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193 Coffeehouse

50 Lower College Road

Kingston, RI 02881
Fact Sheet
March ,1 2017 Jarrod Hol
Director of Social Media

193 Coffeehouse to implement sustainable practices

What: 193 Coffeehouse, located at the University of Rhode Island, is going green. The
coffee house is a student run organization known for its $1 coffees, but has
become more focused on the environment. 193 Coffeehouse is dedicated to
creating a more sustainable and economical practice. The coffee house has
already implemented sustainable practices such as composting. Workers compost
all coffee grounds and allow customers to compost their unwanted scraps, which
will be taken to Peckham farm for further compost. The coffee house recently
replaced all plastic straws and stirrers with compostable paper stirrers and straws.
193 Coffeehouse is the only location in Rhode Island registered with an
organization called the Last Plastic Straw. This organization educates the public
on the overuse of plastic and the adverse impact plastic has on health, the
environment and the oceans. 193 Coffeehouse is also involved with the
Sustainability Club at URI that meets every Tuesday. 193 Coffeehouse is
committed to creating a sustainable and eco-friendly cafe.

Who: An on-campus cafe that serves beverages and treats to students, staff, and faculty.
The coffee house opened its doors in the 1970s as a bar, but converted to a cafe 20
years ago. It promotes a calming and quiet atmosphere that allows its customers to
focus on work or just simply relax.

When: 193 Coffeehouse started this shift towards sustainability in the fall of 2016.

Where: 193 Coffeehouse is located on the second floor of the Memorial Union at the
University of Rhode Island.

Why: The Earth is our home. We need to start treating it right. It is so important for
each of us to do our part and help out in any way- big or small. Whether it is using
paper straws or composting, we are ready to do our part, Jarrod Hol, a barista at
193 Coffeehouse, stated.


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