4thsocialstudies Sarahlopez 50130685

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Submitted by: Sarah Lopez___________________________________CWID___50130685_______________

Grade Level: ___4th__ Mentor Teacher: Shawn Flemmer____________

Subject/Topic: Social Studies/Reconstruction

The Reconstruction of Texas

Rationale: Materials/Equipment:
Students will describe the impact of the Civil War and Re- My World Social Studies Textbook
construction on Texas by reading their textbook and working Piece of scratch paper
with partners to discuss main ideas and key concepts in the
Textbook Chapter Outliner

TEKS Achieved: Accommodations:

Social Studies, 4.4a: Describe the impact of the 1. Provide written notes for students with special
Civil War and Reconstruction on Texas. needs.
2. Pre-teach vocabulary and provide visual representa-
ELPS: tions for students that are ELL.
Speaking 3.C.4: Speak using a variety of connect-
ing words with increasing accuracy and ease as
more English is acquired.

Blooms Taxonomy: Differentiated Learning: Classroom Strategies: Curriculum Integration:

Knowledge/Remember Auditory Hands-On Social Studies
Comprehension/Understand Visual/Spatial Centers Reading
Application Kinesthetic Lecture Writing
Analysis Verbal/Linguistic Whole-group
Create / Synthesis Intrapersonal Pairing
Evaluation Interpersonal

TSW describe the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on Texas
Lesson Plan:

Introduction (Anticipatory Set/Focus/Motivation):

To Review last weeks lesson, have students crumple up a sheet of notebook paper and divide
students into 4 groups of 5. Number each person in each group 1-5. Each person will get a
different lesson topic.

#1 Lincoln Issues the Emancipation Proclamation (#4)

#2 Texas Goes to War (#3)
#3 Texas Secedes (#2)
#4 The Battle at Palmito Ranch (#5)
#5 The North and South Disagree (#1)

Each student holds their crumpled-up ball of paper in their hand. Tell them that they must
put the topics in the correct sequence. #1 takes their paper ball and throws it to #2, #2
throws all the paper balls to #3, and so on until #5 gets all the paper balls. The last person
must try and catch (or juggle) all the balls.

Information Giving
Read Reconstruction in My World Social Studies Book (pg. 252-256) as a class.
Check for Understanding
As you read, ask students to answer the following questions:
What problems did the South face after the Civil War?
What news did General Granger bring to Galveston on June 19, 1865?
How many schools did the Freedmans Bureau start in Texas?
Who attended the Freedmans Bureau schools?
What political changes did Texas have to make to rejoin the United States?
Why were many white people angry about changes made during Reconstruction?

Guided Practice:
Each student gets a copy of the Textbook Chapter Outliner. Fill out the first column by doing
a think aloud for the first paragraph in the chapter.
Check for Mastery
Ask questions as you are filling out the outliner.
What is the main idea of this paragraph? (Texas slaves were freed on June 19, 1865).
What is an important detail? (General Granger rode arrived in Galveston and rode
through Texas spreading the news that all enslaved Texans were free under U.S. law.)
Key Terms: Juneteenth

Independent Practice:
Students work with a partner to complete their chapter outline.
Teacher will review textbook chapter outline to assess whether students could describe the
impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on Texas.

Closure / Culminating Activity:

Students will complete an exit ticket.
List 3 key ideas that you think everyone should have learned today.

Have students write in their journal using the following prompt:
Imagine that you are General Granger and you have just spent the day in Galveston,
Texas, spreading the news that all enslaved Texans are free under U.S. law. Write a
diary account of your daily thoughts and actions. Where did you go? Who did you
speak to?

Review main ideas from Chapter 7 in the My World Social Studies textbook. Have students
write key ideas in their Social Studies spiral.

Accommodations and/or Modifications:

For a child with special needs, provide sentence stems and/or written notes.
For a student that is ELL, pre-teach new vocabulary words, use short, direct directions,
and visual representations of concepts.


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