Nttutonl MPT On Rulr Bun Modl: Tud of DNH Ompn ... : Übersicht Zitierter Passagen

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nttutonl mpt on rulr bun modl: tud of Dnh ompn ...

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nttutonl mpt on rulr bun modl: tud of Dnh ompn ontnt 1 ntroduton 1 1.1Bkground nd tulzton 1 1.2Rrh Problm 5 1.3Rrh Quton nd Obtv 6
1.4op nd Dlmtton 7 1 ntroduton 1.1Bkground nd tulzton Th hng nr for rtng mor rulr tm rqur fundmntl tm hng. Bun Modl nnovton ontrbut tot h
hng bu th purpo of frm r- onptulzd, nd th prpton of vlu rdfnd.Bun modl n lnk rdl nd tm utnbl nnovton wth bun trtg t th oprtonl lvl, b lrl truturng
th pplton of th prnpl of th rulr onom.How th work xplnd blow b dung wht bunmodl , wht tp of rulr bunmodl hv bn dntfd nd how bun n dgn thr
own rulr bun modl. Bun modl bun modl n b drbd th bluprnt of frm bun log nd drb th rtonl of how thi ompn rt, dlvr nd ptur vlu. t not trtg but tool
whh gv nght n how frm do bun, nd n b ud for nl, ompron, prformn mnt, mngmnt, ommunton, nd nnovton . bun modl how umpton on utomr,
rvnu trm, all ot, ompttor nd ur nd, nd how wht bun log ud . wdl ptd w to trutur bun modl h bn dvlopd b Otrwldr t. l (2005), who dntfd nn
buldng blok tht drb how bun rt vlu. B fllng n th nn buldngblok of th olld bun modl nv ntl prt op bun modl r dfnd nd th vblt nd ompltn n b
dtrmnd ( fgur 1). Fgur 1: th Bun modl nvOtrwldr, Pgnur, & Tu. 2005 Bd on ltrtur tud, Nn Bokn nd ollgu hv dntfd tht utnbl bun modl n b tgorzd
n ght dffrnt bun modl rhtp. Th rhtp r group bd on th xtnt to whh th fou of th bun modl bd on mor thnl, ol or orgntonl pproh of utnblt. hown n
fgur x, wthn h bun modl rhtp, dffrnt trtg r dntfd.Bokn, hort, Rn & vn. 2014 Fgur 2: Bun modl rhtpBokn, hort, Rn & vn. 2014 Bun modl bd on
rulr prnpl Bd on th x powr tht nbl vlu rtonn rulr onom, nd obrvt n prt, M h dntfd 19 xtng bunmodl, whh r: 1. hort l 1. P pr U On tm pmnt to u
produt or rv. 2. Rpr Produt lf xtnon b rpr rv. 3. Wt rduton Rdu wt n th produton pro. 4. hrng pltform Produt nd rv r hrd mong onumr. 5. Progrv
purh P prodll mll mount for purh. 2. Long l 6. Prformn bd ontrtng Long trm ontrt nd rponblt wth produr. 7. Tk bk mngmnt nntv to nur produt
gt bk to produr. 8. Nxt lf l Produt gt nxt lf. 9. Rfurbh & Rll Produt gt nxt lf ftr dutmnt. 3. d 10. Upl Mtrl r rud nd t vlu upgrdd. 11. Rll & rpurpo
mtr r dd nd rud, rld or dpod. 12. ollbortv produton ooprton n th produton vlu hn ldng to long mtrl loop. 4. Pur l 13. rdl ro rdl produt rdgn to
100% lod mtrl loop. 14. ulr ourng Onl ourng rulr produt or mtrl. 5. Dmtrlzd rv 15. Phl to vrtul hftng phl tvt to rtul 16. ubrpton bd rntl gnt low
prod f onumr n u produt or rv 6. Produ on dmnd 17. Produ on ordr Onl produng whn dmnd prnt 18. 3D prntng Ung 3D prntng to produ wht
ndd 19. utomr vot (dgn) mkng utomr vot wht produt to mk. 1.2Rrh Problm Dnmrk h trtd t ourn towrd th rulr onom nd on of th frt tp w th prot
nttd nd prformd b th lln Mrthur Foundton, round rtng tool kt for pol mkr, whh w to drb mthodolog for rulr onom polmkng. Whn rulr onom
grow, th dmnd for orgnzton tht fltt th rulton of mtrl nr. ordng to ntur th fv bun modl offr opportunt: rulr uppl: Provd rnwbl nrg, bo bd- or full rlbl
nput mtrl to rpl ngl-lfl nput. Rour Rovr: Rovr uful rour/nrg out of dpod produt or b-produt. Produt Lf xtnon: xtnd workng lfl of produt nd
omponnt b rprng, upgrdng nd rllng. hrng Pltform: nbl nrd utlzton rt of produt b mkng pobl hrd u//ownrhp. Produt rv:Offr produt nd rtn ownrhp
to ntrnl bnft of rulr rour produtvt. Th prot look t th rulr onom opportunt from ountr nd polmkr prptv, nd m to provd polmkr wth n tonbl toolkt to
hlp lrt th trnton towrd th rulr onom. Prt of th prot w to prform tud on Dnmrk whh dntfd rulr onom opportunt, brrr nd pol opton n th ountr. Th
rult howd tht ntrodung th rulr onom prnpl to th Dnh onom would: nr GDP b 0.8 1.4 % Rdu onumpton of ltd rour b up to 50 % Rdu Dnh rbon
footprnt b 3-7 % rt 7 000 13 000 ob b 2035 Th rult wr bd on th followng fv tor, whh ovr 25 % of th onom: Food nd bvrg ontruton nd rl tt Mhnr
Plt pkgng Hoptl 1.3Rrh Quton nd Obtv n ordr to ppl th uggtd rulr bun modl, bun hould b bl to dntf wht tp of bunmodl ft bt wth thr orgnton nd
wll b mot promng. rulr bun modl nn b ud to dntf wht opportunt r prnt fort h urrnt bun, ndTh Vlu Hlltrutur ll td whr pobl opportunt for bunmodl
nnovton r prnt. rulr ro-tor ollborton n Norw th fol pont of our rrh, whh k to nwr th followng rrh quton: How n ro-tor ollborton t n nblr of rulr
onom n Dnh? To furthr gud u n nwrng th rrh quton, w wll nlud om pf rrh obtv tht w wll tr to hv on th w to our onluon: OBTV 1: To nvtgt th trtg
bnft of ollborton towrd rulr onom. OBTV 2: To xmn drvr, nblr nd brrr of trnton to rulr onom. OBTV 3: To hghlght th rol of ntrton btwn th
govrnmnt, dm nd th ndutr n trnton to rulr onom? OBTV 4: To ondr th potntl for rulr onom in Danih n ordr to ppl th uggtd rulr bun modl, bun
hould b bl to dntf wht tp of bunmodl ft bt wth thr orgnton nd wll b mot promng. rulr bun modl nn b ud to dntf wht opportunt r prnt fort h urrnt
bun, ndTh Vlu Hlltrutur ll td whr pobl opportunt for bunmodl nnovton r prnt. 1.4op nd Dlmtton M propo to u rulr bun modl n to dntf whh bun
modl ft wth th urrnt bun. uh n nvtgt whr opportunt for rulr nnovton n b found, nd wht rulr prnpl n b ud to trt rtng mor rulr bun modl. mntond
bov, th fol pont of our rrh ro-tor ollborton n rulr bun. W dfn th ollborton tht, to t lt om xtnt, oprt ordng to on or mor prnpl of rulr onom .Mor pfll,
th mn unt of nl th bun unt (.. rgtrd lgl ntt) wthn th ollborton tht drtl nvolvd n rulr pro nd/or routn on n oprtonl lvl. Th ron for th tht w blv th frm
wll hv th mot xprn wth rulr bun modl n prt, nd thu b bt quppd to provd u th rh nformton w nd to nwr our rrh quton. ubquntl, rodmp to mplmnt
th outom of th frt n hould b rtd. uh rodmp hould b bd on n ndpth mrkt nl, ompn von rvw nd tkholdr nl. Th Vlu Hll Th Vlu hll rulr bun trtg tool
tht provd ompn wth tool to poton thr bun n rulr ontxt nd to dvlop futur trtg for rulr onom. ddtonll, th Vlu Hll provd ovrght n ntl rulr prtnr nd
ollborton n rulr vlu ntwork ( fgur 3). n th vlu hll, dffrnt tg of mtrl nd produt flowng through th onom r hown. Through dffrnt pro, mtrl gn vlu th go
up hll, th hv th hght vlu whn th r n u t th top of th hll, nd lowl loo vlu whn th go down hll. n rulr onom th m to fd mtrl, produt or prt bk n to ph
wth hghr vlu n ordr to rtn vlu. Th Vlu hll n b ud b bun to dntf rlr opportunt for nw bun modl, b dntfng four tgor, n whh rulr bun modl n b ppld (
fgur 3): rulr uphll dvlopmnt (Pr-u) rulr Pk u (n-U) rulr downhll rovr (Pot-u) rulr ntwork upport (ollborton btwn prtnr n th vlu hn) For h ph r dffrnt
bun modl vlbl ( fgur 3). Th tool n b ud b followng four tp tool: 1. Potonng urrnt bun modl onto th Vlu Hll:to wht tgor do th urrnt bun blong? 2.
Potonng vlu hn prtnr on th Vlu Hll: to wht tgor do urrnt vlu hn prtnr blong? 3. dntf gp nd opportunt n th rulr vlu ntwork:wht tgor nd lnkg r tll
mng? 4. Formult futur rulr bun trtg:lt pproprt bunmdol to nr mpt nd fll n gp. Fgur 3: Th Vlu Hllhtrbrg, Hnflr, & Bokn. 2016

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