SGCI - Technical Proposal 291216

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REQUIREMENT (2017-2030)




Ref. No.: JKM/UPTK/600.3-1/6/(37)

30th December 2016

Dr Abdul Rahman Deen

Workforce Development Unit
5th Floor, Wisma Bapa Malaysia
93502 Petra Jaya, Kuching



Dear Sir / Madam,

In response to your invitation to submit Technical and Financial Proposals for

the provision of Consultancy Services for the Study On Sustainable
Growth Of Construction Industry With Special Focus On Human
Resource And Skills Requirement we, PU Engineering Sdn Bhd is
pleased to formally submit our detailed Technical Proposal. Our
accompanying Financial Proposal has also been provided under separate

We have assembled a strong multi-disciplinary team led by PU Engineering

Sdn Bhd. Our professional team members represent a wealth of relevant
local and international experience, skills and resources, and are more than
qualified to undertake the proposed assignment and to effectively address
the many and varied challenges it presents.

PU Engineering Sdn Bhd (initially known as Perunding Utama in 1976)

were the first local Bumiputra multi-disciplinary consultancy group to be
established in Sarawak. They are a civil and structural consulting engineering
firm based in Kuching, with extensive local experience including master
planning works for major state infrastructural works.


Bumiputera Entrepreneurs from the whole of Sarawak with an aim to develop
the Sarawakian Bumiputera Entrepreneurs in terms of assisting the members
in the acquisition of government contracts and human capital development.

In order to assess our joint capabilities and experience, find below the list of
the documents we have included for your further overview in our detailed
Technical Proposal:

1. Project Background

2. Introduction to Key Consultancy Firms

3. Relevant Project Experience

4. Project Team and Organisational Structure

5. Curriculum Vitae

6. Methodology and Implementation Schedule

APPENDIX A - Consultancy Team Company Profiles

APPENDIX B Professional Staff CVs

For any queries related to this Technical Proposal, please contact us via the
following details:

Ir. Abdullah Mohd Noor

T 082-254366

We trust that you will find that our Technical Proposal meets your
requirements with respect to the detailed information we have provided, the
relevant experience and capabilities we have demonstrated, and the in-depth
understanding of the project that we have highlighted. We remain at your
disposal should you require any additional information or clarifications.

Yours faithfully,

Ir. Abdullah Mohd Noor



Sarawak aims to be a High Income and Developed State by the year 2030.
Rapid development, industrialisation and urbanisation are taking place
throughout the State as the economy grows, accelerated by the development
of SCORE and the implementation of the States Strategic STEP and RMK11
plans. The construction sector is a necessary enabler for this economic

The Construction Sector contributed 2.7% of the States Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) worth RM2.894 Billion in 2015 which recorded the growth of
10.6% from RM2.616 Billion in 2014. The sector is expected to continue to
grow significantly throughout the 11 th Malaysia Plan (2016-2020) driven by
government infrastructure projects such as Pan Borneo Highway, Rural
Transformation Projects, construction of HEP dams, development of SCORE
growth nodes in Samalaju, Tanjung Manis and Mukah and augmented by
substantial investment by the private sector especially in the development of
commercial and residential properties as well as the construction of
manufacturing facilities.

Despite its smaller contribution in terms of GDP as compared to other sectors

like services, manufacturing and agriculture, the construction sector
continues to play a key role in aggregate economy of the state by producing
wealth and providing a better quality of life and generating employment to
the people. It is currently tied with Manufacturing as the third biggest
employer in the State after Services and Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries.

A study by ILMIA in 2015 shows that foreign workers represented 25%

(26,600) of the total registered workforce of 140,000 in Sarawaks
construction sector. There is a crucial need to understand the reasons for the
States heavy reliance on foreign workers. To ensure the sustainable and
systematic development of the Construction Industry in Sarawak, it is
necessary to understand challenges and the prospects facing the industry. Of
particular concern is the projected manpower and skills needed by the
industry so as to plan and implement strategies and programs to develop the
required workforce


Assembling a best fit consultancy team to satisfy the multi-disciplinary

demands of this wide-ranging project assignment is critical to successfully
achieving the stated project objectives. A successful combination of suitable
consultancy teams must:

possess extensive knowledge in the construction industry in Sarawak and

national level;

possess extensive experience and expertise in human resource

development, manpower planning and labour, workforce and human skills
development at the national, regional and local levels;
include key professional personnel in the core sectors of construction
industry, economic development, statistics and modelling, resource
planning, environment and green technology and Geographic Information
System (GIS) in response to the Terms of Reference;

be capable of functioning within an organisational and operational

structure that facilitates extensive mutual professional collaboration and
that ensures the team shall function synergistically and effectively, and
with a proven track record of same; and

effectively integrate the participation of local professional experts with a

deeply ingrained knowledge and understanding of Sarawak and its unique
development challenges.

These are crucial considerations which are themselves dependent upon the
breadth, depth and calibre of the combined professional expertise of the
consultancy firms and staff being mobilized. We have given emphasis to
these criteria in our selection of the project team members nominated for this

2.1 PU Engineering Sdn Bhd

The lead consultant based in Sarawak is PU Engineering Sdn Bhd. Initially

established as Perunding Utama, PU Engineering Sdn Bhd commenced
practice in Kuching in 1976 as registered Architects, Engineers and Planners.
Perunding Utama had the distinction of being the first local Bumiputra multi-
disciplinary consultancy group to be established in Sarawak.

In March 1995, upon a corporate restructuring exercise PU Engineering Sdn

Bhd was formally established as a firm of Civil and Structural Consulting
Engineers. The corporate restructuring exercise has in effect optimized the
existing resources and skills in the specialized consulting engineering areas
of Perunding Utama previously and is set to enhance its effectiveness in the
engineering consultancy industry through PU Engineering Sdn Bhd. Their
uncompromising commitment towards quality professional services ensures
clients success in projects of every magnitude and complexity. In January
2006, PU Engineering Sdn Bhd expanded its practice to include Electrical
Engineering Consultancy.

The firm is headed by a strong management team led by the Managing

Director, Ir. Abdullah Mohd. Noor who has worked substantially with JKR
Sarawak both at Divisional and Headquarters level as well as Consultancy
Services and construction industry. The firms Executive Director, Ir. Tan Kee
Beng has vast experience in the Consulting Engineering field where he had
worked with several consulting firm. Prior to that, Ir. Tan Kee Beng had worked
with Waipukurau District Council in New Zealand for four years.

PU Engineering Sdn Bhd has successfully completed projects within

Sarawak and the region which include commercial buildings, sport &
recreational facilities, security forces infrastructure & bases, religious,
academic, institutional & medical facilities. They have vast experience in

many various infrastructure, bridges and water supply, and have successfully
undertaken construction management projects.

As the lead consultant of the Direction and Management Group and the local
Project Director, PU Engineering Sdn Bhd will act as a reliable and
consistent interface between the broader Project Team and the Client, as well
as with other Government Authorities and private agencies on a needs basis.
Effective liaison with an established local knowledge base is vital to the
efficiency and success of the entire project team.

PU Engineering Sdn Bhd will also provide the formal liason between the
government and the Study Team. In addition PU engineering team will
provide the inputs on the nature and requirement of on site and hands on
experience in the construction industry in Sarawak.

A brief Company Profile of PU Engineering Sdn Bhd is attached at

Appendix A.

2.2 Dewan Usahawan Bumiputera Sarawak (DUBS)

DUBS was established on 21 January 1986 under Section 7 (1) of the

Societies Act 1966 Malaysia to unite Bumiputera businessmen and
entrepreneurs for the interests and Economic benefits of Bumiptera
businessman in Sarawak.

With an estimated of 2,000 members, the Council has played an effective role
in promoting Bumiputera companies. Key contributions by DUBS to the
Bumiputera Entrepreneurs are:

1. Organize courses to develop Bumiputera Entrepreneurs.

2. Assists Bumiputera contractors in obtaining Government contracts.

In addition, the DUBS has also set up a subsidiary company, DUBS Holdings
Sdn Bhd, which has successfully implemented a number of large contracts
distributed by the Government. So far DUBS Holdings Sdn Bhd has completed
contracts totaling RM95 million. Among recent involvement of DUBS in the
construction industry are the Development of Pan Borneo Highway Project
and a study for the development of Human Resource for the Construction
Industry in Sarawak. The study team members from DUBS have experience in
the Construction Industry, Human Resource Study and Training. Majority of
the members of this study team are also part of DUBS and CIDB, Sarawak.


3.1 PU Engineering Sdn Bhd

PU Engineering Sdn. Bhd. (PUE) has successfully undertaken masterplan

studies for roads and railways in Sarawak and the most recent studies are as
listed below:-
3.1.1 Railway Networks Study Linking Samalaju Mukah Tanjung
Manis, Sarawak.

P U Engineering in association with SMEC (M) Sdn. Bhd., SMEC International

Pty. Ltd. and BARSYL has undertaken this study to provide a complete
masterplan for the implementation of a freight Railway Network Linking
Samalaju Mukah Tanjung Manis. P U Engineering provided the project
management team and local professionals to support the specialists mainly
from overseas for this studies.

In this study P U Engineering was responsible for:-

Gathering Local Information for specialist inputs

Provide technical assistance to the specialists
Costing for Non-railway related works
Managing the contractual aspects of the Study.

3.1.2 Feasibility Study for Sabah-Sarawak Link Road

This study is to provide the Highway connecting Sabah and Sarawak, which
will be an alternative to Brunei to avoid various constraints and
inconveniences in customs and immigrations clearance at each exit and entry
point thus reducing travelling time from Sabah to Sarawak by road.

PUE undertook the Land-Use study, Socio-Economic Studies, Traffic Studies,

Environmental Impact Assessment, Preliminary Engineering Design and
Economic Feasibility Evaluation to produce the most feasible alignment.

Further information in relation to relevant P U Engineering Sdn Bhd project
capabilities and experience can be found at Appendix A1.

Below are the list of other projects (design and construction management)
undertaken by PUE within 5 years from different clients and nature of

1. Projek Membina Bekalan Air Luar Bandar ke Kampung Punggor,

Simunjan, Sarawak
2. Astana 132kV Substation Establishment, Sejingkat 132kV Substation
Extension, Sejingkat 132kV Substation Extension and Astana
Sejingkat 132kV Underground Cable Project
3. Proposed Upgrading of Existing Earth and Gravel Road Linking Pantai
Pandan to Kampung Belungei and Kampung Pugu, Lundu, Kuching,
4. Cadangan Menaiktaraf Unit Rawatan Kebakaran Hospital Bintulu
5. Cadangan Menaiktaraf Bangunan Pentadbiran dan Akademik, Dewan
Serbaguna, Asrama dan Kantin Sedia Ada di Kolej Matrikulasi, Kuching,
6. Engineering Design And Construction Supervision For New MLNG CSA
Buildings for Petronas
With experience in projects with different Clients and nature of construction
works, PUE has accumulated experience on human resource management
and man-power skill requirements for the construction industry in Sarawak.

3.2 Dewan Usahawan Bumiputera Sarawak (DUBS)

The experience of the Dewan is vast as the members come from various
background. Specific to this study, the team members derived from DUBS are
the engineers and the human resource and manpower training expert. The
projects, besides the ones listed under PU Engineering are:

DUBS Training
DUBS Aspirations Training Program 2016 Special program organised by
TERAJU and DUBS for Constructions and related industries in collaboration
15 months intensive program comprising of relevant knowledge sharing
related to the industries and coaching.
SFWI Women Innovations Initiatives


4.1 Project Team

The proposed composition of the Project Team is indicated at Figure 1. It is

designed to:

ensure that the Study Team will operate synergistically and effectively
during the course of the assignment;
optimise the skills, experience and contributions of the key personnel
specialists nominated to address the areas of expertise identified by the
TOR as being essential to any multi-disciplinary team assembled for this
study; and
optimise the participation of and collaboration with local and regional
professional experts, and especially experienced Sarawakian professionals
and specialists with a deep knowledge and understanding of Sarawak.

4.2 Organisation and Structure

Based on the Terms of Reference and taking into consideration the previous
professional experience of the team members in similar projects, the Study
Team has been organised into the following functional groups:

i. Project Management Group

ii. Strategic Policy Group
iii. Economic Development Group
iv. Construction Industry Group
v. Human Capital Development Group
vi. Statistics and Modelling Group

No Role Nominated Specialist
Study Team Director Haji Abdullah
Study Team Leader Kuspa Bohari
Co Study Team Leader Khathijah Md Jaafar
Strategic Policy Expert Khathijah Md Jaafar
Economic Development Expert Dr Wong
Construction Industry Expert Ir Tan Kee Beng
Environment and Green Technology Dr Md Nasrudin
Manpower and Skills Trainer Kuspa Bohari
Human Capital Dev Expert Dr Kartina
Manpower Expert Dr Rabaah
Statistician and Modeler Dr Shapiee

Table 1: Project Team

4.2.1 Direction and Management Group

The Project Director of the team will be led by Ir. Abdullah Mohd Noor, the
Managing Director of PU Engineering Sdn Bhd based in Kuching. He has
worked substantially with JKR Sarawak both at Divisional and Headquarters
level as well as Consultancy Services. Similar to his involvement in the
previous studies as the Project Director, he will bring extensive local support,
local knowledge and local project management capabilities to the teams
leadership group from his extensive experience within Sarawak.

They will be closely supported by Puan Kuspa Bohari and Puan Khathijah Md
Jaafar. They both will play a leading role in the daily project management of
the study, in directing the work programme, coordinating the work of the
teams of specialists, and ensuring the highest possible quality for each of the

4.2.2 Strategic Policy Group

The Strategic Policy Group will be headed by Puan Khathijah Md Jaafar who
will bring her 27 years of experience in analyzing current policies and
formulating policies in her master plan studies, with some being specific to
human resource development and economic development in Malaysia and
overseas. Given her experience in consultancy at the international level, she
will also be focusing on benchmark practices in the Sarawak construction
industry with the best practices oof other selected countries.

She will be working closely with the Study Team Leader and the economic
development expert in coming up with the strategies with regards to the
future construction industry and human resource skills requirement in
Sarawak by 2030.

4.2.3 Economic Development Group

The economic development will be headed by Dr Wong who has vast

experience in analyzing economic performance in a particular industry
context. Of particular focus shall be the value chain of the industry together
with the level of maturity of each of the components in the chain. The
economist will also describe the status of manufacturing activities related to
the Construction Industry in Sarawak as one of the considerations for growth
projection for the 5 year Malaysia Plan periods. In total, the contribution of
construction industry in terms of GDP needs to be analysed and projected in
tandem with the State aspirations to become a developed State by 2020 in
line with Vision 2020.

4.2.4 Construction Industry Group

The Construction Industry group consists of engineers from PUE who have
hands on experience in the construction industry. This group led by Ir. Tan Kee
Beng, who has vast experience as an engineer who involves in all aspects of
a construction starting from the design to the implementation of works on
site within and outside of Malaysia. His vast working experiences and
exposures as civil Engineer in profession will contribute significantly to this
Study. Ir Tan Kee Beng will look into the size of the industry in terms of
number of companies categorized according to their registered class, and the
estimated value of the construction work done in the State in each of the last
three years.

Another significant element of the construction industry that the team

foresee is the environmental and the green technology aspects. Dr Nasrudin
Md Salleh has over 27 years of industry experience in environmental studies,
monitoring and assessment. His experience provides the needed skills as an
environmental and green technology expert to assess the level of readiness
to adopt Green Building Practices and Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) practices and the level of compliance to
international and national standards necessary to compete internationally.

A Study such of this nature needs to have inputs and proposals from those
who are directly involved in the Construction Industry and its related
industries to produce practical and implementable solutions.

4.2.5 Human Capital Development Group

The human capital development group will be led by Dr Kartinah, working
closely with Dr Rabaah. Their experience shall provide the skills to focus on
current level of competencies/skills/knowledge of the workforce by typoes of
skills and proficiency levels, the current enrolment and output of skilled and
semiskilled gradustes in courses relevant to the construction sector beside
other aspects of the human capital development. Both of them will also
synergise their work with Dr Wong, the economist and the statistician and
modeler, Dr Shapiee. In sum, this team will need to consider inputs and
outputs from the various consultants in this Study to come up with the
sustainable options for construction industry in Sarawak, and to propose a
Manpower Development Plan for the Construction Industry in the
4.2.6 Statistics and Modelling Group

This group shall be led by Dr Shapiee whose expertise is in statistics and

modelling. He will gather inputs and outputs from the other consultants in
order to come up with the integrated demand and supply model to forecast
the requirements of technical manpower of the construction industry in


The detailed Curriculum Vitae of all of the nominated Professional Specialists

which make up the Study team are provided at Appendix B.


6.1 Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Study On Sustainable Growth Of

Construction Industry With Special Focus On Human Resource And Skills
Requirement were prepared by the Work Development Unit of the Chief
Ministers Department, Sarawak. They provide clear instruction on:

the Objectives of the study;

the Scope of the study;
the Expected Outputs of the study;
the Experts Requirements for the study; and
the time frames and milestones for the study, including the
Reporting deliverables required at each stage.

6.2 Study Goals

The stated Goals of the study are:

To ensure adequate supply of workforce with the right skills and

competencies to ensure sustainable Construction development in the State
and to promote the growth of the construction sector.

6.3 Scope of Study

The TOR leave no doubt as to the expectations of the Client, with the
following aspects specifically identified as requiring investigation as part of
the study on the Study On Sustainable Development Of Construction Industry
With Special Focus On Human Resource And Skills Requirement:

i. Current Baseline Data;

ii. Construction Industry Value Chain;

iii. All aspects of the Construction Industry including constructions of

Public Amenities, Infrastructure facilities, commercial properties,
industrial and manufacturing facilities and government offices.

6.4 Scope of Services

The tasks and responsibilities of the consultant are to deliver the objectives
of the study which includes but is not limited to the following:

To conduct a comprehensive situational analysis of the construction

industry in Sarawak including but not limited to the following
The size of the industry in terms of the number of companies
categorised according to their registered class; and the
estimated value of the construction work done in the state in
each of the last three years;
The total number of people employed in the industry categorized
according to their skills level and their country of origin.
Level of dependency on foreign labor
The value chain of the industry together with the level of
maturity of each of the components in the chain.
The major weakness or constraints as well as the challenges
facing the industry in Sarawak
Level of innovation and adoption of new technologies by the
Construction Industry in Sarawak
Level of readiness to adopt Green Building Practices and
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
Level of compliance to international, and national standards
necessary to compete internationally
Project the growth of the Construction industry for the periods 2016
- 2020; 2021 - 2025; and 2026 2030
Benchmark practices in the Sarawak construction industry with the
best practices of other selected countries.
Determine the current workforce supply and demand for the
Construction Sector in the State.
The study should cover both demand and supply as follows:-
Current level of competencies/skills/knowledge of the
workforce by types of skills; proficiency levels and the
numbers available.
Current supply and demand by types of skills; proficiency
levels and the numbers available.
Current enrolment and output of skilled and semiskilled
graduates in courses relevant to the construction sector.
Study emerging trends that impact upon human resource and
skill requirements like changes in technology, changes in law
and regulations etc.
Determine the average wages paid for different types and levels of
Project the workforce supply and demand for RMK11 (2016 - 2020),
RMK 12 (2021-2025), RMK13 (2026-2030)
Project the supply and demand of workforce in term of skills
and levels needed in line with anticipated development of
Sarawak arising from RMK 11 ,RMK 12 and RMK 13 as well as
the Socio-Economic Transformation Plan (SETP) Plan (2016-
Identify gaps in skills requirement.
Identify new courses and programs need for skills
Develop an integrated demand-supply model to forecast the
requirements of technical manpower for Construction Industry.
To identify the factors that impedes the development of the
Construction Industry and propose recommendations to address
these factors.
To propose a Manpower Development Plan for the Construction
Industry in the State
Conduct a situational analysis of the Construction Sector in Sarawak
to develop a profile of Sarawak Construction Sector in Sarawak :-

o Identify comprehensive list of skills required by the construction

industry in Sarawak and the number of people currently
employed in these skills (foreign and local)
o Determine the current supply of skilled and semi- skilled
workforce for the construction industry
o Describe the status of manufacturing activities related to the
Construction Industry- Project the growth of the Construction
Industry for the periods 2016 - 2020; 2021 - 2025; and 2026
2030 Project workforce demand by types of skills and level of
skills for 2016, 2025, 2030.
o Identify key issues and challenges facing Sarawak Construction
Industry and provide recommendations to address these.
o Propose recommendations for the development of the
Construction Industry in the state.

Develop a predictive model to forecast workforce demand based on

Ringgit Malaysia (RM) investment. A software to make estimates of
manpower supply and manpower requirement so that the estimate
can be updated on a regular basis when the assumption for planned
investment change;
Submit Inception, Interim and Draft final report and Final Report.

6.5 Project Stages

Stage One - Inception will include project mobilisation, introductory Client and
key stakeholder consultations, joint finalisation of methodology approach,
and commencement of data collection. The focus will be upon identifying key
data sources and instigating data collection, especially with regard to
Construction industries sustainability for the next 15 years.

Stage Two Multi-Sectoral Appraisal and Review will be one of the most
intensive periods of project activity as secondary data will continue to be
assembled, collated and analysed. An intensive programme of Consultations
with the Client and with all other key Government Departments and

Agencies, as well as private sector and relevant stakeholders, will also
continue to ensure that the foundation data across a range of disciplines is
captured. The focus will then be upon an analysis of the existing situation
with regards to economic development, human capital development,
infrastructure and transport infrastructure, housing and urbanization, public
utilities, resource planning and environment and local government in context
of the construction industry. This has to be done before commencing with the
forecasting of future construction growth and associated needs and the
preliminary consideration of key manpower development options. An Interim
Report will be issued at the end of this stage during Week 12.

The works undertaken during Stage Two may continue during the course of
Stage Three Draft Report. Initially the focus of this stage will be upon
finalisation of the multi-sectoral analyses of the construction industry, which
in turn will inform a refinement of the states manpower vision statement as
well as the development of a range of alternative manpower development
strategies in the construction industry for consideration by the Client and
Steering Committee. Once a preferred manpower development strategy has
been jointly identified, it will be incorporated within the Draft Report and
further refined and enhanced to include draft versions of Draft Final Report.

The concluding Stage Four Final Report will comprise the completion of the
Final Report and accompanying manpower planning, as well as a suite of
supporting multi-sectoral recommendations. Additionally, recommendations
to improve the institutional and legislative setting for this manpower planning
will be proposed.

6.6 Methodologies and Milestones

The methodologies and outputs associated with key elements of each of the
sroject stages are outlined as follows:

6.6.1 Stage One - Inception

The Inception stage will focus upon the following critical activities:

Project Initiation The Study Team will be mobilised, and the initial
Client consultations will be held. These will focus on a joint review of
the scope of work, proposed methodologies and proposed activities
schedules with opportunity for any refinement to be undertaken with
the Client. The Client will also be consulted in relation to the
identification of all critical data sources and stakeholders, enabling an
initial consultation program to be outlined. This will include joint
consideration of a program for involvement of the Steering Committee
and for broader public consultation with the wider community.
Preliminary work and consultations on the supporting sectoral
appraisals will also commence.

Data Collection and Preliminary Appraisal This is a particularly

intensive activity during which an analysis of current conditions and
issues of the construction industry will be undertaken iteratively
through data collection and existing document review, and through
consultations with key stakeholders. Secondary data will be collected
and assembled, and data deficiencies identified. It is proposed to draw
upon still relevant aspects of existing manpower and human resource
studies, national and state economic development strategies, and
numerous other multi-sectoral feasibility studies and plans that have
evolved and which remain relevant priority projects of key
implementing agencies. This could be further supplemented by more
recent data as it is made available by government and private sector
sources. As a result data collection and collation will be an ongoing
activity during the course of the study.

Statistics and Model Preparation The model a vital planning tool to be

developed that will underpin the study assignment, forming the
baseline data inputs enabling analysis to occur. The model will take
some time to develop and therefore its parameters preparation will
begin immediately upon project commencement. The modeller will
undertake a detailed appraisal of the existing database from inputs of
other consultants, and develop initial proposals for a proposed future
database design for use by the Study Team. Where available, this will
be provided as a valuable source of information and analytical
capability to other specialist appraisals that may be required.

The Inception Report will highlight the progress and outcomes of this initial
stage and identify any data and preliminary consultation shortcomings that
are still required to be addressed.

6.6.2 Stage Two Review and Multi-Sectoral Appraisal

i) Review

The Review and Multi-Sectoral Appraisals stage will provide the essential
launching platform for the subsequent production of the Man Power Master
Plan of the Construction Industry, and is essential to providing a visionary
guide to optimal future growth and development in line with government
policies and current and emerging development priorities.

An analysis of the existing situation will be undertaken to provide a baseline

economic and human resource profile at the national and State levels. In
particular, economic development trends, influences and initiatives for
economic growth and development will be examined as these will have major
implications for future human resource in context of construction sector
development strategies.

Existing human resource planning strategies, economic development

strategies, major project development proposals, available data on physical
and constraints to construction industry, and any other relevant
documentation will be reviewed for their currency, effectiveness and
implementation status to identify strengths, weaknesses and key issues.

Key agency and stakeholder discussions are also important in terms of data
collection to understand the extent of the current database, the plans, vision,
development expectations, implementation arrangements and departmental

perspectives and proposals on key issues as they affect the development of
the construction sector in Sarawak.

ii) Baseline Analysis and Economic Futures Analysis

Opportunities for regional economic development have been identified in the

areas of manufacturing, infrastructure (bridges, road, water and electricity),
public facilities (schools, hospitals) energy (dams building) and other sectors
of the economy. Others will also need to be explored according to the
findings of economic and manpower baseline analysis. The identification of
opportunities to grow existing industries and to facilitate the development of
new or emerging industries will give rise to upstream and downstream
spinoff areas of economic activity.

It is therefore imperative to:

(a) profile the existing economy (the baseline analysis) including population,
labour force, employment by industry and occupation and value of
industry output (GRP);

(b) through targeted consultation and engagement determine the critical

economic development challenges and opportunities that will influence
the development potential of the SCORE ; and then

(c) use the consultation findings and the baseline economic information - to
identify and articulate the potential future economy with respect to the
value of output and jobs by industry sector.

iii) Multi-Sectoral Appraisals

Specialist sectoral reviews will also be required in addition to the economic

profiling. This will include construction industry policies and strategies,
human capital, human resource skills, manpower availability, foreign workers
dependency, environmental and resource planning, tourism, public utilities
and social amenities infrastructure are significant components of the base
data assembly, essential to preparation of the Manpower Master Plan.

In addition, a review of the current institutional and legislative framework of

the existing economic and strategic framework will need to be commenced
during this stage.

The completion of the review stage will provide an informed background

against which new visionary strategic planning directions and framework can
be considered. An Interim Report will be submitted at the end of Week 12.

6.6.3 Stage Three Draft Report

i) Preliminary Identification of Human Resource Skills Requirement

Utilising the inputs from the various data sources and sectoral appraisals, the
preliminary identification of manpower skills requirement which could
accommodate the growth of the construction industry will be identified.
These areas will be subject to ongoing refinement during the course of the
Master Plan, but the identification will enable the further consideration of
alternative development options for the Manpower master Plan.

ii) Construction Growth Projection Scenarios

Construction growth scenarios for the State will be identified, guided by the
economic findings and analysis of the economic development scenarios. From
these projections a preliminary indication of their implications for skills
requirement, broad sustainable growth patterns intended to guide future
construction strategies can be formulated.

iii) Forecast Workforce Profile needs by Industry Sector

Forecasting of the workforce (manpower) profile necessary to support the

industry sectors enables the identification of the population profile that will
develop as the SCORE Hinterland Growth Centre is established. This
forecasting will in turn refine population growth projections, and underpin the
estimates of manpower development (using accepted benchmarks from
national and international case studies) to inform the preparation of the
Manpower master plan.

iv) Alternative Development Strategies

Based on the interim and final outcomes of the multi-sectoral appraisals and
the establishment of feasible future human resource and economic growth
distribution scenarios, alternative development strategies and concept
Manpower Master Plan for the State will be formulated and evaluated. This
work should be relatively unconstrained by any historic and government
preferences, allowing all options to be presented and assessed on their merit
and within the context of the Government development strategies. It is
recommended that the results of this work should be the subject of
consideration by the Steering Committee, enabling their identification of a
preferred human capital development strategy upon which the Draft Master
Plan Report can be confidently based.

v) Vision Statement

A Vision Statement is to be prepared to articulate and guide the direction of

the Sustainable Growth of Construction Industry for Sarawak in line with the
preferred human capital development strategy. It will include the goals and
objectives to achieve long term sustainable planning and development of the
growth of the construction industry.

The Vision Statement, sectoral specialist reviews, key issues and constraints
identification, human resource growth and economic projection scenarios will
be harmonised to articulate and refine the key strategic planning directions
for the construction industry. This would also incorporate the preliminary
alternative strategies and guideline concepts for human resources
optimisation, human capital development and manpower planning initiatives
being proposed under the draft Master Plan.

vi) Draft Report and Master Plan

The Draft Report will evolve with the benefit of Client, Steering Committee
and community feedback on the alternative strategies identified during Stage
Three. The preferred growth management framework of the Master Plan will
be clearly identified and refined, ensuring the most effective implementation
staging to achieve the revised vision for manpower development. Written
statements of policy both general and specific will be prepared covering each
relevant sector to achieve this, largely supporting the proposals. In addition,
the draft plan will examine existing construction management policies and
the institutional and legislative framework for decision making with a view to
identifying where improvements to the current institutional and legislative
framework can occur, as well as specific recommendations relating to current
and planning policy guidelines.

6.6.4 Stage Four Final Report

i) Master Plan Final Report

The preparation of the Master Plan for the Sustainable Growth for
Construction Industry in Sarawak will ultimately create a narrative as to what
is to take place within a strategic economic and human resource skills
requirement development context, with express policies and programmes for
development to achieve this articulated and recommended.

6.7 Client, Public and Private Sector Consultations

Regular and ongoing consultations with the Client are critical to the smooth
progress of the Study, and these must occur on a regular basis immediately
from project commencement. These valuable meetings can provide important
platforms for agreement on study processes and strategic directions,
sourcing and sharing of key data, findings, and feedback from other agencies,
and in maintaining an informed and coordinated relationship between client
and consultant for the duration of the Study Assignment.

To ensure that this occurs, and to avert any delays associated with either
report delivery or client feedback, it is suggested that regular, informal
meetings occur. This will facilitate the opportunity to raise any pressing
issues, seek clarifications, and to generally keep lines of communication open
and status updates occurring on a regular basis between client and
consultant. Government consultations and ongoing communication in
particular with the WDU, SHRU, with RECODA, and with other major
government stakeholders is critical to a successful outcome.

It is imperative that the Project be developed in conjunction with extensive

consultations with key stakeholders from Government and the workforce
community. By striving for a combination of regular consultations between
the client, the consultant, public and private stakeholders, and the wider
community, all relevant issues and needs can be comprehensively identified
early, and can be properly considered and integrated within the framework of
a strategic policy planning process.
Promoting partnerships and collaborative human resource planning is the key
to successful implementation of activities, projects and initiatives designed to
deliver sustainable economic development outcomes. The Sustainable
Growth of Construction Industry Study and the activities which define it will
play an important role in articulating a shared understanding of the economic
development priorities of the district, the corridor, the State and ultimately
the nation. This depth of understanding in turn informs and facilitates the
realization of opportunities for sustainable growth in context of construction


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