Western Front Tank Leader Errata and Updates Charts

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Desert Steel updated Western Front and Eastern Front Tank Leader Charts (by Steven Bucey)

Cover Chart Combat Results Table

Hard Cover Soft Cover Target is a Vehicle Dice-Roll Target is a Non-Vehicle
Bocage Woods Miss 8- Miss
Forest Wood Buildings Hit 9 Miss
Stone Buildings Uphill Hit 10, 11 Hit
Hit+1 12 Hit
Spotting Hit+1 13, 14 Hit+1
Procedure Hit+2 15, 16 Hit+2
1.The Spotting Number is the distance between the spotter and the target, as Kill 17 Hit+3
modified below:
Kill 18 Hit+4
a. If the target is in clear terrain divide the distance by 3 (if there is a
Fired marker on the target it is considered to be in clear terrain). Kill 19+ Kill
b. If the target is in Hard Cover multiply the distance by 2. An Unmodified roll of 3 is always a miss
2.Roll one die and modify it according to the spotting modifiers. An Unmodified roll of 18 is always a Kill
a. If the modified roll is equal to or greater than the Spotting Number the Miss: The target is unaffected
target has been spotted. Hit: The target must make a morale check
b. If the modified roll is less than the Spotting Number the target has not Hit+#: The target must make a morale check and add the number indicated to the
been spotted (the spotter is still considered to have made an attack and is dice-roll
marked with a Fired marker). Kill: The target is eliminated; remove it from the map. A Kill is a Quick Kill if
Spotting Modifiers the attacker was using anti-vehicle fire and the attack was:
+1 If the target has a Fired marker Green and the unmodified dice roll was 15+
+1 For each vehicle (other than the target) in the targets hex if the target is in Seasoned and the unmodified dice roll was 12+
the clear Veteran and the unmodified dice roll was 10+
+1 If the target was previously spotted by a unit with a C3 of A, B or C
-1 If the spotter is Green Morale Check Modifiers
-1 If the Target is Veteran + the morale dice roll modifier for each eliminated unit the formation (this is
-1 If the target is entrenched the only modifier that applies to formations morale checks)
-1 If the target is non-vehicle in cover and there are no vehicles in the target + separation modifier if the unit is separated
hex + hit modifiers
-1 If the spotter is a vehicle and target is Infantry +2 if attacked by a unit in the same hex
-2 If either spotter or target is in a hex with smoke -2 For any Soviet/Allied parent formation recovery of shaken combat
+2 If hit by a attacker in the same hex as the target

Fire Dice Roll Modifiers

Vehicle Target Non-Vehicle Target
Favorable to Attacker (Cumulative) Favorable to Attacker (Cumulative)
+1 If target used Road Movement to enter hex +1 If target belongs to a shaken combat formation
+1 For each additional vehicle in the targets hex +2 If target is in a minefield or wire hex
+1 If target belongs to a shaken combat formation +1 If target is Green
+1 If target is in a minefield or wire hex +1 If Attacker is Veteran
+1 If target is Green +2 Target moved
+1 If Attacker is Veteran +3 Unit capable of Indirect Fire Spotting its own target
+3 Infantry performing Close Assault
+3 Unit capable of Indirect Fire Spotting its own target
Favorable to Target (Cumulative) Favorable to Target (Cumulative)
-# Attacker is separated (See Separation Effects -# Attacker is separated (See Separation Effects Chart)
Chart) -1 Target is Veteran
-1 Attacker is Green -1 Attacker is Green
-1 Target is Veteran -2 Target is in soft cover
-1 Target is suppressed -2 Target attacked by a Fire Zone
-2 Target moved -3 Target is suppressed
-1 Target is in soft cover -3 Target is in an entrenchment
-2 Target is in hard cover -4 Target is in hard cover
-2 Anti-infantry fire against a soft target -6 Target is in a bunker
-2 Target attacked by a Fire Zone
Range Modifiers (one only) * Range Modifiers (one only) *
+6 Target is in same hex +6 Target is in same hex
+3 Target is in adjacent hex +2 Target is in adjacent hex
+2 Target is 2 hexes away -3 Target is at least 6 hexes away
+1 Target is 3 to 5 hexes away
* Range Modifiers do not apply to Indirect Fire or Air Strikes
Desert Steel updated Western Front and Eastern Front Tank Leader Charts (by Steven Bucey)
Separation Effects
Unit Experience Morale Dice Roll Fire Dice Roll Movement Modifier
Veteran +1 -1 None
Seasoned +2 -2 None
Green +4 -4 F-rated Vehicle units subtract 4 from movement die rolls.
Non-vehicle Units may not move.
Random Battle Conditions
Roll one die once for each Battle Condition listed as variable in the scenario Area Effects Chart
(Vegetation Arid Wooded Forested Heavily
Die Season Road Urban Area Contour Feature) Forested
Roll Net (4) (3) Dark Clear Woods Forest Forest
1 Winter Restricted Devastated Arid Flat Light Clear Clear Woods Forest
2 Winter Moderate Sparse Arid Rolling
(1) Urbanization Effects Chart
3 Spring Moderate Sparse Wooded Rolling (Urban Devastated Sparse Normal
(2) Feature)
4 Fall (2) Moderate Sparse Wooded Rolling Dark Clear Wood Stone
5 Summer Dense Normal Forested Hilly Buildings Buildings
6 Summer Dense Normal Heavily Hilly Light Clear Clear Wood
Forested Buildings
Note 1) Roll again, on a roll of 1-3 there is snow
Note 2) Roll again, on a roll of 1-3 there is mud Contour Effects Chart
Note 3) If the season is summer add +1; if the season is winter subtract 2. (Contour Flat Rolling Hilly
Note 4) WFTL Only Shading)
Level 0 Level 0 Level 0
Season Effects Chart
Level 0 Level 0 Level 1
Season River Shallow Creek Ford
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2
Summer Prohibited (Note 1) (Note Same as other
1) terrain in hex Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Spring or Prohibited Prohibited (Note (Note 1)
Fall 1)
Stacking Limits
Winter Same as other terrain in hex (See note 2)
(Each player may stack up to this number of units in a hex)
Note 1) Costs 1 movement point to enter and unit must stop. Units that exit may move
only 1 hex.
Terrain Type Total Units Vehicle Units
Note 2) Scenario instructions may modify this Clear, Wood Buildings, trail, 6 3
dirt road or surfaced road
Stone Buildings, Bocage, 3 1
Forest 3 0
Rivers, creeks, shallows and Other terrain in Other terrain in
fords hex hex

Terrain Movement Point Cost Chart

Terrain Type Vehicles Vehicles Non-Vehicles
Normal Mud/Snow
Surfaced Road
Dirt Road (See note 4) 1
Trail 1 (2) 1 (2)
Bridge 1 1 1
Clear, Stone Buildings 1 (2) 2 (3) 1
Wood Buildings (1) 1 (2) 1
Woods 1 (2) 2 (4) 1
Forest Prohibited Prohibited 1
Bocage 3 (Prohibited) 3 (Prohibited) 1
River, Creek, Shallow, Ford Note 1 Note 1 Note 1
Up Elevation MA (Note 2) MA (Note 2) 1
Lake Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Note 1) See the Season Effects Chart. Note 4) Roads in EFTL are considered Dirt Roads
Note 2) Unit expends one half of its printed movement allowance (rounded
down) to enter a hex of higher elevation unless using road movement, in
which case it pays the road movement rate.
Note 3) Trucks and motorcycles pay the cost in parenthesis when given.

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