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Chapter Roundup

x Realised strategy may emerge from everyday actions and routine decisions, or it may be the result of
considered intention. Intended strategies may also fail to be realised.
x Intended strategies are developed in a systematic way, making use of rational procedures and, probably,
specialist staff. This approach has advantages associated with system and method and disadvantages
associated with ponderousness and inflexibility. More recently, workshops and project teams have been
used to develop intended strategies and strategy consultants have been employed.
x Logical incrementalism develops strategy in small experimental steps. Resource allocation procedures
may lead to the emergence of strategy, as may the cultural processes that make up the paradigm.
However, an obsolete paradigm will lead to strategic drift and the emergence of inappropriate strategic
moves. Strategies may emerge from the bargaining and negotiation associated with political activity.
The practices developed during detailed strategic implementation may also be a source of emergent strategies.
x There is no single correct way to develop strategy and effective strategies may well result from the
simultaneous working of more than one process.
x Organisational learning can form a strong base for the development of strategy, especially when
environmental conditions are both complex and dynamic. Simple and static conditions permit a planning
approach. Stable but complex environments promote decentralisation of strategic development.

Quick Quiz
1 The sources of realised strategy may be divided into two categories. What are they?
2 How might intended strategies be developed?
3 Theorists have described several sources of emergent strategies. What are they?
4 What is strategic drift?
5 Can you recommend a single mode of strategy development that will be satisfactory under all conditions?

584 16: Strategic development ~ Part I Strategic development

Answers to Quick quiz
1 Intended strategies and emergent strategies
2 Typically, within planning departments, but more recently, through workshops and project teams and by
employing consultants
3 Logical incrementalism, resource allocation routines, cultural processes and political processes
4 Strategic drift occurs when strategies progressively fail to address the strategic position of an
organisation, and its performance deteriorates. Strategic drift reflects a preference for minor adjustments
rather than clear changes to address performance issues
5 You might try, but would be ill-advised to do so. There is no single way to develop strategy. A strategy
must always be appropriate to its context

Now try the question below from the Practice Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q17 Examination 50 90 mins

This question is actually a case study question with an extensive scenario. This brings together many of the
themes that you have studied throughout this text book and is included to give you an idea as to the length of
question you will be likely to face in the compulsory Section A of your P3 exam.

Part I Strategic development ~ 16: Strategic development 585

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