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Eli Hernandez

Ms. Bermudez

English 10

January 27, 2017

Child Care

Would you put your child in daycare? Many children in daycare now have more problems

than those who are home with their parents. In 1912 the US Children's Bureau was found and it

called for a policy to support mothers so that they could stay at home with their children. While

supporters argue that children in daycare have more developmental problems. The opponents

argue that daycare centers meet the developmental needs of young children.

Its a better choice when children are being cared for by a parent. Researchers at

university of Montreal noticed that more children in daycare become overweight. in the article

kids in daycare more likely to be overweight by isabel teotonio it says Their research found

that children who attended daycare were 65 per cent more likely to be overweight between ages

4 and 10, compared with those who stayed home with a parent. And those cared for by an

extended family member were 50 per cent more likely to be overweight. This quote explains

how children in daycare centers can become overweight easier than a child who is being cared

for by a parent. Also, in the article For Many Kids Home Is The Best by Darcy Olsen it stated

Evidence from a national sample of 14,000 children suggests preschool suppresses social

development. Research on all types of daycare shows aggression and tantrums escalate.

Cognitive gains fade out. This quote means that children should be taken care of by a parent.

Therefore children should be looked after by a parent than in daycare.

Is better when children are cared for by a parent. In the article Day Care Linked to Rash

Behavior by Melissa Healy it says the latest findings of the federally funded early child care

research network are certain to be no exception. At age 15, according to a study published friday

in the journal development those who spent long hours In daycare as preschoolers are more

impulsive and more prone to take risks than are teens whose toddler years were spent largely at

home. This quote means that children who are put in daycare have more developmental

problems. Also, in the same article it says For starters, the behavioral differences between day-

care veterans and those who spent more time in the care of a parent appeared across the income

and class spectrum. Those differences were evident even at 15 years of age--more than a decade

after Mom or Dad had picked them up at daycare for the last time. This quote explains the

behavioral differences from daycare children and at home children. Therefore parents should not

place their children in daycare centers.

People could argue that Daycare Centers can meet the developmental needs of young

children. In the article No Need for Moms to Stay at Home by Jessica Rose it says

Sociologists analyzed time-use data from a longitudinal study of 1,610 children ages 3 to 11 and

778 children ages 12 to 18. Even though the belief that "the proper development of children

requires mothers lavishing large amounts of time and energy on offspring" is pervasive among

middle- and upper-class Americans, the sociologists found no evidence to support that notion.

There is some evidence that the over-12 set could benefit from quality time, but from both

parents -- not just their mothers. This quote explains that with daycare more mothers can get

jobs. Also from the same article it says It's clear that there's too much pressure on modern

mothers. In her 2005 bestseller, "Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety," Judith

Warner argued that middle-class Americans have come to expect "good" mothers to be "almost

always on-duty." This quote means that always looking after their child can be stressful so they

should put their child in daycare. The needs of young children can be met by daycare centers.

Day care centers can meet the developmental needs of young children. In the article

Daycares by Sandra G Boodman it says "My husband and I felt strongly that we wanted our

children to be in a social environment," said Bright, 35, who decided against enrolling them in

family day care or hiring a nanny. "We liked the oversight and accreditation of a center and

thought it would be a lot more stable" than relying on one person. Her goal, she said, was finding

child care she regarded as "the next best thing to me." This quote shows how parents can feel

about their child not getting enough of a social environment if they were at home. In the article

Parents Cope with Day Care Concerns by Marilyn Elias it stated Worry has been an ongoing

theme since baby-boom women surged into the labor market. The percentage of mothers of

preschoolers with jobs jumped from 30 percent to 60 percent from 1970 to 1990 and has edged

up to 65 percent since then. But today's parents have an advantage: Research on day care has

greatly increased in the past decade, and findings have been mostly reassuring. This quote

shows how that an increase of jobs with mothers who put their child in daycare.

Daycare centers can meet the developmental needs of young children.

In Conclusion, With supporters mentioning that children in daycare have more problems

than children at home, opponents argue that the needs of young children can be met by daycare

centers. Some people say that children are better off when they are cared for by a parent. That

could be argued with day care centers are good for young children. Both viewpoints show strong

evidence for their viewpoint. If you feel interrested in this topic or have more questions,

offers a selection of articles.


Works Cited

Teotonio, Isabel. "Kids in Daycare More Likely to be Overweight, Study Finds." Toronto Star,

20 Nov 2012, pp. A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Olsen, Darcy. "For Many Kids, Home is Best." USA TODAY, 10 Feb 2014, pp. A.6. SIRS

Issues Researcher,

Grose, Jessica. "No Need for Moms to Stay at Home." Los Angeles Times, 03 Apr 2015, pp.

A.15. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Boodman, Sandra G. "Day Cares." Washington Post (Washington, DC), 26 Aug 2008, pp.

F.1. SIRS Issues Researcher,

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