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Hephzibah Elvaretta P Language 45 Minutes

Grade 4
Lesson: Bahasa Indonesia

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
- As the students that live in Indonesia
they able to pronounce the words in Bahasa Dictation
Indonesia The teacher will say a word in Bahasa and the
- They can interpret the words that students will write down the letter of that word by
people say in Bahasa Indonesia recognizing the sounds
(A, B, C, K)
Biblical Perspective:
Great Commission: As God commanded us to make
a disciple. Language is one of the important aspects
for us to do disciple in certain area. For example, if
we are in Indonesia, we have to willing to learn their
language in order to make disciple in Indonesia.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

What is the differences spelling letter between Students will be able to recognize the sounds of A-
Bahasa Indonesia and English? Z in Bahasa Indonesia

What is the sounds of A - Z in Bahasa?

How to pronounce A-Z in Bahasa?

How will you recognize the letter in Bahasa by only

hear it in your daily life?

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

5 Min Beginning the Lesson

Write- Around
1. The students will get a piece of small paper
2. They have to write down one sentence blessing in Bahasa Indonesia to someone. (without
knowing who will get that paper)
3. They can open their dictionary to see the words
4. After everyone finish write their sentence, they will pass the paper to the person on their right for
3 or 4 times
5. After everyone pass it and get one paper from their left, let everyone read what they get
6. Ask 2 or 3 students to share it to the class.
7. And let the student keep the paper that they got as new vocabularies in Bahasa Indonesia.

15 min Developing the Lesson

1. The teacher will explain the different pronunciation A-Z letter between Bahasa Indonesia and in
English (comparison)
2. The teacher will pronounce the sounds of every letter, and the students will follow afterwards.
3. After they understand the sound of the letter and how to pronounce it. (checkup ask them with
4. We will play the game, that everyone sit in a circle.
15 min The student will take card that there is a letter written on it
When they take it, dont let them open and don't let them know what letter is that.
The teacher will ask one student to open and show it to the class and let the class say it how to
pronounce that letter not what letter is that
(they can show to the class by showing the card to the class or act to describe the letter)
Hephzibah Elvaretta P Language 45 Minutes
Grade 4

Closing the Lesson

5 Min Playing game I Care, Why?
By this game, the teacher will pass the question Why we have to care/learn Bahasa Indonesia? and
the student will answer with one sentence with template I care, because

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Check up with question. Show the letter in front with power point. For
example, when tell them the sound of A, at the same
time show them through power point of letter A
We show to them how to pronounce A in Bahasa and
let them hear it and let them follow to say it
When game time, we move the sit position into circle
and they can choose they want to stand to show the
letter or want to act it out to describe the letter

Medium size of card with letter A-Z written on it
A blank piece of paper
Power Point

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