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In describing biblical worldview, Section I began with two foundational statements (p. 5):
1. There is no such thing as Christian education; there are only Christian educators.

2. Only part of Gods Story is being told; Christian educators need to hear the rest of the story.

Following are three biblical reasons God-glorifying education is a mandate for parents

Because God is God

Why Christian education? Because God is God. The whole earthevery square inch of itis
full of his glory. Another way of saying this is that every facet of reality is full of the glory of
God. Or, better yet, every aspect of every discipline we study in school is full of his glory. Our
task as educators is to uncover that glory and return it to God two-fold, four-fold, and more. (p.

This glory begins with the simple acknowledgment that God is God of all. Not to acknowledge
this is to act in collusion with Satans Lie. Indeed, God deserves all glory, for he and he alone is
God! (p.10)

Because education is to be a testament of truth

In fact, a primary reason Christ came to earth was to testify to the truth about his kingdom.5
He said so himself, before the Roman governor Pilate. His kingdom coming on earth was all
about speaking and doing the truth countering the Lie. He came to usher-in a new world order,
for the old one was to pass away. (p. 10)

Parents are to testify to the truth that they have seen and heard. The nurture of Gods children
entrusted to parents and teachers is to be in the truth. (p. 10)

Because it is the covenantal responsibility of believing parents to their children (and

Simply stated, God consecratessets apart for himself from the moment of conceptionthe
children of a believer, for he desires godly offspring.13 These children are declared holy unto
the Lord and are to be nurtured toward personal affirmation of that covenant relationship when
they reach their ages of understanding. (p. 11)

The Vision for the Nurture of Children

We desire that our children will
1) Love God with all their heart, mind, and strength
2) Glorify God in all things, enjoying him forever. (p. 13)

The Mission of Education

1) Know the sovereign and loving Father in fullness through the three-fold manifestation of his
Word and Spirit and, thus, receive the new Life (Zo) in fullness. (p. 14)
2) Seek the coming of Gods kingdomhis emanating and effectual Presenceon earth by
living life (bios) in fullness, that is, by being Christs faithful presence in all ways and in all
things, for his glory. (p.14)

Understanding that it is very important to educate your child/ student about the Biblical
foundations or worldviews, I would do my best to share whatever wisdom God has given to me
to the children that I may impart Gods words and his teachings

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