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Chapter 3 Review

1. The Constitution is the laws that make up the frame work of

governance in Canada.
2. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was incorporated to create laws
to protect ALL Canadians.
3. Canadian citizens participation in municipal, provincial, and
federal elections is balanced with the Democratic Rights protected
under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
4. Canadians understanding and obeying Canadas laws is balanced
by the legal rights protected in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
5. Womens suffrage movements campaigned for Democratic Rights.
6. Internment of Japanese, German, Ukrainian, and Italian people most
likely lead to the protection of Mobility Rights and freedom from
unreasonable search and seizure.
7. One result of the Indian Act prevented First Nations people from
taking political action.
8. The right to vote and the right to enter and leave Canada is
only allowed for Canadian citizens.
9. Parliament can restrict Canadian rights and freedoms in times
of crisis; as seen in the October Crisis.

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