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Student: McKenah DArcy School: Westview Elementary School

IWU Supervisor: Soptelean Co-op Teacher: Mrs. North

Teaching Date: April 12 Grade Level: 1
Lesson Title: American Symbols

Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies: DSS LESSON PLAN
2007 ACEI Standards

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)Students will connect American symbols with their history and meaning.
B. Objective(s)
1. Students will understand the importance of symbols and the concept of representation
by creating their own flag.
2. Students will understand the origins of the American flag and be able to recreate the
original and current American flag.
3. Students match common American symbols based on their description and what they
represent about the United States (Bald Eagle, Washington Monument, Liberty Bell,
White House, Statue of Liberty).

C. Standard(s):
1.1.3 Identify American songs and symbols and discuss their origins.
Example: Songs: The Star-Spangled Banner and Yankee Doodle, Symbols: The
United States Flag, the bald eagle and the Statue of Liberty

NCSS: Civic Ideals and Practices

ISTE: 1- Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

II. Materials & Management

A. Materials: papers for each station, crayons, glue, construction paper/flag outline
B. Time: 50 mins
C. Space: 4 stations (3 tables, 1 floor space)
D. Behavior- Working together in teams, quietly talking
E. Technology- Youtube video on TV screen
III. Anticipatory Set

Play a video of a recording artist, Demi Lavato, singing the Star Spangled Banner.

I will ask them to watch for observations about the people who are listening. What did you notice
about the facial expressions of the audience? What images did the camera show during the
anthem? (flag, hand over heart, respect)

IV. Purpose: Today we are going to learn about symbols that represent America in different
ways. It is important to know the symbols that represent our country. This way, when we
see and hear them throughout the rest of our life, we will know what they mean about why
they are a part of American tradition.


Adaptation to Diverse Students

A. Remediation- Go over facts about American symbols that the students learned at their
stations after the lesson.
B. Enrichment- Give students one point extra credit for looking up one of the American
symbols and writing down 3 facts that we didnt learn in class.
D. Exceptional Needs- N/A
ACEI 3.2)

III.Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

Input: Discuss with students what a national anthem is. Does anyone remember what our national anthem
is called?(Star Spangled Banner) What do we look at when we are listening to the national anthem? (flag) Not only
do we have a song that presents our country, but we also have a lot of symbols which are images that tell people
about what we value as a country.

- I will assign students to their learning station. I will explain the rotation and the time I will give them for
each station.
(ACEI 2.4)
(ACEI 3.3)
Output: Learning Centers 9 mins per center

Station 1: Create the Original American Flag (Teacher helper here)

- Students will be shown a picture of the original and current American flag. They will be given supplies to
put create these flags (strips of paper, stars, ect). They will work together as a team to complete it. When
finished, the children will watch a video history of the American flag. - History of the American Flag (Cool School) 3 mins

Station 2: Symbolism of the Flag

- Students will read about the symbolism of the flag. They will color and match the symbols with the words
they represent.

Station 3: American Symbol Matching (teacher helper here)

- Each student will be given a picture (white house, liberty bell, statue of liberty, Washington monument,
bald eagle). The teacher will read a clue (exp. I am a building. The president lives here. ect). The student
with the correct answer will match their picture to the clue. Then the students will be asked to draw each
symbol on their white board with a dry erase marker.

Station 4: Create Your Own Flag

- Students will create a flag that represents them, their interests, favorite colors, ect.

IV.Check for understanding.

- Students demonstrate skills or apply knowledge during class, in groups with teacher guiding by
assigning tasks. I will walk around to make sure that the students are pulling away facts from
each station.

VII. Review learning outcomes / Closure

Whole class discussion:
- Boys and girls, think to yourself one thing that you learned today. Share with your partner (give time for
sharing). I want to hear from 2 people. I want to hear a fact about the American Flag and a fact about
the national anthem.

A. Formative: I will walk around and observe the students as they work at each station. I will listen to their
answers about new facts they learned. I will collect the worksheets from the stations 2,3,4.

B. Summative: N/A
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?

a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligences
7. Which activity did students struggle the most with and what adjustments could be made?
8. Were students able to stay on task and complete each station in given time?
Station 2: Symbolism of the Flag
Station 1: Create the American Flag

Cut outs of stripes, a blue background and
13 stars. The students will look at a picture
and create the original flag using the
supplies. The teacher-helper at the station
will show them a picture of todays flag
and ask them for the difference. When the
students identify the difference in stars, the
helper will explain that each star represents
a state and that at that time their were only
13 colonies (which are like states).

Independence Day and the History of the American
Flag (Cool School)

If time permits: (have student write it down on


What did you learn from the video?

Who made the flag?
Why did we want a flag for our country?

Station 3: Matching Symbols

1. I have 132 rooms. People live, work and visit me every day. I am also the home of the
President of the United States.
2. I weigh 2,060 pounds. I was made to announce freedom throughout the land. I got a
crack when they rang me on George Washingtons Washingtons birthday. I am located
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
3. I was a gift from France when the United States won their independence. I am 151 feet
tall. I hold a torch up in the air and a tablet with July, 4 1776 because that is the day
America became a free country.
4. I am made of marble. I was made to honor the first president, George Washington. I am
555 feet tall. No building in Washington DC is allowed to be taller than me.
5. I am the national symbol of the US. You can see me on a quarter. I represent strength
and courage. I live only in North America.
Ps- I am not bald, balde used to mean white back in the old days.

Station 4: Create Your Own Flag


Readiness Needs Improvement Emerging Competent 3 Outstanding 4
1 Competence 2
Lesson objectives are Lesson objectives are The lesson plan contains
poorly written and/or correlated with Questions about
stated Station4
have little or no learning goals and Directons: Read story. Answer Questions. Objectives
objectives. Underline text
connection to learning standards. The 1.Who was the Unitedlogically
States connected to when the
at war with
goals or standards. connection between appropriate goals and
Little connection objectives and lesson Star Spangled Bannerstandards
was written?
and are
exists between activities and ____________________________________
consistent with lesson
objectives and lesson assessments is weak activities and assessments.
activities and or unclear.
assessments. 2.Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?

Objectives 3.What did Francis Scott Key see that morning when
Standards the battle was over?


4. What does this poem tell us?

The lesson plan
contains objectives
that connect goals
and standards with
lesson activities and
The anticipatory set is The connection The anticipatory set The anticipatory set
missing or has little or between the is clear and direct connects the current lesson
no connection to the anticipatory set and and focuses students with previous and future
goal or content of the lesson objectives and attention on the learning and focuses
Anticipatory Set
lesson. content is weak or lesson. students minds and
unclear. attention on the days
The statement of A statement of The statement of The statement of purpose
purpose is ambiguous purpose is included in purpose is clearly has the power to capture
or worded so the lesson, but has connected to the the imaginations of
generally that the little power to content of the lesson students and motivate
connection with the motivate students and and is presented in them to accomplish the
content of the lesson capture their terms that are easily expected learning.
is not apparent. imaginations. understood by
Plan For Needs Improvement Emerging
Competent 3 Outstanding 4
Instruction 1 Competence 2
Few or no instructional Instructional Instructional Specific instructional
opportunities are opportunities are opportunities are opportunities are provided
included. Any provided in this provided in this in this lesson that
instructional lesson; however, they lesson. The demonstrate the
Adaptation to opportunities are not are not adapted to opportunities are candidates understanding
Diverse Students developmentally diverse students. developmentally of how students differ in
ACEI Standard 3.2 appropriate or appropriate and/or their development and
adapted to diverse are adapted to approaches to learning.
students. diverse students. The instructional
opportunities are adapted
to diverse students.
The candidates The candidates The candidate The candidate
lesson plan suggests lesson plan suggests demon-strates an demonstrates in-depth
that he or she is not emerging familiarity under- standing of knowledge and
familiar with the with the themes, the themes, understanding of how the
themes, concepts, and concepts, and modes concepts, and modes major concepts and
modes of inquiry of inquiry drawn from of inquiry drawn from themes of social studies
drawn from the the academic fields of the social studies in are integrated across
academic fields of the the social studies. his or her lesson academic fields in his or
social studies. The candidate plan. He or she her lesson plan.
The candidate does demonstrates limited develops experiences The candidates lesson
not demonstrate understanding of the to help elem. plan demonstrates an in-
understanding of the major concepts and students learn about depth understanding of the
major concepts and modes of inquiry from major social studies social studies and a
Lesson Presentation modes of inquiry from the social studies, and concepts. The significant ability to help K-
the social studies, and minimally promotes candidates lesson 6 students learn the
Social Studies does not promote elementary students plan demonstrates an essential concepts and
ACEI Standard 2.4 elementary students ability to make understanding of the become productive
ability to make informed decisions
5 as major concepts and participants in a
informed decisions as citizens of a culturally modes of inquiry democratic society.
citizens of a culturally diverse democratic from the social
diverse democratic society and studies, and enables
society and interdependent world. stu- dents to learn

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