Morehead Stem Emergency Plan

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Morehead STEM Level I Evacuation Plan na situation that warrants an evacuation of the premises, Morehead STEM students and personnel will move to the Stadium {Visitors Side and Tennis Court) of Vance High School. Once on the court each arade level wil line up withthe assigned staff members in the staging area. A visible sign will denote the space. A Level Ii evacuation may be calied immediately or a Level | crisis could escalate to a Level It crisis. ‘The following procedures will be in place to ensure an orderly and safe process. «All students will return to thelr homerooms and quickly pack up for the day (if posstble). Non- homeroom personne! will be assigned a duty for safety and supervision. ‘¢ Staff members will supervise the evacuation. «© Staff members wil! have all emergency information in Safe Schoo! folder and will bring this information to the evacuation area. : When classes are assembled, staff members will hold up either a red or green card (found in Safe School folder) to indicate if all students are accounted for. The green card indicates that all students are present and accounted for and the red card indicates that a child that isin attendance isnot with his/her lass. Unless the evacuation is due to a bomb threat, announcements will be made dismissing students by grade level. Students wil ext following the standard exit plan used in fire dis. Homeroom teachers ‘must take your roster that Includes emergency contact and emergency dismissal information. Bomb threat procedures: 1. Staff will come door to door to notify teachers. 2. Doors are left unlocked and/or propped open and windows should be open where possible, 3, Staff members should conduct a quick check of their areas, noting any suspicious items such 2s packages; any suspicious items should be reported immediately to an administrator. DO NOT TOUCH [ANY SUSPICIOUS ITEMS - ONLY REPORT THEM! 4, During a bomb threat NO CELL PHONES, WALKIES, OR FM LISTENING DEVICES! Do take your cell phone to use once we are safely at Vance High School. 5, Homeroom teachers must take your roster that includes emergency contact and emergency dismissal information. ‘The following personnel are to assist grade levels in evacuating. Once all students are with their homeroom teacher this group will exit the building and be available at the Level 2 site. They will prepare the site and hold the appropriate signs to facitate the process. Front Office Staff, Counselors, EC, ESL, Psychologist, and Coach Hetherington will take the Crisis Box and ‘Blue Cards, This tear will work with parents in the event that they arrive to the Level 2 site, JOHN M. MOREHEAD STEM ACADEMY CRISIS PLAN cis Plan has been created with the intent of providing our students at John M. Morehead STEM >y with an orderly, discipined and safe environment. is Team Members: vin Woods, Prin Kiesha Pride, Assistant Principal ‘ty Capozzi, Assistant Principal Leona Bost, Administrator Susan Kiss, Financial Secretary Kelly Morris, Head Custodian joelle Hughes, Counselor David Hochreiter, Counselor im Hetherington, PE 1. The Principat is the primary contact forall riss situations. The Assistant Principals wil serve as the contact persons for all crisis situations when the Principal is off campus. 2. Severe incidents are reported immediately to the Area Superintendent by the Principal or Assistant Principal, ‘The School Leadership Team holds the school accountable for maintaining high expectations, implementing a fair and consistent discipline plan and providing a clean, orderly and student- centered learning environment by ensuring adherence to the schoo! improvernent plan. 1s, The Principal (or designee) and Custodian inspects the building daily before opening school to censure student safety and report or correct the damage. PLEASE NOTE: 4. Visitor passes are distributed at the front office where all visitors must report and sign-in when: entering the campus. All school visitors will have the appropriate volunteer profile clearance, 2. Allexterior doors, including the front door will be locked by 9:00 AM. All side doors are kept locked from the outside. DO NOT PROP OPEN DOORS. Staff WILL NOT open side doors for ANY visitors, Direct al visitors to the main office to sign in. 3, Allstudents traveling the halls without an adult must have a hall pass (4-8) and a buddy (K-3). CAMPUS SUPERVISION All staff members are assigned a morning and/or aftemoon campus supervision assignment. Staff members are strategically stationed throughout the building to monitor students and visitors entering the building, Staff should immediately report any unsafe behavior or concerns to an Administrator. All Visitors to the schoo! must enter through the front entrance and receive a visitor’s badge. Bus Lot Supervision ‘The bus lot is supervised by Ms. Pride, Ms. Bost, Ms. Capozzi, Mr. Delgado, Ms. Kiss and Ms. Hetherington. Visitors are not permitted to enter the bus lot area. During bus dismissal, designated staff members are assigned to bus lot supervision. (outlined in Staff Handbook) Responsibilities include but are not limited to: assisting with supervision during eismisal, assisting with any disciplinary issues and medical emergencies. Elementary Electives: Stationed on Visitors’ Side of the Stadium. Kindergarten will be closest to Neal Road and 5 grade will be towards the back parking lot. \llddle School Electives- Stationed on Tennis Court “The following personnel are to assist grade levels in evacuating. They are also responsible for being sure that all classes in the grade level have exited the building. Lindsay Tatton will assist kindergarten in the evacuation as needed. She will then report to Kevin Woods ‘and/or Morehead Crisis Team for further assignments. [Anstarie McKinnon will assist first grade in the evacuation as needed. She will then report to Kevin Woods and/or Morehead Crisis Team for further assignments. ‘Abby Dietly will assist second grade in the evacuation as needed. She will then report to Kevin Woods and/or Morehead Crisis Team for further assignments. Joe Delgado will assist third grade in the evacuation as needed. He will then report to Kevin Woods and/or Morehead Crisis Team for further assignments, Dillon/Hemingway will assist fourth grade in the evacuation as needed. They will then report to Kevin Woods and/or Morehead Crisis Team for further assignments. Nowell Gillard will assist fifth grade in the evacuation as needed. They will then report to Kevin Woods and/or Morehead Crisis Team for further assignments. 4. Richardson will assist sith grade in the evacuation as needed. She will then report to Kevin Woods and/or Morehead Crisis Team for further assignments. “nead will assist seventh grade in the evacuation as needed. He will then report to Kevin Woods and/or Morehead Crisis Team for further assignments. Courtnie James will assist 8 grade in the evacuation as needed. She will then report to Kevin Woods and/or Morehead Crisis Team for further assignments, patti Capozzi, Kiesha Pride and Leona Bost will man each exit and monitor the evacuation process, officer Tucker and Kevin Woods will oversee the evacuation process and will work withthe Morehead Crisis Team to ensure that all students and staff have safely evacuated the building. See eee rar post dt; wil aes parents with unloading an loading students safely SHES seers cand supervised by designated staff, Each ca riders assigned a car pool mumber AS eeepc students ar2 announced according to their assigned numbers. Students are not iesued to divers without the car number and/or proper identification. se event thata student has change of transportation, the parent must submit the requestin sa with changes in trangsortation are oniy rernivr inthe event of an ing. Piuone calls o emergency. « may begin drop off at 8:25 a.m, Students arriving after 9:00 a.m. must report to the office for a tardy pass. All exterior doors are secured at 9:00 a. FIRE EVACUATION x ‘aw sequires that schcols csndict routine fire dts to ensure the scf*y of staff and students. Fire tare hele once a snnth 2: “erent times of the day. The dri's are announced. In the event of The sound 0" nates the fire dil Students should line up quickly in single file Tauchsrs must have the Crisis/Emergency Notebook and/or clas roster when exiting for any type of evacuation. 4. Tha teacher should allow the students to ext the building first and the teacher should be positioned gt the end of the line. «. peadents should not ta or play during a fire dil, Teachers shoul consistently enforce this expectation with all 6. ifthe sit: bioctad, ues the nearest available exit, 7, Donor’ ica to the building because the fire trucks must use those entrances. fou are in your eiaseroom, exit according to your posted map. This information must be included in your substitute plans. a. Mombers of team will verify that all students and staff are with an aut and ot of the building. 10, The Principal will determine when the studerts and staff con enter the building, [Allstudents, staff and visite:> should exit the bullding in Tess then = r= utes. Therefore, we must exit quickly and.safely. LUNCH TIME * during funch, students should immediately get quiet, and wait for their teacher or staff on duty to lead ther: from ‘the cafeteria to the parking lot ‘by way of the exit facing, the bus parking area. Both exit doors 2re used to ‘expedite the transition. In ‘the event of an actual emergency, 2 fire exit mray be blocked scan the room for possble exits to use fthe normal exitis not available.

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