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Class 3: Enzymes Course Bio 20



D20-1.3k explain enzyme action and factors influencing their action; i.e., temperature, pH,
substrate concentration, feedback inhibition, competitive inhibition

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Define Enzymes
2. List factors that affect enzyme function
3. Identify enzymes that occur in the body
Pool noodles (3 different colours, cut into pieces)
Introduction Time
On Monday we talked about macromolecules, their chemical composition,
how they are broken down and put back together again
2 min
Today we are talking about the enzymes that help those reactions and other
reactions occur within our bodies
Body Time
Topic: Enzymes 1) Get students to discuss what kinds of things your body
needs to break down on a daily basis
2) Enzymes are a huge part of digestion:
with enzymes digestion takes 6-8 hours 5 min
without enzymes digestion would take 3 weeks
3) In class on Monday we defined enzymes, ask students to
define it for you again
Topic: How do 1) Proteins are made up of amino acids. Each amino acid has
they work specific properties based on it's R group. The string of
amino acids determine the structure of the protein. The
structure determines the function of the protein
2) This is especially important for enzymes because the
shape is complementary to a very specific substrate or
reactant molecule
3) Wrench example
4) Get them to draw and label an enzyme reaction with you
Topic: Factors 1) Have them predict what factors might affect enzyme 20
affecting enzyme function. Discuss as a class. min
function 2) Have them get up and run around the room, to
demonstrate what happens with heat
3) Temperature and pH
4) Basically anything that alters the 3D structure of the
5) Define: Denature
6) Show video, instruct students to take notes on the video to
summarize some of the information we just talked about
and anything new that might be important or interesting.
7) Discuss as a class after the video.
Topic: Inhibitors 1) Inhibitors are molecules that attach to the enzyme and
reduce it's ability to bind substrates
2) Two kinds of inhibitors
attach to the enzymes active site
some times part of negative feedback loops 10
Reversible min
attach elsewhere on the enzyme and changes the
3D shape of the active site
Often permanent change
3) Pool Noodle activity
Topic: Enzymes in 1) Have students use their text books to fill out the chart at
the body (if time) the bottom of their notes (pg 225)
2) Go through and fill it in together as a class
Topic: Exit Slip
1) Show them the exit slip slide, make sure they have at least
5 min
5 minutes at the end of class to answer it.
Conclusion Time
Make sure students know that there is a lab tomorrow
1 min
Discussion and questioning Formative (Objective 1,2, and 3)
Pool noodle activity Formative (Objective 2)
Do they see how non competitive inhibition changes the active site
Exit Slip Formative (Objectives 1,2, and 3)

Additional Notes:
Name: _____________________

Bio 20 Digestion Notes #2 Enzymes

Enzymes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

How enzymes work:Proteins are made up of _______________

Enzymes are all different ____________________________
Each amino acid has specific properties based on its
_____ ______________
The string of _______________ ________________ determines the
protein's _____________________
The _____________________ determines the protein's __________________________
The shape of each enzyme is very specific to a substrate: _______________________________
The part of the enzyme the binds to the substrate is the __________________ ___________________.
Factors Affecting Enzyme Function:
Increasing _______________________ causes
molecules to move faster and
_____________________ the likelihood of substrate
binding to enzyme.
However, the is an optimal
_________________________ that allows for best
enzymatic function.
Above or below a certain _______________________ enzymes will denature:

pH There is also an optimal pH that enzymes

can function
This is ____________________ for every enzyme.
Pepsin is an enzyme in the stomach. You're
stomach is very __________________
Trypsin is an enzyme that is active in the
small intestine. You're small intestine is _________________ or slightly ____________.
Being above or below the optimal pH will cause the enzyme to ____________________.

Video Notes/Summary:
There are two types of inhibitors
These inhibitors bind to the active site
This means that the ___________________ cannot bind to the active site
_______________ enzyme function
These inhibitors are generally part of a negative feedback loop: _______________
Reversible inhibition
These inhibitors bind ___________________ on the enzyme
Altering the active site, _____________________ enzyme function
These inhibitors are generally used in _____________________________
Often irreversible inhibition
Enzymes in the body
Enzyme Where it comes Where it acts Optimal pH Substrate Products
Salivary Mouth Starch,
Amylase glycogen
Sucrase Small intestine 8 Glucose and
Maltase Small Intestine Maltose
Lactase Lactose
Pancreatic Pancreas 8 Maltose
Pancreatic Pancreas 8 Lipids
Pepsin Stomach Stomach Proteins
Trypsin Small intestine Peptides
Chymotrypsin Small intestine
Peptidases Pancreas and Small Small intestine Small peptides/
intestine amino acids
Nucleases 8 Nucleic acids

Pg 225 in your text

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