Projection Completion Form

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WILMINGTON UNIVERSITY AHS PROGRAM GUIDED PRACTICUM/CAPSTONE PROJECT COMPLETION FORM PART A: (To be completed by student) Swudsnt Name: ___Christine Gitonga___——ins:_ 68940. eee Adtres: 4307 alfred ave b____CitySiute: Yeadon Pai, 19050 | "ome Proves: __ ell Phone #s_ 6109095937 _ mst Completion Date: 4/13/17 PART B: (To be completed by Site Supervisor) Gs Capstone P, tion TRS i to certify that the above-named student has completed the capstone project and thatthe work product has been submitted to the ag Nimo Address: __ Name of Site Supervisor: —______ Phone Number: _ aaa Site Supervisor Signat ne eee ed ite = Guided Practicum Option This isto cerify that the above-named student hes completed __430 {gga} clock hours of Practicum experience under my supervision atthe site dented below. This is aeufie asa A, __(Date), ney City/State: PART C: (To be completed by the Faculty Field Instructor) ‘his isto cerity that Ihave verified that the student successfully completed the following ‘Capstone Project (The acs exami X__ Totat cioa Hours of Practicum Experience Site Supervisor contact, and an racy of this information has been verified through student contac of the student's weekly log.) PARTD: Capstone Project Requirement (To be completed by student and AHS Program Chair) {his is to certify that the student's Capstone Project work product has been submitted tothe host agency. A copy of the Capsione Project hasbeen submited tothe AHS Program Chair for inclusion ine student's permos’acadcerc ie Student Signature: Date: AHS Program Chair § Date: __

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