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Hephzibah Elvaretta P Language 40 Minutes Grade 5 Lesson: Bahasa Unit Overview Main Ten (Claim) Summative Assessment = As the students that ivedn Indonesia they able to pronounce the words in Bahasa Indonesia Dictation = They an interpret the words that people say in | ~The teacher wll say a word in Bahasa and Bahase Indonesia the stents will write down the letter and WA the words by recognizing the sounds Biblical Perspective: Great Commission: As God commanded us to make a disciple, Language is one of the important aspects for us to do disciple in certain area, For example, if ae wwe are in Indonesia, we have to willing to learn their language in order to make disciple in Indonesia Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value) What are the words in Bahasa that start with A and |~ Students will be able to recognize the words, B? that start with A and Bin Bahasa ‘What is the sounds of the word in Bahasa that start_|~ ‘The students will be able to write down the with A and B? words that start with A and B in Bahasa by (Air, Aku, Buku, Baju) hearing the sounds of the words. How to pronounce the words in Bahasa that start |+ Student will be able to list the words in Bahasa with A and B? that start with Aand B z How will you recognize the words in Bahasa by a only hear it in your daily life? Time V{ Instructional Procedures and Strategies 5Min | Beginning the Lesson Grab the Goal 1. The teacher will ask the students one sentence of “what is their goal for today?” (itcan be anything, can be for this class, can be for outside the class) For example: I will try to finish my lunch, or I will try to not talking while the teacher explaining in front. 2, Let the students share their goals to the class 3, The teacher will ask to those who share their goals “how they will achieve their goal for today?” (little step to achieve their goal) 4, The teacher will help them to find out what is the mini step to achieve their goal in case the student does not have ideas. 5. The teacher give them support to achieve their goal 6. The teacher share what is this class’ goal for today and how we will achieve the goal Developing the Lesson Hephzibah Elvaretta P Grade 5 Language 40 Minutes 30 Min 5 Min ‘The teacher will show letter A and B on the board and ask the students what letter is that in Bahasa Indonesia? (recall to previous lesson) And introduce to them the words in Bahasa Indonesia that start with A and B. (Air, Alas, Buku, Baju) ‘Ask them who know the words in Bahasa Indonesia that start with A and B. After that, we show them a picture of things and stuffs that start with A and B in Bahasa Indonesia and let them guess what is it in English ‘And ask them who know “what is this” in Bahasa Indonesia ‘And after that say it in Bahasa and let them follow afterwards = Show to them the writing of that word While showing the writing of the word, the teacher will recite the word letter by letter by showing them how to join the sound, so the students can also read it as well For example: bu — ku ‘The teacher will slowly say it in Bahasa separately and joining the sound = The students practice three times to say it = And the last, let student write on their notes and draw that word Closing the Lesson Rating 4 = The students will get one slip of paper, that there will be 10 stars on it, = The teacher will ask how well they understood the learning today + They have to rate I-10 and also give one or two sentences of comments, feedback, for the materials and the activity in class (Need more time, 100 fast, etc) Formative Assessment Differentiation Check up with question. vA Resources Medium size of card with picture of things that stat with A or B A slips for rating activity Whiteboard cA Marker Paper Powepoint Try be meted Fo! wih 3 ersessoments

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