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Original Contribution

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 0, 1--9

A 6-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

evaluating the ability of a marine complex supplement to promote
hair growth in men with thinning hair
Glynis Ablon, MD, FAAD
Ablon Skin Institute and Research Center, Manhattan Beach, CA, USA

Summary Background Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, affects approximately

50% of the adult population and can cause poor self-image, low self-esteem and have
a significant negative impact on the quality of life. An oral nutraceutical supplement
based on a marine complex formulation has previously been reported to significantly
increase the number of terminal hairs in women with thinning hair. AIMS: The
objective of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study was to confirm the beneficial
effects of a similar marine complex supplement in adult male subjects with thinning
hair (Viviscal Man; Lifes2good, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
Patients/Methods Healthy adult male subjects with thinning hair associated with
clinically diagnosed male pattern hair loss were enrolled and randomized to receive
study drug or placebo twice daily.
Results At Day 90, subjects indicated a significant improvement in three of six quality
of life measures as well as a significant overall improvement in quality of life. After
180 days, significant increases were observed for total hair count, total hair density,
and terminal hair density (for each, P = 0.001). The investigator assessments
revealed significant improvements in terminal and vellus hair count and terminal
hair density. Hair pull test results were significantly lower (fewer hairs removed) for
study drug vs. placebo at Days 90 (P < 0.05) and 180 (P < 0.01). There were no
reports of treatment-emergent adverse events.
Conclusion The results of this study showed for the first time that a dietary
supplement containing a marine complex and other ingredients can decrease hair
shedding and promote hair growth in men with thinning hair.
Keywords: male pattern baldness, androgenetic alopecia, clinical trial, hair growth
supplement, shark and mollusk powder

the adult male population.1 While baldness is a rel-

atively benign condition, it can cause feelings of
Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is a poor self-image, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depres-
common condition affecting approximately 50% of sion,2,3 which may have a significant negative
impact on the quality of life.4 Some prescription
Correspondence: Glynis Ablon, Associate Clinical Professor UCLA, Ablon treatments for androgenic alopecia have the poten-
Skin Institute and Research Center, 1600 Rosecrans Avenue, Building 4B, tial to cause significant adverse events.5 A safe and
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, USA. E-mail: drug-free nonprescription alternative is desirable for
Accepted for publication July 21, 2016 these patients.

2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

Marine complex supplement promotes hair growth . G Ablon

Several so-called nutraceuticals for skin and hair con- history were enrolled. They included subjects with
ditions have appeared in the market place over the last androgenic alopecia, Norwood Scale scores of 23
few years. A novel oral compound consisting of proteins only. Each subject expressed his willingness to main-
and glycosaminoglycans of marine origin was found to tain a consistent haircut, hair color, and shampooing
have beneficial effects when administered to women frequency and make no substantial changes in their
with sun-damaged skin.6,7 The results of two studies current diet, medications, or exercise routine for the
demonstrated improvements in the appearance of sun- duration of the study. Other enrollment criteria
damaged skin and increased the skin thickness and included a body mass index of 29 kg/m2 and Fitz-
elasticity. Brittle hair and nails returned to normal after patrick photo skin types IIV. Subjects received a mod-
90 days of treatment.6,7 Subsequent research studied est stipend for each completed visit.
the use of a similar marine extract combined with other
natural compounds. The efficacy of this marine extract Exclusion criteria
for treating male androgenetic alopecia was demon- Reasons for exclusion from study participation included
strated in 8- and 12-month open-label studies (Majas a history of intolerance or allergy to fish, seafood/shell-
M, Puuste O, Pr asthacka B et al, unpublished).8 fish, acerola, or any of the ingredients in the study drug;
More recently, a nutraceutical supplement based on allergy or sensitivity to any shampoo or conditioner;
a new marine complex formulation has been developed prior hair transplants; current use of light therapy to
to promote the hair growth (Viviscal, Lifes2good, Inc., treat thinning hair, regular use of minoxidil or other
Chicago, IL, USA). This supplement is formulated with topical hair growth products, or finasteride within the
a proprietary blend of extracellular matrix components previous 6 months; hair loss disorders such as alopecia
from shark and mollusks (AminoMarTM, Chicago, IL, areata, scarring alopecia, or telogen effluvium; use of
USA) derived from sustainable marine sources.9 Two medications known to cause hair thinning or hair loss;
double-blind, placebo-controlled studies confirmed that self-reported uncontrolled diseases, such as diabetes,
this marine complex supplement taken twice daily for hypertension, or hyperthyroidism; self-reported active
90 days can significantly increase the number of termi- hepatitis, immune deficiency, HIV, or autoimmune dis-
nal hairs in women with thinning hair.10,11 It also ease; an active dermatologic condition which, in the
improved the subject self-assessment scores,11 reduced opinion of the examining investigator, might place the
hair shedding, and improved the Quality of Life Ques- subject at risk or interfere with clinical evaluation; cur-
tionnaire scores.10 A third double-blind, placebo-con- rent participation in another clinical research study.
trolled clinical trial showed that hair shedding was
significantly reduced in the first 36 months of treat- Study drug
ment and phototrichogram image analysis revealed a Enrolled subjects were randomized 1:1 to receive pla-
significant increases in the mean vellus-like hair diame- cebo or the study drug, a commercially available hair
ter after 6 months.12 The beneficial effects of a new regrowth supplement (Viviscal Man; Lifes2good, Inc.).
professional strength marine complex formulation have Each tablet contains vitamin C (from acerola powder
recently been demonstrated for 180 days.13 and ascorbic acid), zinc (from zinc oxide), AminoMarTM
Because it is clearly beneficial for treating female Marine Complex (shark powder and mollusk powder)
hair loss, the current marine complex product has 452.9 mg, horsetail (stem) extract 24.5 mg, and flax
been reformulated for use by men with thinning hair seed extract 50 mg. Other ingredients include micro-
(Viviscal Man, Lifes2good, Inc.). The purpose of this crystalline cellulose, maltodextrin, hydroxypropyl
double-blind, placebo-controlled study was to confirm methylcellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate,
the beneficial effects of the new marine complex sup- glycerol, artificial orange flavoring, and modified
plement in adult male subjects with thinning hair. starch. The placebo was an inert table with similar
appearance and taste. Subjects were instructed to take
one tablet of their assigned treatment every day in the
Materials and methods
morning and evening with water following a meal.
Inclusion criteria
Healthy male adult subjects with thinning hair associ- Subjects were evaluated at Day 0 (Visit 1), Day 90
ated with clinically diagnosed male pattern hair loss (Visit 2), and Day 180 (Visit 3). A physical examina-
based on physical presentation of hair loss and family tion was performed at each visit, including a review of

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Marine complex supplement promotes hair growth . G Ablon

basic body systems, scalp examination, vital signs, and Table 1 Quality of life questionnaire
BMI. At Visit 1, the scalp was examined by the investi-
Please complete the following questions by circling the number in the
gator to rule out any confounding scalp conditions.
column which best describes your opinion for each characteristic.

Digital photography and trichoanalysis Very A A Not Not

The investigator selected a 1.5-cm-diameter (2.35 cm2) much lot little at all relevant
target area on the midline scalp defined as the half-
1. I feel my thinning hair 4 3 2 1 0
way point on the coronal band created from the left
makes me look less attractive.
preauricular skin pit to the right preauricular skin pit 2. Because of my thinning hair, 4 3 2 1 0
directly across the top of the head. The target area was I have considered a hair
marked using a black fine-tip skin marker. This area transplant.
3. My thinning hair makes me 4 3 2 1 0
was prepared by being shaved and dyed with tempo- feel older.
rary black hair color for trichoanalysis. Digital two- 4. My thinning hair affects my 4 3 2 1 0
dimensional images of the target site and parietal, fron- self-confidence.
tal, and occipital areas were obtained for each subject 5. Because of my thinning hair, 4 3 2 1 0
I am not as confident when
using standardized lighting (IntelliStudio, Canfield Sci- asking for a date.
entific, Inc., Parsippany, NJ, USA).14 Computerized tri- 6. Because of my thinning 4 3 2 1 0
chogram images (TrichoScan, Tricholog GmbH, hair, I feel self-conscious
Regensburg, Germany)15 were obtained using a hand- when I go to the gym.

held dermatoscope (DermoGenius, DermoScan GmBH,

Regensburg, Germany).16 The mean of three images
was used as the final data result. terminal hair density, (4) and vellus hair density. Ter-
minal hairs were defined as coarse, short, or long hairs
Hair pull test found on the scalp with cross-sectional diameter of
Subjects were required to refrain from hair washing for at 40 lM. Vellus hairs were defined as fine, short hairs
least 3 days (72 h) prior to the hair pull test, which was found on the scalp with a cross-sectional diameter of
performed on the right and left parietal, frontal, and <40 lM.
occipital areas of the scalp during Visits 1 and 3. As Secondary efficacy measures were the results of the
described by Shapiro and colleagues, the test was per- 90- and 180-day hair pull test and 90- and 180-day
formed by grasping a bunch of 5060 hairs between the Quality of Life and Self-Assessment Questionnaires.
thumb, index finger, and middle finger at their base. The
investigator firmly but not forcefully tugged away from Safety
the scalp so that the fingers slid along the hair fibers and Subjects were queried about adverse events at each
the number of extracted hairs was counted. The loss of clinic visit and were encouraged to contact the investi-
more than six hairs (10%) in each area was considered a gator at any time to report the possible adverse events.
positive test and suggests active hair shedding.17
Each subject completed a General Lifestyle Question- This study followed applicable guidelines for the protec-
naire (Visit 1), a Quality of Life Questionnaire (Visits 1, tion of human subjects for research as outlined in the
2, and 3; Table 1), and a Self-Assessment Question- United States FDA 21 CFR Part 50, in accordance with
naire (Visits 2 and 3; Table 2), and the investigator the accepted standards for good clinical practices
also completed the following hair quality assessments (GCPs) and the standard practices of Ablon Skin Insti-
at Visits 2 and 3: right parietal hair count, left parietal tute Research Center. Each subject provided informed
hair count, terminal count, vellus count, total hair consent, a photographic release, a confidentiality agre-
count, total hair density, and terminal hair density. ement, and HIPAA form. This protocol and associated
documents were approved by a commercial IRB (IRB
Company Inc., Buena Park).
Study endpoints
Primary and secondary efficacy measures were col-
Efficacy lected at Visits 1, 2, and 3, and descriptive statistics
The primary efficacy parameters from the trichoanaly- were generated for all variables. A repeated-measures
sis were (1) total hair count, (2) total hair density, (3) ANOVA was conducted to determine whether there

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Marine complex supplement promotes hair growth . G Ablon

was a statistically significant difference in primary Primary efficacy measures

and secondary efficacy parameters. The primary effi-
Significant increases were observed for all efficacy mea-
cacy data were approximately normally distributed at
sures. Mean (SD) total hair count increased from
each time point, as assessed by graphical methods.
162.20 (46.96) at baseline to 169.08 (43.40) and
The assumption of sphericity was not met, as
174.89 (44.00) at Days 90 and 180, respectively
assessed by Mauchlys test of sphericity as calculated
(P = 0.001); total hair density increased from 159.71
according to Greenhouse and Geisser.18 All analyses
(46.26) at baseline to 166.50 (42.74) and 172.17
were two-tailed, where applicable, with P-value of
(43.29) at Days 90 and 180, respectively (P = 0.001);
0.05. All analyses were performed using IBM SPSS
and terminal hair density increased from 121.95
Statistics, version 19 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY,
(40.04) at baseline to 127.65 (39.21) and 130.34
(38.81) at Days 90 and 180, respectively (P = 0.001;
Table 3). There was no improvement in placebo-trea-
Results ted subjects. Treatment with the study drug did not
improve the mean vellus hair density (P = 0.171);
Subjects enrolled in the study drug group (N = 30) however, these results were highly variable and con-
had a mean (SD) age of 42.8 (7.7) years and a mean tained two substantial outliers. Visible improvement in
BMI of 25.8 (2.1) kg/m2. Subjects enrolled in the pla- hair growth is apparent in two representative subjects
cebo group (N = 30) had a mean age of 46.1 (7.6) shown in Figures 1 and 2. Improvements in efficacy
years and a mean BMI of 26.6 (1.9) kg/m2. measures for these subjects are provided in Table 4.

Table 2 Self-Assessment questionnaire

Please review each of the parameters below and check the most appropriate answer.

Greatly Moderately Slightly Slightly Moderately Greatly

increased increased increased No change decreased decreased decreased

1. Overall hair growth 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

2. Overall hair volume 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3. Scalp coverage 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
4. Hair shine 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5. Hair strength 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
6. Nail strength 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7. Nail growth rate 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8. Growth of eyebrows 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
9. Growth of eyelashes 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
10. Skin smoothness 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
11. Overall skin health 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table 3 Efficacy results

Baseline Day 90 Day 180 Significance

Total hair count

Marine complex formulation 162.2 (46.96) 169.08 (43.40) 174.89 (44.00) P = 0.001
Placebo 152.2 (42.80) 151.33 (41.52) 146.92 (47.42) NS
Total hair density
Marine complex formulation 159.71 (46.26) 166.50 (42.74) 172.17 (43.29) P = 0.001
Placebo 150.00 (42.14) 149.01 (40.87) 144.71 (46.74) NS
Terminal hair density
Marine complex formulation 121.95 (40.04) 127.65 (39.21) 130.34 (38.81) P = 0.001
Placebo 104.72 (37.84) 101.73 (38.89) 99.17 (42.21) NS

Each value represents the mean (standard deviation). NS, not significant.

4 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Marine complex supplement promotes hair growth . G Ablon

TrichoScan images for these subjects are provided in (Table 5). By Day 180, only one question remained
Figures 3 and 4. significantly improved (My thinning hair affects my
self-confidence); however, a fourth question showed a
trend toward a significant improvement (I feel my thin-
Secondary efficacy measures
ning hair makes me look less attractive).
At Day 90, subjects indicated a significant improve- None of the Self-Assessment Questions showed any
ment in three of six quality of life measures and a sig- improvement at Day 90, but three showed a significant
nificant overall improvement in quality of life improvement at Day 180 (Table 6), while two

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

(c) (c)

Figure 1 Visible Hair growth in Subject 1. The improvement in Figure 2 Visible Hair growth in Subject 2. The improvement in
baseline hair appearance (a) is apparent in the 42-year-old Cau- baseline hair appearance (a) is apparent in the 31-year-old Cau-
casian man after twice-daily treatment with the marine complex casian man after twice-daily treatment with the marine complex
formulation for 90 days (b) and 180 days (c). The improvements formulation for 90 days (b) and 180 days (c). The improvements
in study endpoints for this patient are summarized in Table 4. in study endpoints for this patient are summarized in Table 4.

2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 5

Marine complex supplement promotes hair growth . G Ablon

Table 4 Changes in Study Endpoints for Subjects 1 and 2

Baseline Day 90 Day 180

Subject 1
Total hair count 133.0 153.3 160.0
Total hair density 131.0 151.0 157.7
Terminal hair density 96.2 105.0 109.6
Vellus hair density 34.8 46.0 48.1
Subject 2
Total hair count 103.3 117.0 200.8
Total hair density 101.7 115.2 197.8
Terminal hair density 87.7 95.2 154.0
Vellus hair density 14.0 20.0 43.8

questions as well as overall improvement showed a

trend toward a significant improvement. (b)
The investigator assessments of hair qualities showed
significant improvements in three of seven assessments,
including terminal and vellus hair count and terminal
hair density (Table 7). By Day 180, improvement in
vellus hair count was no longer significant, but other
improvements included left and right parietal counts,
total hair count, and total hair density.
The results of the hair pull test were significantly
improved for study drug vs. placebo at Day 90
(P < 0.05) and Day 180 (P < 0.01).


There were no reports of treatment-emergent adverse (c)

events at any time during the study.

Trichoscopy is a useful, noninvasive method for diag-
nosing various skin disorders19,20 including hair loss.21
It is also a useful tool for documenting the response to
treatment.22 TrichoScanTM was developed as a fully
automated method for the measurement of biological
parameters of hair growth such as density, diameter,
and growth rate23 and has been previously used to
assess the patients with androgenetic hair loss24 and
response to treatment.25 Using this method, we were
able to document several significant improvements in
Figure 3 TrichoScan Images for Subject 1. Baseline TrichoScan
hair growth, including total hair count, total hair den- images at baseline (a) and after twice-daily treatment with the
sity, and terminal hair density following twice-daily marine complex formulation for 90 days (b) and 180 days (c).
treatment with the marine complex supplement. These The improvements in study endpoints for this patient are summa-
measures showed a steady improvement from Day 90 rized in Table 4.
to Day 180, suggesting that they may continue to
improve with continued treatment. Future studies the primary endpoints; however, this may have been
should monitor the improvements beyond 180 days. due to the highly variable results for this measure
Improvements in vellus hairs were not observed among including two significant outliers. Nevertheless,

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Marine complex supplement promotes hair growth . G Ablon

Table 5 Quality of life questionnaire results

Question Treatment Day 90 Day 180

1. Study Drug P = 0.083

2. Study Drug P = 0.045
3. Study Drug P = 0.023
4. Study Drug P = 0.016 P = 0.05
Overall Study Drug P = 0.008 P = 0.016

Table 6 Self-assessment questionnaire results

Question Treatment Day 180

1. Study drug P = 0.096

2. Study drug P = 0.038
5. Study drug P = 0.073
6. Study drug P = 0.05
11. Study Drug P = 0.046
Overall Study drug P = 0.078

Table 7 Investigator hair assessments

Improved assessments Day 90 Day 180

Right parietal count P = 0.002

Left parietal count P = 0.002
Terminal count P = 0.013 P = 0.036
Vellus count P = 0.013
Total hair count P = 0.036
Total hair Density P = 0.036
Terminal hair density P = 0.024 P = 0.009

These clinical improvements are similar to those pre-

viously reported in women treated with a similar prod-
Figure 4 TrichoScan Images for Subject 2. Baseline TrichoScan
uct.10,11,13 A recent double-blind, placebo-controlled
images at baseline (a) and after twice-daily treatment with the
marine complex formulation for 90 days (b) and 180 days (c). clinical study also used trichoscopy to demonstrate a
The improvements in study endpoints for this patient are summa- significant reduction in hair shedding during the first
rized in Table 4. 36 months of daily treatment with the marine com-
plex supplement and a significant increase in the mean
investigator assessments revealed significant improve- vellus hair diameter after 6 months.12 In addition, the
ments in both terminal and vellus hair counts at Day current study demonstrated the significant improve-
90 and especially Day 180. ments in several quality of life measures and subject

2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 7

Marine complex supplement promotes hair growth . G Ablon

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The results of this placebo-controlled study show for marine protein supplement to promote hair growth and
the first time that a nutritional supplement containing decrease shedding in women with self-perceived thinning
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13 Ablon G, Dayan S. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-
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