Act of Teaching

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Planning Thstuchongs 1 What J to seach 1 2. How toteach 1 3. How +0 determing ire Stuolents leamed anol sonstrect? 1, State Standards « How trey deyelop “there ore 6 factors that tneuece, the Hondarbs * Soctetad expectations “The Nature and Need of learned “Protswono£ Sociens With intesp tn Educanon - 2. What state Standass look like F Instructional Ohyechve Ditter tn Two we vo what le “tt thal. Wreo Able to yom the Lercom M Some objechies are gererod , others One (peste, — she to Meature 16 + 16 to broaol 1 be speatc! # Kinoy of Obyechves we re Reruer th tS olfterens leaning) : Writing « baseot * experienues Opnirive Attcohve Psycho meer logs 3 d oe ee entad, obs, physical Aerenne setting, inteLleeruoe. emotion’ chee. Characters, objects , ound Wens inderail. Y Matte mame + chicane ability W Chesney Laming outcomes 40 represent andute numbers “Nérhad informations Tn eayivolers forns “Triellecuag skill 3 the Power of state stancloas. “ Copninve. strategies 2 Cantos: ridenced by wa: + Motor stills 2. Standards inherited clown + AtKtudes. ic, +o the school duemic’s * Thevale of epesine gbjectves. Tastmctionag Obgectives + { * Good © be char 4 precite Dkinds OF curvoutum * Sequence anc related * Knay what are ning wasine | negate Preparing Insteuctionot Plans of Varying Duration ‘hong and chorr' planning PD fous for one academic year — now how much Heir hme — Choote the centenr- "Preparing Long - 2 Plans: CYearty /cemes ter) : Preparing unit plans : Preparing Aescon Plans "The ‘backward Dexgw’ Johea of lesen & Unt planndy 2. Decide - Abjecies is * Bloom's tan. (comp NRO. , Ancler, AP Phicaten , Weltuawens Valuing 2 OMyanizaren) 2. Determine how you Know the obgective ts accompliched, 3 wha i te Sradegy, + Resources Useful, ashen . Planning * Colaba tives. corporate. Chapter # ——b HD somertung %6 one of More Qudienas abour ertoin Fact, Weas, concepts anclexptana fons. + Atenhion + earning Sbgeckves, e uttan adtance Orgonizar © Pretent Leamers [learning cbjecres | - advane, organizer (ep by ~ Alcurate » compere, cLior “Nw ideas conceny, example ~ Hort ~ Tnteracrcons - *@& wharas the purpoe * Specific tntruckonce Objectnes * make them sndepenclens * Wieresting aseignmenr { Coorperative eamng 3 | Diccov ery foming > Con Stu kivsm | Direct Instruction . ie Coorporanve + tnvowes karner | to work Yogerher in emate grup Onel rewaroler For ‘their acomp lish + Discover =a -trvolve Stuclons “Yo Bnol ou] Figure aut sometuy for themeelves # Construc hwst ~» Improve & mame Stuclent undlers tarcing # piueck insinuction + he Heacher dominated & directed ver 10 “an ettective teccher” 4. Molva ting personabity enthuwasm © eryoyedt awhat Hey ore doing > warmth —o Showing +0 Eeuclee Opetihve Though, Caring or eup portay © Sumer -# OResive ure of Aw ror > Creotibachig -0 bung oness&, Pooling with. Your chiles 2 Omentahon towarcl euccoss ee encourage Stucleras 8+ dligh eyectanins for shit, Success . A encourne and rupporme Rel the shiderns Rel Quecep ted... - Se Fubtreeng prophecy. — Sustained, @ep eotaficnt. > whar you expected and Qetieve thet tt will achive, Cha, 44 Pratessiono skills & abilities OF ecrechve Teacher * “eablraing -« provide the lessons and instuchon = Onlentation -2 ERK ructionee acim, -4 goags of the beginning OF &ssons : 1. Tnroduce topic h imersting way 2. Buildan interactive climoug 3 Shudens' abtention tre gaat / obyechve(s) A. \ink to Prior Knowledge +3 faetors contribute to bhemore effiaenr 4. op Hazing airve 2, Main-tatnine, momentum 3. making smooth trantitons, ~ 4 types student’ responser; oe Probing > shoulal Inckucl, directing ues Hons 2. Reais echng —® fottouting up incorect respon 3. Rephroting > State te. Same. que site 4. Provicling chear sngeructiny Sol ving skills Of Eftechve Teacher. 4. A ee kation —» neo to eStablich oncl mou'ninn good retation Ships with Others an schove a Contro£ —» Sehave weld , 3 Yareny Reharonhip and Aone Conch tong > @ role thor % importany +0 ulld. Students? Cducation 4, Shudens § uctess 2 beachers help earrers 70 be wuccewus arcade rically ond socially. 5. Time, Be welt prepared for dass, for Yaching , Aagnoye ard evabume Cha pler 44 Retlechive Shulls of effective feachers_« —” Rottctive teacher shoulel Nove =» deliberate, open Wuindedl, responsbrlig » BPG, onal spin of thopung. —p Rurens oF reflechny - hong sero lecemin - InCreage te abitthy m teaching ~ Professional growth ¥ Vettecrive proces Descriptive —» Comparative 4 Evaluate 4 4 4 Aeserine, explore Looking Stgmecans ANAM Conard, om pect: Perspectine 303 -30G Asseament — Process oF Callechng, Sy tre Srzing and interpretirg Ahtormaton to ailin Oeciwon. mating» Meacurmery > BSSeement tha aherrpr toasngn Mumenic Value to Shident’ PYtormanae Eyaluahon f Make quclgemens from Assesment & Mmeagurmens about thy “geoetness? of Shucent’s quality oF pertownana, Types + 4» Shuolenss work 2 Tect /pragects 3. Aéseement ty Stemt Formative vs Summa tie 3 J olursing He Her inchienty Courte our completed (at He endl of nant)

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