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Natalie Ct March, 2017

Lesson Plan

Subject/Grade: Middle Years Choir, Grades 6-8 Lesson/Date: Wednesday, March 29

Room: #119, Music Room Time: 12:15--1:40

Stage 1: Desired Results

GLEs: Students will:
- develop skills in listening, performing and using notational systems.
- understand, evaluate and appreciate a variety of music. (Value)
SLEs: Students will:
- recognize and interpret: (TPS2)
o a steady beat at a slow and fast tempo rest and note values
including dotted notes and dotted rests
o Metre: 2/4, , and 4/4 (simple)
o rhythmic patterns associated with the literature being used
- demonstrate accurate attacks and releases. (VS5)
Learning Students will:
Objectives - Demonstrate (B) precise rhythms (P) in Sinner Man and body percussion
(M). (Domain: Psychomotor)
- Explore and enhance (B) accuracy in notes and dynamics (P) in Sinner
Man (M). (Domain: Psychomotor and Affective)

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Listening Summative
Assessment Observing Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Resources Sinner Man sheet music
Lesson: to Bring:
Time: Content/Description Notes/Assessments:
12:15- Introduction:
12:45 *Mrs. E will lead the first half of rehearsal. Go over festival
experiences, adjudicator notes, etc.*

12:45- Body: Choir can sit

1:30 Brain Break (get up and move around)
Picolomini in D major
o Refresher from last week repeat phrase by Avoid always saying
phrase, get students to repeat after me one more time
o Remind them about diction, (Ill stop singing)
o Add a different 5-syllable word (articulation?)
Choir can sit
Natalie Ct March, 2017

Dinasi Ponono
Introduce piece (South Africa, Zulu, traditional piece,
theme of the song)
Split into three parts (add to the alto section?)
Hand out sheet music
Teach first section, part by part then sing together

Sinner Man
mm. 20-27 (mf)
o Check notes of sopranos
o Check that altos are holding for 5 beats
mm. 28-37 (mp/p)
o hushed chant-like
o start with alto line (everyone sing) Ask everyone to
o Try it together (sopranos focus on diction come stand in the
and strong entrances. Altos - accents) middle and stand
mm. 38-end beside someone
o What is different here? How is our sound who sings the
going to change? Major key, brighter. opposite part, then
o Run with Mrs. Weaver playing parts, both sing it again and
parts together listen to each other
Run entire piece!
o Focus on taking full breaths and then using
that air to get a good strong sound
o Remind them to say rock, kwont, and
o Diction, diction, diction!

Sponge Activity:
Body Percussion
Movement from Dinasi Ponono
1:35- Closure:
Ask students to put their folders away
Stage 4: Reflection
What went well? What could be done differently?

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