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Change ‘word. “anclerstand Heptvibal Elvaretta P Langu Grade S Lo Dd Minutes Bahasa Unit Overview Main tea (Claim) Sumi Assessment = Ast understand the ditferer fetier + They able to pronounce the words in Bahasa Indonesia dents Tive in Indonesia they will wees in Bahasa Indonesia’ } Dictation + Thet icher will say a words in Bahasa and word by recognizing the sounds = They can ynderstand what the words that people (Buku, Baju, Cuci, Kaki) say in Bahasa Indonesia disciple. 1 for us to do disciple in ce we are in Indon their languays Indonesia, Perspective Great Com sion: as God command us to make a is one of the important aspects in area. For example, if 1 to be willing to learn ce disciple in ia, we hi in order to the students will write down the letter of that Guiding Questions Objectives (know understand do'value) ¥ book another ‘What is the differences spelling letter between = The student will understand the differen Bahasa Indonesia and English? spelling letter in" Bahasa ‘What is the sounds of A - How to pronounce A-Z in Bahasa? = Students will be able to recognize the sounds Zin Bahasa? of A-Z in Bahass Time _| instructional Procedures and Strat Sina | Beginning the Lesson Open with Write: Around The students wil gta piece of small paper, and they have to write down and speak blessing in one sentence to someone, After everyone nish wite thee sentence, They will as ithe paper maybe one ortwo round and sop. And let everyone rtd what they ge and ask them to share to the class. Developing the Lesson 2g | Te The teacher wll explain the different pronunciation eter A-Z between BahasaIndonesia 5 Minus and in English ( Comparison) 2. The teacher will pronounce the sounds of every letter, and the students will follow afterwards. 3. And asa class we will play the game, that everyone sit in a circle and take one card that there will be a leter on it, When the teacher asks to open the card, the student must show itto the class and say it in Bahasa, (How to spell it in Bahasa) 4, After that, they will go back their chair and the teacher will say letter in Bahasa, and the students will be asked to write down what letter that the teacher just say evo thar you can wreasure Hephaibah Elvaretta P Language 30 Minutes Grade 5 Closing the Lesson Playing game “I Care, Why?” By this game, the t acher will pass the question Why we have to care/learn Bahasa Indonesia? and the student will answer with one sentence with template ” | care, because ive Assessment Different Asking Question Resources Flashcard with letter A-Z written on it A blank piece of paper Whiteboard Marker + nor (know, UNderiward, remember ) USE the verb You Con assess achon vero & more precie, ¥ here incdeveloping lesson You ree? Your obyecrig 3 objehves ——? 3 assesment my, ake Sure Your Corer your abycnve, write dean like Nartanve. » write fOr supe ) they don know your Subject Jangeury Ist your resources, hond out * Tnirodu your tope , MOKe at novel t Miocene y today Gir Obyehve * dunking - beso = opening ask queshon 72 more related topics. Obyecnu > -yrade evotuare upload, moodle a “Your 7 Artide reve ROSS Pheu . > Exampe aobiiey « & ditterene intsruckoroe mole , edit your Lesson pen >

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