis Name
Journal Activity: SafetyFactors Needs/Considerations TeachingCues
Think of the dance we ent mation Evaluations

4important bodyparts Drawingsacceptable learned in class last Read after classto see if
that you learned last for ELLs& speical week. What kindsof students can accuratlely
week. Name 2 needs, student locomotor movements list examplesof locomotor
10 locomotor movements spanish speakers did we do? Can you Spread on floor motionsand
minute that we did in calss translate when remember anynames with paper and muscles/bones learned
s last week. None. applicable. fromthe muscle None pencils last classperiod.
Slow down around *changes: 1. onlyone
the corners, knee ELLs - dynamics in ab pull in 2. instead of
trackingin voice, use visual aids, side reaches: circular
15 Muscle Chant & Circuit squats, look give full out physical reach +collapse 3. Go Do by circuitsacrossthe Observe students
minutes Warm-Up behind you when demos add walkinglap Jonsi floor (3) improvingtheir fom
Use the momentum
Soft landingsfrom fromthe reach to pull
jumpswith proper ELLs - Lotsof you into aspin. Head Doki by Observse students' correct
25 knee tracking, demonstration, circle the opposite Affrodrummin 3linesacrossthe alignment and technique in
minutes Axial Locomotor Combo space out lines dynamic voice way. Trace your g floor jumps
Watch you Students (especially
pathwayso asnot ELLs) can come up to
to collide with me duringexplore time Observe students clealry
other dancers. to get ideasof what Mass formation performingthe difference
15 Decide ahead of their movement might Cueingcounts, axial vs Earth by awayfromthe between the axial and
minutes Popsicle Stick Activity time which way look like or what their locomotor Imogen Heap mirror locomotor steps
5 Breath cues, alignment Hengliasby Mass formation Observe students
minutes Cool Down Alignment ELLs - demos cues Jonsi facingmirror performingstretcheswith
Unit1: B.E.S.T. Overview- Day3: Space(Levels&Directions)
Kelli Briggs
Thursday, Jan. 25th, 2017

LearningOutcome: By theend of the 70-minute class period, beginningdance students will be able to performa technique sequence with more agilityand dynamics through the use of levels, and design compellingbody shapes with relationship to space and meaning.
Equipment/Supplies/Special Preparations: dailyjournals, axial/locomotor poster, white board with instructions pre-written, spotify playlist ready,
Time Activity and Analysis Safety Factors Special Needs/Considerations TeachingCues Music or Accompaniment Organization/Formation Specific Objectives & Evaluations
1. Have extra paper for those who were gone Read journals after classto see if
last time. Have extra pencils for those who Spread *awayfrom students could successfullycompare the
need one. 2. ELLs, have the option of drawing Lets havea quickreview. Who can tell me the friends* on thefloor. At two typesof movement byindicating
Daily Journal: (review of last time's concepts) Do you a picture (for periods 1A and 3B), have google two types of motion? What is the difference least 3 feet away from preference (last class period's L.O. that
5 minutes prefer axial or locomotor movement? Why? None. translate open for 1A. between the two? (Refer to poster) None anyone else around you. we didn't get to).
The elements of dance include BODY, ENERGY,
SPACE, and TIME. Over the first two days of
class, we've covered body, which we've split into
anatomy and motion. Motion, we've split into
axial and locomotor. Today, we are goingto go a
1. Dont sit back and lean on the barre. Come little out of order and learn about SPACE, so in
Concept Intro: 1. Review muscle chant 2. Talkthrough close. 2. Isanyone new in class that needs everythingwe do, we will explore how using
what we'vecovered in B.E.S.T. so far and where we are muscleswritten on the board? 3. Dynamic diverse levels and directions can enhance
5 minutes goingtoday(SPACE- levels and directions) None. voice and gestures with words for ELLs movement. None Semi circlearound board None
1. Students in the backof the line, go all the
wayto the chair and all the wayto the cubby Observe students increasingtheir
Look behind you when 2. Students with athsma can take it slow or Be sure to find ways to reach the highest of dynamic range in the use of their levels.
runningbackward, slow step out to breathe if needed 3. WIDEstance highs in you motionsand really get low to the (Also, observe if studnetsare fully warm-
down when you turn the in squats (knees don't go past the toes, and floor when you can i.e. ROM breaths are the askstudents if they need to do it again,
WarmUp: walk, run 2X, run backward, tuck/plank/walk, corner, tryto stay 3feet are trackingappropriately) 4. Are studnets perfect time!! Go ALL the way up stretching askthemif their heart rate is elevated, if
squats T.O.&P, walk/bounce, ROM breaths with arms, awayfromthe person in ready to do it alone, or would they prefer me through the tips of your fingers, go ALL the way theyare lightly sweating, breathing
5 minutes walk. *emphasizingBIGGERmotion with levels. fromof you. leadingone of the lines? Ask. down. Go Do by Jonsi Circuts: 3 lines harder, etc.)
Wide stance and strongplie Lower on the side reach and spin, lower on the
for head circle. Spread out head circle, higher on the kick/fold now goingto Observe student increasingdynamic
Sequence Review: go over new axial motions (facingthe 3feet so you have plentyof relev, etc. Feel the intake of breath on the kick. range in a sequence they already know--
MIRRORtoday), and decide wherewe can amp up the space and won't run into 1. Students who are new, come to the front to Feel the momentumof the armand foot Mass formation facing with bigger contrasts in thehigh and low
10minutes use of levels and directions. anyone. learn. initiatingthe spin. Tops byLincoln Jesser mirror VERY spread out levels.
With anyfloor work, be 1. ELLs - Full out demonstrations, dynamic
sure to keep the hands voice and gestures when teachingand with Observe students abilitites to perform
New Sequence: fusion of locomotor #1, locomotor #2, under theshoulder joint, students while theygo acrossfor floor. 2. Give Across thefloor: Trying4 old movment with more level dynamic,
and axial *addingnew moments emphasizingof levels, 1 ground your palms into the a short drink/bathroombreakbefore trying lines today--see if it's too and new movement demonstrating
20minutes directional change, and 2 optional directional changes floor and the left side Doki by Affrodrumming crowded. agility in fast level changes.
Find a new space to stand, awayfromyour
friends or those you usuallystand by. Make
Composition Activity: 60 brainstormword to describe these shapes NEW and COMPELLING to you. Low
your week. Pick your 3favorite. Make 3 shapes(facing level should be no higher than your head while
any directions): Low, Med, High to represent each of 1. Don't face the mirror when creating. 2. sitting, mediumlevel should be no higher than a
those words. Choose any order that you want themto Don't stand by your friends. 3. No talking deep kneebend when standing. Tryto use parts
be in. Design a smooth wayto move fromshape to Spread out. Choose shapes duringworktime. 4. Give a clear demo of the of your body that you don't usuallythinkabout.
shape. Performin halfs. Discuss: What did you find that are stable and easy activityfor ELLs so theyhave somethingvisual Tryto realllydescribe your word with Mass formation facing Observe students successfully creating
15minutes interesting? enough to hold. to see. movement. Window by AlbumLeaf away frommirror. compellingshapes on each level.
Alignment in stretches.
Proper breath and Tryto fill your lungs completelywith each
Cool Down: stretch, breathe, emphasize armstretching relaxation rather than breath. With each exhale, feel your muscles Mass formation facing
10minutes & calf stretching. tension. Spread out. Give options for more challengingstretches. lengthen and relax. Henglias byJonsi mirror
Unit1: B.E.S.T. Overview- Day4: Space(AirPathwaysandFloorPathways)
Kelli Briggs

LearningOutcome: By the end of the 70-minute classperiod, beginningdance studentswill be able to replicate specified floor pathwaysand air pathwayswithin a sequence, compose compelling
pathwayswith relationship to space, and assesshow interestingpathwayscan enhance choreography.
Equipment/Supplies/Special Preparations: Spotify Playlist, iPads ready

Musicor Organization/Form SpecificObjectives&
Time Activityand Analysis Safety Factors Special Needs/Considerations TeachingCues Accompaniment ation Evaluations

Imagine that the bottomsof

your feet are dipped in paint.
What would the pathwayof
your feet look like walkingon
Keep encouraginglate add the floor? There are so many
Look behind you students to come to the front possilbilities! Now imagine
when running for the muscle chant so they that your entire body is
backward. Keep all are better able to see, learn covered in paint. If all the air
anatomical and catch up. Make sure surroundingyou wasyour Observe students
Concept Intro, Muscle Chant & Class alignment in focus, students are a full arm's canvas, what kind of successfullyembodying
WarmUp: Todayemphasizingthe especiallyin deep length awayfromone pathwayscould you create? purposeful pathwaysin the
15 "paint" imageryto emphasize squatsin turn out another so theydon't run Streaks? Dots? Swirlsor Across the floor in air and on the floor through
minutes pathways. and parallel into each other. Stripes? Go Do by Jonsi rowsof 3-4 usingthe "paint" imagery.
Grab abox, look at what's
Run all the way in a inside, push it away--Make
circle: toward the The new pathwayssections these armsabrupt and clear!
barre, the cubbies, of thispiece involve alot of Show me the exact air
the white board high cardio running--keep a pathway you're goingfor.
and THEN coming close eye on asthma students Duringthe "tiger prowl" get
forward. If you cut and offer themanyadditional low in your pli and zigzag
Movement Phrase: Addingzigzagand forward too soon, breaksnecessary. Choosing right and left, side to side, Observe students
circular floor pathwaysection, and you will collide strongstudentswho need a now break awayand trace a successfullyreplicating
25 adding3 new, specified armair with your challenge to go in the first giant circle with your feet all Doki by Across the floor in specified floor and air
minutes pathways. classmates! line to demonstrate. around the classroom. Afrodrumming rowsof 3-4 pathways
Don't lean on the barre or
against the wall, stayaway
fromfriends, and create in
your own space. Give asolid
demonstration of the
composition for ELLstudents.
Checkup regularlyon ADHD
Composition Activity: Addinga4-8 students when givingthemso Spread all Observesstudents
count transition between each of the 3 much unstructured time to Now that you've seen afew throughout the succesfullycreating
shapesfromyesterday's class. At least create--give themfeedback of my pathways, I'd like to classroom, facing interestingfloor and air
20 one must be afloor pathway, and one Spread out as you and suggestions when see what interestingones Comp/Improv awayfromthe pathwaysas an addition to
minutes an air pathway. create. necessary you might come up with! Playlist on Spotify mirror their workingcompositions.
Listen to student responses
After watchinghalf of the to assess abilitiesto critically
class, what did you notice? analyze the positive effect
Ask several student who How did addinginteresting "space" elements, such as
10 Cool Down and discussion: stretch while might normallybe hesitant to pathwaysenhance what used Cool Down Playlist In acircle, facing pathways, can have on
minutes talking Alignment respond what they think. to be simple shapes? on Spotify each other. choreography.
Unit 1:B.E.S.T. Overview- Day5: Time(RhythmTypes&Meter)
Kelli Briggs
Jan. 31st,2017

LearningOutcome: Bythe end of the 70-minute class period, beginningdance studentswill be able to recognize the difference between breath rhythmand metricrhythm, performaccuratelyto 3/4and 4/4metered songsin relationship to time,
and select the best type of metric rhythmto suit their personal dance compositions.
Equipment/Supplies/Special Preparations: Create "RhythmType" playlist, have vocabularywordsand visual aid diagramsprinted and taped to the displayarea
Music or Organization/Formatio
Time Activityand Analysis SafetyFactors Special Needs/Considerations TeachingCues Accompaniment n Specific Objectives& Evaluations

In Breath Rhythm, It's harder to

identifya steadypulse--the flow of
the musicismore nature oriented,
Use not onlyverbal direction with and maybe it literallyfollowsthe
Muscle Chant, Concept Intro, MusicListening the music, but print out circlesand patterns of human breath. 3/4has Observe studentsperformingthe
Activity: Teachingstudentsto recognize the squares, also have the studnetsuse adefinite weight at the first count Seated around the correct motion (circular, square, or
round 3/4 meter, the sqaure 4/4 meter, and armand hand motionsto relate to and alighter feel at the next two-- 12diverse songson my desk/computer area, none) to signifythat theycan
20 breath rhythmwithin aselection of musical the meter of the music. These verycircular. 4/4is driving-square "RhythmTypes" also facingthe display identifythe variousrhythmtypes
minutes examples frommyplaylist. None adaptaions for ELLs. and pulsingand often motivating. SpotifyPlaylist set up. and meters.
All previouslyspecified Heel pulsinginto the ground, Observe studentstakingthe meter
regardingspacingand matchingthe 4/4meter. Stay Acrossthe floor in 3-4 and the tempo into consideration
5minutes Warm-Up technique. None connected to the music! Go Do byJonsi lines as theycomplete the warmup.
Let'spracitce the same armmotion
When addingthe turn, with pli that we did at the
watch the direction beginningof class. Thisisthe exact Observe studentssuccessfully
TripletsCombination: emphasizingthe you're headed, and same count we will pli for every performingto 3/4 meter with their
10 roundnessand the circular flow of the footingin keep your limbs fairly The turningmaybe dizzying--spot triplet in thisphrase: DOWN up up Demi Lune byRene Fromthe diagonal in movement in a positive
minutes 3/4meter close to your sides where you are going. DOWN up up. Aubry groupsof 5-6 relationship with time.
All previouslyspecified Observe studentssuccessfully
regardingspacingand Start to challenge studentsto do performingto 4/4 meter with their
15 Unit Sequence: emphasizingthe square, dirivng technique duringthis this whole sequence twice each Doki by Acrossthe floor in 3-4 movement in a positive
minutes beat of 4/4 meter. unit. time we performfor more practice. Continue cues frompreviousdays AffroDrumming lines relationship with time.
Approach studentsthat seemsto be
continuallypassive with
composition and nurture their ideas Review your workingcomposition. I
and give encouragement. For want you to payattention to the
students who have alot of pacingand the physical shapesand
absences, take this composition movements within the Observe studentsmakingchoices
Composition RhythmSelection: Choosingwhich time to catch themup on anyday's composition. Doesit seemto have Spread throughout the to demonstrate their abilityto
10 type of Rhythm/Meter theywould like to pair additionsthat theymayhave more of acircular, slow feel, or a room, facingawayfrom assessand select appropriately
minutes with their workingcomposition. None missed. paced, square feel? Comp/ImprovPlaylist the mirror metered music.
Keep an eye on knee trackingand Coachingthrough stretches with Facingmirror spread
5minutes Cool Down Alignment & Breath full extension and breath. feedback asnecessary Cool Down Playlist throughout the floor None
As always, journalsfor ELLs can be Listen to students' responsesto
DailyJournal: Do you prefer dancingto a3/4 pictures or use translation. Askshy Spread throughout the gague abilitiesto compare and
5minutes meter songor a4/4 meter song? Why? None students to share what theywrote! None None room identifypersonal preferences.
Unit1:B.E.S.T. Overview- Day6: Time(AccentsandSyncopation)
Kelli Briggs
Feb. 2nd, 2017

LearningOutcome: By theend of the 70-minuteclass period, beginningdance students will be able to recognize primaryaccents, secondaryaccents, and syncopation within metric music, accurately performthese time concepts within a given phrase, and
compose 2-3movement phrases based on one of these three concepts.
Equipment/Supplies/Special Preparations: Additional vocabularlywordstoo add to visual aid display, Spotify playlistsready

Music or Organization/Form Specific Objectives &
Time Activityand Analysis Safety Factors Special Needs/Considerations TeachingCues Accompaniment ation Evaluations

We're goingto create a classband of sorts. Find a

partner. Taller partenr, keep a steady beat with me: 5, 6,
Make sure to clearliydemo the activity for 7, 8Now check this out, if these students keept the Gathered near
Muscle chant, concept introduction, music listening ELLsbyclappingit out in front of the class. steady beat, here is what partner two gets to do: make computer for Observe students emerging
activity, and body instrumentation activity: learningto Thisactivity isvery interactive and interesting, fast-pace rhythms by clappingat any time listening, standing abilities to create syncopated
15 both recognize and create accents and syncopation on a relational to keep high interest for ADHD when your partner ISN'T clapping. (Demo) Let's give it a in partnerships by rhythms and recognize
minutes basic level None students. try. Shorter partner will keep the steady beat first, switch. None the computer accents.

On these suspensions, be sure the break/openingof the

armscorelateswith the primary accent. In the plank Observe students embodying
5 Warm-Up: Addingsmall cuesto accentuate the timing Same as days shoot outs, your bodywill descend to the floor on count 2- Kummi Adi from Across the floor in primaryand secondary
minutes and to embody musical accents about in this unit None -a secondary accent. World Playlist 3-4lines accents in basic movement

Let's review thisnew sequence fromyesterday.

Try to stay (perform) We are now goingto performit again, slightly
sychronized and shiftingthe accent fromthe primary to secondary on our Observe students correctly
together asa group swings. Can you recognize a part toward the end in this performingaccordingto
10 so you don't hit sequence where weuse synocpation (foot pattern on the Fromthe corner in musical accents and
minutes Revisting3/4combo alteringthe accents each othersarms. None turn) Alps by Novo Amor groups of 5-6 syncopated rhythms.
Thismovement may be challengingfor
Make sure your ELLsas the verbal cueswill come so
neck is nice and quickly, use vocal sounds more than
warm--I don't want wordsand demonstratethe challenging
you to jerk hard sections several timesstandingnear them.
and pull a muscle. Thissequenceisvery long--keep an eye
Let the head be out for the asthma students. If students Rollingup through the spine with a heavy head, almost as
heavy--let its have been absent and missed material at if you are inflatingthe space under your core collapse Observe the students
weight follow the anypoint so far in the unit, pair themwith AND4. Roll up all the way5, 6, 7, head whip AND8. I succesfully performing
movement of the a strongdancer to catch themup on the would really like to see a strong, agressive quality on accordingto the specific,
20 Unit Sequence: Building3 new moments of syncopated rest of the body in sidelines while theyare waitingto go these rhythms, so I can clearly assess whether or not your Doki by Across the floor in accentuated choreography
minutes and accent-related movement to the phrase. this first accent. across the floor. know how to performsyncopated rhythms. Afrodrumming 3-4lines given.

Remember, there are a LOT of waysthat thiscould look.

Don't sit down and Regularly checkingin with, shy, hestitant Think back to the great variety of patterns we created
let your muscles creators, double checkingunderstanding duringour partner clappingactivity, there are so many Observe students
cool down when of the assignment with ELLs. Highlighting rhythms to choose and embody. Thinkof usingbody parts successfully composingtheir
Composition: Adding4-8countsof movement usingaggressive, superios students' work to recognize them that you maybe wouldn't normally think to use, own accentuated movement
15 demonstratingeither primaryaccent matching, percussive and provide a model that other students remember the choreographic tools of levels, facings, and Comp/Improv Spread facingaway to add to their working
minutes secondaryaccent matching, or syncopationg movement. can lookto as successful. pathways to enhance thismovement. Playlist frommirror compositions.
5 Spread facing
minutes Cool Down Alignment None None Cool Down Playlist mirror None
Unit 1: B.E.S.T. Overview- Day7:Energy
Kelli Briggs
Tuesday, January7th, 2017

LearningOutcome: By the end of the 70-minute class period, beginningdance students will be able to identify and performthe 6 qualities of movement, create a movement excerpt for their workingcompositions based on 2 of the 6
qualities of motion, and compare the elementsof dance based on unit activities.
Equipment/Supplies/Special Preparations: PowerPoint presentation of 6 qualities, poster of 6 qualities, papers of anatomy terms for new students, spotifyplaylist, printed photo release forms, dailyjournals ready, ipads
Music or Class Specific Objectives &
Time Activity and Analysis SafetyFactors Special Needs/Considerations TeachingCues
We've talked a lot about exactly what Accompaniment Organization/Formati Evaluations

a movement should look like and

New students, look what your body is doingmechanically,
behind you when but todaywe are goingto add another
runningbackward, layer. We will start to pay attention to Observe students successfully
Daily Intro: Photo Release Forms, Audition stay3 ft. awayfrom the kinds of energy we are performing addingsuspension, collapse,
Announcement, Calendar/Business Items, the person in front of 1. Give new students muscle name print each movement with. (Two specific and percussive precision to
10 B.E.S.T., Muscle Chant, Lens for Warm you, wide stance in outs. 2. Walk with Marleyon backward places to use suspend/collapse & Kummi Adi byA.R. 3 Circuts across the specified movements in warm
minutes Up. squats. runningsection percussive--R.O.M. reaches & heel Rahman floor up.
1. Vibratory, like when a dogshakes
the water off themselves--small, rapid,
repeated 2. Percussive, like banging
1. Make sure Kimmie is dancingwith a drumor crashingsimbols--
Land jump in a soft, Jamie and Marley and that both aggressive, abrupt, powerful 3.
controlled plie, students staystandingand not sitting. 2. Collapse, like the jenga game when
spread the palms ELL students (Sa, Durga, Susmita, all the blocks tumble to the floor--
and find energy chain Santi): Refer to visuals and use dynamic crumblingfast or slowly4. Sustain,
through the hands, voice and body language cues to like a slow motion movie clip--even,
arms, & back when in convey desired dynamics. 3. Students uniterrupted, continuous 5. Swing, like Observe students successfully
Teaching6 Qualities & Related Sequence handstand inversion should spread to have at least 3 ft of an actual swingat the park-- you feel embodyingthe accompanying
10 (Vibratory, Percussive, Collapse, Sustain, (start with a small space around themto avoid kicking weightless at the top and heavyat the Massformation, very dynamics with each of the 6
minutes Swing, Suspend) push off) each other. bottom6. Suspend, like a break None spread out. qualitites of motion.
1. Dance alongwith Jamie and Marley Percussive qualityon runs, collapse
2. Dance alongwith anypassive groups qualityin veryfirst motion, suspend
Integrate New Movement Into Giant Unit Remind students of without a strongleader 3. Dynamic qualityon 1st left step, percussive
Sequence & Perform(insert after rond de the proper wayto vocal/timingcuesfor each group. 4. qualityon all jumps, sustain quality on Observe students succefully
jambe and before zigzagpathway)-- land jumps and roll to Offer a second run with less cueingfor head circle & battement, swingquality integratingtheir knowledge of
identifyingmoments throughout the whole the floor as we test practice, if students want it. 5. Have on armswings, percussive quality on the 6 qualities of motion in this
15 sequence where the 6 qualities already review whole students mark/pracitce on the side to "box", suspend quality on relev, Doki by Circuts of 4 across unit sequence through dynamic
minutes exsit. sequence. remember parts that they may need a percussive quality on gallop turn, Afrodrumming the floor. demonstration.
Find your own space awayfrom
friends, in silence, to create.
1. Separate Durga, Susmita, Santi 2. Remember to use different body
Composition Application: adding2 new Help Kimmie with Marley and Jamie 3. parts, facings, levels, and pathways
motions (4-8 to students' working Choose stable Talk with new students (esp. Heather) like we have done in the past to make Observe students' abilities to
composition solo that embody 2 of the 6 shapes/movements, and explain assignment to them--New more interestinglayers. When this is Window by Album Massformation, identify the 6 qualitites of
15 qualitites of movement. Performin 2 choose safe students can start with 6 qualities finished, partner with a friend, partner Leaf, Earth by awayfromfriends, movements, and how theycan
minutes groups. transitions. instead of step one. A performs first, partner Btries to Imogen Heap quiet worktime. enhance a composition.
Daily Journal: Which element of dance did 1. Have pencils and paper on hand for
you like to use most when learningand new/absent students who don't have Suggest new students to come talk to Read students journals to
10 creatingdance in class (Body, Energy, journals. 2. Spread journals on floor. me. Offer pencils for those in need. Massformation, quiet assess their abilities to critically
minutes Space, or Time)? Why? (3-5 sentences) None. 3.Have ipads readyfor google translate Write question on the board. None worktime. compare the elements of dance.
10 Cool Down. Emphasizingsustained Bodyalignment 1. Dynamic voice and full out Cueingbreath. Cueingpurposeful Massformation, Observe students sustainingthe
minutes movement and breath. (knee tracking, hip demonstrations for ELLs relaxation. Henglias byJonsi facingmirror. stretches with breath.

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