Electrodeposition and Properties of Ni-W, Fe-W

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Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 3389 3396


Electrodeposition and properties of NiW, FeW and

FeNiW amorphous alloys. A comparative study
Mikol*aj Donten a, Henrikas Cesiulis b, Zbigniew Stojek a,*
Department of Chemistry, Uni6ersity of Warsaw, ul. Pasteura 1, PL 02 -093 Warsaw, Poland
Department of Physical Chemistry, Vilnius Uni6ersity, Naugarduko 24, Vilnius 2006, Lithuania

Received 5 November 1999; received in revised form 5 January 2000


Thin, micrometre-thick layers of a new amorphous alloy, FeNiW, have been obtained by electrodeposition. The
iron mole fraction, [Fe]/([Fe]+[Ni]), can be changed from 0 to 1, however, the best properties under constant current
deposition are obtained for the mole fraction near 0.5. The key, needed properties of the FeW and NiW alloys were
transferred to the FeNiW alloy, while the unwanted properties of the two-component alloys were eliminated. The
new alloy is hard (1040 HV, for equal percentage of Fe and Ni), smooth, of nice appearance, and of good adherence
to both steel and copper. Pulse electroplating further improves the smoothness and uniformity of the electrodeposited
layers and allows one to obtain higher tungsten content of up to 35 at.%. X-ray diffractometry, EDX, and
chronopotentiometry were used to characterise the new material. The influence of pH and the ratio of concentrations
of Fe and Ni in the plating solution was examined. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electrodeposition; Amorphous alloys; Tungsten alloys

1. Introduction plication of this kind of alloys as surface coatings will

rather expand.
Electrodeposited alloys of the iron-group metals have It has been found that the alloys with tungsten can
been widely applied in industry, mainly as the materials be deposited in the amorphous form [5]. The presence
for magnetic storage devices and electronics. The NiFe of tungsten in the amorphous alloys apparently in-
alloys were the first to be utilised in the production of creased the corrosion resistance of these and other
magnetic-film memories just because of their desirable similar materials [6,7]. Our investigations have shown
soft magnetic properties, and were widely used later [1]. that among the three amorphous alloys with tungsten
They also found application in surface micromachining (FeW, CoW, NiW), NiW is of the best smoothness
[2]. The introduction of tungsten to the alloys of this and appearance, however, it adheres to steel substrates
type improved their durability, hardness and resistance poorly, and is of high internal stress what leads to the
to high temperatures [3,4]. Due to their hardness, they formation of microcracks in the alloy layers. The FeW
can successfully substitute hard chromium coatings, alloys are much harder and well adhere to the iron/steel
which are formed in the environmentally hazardous substrates. In our previous work, which reports on the
process based on hexavalent chromium. Thus, the ap- CoW amorphous alloys [8], we reached a conclusion
that to get a good adhesion of the tungsten alloys to the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +48-22-8220211; fax: + 48- substrate an interface between the deposit and substrate
22-8225996. must be formed. Such an interface was formed between
E-mail address: stojek@chem.uw.edu.pl (Z. Stojek) the iron-group metal from the alloy and copper, and

0013-4686/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 3 - 4 6 8 6 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 4 3 7 - 0
3390 M. Donten et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 33893396

not on the surface of iron/steel. Simply cobalt and phous, only when tungsten content exceeded a critical
copper have similar crystallographic structures. value [9]. Our interest in smooth, thin layers of the
The aim of this work was to examine whether the amorphous FeNiW alloy was also connected with the
addition of Fe to the NiW alloy would result in a fact that such layers may be a good starting material
better new amorphous alloy, which maintains the good for possible formation of the nanocrystalline structures
appearance and smoothness of the NiW alloy, and is at electrode surfaces. The electrodeposition of the
of increased hardness and of better adherence to steel amorphous NiFeW alloy films in this work was done
substrates. FeNiW alloys plated from 1-hydroxy- from a citrate-based and environmentally friendly plat-
ethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid baths could be amor- ing solution.

Fig. 1. SEM image of surface of NiW alloy (A) and FeNiW alloy (B) deposited on copper; ratio of concentrations of Fe and
Ni in plating solution, 1:1.
M. Donten et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 33893396 3391

Deionized water of Milli-Q (Austria) quality was used

for preparation of the solutions. Temperature was kept
at 65C using a water bath.
Current density was controlled by an EG&G PAR
173 galvanostat/potentiostat. Two values of current
density were applied: 35 mA/cm2 (optimal for FeW
alloy deposition), and 70 mA/cm2 (optimal for NiW
alloy deposition). Deposition time was fixed at 120 min,
which resulted in 6 8-mm thick layers. pH of the bath
was adjusted by appropriate additions of either 25%
ammonia solution or citric acid, and was examined at
room temperature using a pH meter before and after
each deposition. For details regarding pH of the bath,
see Section 3.2. A 1000-ml plating cell, with two anode
compartments separated from the cathode compart-
ment by glass frits, was used. The volume of the plating
solution was 500 ml, and the solution was gently stirred
with a mechanical stirrer during the platings. The an-
odes were two plain platinum sheets of area 8 cm2
each. Pure copper- and mild steel foils (40 5 0.1-
Fig. 2. Influence of pH of plating bath solution on contents of mm pieces) were used as the supports for the alloy
Fe, Ni and W in electrodeposited alloys. Depositions were layers. They were located at the centre of the cell. The
done in solution containing equal concentrations of Ni and Fe,
foils were degreased and slightly etched/activated with
and at current density of 35 mA/cm2.
5% sulfuric acid just before plating. The current effi-
ciency for constant current deposition was estimated as
2. Experimental procedure
approximately 15%. In pulse depositions, a PC com-
puter and home-written software were used to control
Thin, micrometre-thick films of NiFeW alloys were
electrodeposited from a plating bath solution, contain-
ing sodium tungstenate (78 g/l), sodium citrate (Na2Cit,
59 g/l), phosphoric acid (85%, 7.69 ml/l), and boric acid
(10.25 g/l). Butindiol 1,4 (50mg/l) and detergent
Rokafenol N-10 (100 ml/l) were used as the brightener
and the wetting agent, respectively. The solution of this
composition was successfully applied for the electrode-
position of high-tungsten content alloys of Ni and Co
[10,11]. Ni(II) was added in the form of NiSO4 and the
source of Fe(II) was FeSO4. The sum of the nickel and
iron concentrations in the plating solution was kept
constant and equal to 0.02 M. All chemicals were of
reagent grade purity. Butindiol was purchased from
Fluka; Rokafenol N-10, phenol ethoxylate, a nonionic
detergent, was purchased from Rokita, Poland, and all
the other chemicals were received from POCh, Poland.

Table 1
Composition of alloy layer (in at.%) at different distances from
the substrate surfacea

Point location Fe Ni W

Substrate side 38.39 37.24 24.37

Inside layer 35.17 37.84 26.99 Fig. 3. Chronopotentiograms corrected for ohmic drop for
Solution side 31.19 43.92 24.89 deposition of FeW, NiW and FeNiW alloys onto Cu and
Fe. pH 8.5, j =35 mA/cm2. FeNiW alloy deposition were
Substrate, copper; ratio of concentrations of Fe and Ni in done in the solution with [Fe]/{[Fe]+[Ni]}= 0.2. Substrate,
plating solution, 3:7. ( ) iron; ( ) copper. Reference electrode, SCE.
3392 M. Donten et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 33893396

following, Tred = Tox + Trest.

Chronopotentiometric experiments were done with
the three electrode system using a Lithuanian poten-
tiostat/galvanostat model PI-50-1.1 and a function gen-
erator model PR-8. A platinum sheet served as the
counter electrode and a SCE was the reference elec-
trode. Ohmic drop was evaluated in separate experi-
ments by switching off the galvanostatic pulse after 30
s of electrolysis and measuring the immediate resulting
potential drop with the use of an oscilloscope.
Surface topography and composition of the deposits
were examined using a scanning electron microscope
LEO 435 VP supplied with a Roentec, model M1, EDX
analyser. The XRD patterns of the alloys were obtained
using a DRON X-ray diffractometer equipped with a
Fe lamp. Microhardness of the deposits was determined
with a Vickers diamond pyramid. The load used in the
hardness measurements was 2 and 5 g, and the penetra-
tion depth was never bigger than 1.5 mm. Each sample
was probed in 10 places and the result is given as the
mean value.

3. Results

3.1. Deposit appearance

High internal stress of tungsten alloy coatings was

observed for both cobalt- and nickel based amorphous
alloys. The stress was more profound for the NiW
alloy. As a result, a rather dense net of microcrackes
appeared at the surface. Peeling of the alloy off the
substrate surface could be seen also. The microcracks
on the NiW surface are shown in Fig. 1A. The effect
is more intensive when either iron- or steel sheets are
the substrates for the electrodeposition of the NiW
alloy. In the case of Ni, it is possible to remove a
significant fraction of the coverage from the substrate
using a piece of regular office adhesive tape. The poor
adhesion observed for the layers of NiW and also
Fig. 4. Changes in composition of electrodeposited FeNiW
amorphous alloys caused by changes in concentrations of Ni
CoW amorphous alloys electrodeposited on iron and
and Fe in plating bath solution. (A) Amount of nickel and steel substrates, is at least partially connected with
iron in deposited alloy plotted versus mole fraction of Fe, significant differences between the internal structures of
[Fe]/([Fe]+ [Ni]), in the bath. (B) Amount of tungsten in the substrate and the major components (Ni or Fe) of
deposited alloy plotted versus mole fraction of Fe in the bath. the alloys. If the similarity between the crystal structure
Current density, 70 mA/cm2, open symbols; 35 mA/cm2, filled is really important, as was shown in the literature, for
symbols. example, for CoW alloy [8], then adhesion to steel
substrate of the amorphous WNi alloy should be
the galvanostat. Two current waveforms were employed significantly improved by the addition of iron to the
in these depositions. Waveform 1 consisted of the re- alloy.
duction and rest (zero current) pulses, Tred and Trest, of Fig. 1B presents micrographs of the new three-com-
the same duration. In waveform 2, the reduction and ponent alloy. It is seen in the figure that the introduc-
rest pulses were separated by a short oxidation pulse of tion of iron to the NiW alloy eliminates the cracks on
magnitude identical to that of the reduction pulse and the surface. The FeNiW alloy is also less brittle than
of duration, Tox, equal to 7% of Tred. For waveform 2, the NiW alloy. Apparently, the addition of Fe to the
the relation between the duration of the pulses was the NiW alloy effectively reduces the tensile stress in the
M. Donten et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 33893396 3393

electrodeposited layers. At the same time, the surface of charge-transfer species. Because, it was found that the
the coverage remains mirror-like and shine, what is equilibrium for the formation of the monohydroxide/
typical for the NiW alloys. Adhesion of the three-com- hydroxide of less noble iron is favoured, the concentra-
ponent alloy layers to steel substrate is also much better tion of iron should be higher in the Ni/Fe deposit.
now, since the removal of the deposit from the sub- Sasaki and Talbot [12] have found that the ratio of Fe
strate surface is much more difficult. Regarding the and Ni contents in the deposit is 2.3:1. This ratio fits
alloys plated on copper, an addition of Fe to the alloy well the data in Fig. 2 obtained for the amorphous
does not decrease its adhesion to the copper substrate. NiFeW alloy electroplated in the solution of optimal
pH range and of equal Fe and Ni concentrations. In
3.2. Influence of pH fact, in the case of the ternary tungsten alloys plated on
copper, this effect is even enhanced during the initial
The FeNiW amorphous alloy can be deposited step of the electrodeposition. This is presented in Table
from the citrate bath in a relatively wide range of pH. 1, where the content of Ni and Fe in the alloys versus
The limitation at low pH is the formation of poly- the distance from the substrate surface is given. Please,
tungstates followed by the precipitation of tungstic note that the data in Table 1 were obtained for the
acid. These processes can start at pH lower than 5. At ratio of concentrations of Fe and Ni in the solution,
pH higher than 10 another limitation appears, it is the equal to 3:7.
formation of iron hydroxides. Therefore, the pH range 3.3. Chronopotentiometry
potentially suitable for the electrodeposition of the
alloy layers is 510. All deposits obtained in this pH Since, the electrodeposition is done in the alkaline
range had the (quasi) amorphous structure, since the solution, and under the conditions of excessive hydro-
X-ray diffractograms were appropriately wide. How- gen evolution, pH can increase substantially near the
ever, the compositions of the alloys electrodeposited at cathode surface. This favours the formation of iron
various pH change; they are shown in Fig. 2. These hydroxy complexes and yields higher weight fraction of
results have been obtained in solutions containing equal iron in the alloy at the beginning of the electrodeposi-
concentrations of Ni and Fe. Since, over the pH range tion (at the substrate surface). As it is shown in Fig. 3,
from 7 to 8.5, the composition of the FeNiW alloy is for very short deposition times, the values of the
roughly constant and the content of tungsten is the cathode potential are very similar for both substrates
highest, this pH range was taken as the optimal and and the alloys containing iron. Since, the deposition
was used in further depositions. The initial pH in process is of very low current efficiency (15%) and is
further platings was always 8. The final pH never accompanied by intensive hydrogen evolution, and
departed from this value by more than 0.5. The ratio of therefore the cathode potential is rather determined by
concentrations of Ni and Fe in the deposited alloys hydrogen evolution, we attribute the closeness of the
differed from that of the plating bath solution, and this cathode potentials to similar reaction mechanisms and
may be surprising. However, this effect appeared also in dominating deposition of iron on the surface of both
the simultaneous depositions of the iron-group pairs of substrates. As the deposition time prolongs to tens of
metals and was discussed in the literature [12,13]. The seconds, the potentials stabilise, and the following rela-
anomalous preferential deposition of iron during the tion is seen, the more Ni on the surface, the lower the
codeposition with more noble nickel was shown in the hydrogen evolution is. Now the distinct difference be-
literature to be a result of the formation of hydroxides tween the potentials for the NiW alloy deposited on
in the solution. Talbot et al. [12,14] and Hessami and steel and copper can be attributed to preferential depo-
Tobias [15] claimed that the metal hydroxides are the sition of Ni on copper.

Table 2
Influence of FeNiW alloy composition on position of X-ray diffraction signal and alloy hardnessa

Fe content/at.% Ni content/at.% W content/at.% Diffraction signal position, 2u/ Hardness/HV

0 81 19 56.1 810 (960)b

9 72 19 56.1 820
21 58 21 56.4 910
39 33 28 54.8 1040
55 16 29 54.6 1070
69 0 31 53.8 1140 (1380)b

Thickness of alloy layer, 8 mm.
Alloy layer thickness, 50 mm.
3394 M. Donten et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 33893396

Fig. 5. SEM images of cross-brakes of FeNiW alloys plated on copper substrate from the same plating bath solution (A) constant
current method, current density 35 mA/cm2, (B) pulse current method (waveform 1); deposition pulse time 40 ms at current density
of 70 mA/cm2; rest pulse time 40 ms at current density of 0 mA/cm2. Deposition time, 90 min for both methods. Ratio of
concentrations of Fe and Ni in plating solution, 1:1.

3.4. Influence of [Fe] /([Fe]+[Ni ]) mole fraction done. The current densities chosen for the examination
were 35 mA/cm2 (optimal for FeW alloy deposition)
In the next experiments, the influence of variation of and 70 mA/cm2 (optimal for NiW alloy deposition).
the concentration ratio CFe/CNi in the plating solution For both series of experiments, the compositions of the
on composition of the deposit, and deposits physical plating bath solution were changed in nine steps from
properties was examined. For those investigations, two the pure NiW bath solution to the pure FeW bath
series of depositions for two current densities were solution. The results of those experiments are shown in
M. Donten et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 33893396 3395

Fig. 4. The Ni and Fe content curves in Fig. 4A must be real. The values of microhardness obtained for
confirm the chronopotentiometric findings that the much thicker alloy layers are rather more accurate and
preferential deposition of iron in a wide range of Ni/Fe are also given in Table 2.
ratio takes place in the solution. An analysis of the
curve of tungsten content shown in Fig. 4B indicates 3.5. Pulse deposition of the alloys
that tungsten concentration is roughly constant ( 20
at.%) for lower concentrations of Fe. Next, the W Application of pulse electrodeposition usually im-
content increases to reach a plateau ( 26 at.%) for the proves the quality of the metallic deposits. This was
[Fe]/([Fe]+ [Ni]) ratio equal approximately to 0.6. For also true for the two-component reach-in-tungsten
higher than 0.8 values of this ratio, the W content amorphous alloys [11]. In the case of three-component
increases again and is maximal for the pure FeW NiFeW alloy, pulse deposition also improved the
alloy. A probable explanation of this effect can be given quality of the deposits.
after examining the internal structure of the tungsten The positive effect for pulse deposition was not so
based alloys. It was documented previously that NiW evident when simple optical inspection of the samples
and FeW amorphous alloys have different internal was done. The three-component alloys obtained with
organisation. The structure of NiW alloy is similar to constant current had already smooth surfaces and low-
the highly deformed nickel structure, Fm3m, and the ered internal stress. The first advantage of the pulse
structure of FeW alloy is closer to the iron structure, methods was that the edges of the plated samples were
Im3m [16]. The X-ray diffraction experiments confi- smoother and more compact, when the pulse plating
rmed the amorphous structure of all examined deposits. was applied. Closer observations of broken alloy layers
An analysis of the position of the maximal intensity of allowed us to detect an improvement in the homogene-
the broad diffraction signals indicates that a reorganisa- ity of the internal structure and smoothness of the
tion of the internal structure of the deposited alloys surface of the deposits obtained by pulse plating. The
takes place while the iron content in the NiW alloy structure of the constant-current plated alloy is some-
increases. The appropriate quantitative data are pre- what more grainy, which made the surface of the crack
sented in Table 2. It is seen from Table 2 that the most non-uniform and generated many small pieces of the
intensive changes in the position of the peaks in the alloy during the breaking. This is shown in Fig. 5,
diffractograms appear when the [Fe]:[Ni] ratio in the where the cross-brakes of the layers of the FeNiW
alloy approaches 1. For the value of this ratio smaller alloys deposited on the same substrate are compared.
than 1, the dominating structure in the FeNiW alloy The formation of amorphous grain structure is interest-
is apparently that of deformed nickel. The structure of ing. This indicates that the growth rate of the alloy
deformed iron can be obtained for high molar fraction layers is not identical at the substrate surface. Strong
of iron only. The XRD pattern changes described cor- hydrogen evolution may stand behind this
relate well with the changes in tungsten content in the phenomenon.
examined alloys. The frequency of the current waveform has an appar-
The increase in Fe content, which is paralleled by ent influence on the alloy stoichiometry. An increase in
appropriate increase in W content, leads also to appar- waveform frequency leads to an increase in both iron
ent increase in hardness of the alloy. This is shown in and tungsten content. At 12.5 and 50 Hz, the tungsten
Table 2. The values of microhardness measured for content reaches the maximum value of 35 at.% for
very thin layers (8 mm) may be slightly affected by the waveforms 1 and 2, respectively. The situation is illus-
substrate which is much softer, however, the trend seen trated in Table 3.

Table 3
Composition of FeNiW alloys, in at.%, deposited by pulse 4. Conclusions
current methodsa
Electrodeposition under constant current conditions
Frequency/Hz Waveform 1 Waveform 2 from a citrate-based environmental-friendly bath allows
to obtain the three-component, amorphous FeNiW
Fe Ni W Fe Ni W alloys that are satisfactorily smooth, hard, uniform, of
good look, and of good adherence to both copper and
1 40.6 28.1 31.1 20.0 70.6 9.4
steel. The alloys with the Fe mole fraction, [Fe]/([Fe]+
2.5 41.4 26.5 32.1 30.2 48.1 21.7
12.5 44.8 20.4 34.8 37.5 35.5 26.5
[Ni]), approaching 1 have the best properties, however,
50 46.4 18.7 33.8 44.8 20.2 35.0 the properties for the other stoichiometries do not
depart far from these. SEM micrographs reveal that the
Ratio of concentrations of Fe and Ni in plating solution, internal structure and the surface smoothness of the
1:1. alloys obtained under constant current conditions are
3396 M. Donten et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 33893396

still not ideal. The pulse deposition brings further im- [2] B. Lochel, A. Maciossek, J. Electrochem. Soc. 143
provements, especially in the texture of the alloy bulk (1996) 3343.
which is somewhat grainy in the constant-current al- [3] A. Przywoski, J. Socha, Powloki Ochr. 12 (1984) 4.
loys, and in the surface smoothness. Also, the pulse [4] A. Crowson, E.S. Chen, J. Organomet. Chem. 43 (1991)
deposition allows one, by changing the current wave-
[5] G.A. Croopnick, D.M. Scrugs, US Patent 4 529 668
form frequency, to obtain higher tungsten content of up
to 35 at.%. This increase is achieved at the cost of [6] M. Donten, Z. Stojek, J.G. Osteryoung, J. Electrochem.
nickel content. The disadvantages of using the pulse Soc. 140 (1993) 3417.
plating are the use of more complex instrumental set-up [7] H. Habazaki, A. Kawashima, K. Asami, K. Hashimoto,
and further drop in current efficiency to 11%. J. Electrochem. Soc. 138 (1991) 76.
[8] M. Donten, T. Gromulski, Z. Stojek, J. Alloys Comp.
279 (1998) 272.
Acknowledgements [9] M. Li, M. Kowaka, Hyomen Gijutsu 44 (1993)
This work was supported in part by grant BST-623/5 [10] M. Donten, Z. Stojek, Polish J. Chem. 68 (1994)
from the University of Warsaw. One of us (H. Cesiulis)
[11] M. Donten, Z. Stojek, J. Appl. Electrochem. 26 (1996)
thanks the Department of High Education and Science
of the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania
[12] K.Y. Sasaki, J.B. Talbot, J. Electrochem. Soc. 142
for a research fellowship during which a part of this (1995) 775.
work was carried out. [13] T.M. Harris, J.S. Clair, J. Electrochem. Soc. 143 (1996)
[14] W.C. Grande, J.B. Talbot, J. Electrochem. Soc. 140
References (1993) 675.
[15] S. Hessami, C.W. Tobias, J. Electrochem. Soc. 136
[1] P.L. Cavalotti, B. Bozzini, L. Nobili, G. Zangari, Elec- (1989) 3611.
trochim. Acta 39 (1994) 1123. [16] M. Donten, J. Solid State Electrochem. 3 (1999) 87.

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