Dan Dennett

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Date and title Main points New language

Dan Dennett: Cute, Actually it is totally Inversion: The action of inverting

sexy, sweet, funny opposite, such as reason something or the state of being
why people love chocolate Reasoning: The action of thinking
cake is sweet and reason about something in a logical, sensible
why men love girls is sexy, way.
and the reason why We Enunciate: Say or pronounce clearly.
adore babies is they are Condense: Make (something) denser
cute etc. or more concentrated.
creationist : A person who believes
that the universe and living
The reason why we love organisms originate from specific
sweet is human being acts of divine creation, as in the
developed to seek sweet biblical account.
for brain. adore: Love and respect (someone)
detector: A device or instrument
It could be said that designed to detect the presence of a
preference of human being particular object or substance.
is the result of crudely: In a rudimentary or
developments. makeshift way.
intrinsically: In an essential or natural
glucose: A simple sugar which is an
important energy source in living
organisms and is a component of
many carbohydrates.
molecules: A group of atoms bonded
together, representing the smallest
fundamental unit of a chemical
compound that can take part in a
chemical reaction.
intrinsically : In an essential or
natural way.
hallucinations: An experience
involving the apparent perception of
something not present.
apparently: As far as one knows or
can see.
oddly: In a way that is different to
what is usual or expected; strangely.
supernormal: Exceeding or beyond
the normal; exceptional.
stimulus: A thing or event that evokes
a specific functional reaction in an
organ or tissue.
diapers : A baby's nappy.
adorable: Inspiring great affection or
neural : Relating to a nerve or the
nervous system.
grubby: Covered with dirt; grimy.
clerical : Concerned with or relating
to work in an office, especially
routine documentation and
administrative tasks.
debugging : Identify and remove
errors from (computer hardware or
knob : A rounded lump or ball,
especially at the end or on the surface
of something.

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