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DATE: APRIL 05, 2017



The state of Georgia has provided all library media specialists with the 2015 Judy Serritella
Exemplary Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric to use in order to evaluate their programs.
Based upon Mr. Peeks and my evaluation, we have found multiple ways in which our media center
can be improved in order to better serve the students and faculty of WJMS.

The strengths of the media center include the student relationships Mr. Peek has established with the
students. Student want to go visit the media center, and students want to read, as evidenced in the
number of circulated materials. According to the rubric, the areas Mr. Peek and I feel we are the
strongest in are technology management (proficient) and technology usage (proficient). Our school
is in great shape with over 200 Chromebooks, SmartBoards, and Wi-Fi ports in every classroom. Mr.
Peek and Ms. Rembe have done a great job helping teachers use and manage different technology
features. Another area we felt was almost at the proficient mark is Staff Development. Mr. Peek and
I see this category a bit differently Mr. Peek feels that we are proficient in this area, however I feel
as we are more basic. We have very few opportunities for group professional learning, and while Mr.
Peek does work hard on his own professional development, I feel that there is a slight disconnect
between his own learning, and disseminating the information to the faculty. I feel that this area is
one where we could easily transition into an Exemplary status given the right support structure and
desire to learn by the faculty and staff. Starting small, we could offer basic Lunch-N-Learn programs
where teachers wouldnt feel obligated to give up their free time in order to professionally develop
before or after school. Also, if there was a group of members that worked on a plan throughout the
school year to focus on, that would help drive the importance of setting aside small amounts of time
to learn how to improve their teaching.

While there are definitely positives regarding our media center, there are far more weaknesses. The
categories and areas where we feel the media center is at the weakest include student achievement
and instruction (basic or non-existent) and staffing (basic). Currently, Mr. Peek is the only person
who works in the media center, but the media center is not his only responsibility. When he is called
away (for testing, meetings, or absence) the media center is forced to close. This drastically limits
student access to reading/researching materials during the times it is unavailable. Since he is also the
ISS provider, this limits what he is able to do. Having a full time (or even part time) clerk or para
would drastically improve his ability to wear the many hats he is asked to wear. There is also no
instruction provided by Mr. Peek. Students in 6th grade receive a brief orientation, but that is all. If
Mr. Peek had a clerk on staff, he would have ample opportunity to meet with ELA teachers (or
teachers of any subject) during their planning to work more closely with them in both co-teaching
aspects and in making sure the library is meeting the needs of their curriculum. Without this

relationship, I do not know how he would know if he is meeting the instructional needs of the
students or not. I also would recommend Mr. Peek starting a library media advisory committee.
While he is only one person, having this committee would be really useful in insuring that the media
center is being utilized to its full potential. The advisory committee members could begin assigning
volunteers to help shelve books, run the book fair, build creative displays and promotional bulletin
boards, etc. Right now, I feel like the media center is just there, functioning to provide students with
books to read, and that is it. If the option for providing a devoted clerk/para was implemented, and
the advisory committee created, I feel the media center would better support the students, staff and
community of WJMS.

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