Competency Reflection 1

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Competency Reflection

Lynette ONeal

University of St. Thomas

Administrative Internship I

Dr. A. Patrick Huff

December 3, 2016

Competency Reflection

I have a better understanding of Competency 008. This semester I have had the

opportunity to write and be awarded two grants. Throughout the grant writing process and now

in the purchasing phase, I have gained a greater understanding of how budgets work and the

codes that are involved. Previously, I always wondered why it took so long for things to be

ordered and arrive on campus if funds were available. Now, it is clear to me that budget really is

a process that requires considerable patience.

Another competency that I have a greater understanding is Competency 004. My project

is Accelerated Language Instruction for our English Language Learners who have been in school

for longer than four years, but rated as Beginning or Intermediate in Reading. Through this

project I have had the opportunity to review student test data and TELPAS scores to identify

students in need of additional support. I have also had to coordinate trainings, gain staff support

to attend district planning sessions and training, work with the campus technology specialist to

ensure that technology was available for the efficient running of the program, and work with the

bookkeeper to ensure that all documentation is submitted on time so that staff members are paid


I need to gain increased knowledge and understanding of Competency 007. Problem

solving and decision-making opportunities tend to occur in administrative meetings that I do not

attend. I do not have access to all of the information that the administrators have when they

attend leadership meetings, so it would be helpful to have some additional background

information to understand how decisions are made.

I also need better understanding of Competency 002. I would like to get more knowledge

on how my campus acquires its business partners and what is involved in these partnerships. I

think that I could gain this information by actually soliciting support from area businesses and

asking for help.

My principal is very approachable and maintains an open door policy. She tries to be as

transparent as possible in all situations. She believes that most situations can be resolved with

calm, cool heads and open minds. These are the traits that I would like to emulate.

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