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In the wake of Fourth Industrial Revolution, the World is moving towards more efficiency, and the efficiency is

expected to come from Analytics of Data. Alongside the existing structured Enterprise Data, more challenging real
time Data from Social Media, Industrial Internet of Things, advanced Science Experiments, Space Explorations and
Smart Phones is expected to demand more innovations in Analytics front. I reckon that there could be no better time
for me to do MS in Business Analytics as my both Career and Academic Interests are aligned with analytics area. I am
a right hand below elbow amputee and the amputation was due to electric shock when I am 5 years old. My inherent
interest to understand how the world works and strong motivation to not to be left behind as being a disabled have
always made me excel in academics. I was always top in class and an all-rounder. I cleared IIT-JEE with a rank below
5000 among 500000 fellow students. Nevertheless, due to a short emotional setback in the first year of college as
being handicapped and teenage got my grades down.

Perhaps my interest towards analytics has started from sophomore year in the course project of Introduction to
Engineering Design, wherein I had strategized and collected Quality data for 4 months across 600 acres of campus
and did analysis on the data using techniques as list square fitting and found attributes that were key to waste
management. After the project, I was excited and amazed with the fact that how much mystery and knowledge hidden
behind data. Proceeding forward, I carried my new found interest in analytics by undertaking Projects that involved
analysis of huge data and also self-taught programming skills, data structures, and algorithms. Some such projects
include Analysing the Post-Harvest losses in India under CTARA (Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas),
Optimization of Prosthetics Hands to People in Developing Nations under IDC (Industrial Design Centre), Big Data
and Its Implications on Aerospace Industry, Experimental analysis of Introducing wake flow in Turbine. My interest
and effort in these projects reflected in my Grades points, averaging at 9.5 on a scale of 10 in them.

After graduation, I sought out a career in analytics and got a job at cognizant as an Associate in Team of Analytics and
Information Management. I am always keen to learn and innovate new solutions in projects. On one occasion while
discussing future of analytics with CTO, we stumbled upon an interesting idea on data Visualization in Virtual Reality.
As Proof of Concept, I used past sales data of a supermarket and got Associative rules between products. Using the
associative rules, I built a Virtual Reality 3-D network graph of products in Unity (Gaming Software) and visualized
them in Oculus rift. This gave us an unprecedented holistic view of large data. Leveraging our inherent pattern
recognition ability, we were able to recognize new insights in less time

In near future, I intend to work in diverse business and academic domains as an analyst and eventually build dynamic
Analytical tools (esp. in Data Visualization) for both business and scientific research, which support challenging Data
along with Advanced Statistics. My ultimate goal is to support the sustainability of rapid growing Urbanization through
social Entrepreneurship for problems focused on Unemployment and Environmental issues. I also intend to stand as
an example to many Disabled persons as me, who I know and mentor, that we could achieve greater things in the
digital world. Given admission, I can add a unique background of Aerospace Engineering to class.

I love the flexibility of the program in UTD business analytics to choose different Electives. The course structure is
awesome as it covers the three fields technical, statistics and business. Professors and their backgrounds dealing with
new age analytics are the number one reason for me to apply to UTD-BA. Thus adding all the points above, University
of Texas-Dallas is my topmost choice for the graduate studies. I am very optimistic about my future, by being there.

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