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Approaching Pronation: Training Tactics for the Young

Ballet Student
Kelli Ann Briggs
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

Introduction Project Description Methods Conclusions

In addition to bi-weekly group ballet classes, Mya
As a university student of dance education, and Over the summer months, Mya improved very
participated in weekly private lessons with me from
a ballet teacher of 4 years, I have become gradually. I noticed that by educating her on
June to August. During this time I sought out
increasingly passionate about educating what was occurring in her body and how we
dance research, articles, and exercisesregarding
dancers about their bodies, and the most could try to work with it, the lights went on. She
anatomy, kinesiology, alignment, and imagery
dynamic, efficient ways to move. In my 4 years, I began to understand the sensation of correct
that might be appropriate for her conditions. In
have also become increasingly aware of the alignment. With many repeated reminders and
lessons, we explored various strengthening
diverse needs of each individual in my gentle touches to the lateral side of the foot, she
exercises, stretches, imagery, and specific
classroom. One particular student of mine, Mya began to notice when she was pronating during
alignment adjustments to discover what was most
Robinson, especially puzzled me when she first ballet class and slowly built the strength to
helpful. Over the summer weeks, I carefully
came into my class. Her body didnt seem to adjust her posture to its maximum efficiency.
observed transformations in her approaches to
respond to the standard approaches to Her muscle memory and consistency of correct
movement, placement, turn out, and technique in
alignment and technique. I soon came to realize posture (especially when performing more
group classes.
that Mya has very prominent genu valgum challenging complex technique) is still
(commonly referred to as knock knee) and developing, but she has made significant
hyperpronation. When her parents approached improvements.
me about improving her technique through
private lessons, I was at first intimidated. I Results Overall, I have come to the conclusion that
wasnt sure how to strategically prepare lessons Effective Strengthening severe anatomical deviations in bone structure
for a body with so many specific and unfamiliar cannot be changed, however, much can be done
needs. My desire to discover successful -Inverted Bosu Ball Balances (with emphasis on to support the body in functioning at its optimal
solutions and supportive exercises for Myas correct pelvic placement, even weight level. While strengthening, stretching, and
anatomical challenges fueled this research distribution and stable subtalar joint), One Leg imagery are all helpful in supporting good
project. Box Squats (with emphasis on correct pelvic technique and preventing injuries to a degree,
placement, stable subtalar joint, and proper the most immediately effective method of
knee tracking), Theraband (general foot and improving technical challenges in the lower leg
ankle joint strengthening through the demi and is to observe, assess, and correct the alignment
full point, bevel and sickle)
Aim of Research of the pelvis (see Results). With proper pelvic
-Effective Stretching alignment, the hip joint and subsequent ability
The questions that my research aims to address to externally rotate are maximally efficient.
Pictured above are the photos taken at the
are as follows: -Piriformis, Quadriceps/Hamstrings,
beginning of my research process. Top left:
1. What strengthening exercises will best support Evidence of the genu valgumthe medial Soleus/Gastrocnemius
a student with pronation tendencies? condyles of the femurs are in contact, but Mya Effective Imagery
is unable to touch her feet together. Top right:
2. What flexibility exercises will best support a - Dont squish the baby turtle that lives in the
Mya in first position, compensating for the
student with pronation tendencies?
genu valgum with one bent leg to avoid cave of your arch and Sending roots down Acknowledgements:
3. What imagery is most helpful for a student with femoral collision. Pronation, or rolling into the floor with the whole footlike a tree Franklin, E. N. (1996). Dynamic Alignment Through
pronation tendencies? forward, is also present hereseen in the HIGHLY Effective Alignment Adjustments Imagery (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
4. What anatomical alignment adjustments can shadow of beneath the lateral foot and toes. Nowacki, R. M., Air, M. E., & Rietveld, A. (2012).
Bottom left and right: We can see both the -Correcting Anterior Pelvic Tilt: 1. moving the
be made to enhance capabilities of students pubic symphysis to align with Anterior Superior Hyperpronation in Dancers: Incidence and Relation
with pronation tendencies? anterior and posterior view of very serious to Calcaneal Angle. Journal of Dance Medicine and
pronation and improper knee tracking when Iliac Spine 2. Horizontally aligning the anterior
Science, 16(3).
Mya is in attitude devant en fondu. and posterior iliac spines

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