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Invitation to register with FRAs Fundamental Rights Platform

To whom it may concern,

We would like to invite your organisation to register with the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) of the
EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).

The FRP is the agencys "mechanism of exchange and pooling of knowledge" created for facilitating a
"structured and fruitful dialogue" with and among civil society organisations. The FRP is not an
organisation and there is no membership. Please register for the FRP database here. The invitation to
register will remain permanently open. Please note that only organisations registered before 20 April
2017 can participate in the upcoming FRP Advisory Panel elections (as voters or candidates).

Through the FRP, FRA seeks to engage with a broad variety of civil society organisations acti ve i nside
the EU at international, EU, national and grassroots levels (see FRAs Founding Regulation Art. 10)
o non-governmental organisations dealing with human rights
o trade unions
o employer's organisations
o relevant social and professional organisations
o churches, religious, philosophical and non-confessional organisations
o universities and academics
o other qualified experts of European and international bodies and organisations.

The FRP is being relaunched under a new strategy that draws on 10 years experience of fruitful
cooperation. The aim is to cooperate more closely and to greater effect with a broader variety of civil
society organisations, focusing on enhanced thematic engagement. This means:
o Information exchange (newsletters, reports, social media);
o Meetings: thematic meetings, Fundamental Rights Forum, Agency country visits, inviting FRA
speakers to your events, speaking at FRA events;
o Contributing to FRA projects from beginning to end;
o cooperation in awareness raising;
o Supporting an enabling and protective space for civil society in EU Member States;
o Consultations: on Agency work plans and its annual Fundamental Rights Report;
o Communicating relevant outcomes and recommendations of civil society events to the
Agencys Director and its Scientific Committee;
o Capacity building for civil society organisations;
o Assisting FRAs Director in coordinating FRP activities through the Platforms Advisory Panel.

For more information, please check the new Terms of Reference of the FRP.

As the Agency is looking forward to cooperating with a broad range of civil society organisations acti ve
in the EU at international, EU, national and grassroots levels, please be invited to forward this
invitation to other relevant organisations.

For more information, please contact

Yours sincerely,
Friso Roscam Abbing
Head of Fundamental Rights Promotion Department

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