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Troubleshooting Your
Plural-Component Spray Equipment
By Heather Bayne, SSPC

his article describes problems commonly associ-
ated with plural-component spray equipment
and provides tips to help solve these problems.
As will be seen, there is some overlap in problems, their caus-
es, and their effects. To effectively troubleshoot equipment
problems, the plural-component spray applicator must have
formal training on the equipment, the operating manual on
hand, the contact information for the equipment manufac-
turers technical representative, and excellent lines of com-
munication with all personnel on the job-site.
System Runs Erratically: Lack of material can cause the
system to run erratically. Erratic behavior of the system
includes but is not limited to material flowing while the feed
pump is cycling with the drain valve open; the spray pres-
sure dropping; or the pump operating while the catalyst pres-
sure is dropping on the downstroke. If any of the above prob- Plural-component equipment set-up
lems occur, check your material supply, and if it is low, Courtesy of WIWA

replenish the pump. sating paint flow, insufficient power to the pump, a leak in
If there is sufficient material in the pump but the system tubing/hose, a coating that is too viscous, or a pump that is
runs erratically anyway while applying a protective coating inadequate in size.
(e.g., the equipment speeds up), stop spraying and check for Consult your operators manual or your equipment manu-
air pockets in the fluid lines, empty and clean the supply con- facturer to correct the spray pattern.
tainers, and check for a worn or dirty piston valve. If the pis- Machine Is Off-Ratio: Plural-component equipment pro-
ton valve is worn, replace it. If the piston valve is dirty, clean portions individual components according to the manufac-
it. turers recommendations and circulates the unmixed, pro-
Pressure Gauge Readings Unbalanced: If the pressure portioned material to the manifold to be mixed for applica-
gauge readings are not balancing (i.e., reading the same tion. It is important to monitor the mix ratio gauge located on
amount of output pressure in psi), check for an obstruction the control panel about every 10 minutes during coating
or restriction in the fluid lines and check the temperature of application. If the mix ratio varies, the coating will not apply
the material. When the temperature of the coating increases or cure properly. Possible indications of an off-ratio machine
beyond the coating manufacturers maximum limit, the pres- are color changes in the coating and prolonged or shortened
sure gauge may fluctuate. To prevent fluctuation of the pot-life and cure. If the equipment becomes off-ratio, shut
gauge, check the fluid lines, filters, and heaters prior to appli- down the equipment, and reset the ratio.
cation to be sure that they are working properly. It is important to become thoroughly familiar with the
Abnormal Spray Patterns: Abnormal spray patterns operating manuals for plural-component spray equipment.
include tails or fingers, very heavy coating thickness in the Before start-up, perform a quality check on the equipment to
center of the spray pattern, or a distorted, non-uniform pat- assure that it is in good operating condition. Once application
tern. Check that there is adequate paint flow, proper atom- has begun, communicate with your co-workers on the job-
ization of the coating, and adequate pump pressure. A heavy- site. If a problem arises, stop application and conduct a trou-
centered spray pattern is a sign that the nozzle tip is worn bleshooting assessment to fix the problem. When problems
and that the paint is not atomizing at the airless sprayer. persist after troubleshooting, contact the equipment and
A spray pattern changing in size can be attributed to a pul- coatings service technicians as soon as possible.

68 JPCL February 2007

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