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20-D1.1k identify the principal structures of the digestive and respiratory systems
20-D1.3k explain enzyme action and factors influencing their action; i.e., temperature, pH, substrate
concentration, feedback inhibition, competitive inhibition

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Label the different organs that form the digestive system
2. Describe each organs function
Digestive notes
SMART Board Activity
Introduction Time
Welcome students and instruct them to collect their lab samples from yesterday 5 min (8:50 8:55
Body Time
Topic: Day 2 of Lab 1) Run the rest of the lab
20 min
2) Share data results/answer conclusion questions
(8:55 9:15)
3) Collect Data Analysis sheets
Topic: Digestion
Anatomy 1) Digestive anatomy notes 35 min
2) Go through the enzyme table (9:15 9:50)

Topic: Talk about 1) Offer the option of having the quiz on Tuesday or
Quiz Wednesday
2) Reinforce that the quiz will be on Macromolecules and
Enzymes, so the notes from Monday and Wednesday 5 min (9:50-9:55)
3) Write it down on their sections list
4) Mention their Chapter test for digestion is scheduled for
March 22.
Topic: Introduce
presentations 1) Handout assignment sheet
2) Ask students to form groups and pick their top 3 choices for
their topic
3) Get students to pick popsicle sticks to determine who 10 min
chooses first (9:55 10:05)
4) Explain that they will have two work periods next week to
work on the presentation and we will make a rubric
together in class.
Topic: homework
1) On google classroom: formative assessment quiz that they
need to do over the weekend for macromolecules, enzymes N/A
and digestive anatomy
Conclusion Time
Remind students to complete the exit slip that is on Google Docs
Remind students to start thinking about what makes a good presentation 8 min
and what should be on the rubric for the presentation (10:05 10:12
Remind them of the macromolecule quiz Tuesday or Wednesday
Exit Slip Formative (Objective 2)
Additional Notes:

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