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Analysis of Efficiency of Human Resouce Department



Very Good (Complete, Current, done well)

Adequate (Need only some updating)
Weak (Needs major improvments / Changes)
Basically Nonexistent

Human Resource Function

1 Does the orgnisation regularly forcast the supply of and demad for employees in various catagories.?
2 Do job analyses exist for all positions in the orgnisation?
3 Are all potential sources of recrutiment identified and evaluated.?
4 Are measurable selection criteria developed and used while filling up jobs?
5 Do effective Training and development programmes exist?
6 Is there a performance evaluation system that helps access past and potential performance?
7 Is the remuneration programme designed to motivate employees?
8 Is the plant unionised?
9 Does grevience procedure exist?
10 Does the orgnisation have hight quality of work life?
11 Does HRM practice respond to individual employee needs and aspirations?
12 In your company, all issues are closely linked to every other business process?
13 The HR department is represented in stretegy -building session of the Top management?
14 HR issues are discussed expectly when strategic plans are formulated?
15 The performance of the HR department and of the orgnisation are linked?
16 The HR function is given as much, or more significance, as other function?
17 HR manager have sufficient power to suggest strategic initiative to Top management?
18 The HR department can easily compete for funds and management involvement?
19 The structure of HR department is effective in delivering competent services?
20 Line mangers are recruited along with trained specialist in the HR Department?
21 The services of the HR department are equally available to everyone?
22 The head of HR department is always accessible to all employees?
23 The HR department plans the companys manpower needs proactively?
24 The HR department conveys orgnisational goals to everyone?
25 The HR department links appraisal and compensation to corporate objectives?
26 The HR deparment meets the company's and individual's training needs?
27 The HR deparment disseminates information down the ranks?
28 The HR department does not handle staff-welfare, canteens, or payrolls management?
29 The HR department has knowledge about the behavioural science and industrial psychology?
30 The HR department gets feedback on its performance from other emoployees?
31 HR practise are audited, their costs computed, and then effectiveness evaluated?


Managerial Compliance
1 Equal employement opportunity requirments?
2 Health and Safety?
3 Wage and hour law?
4 Privacy protection?
5 Family / Medical Leave?
6 All Statutory payment paying on time.?
7 Is Your orgnisation following the laws, which are applicable to your orgnisation?
8 Are you getting support to full fill the comliance part?


Maintaning Human Resource

1 Do you maintain the all records properly?

2 Do you have sufficient space for keeping records?
3 Formal Wages / Salary system?
4 Current benefit programs / options?
5 Employee recognition programs?
6 Employees Handbook / Personnel Policy Manual?
7 Absenteeism and turnover control
8 Grievance resolution process?
9 HR record keeping / information systems?


Human Resource Climate

1 Are you happy with your superior?

2 Do you thinks that, in your HR department has a sufficiate manpower.?
3 Workes are distributed properly to everyone in HR team?
4 Are your handling any kindly of work profile, which you dont like or it putted on you by your superior?
5 Do you thinks that, your superior is good decision taker?
6 Is your superior suppotive ?
7 Is HR department proactive?

Date of Joining :-




See the Result

Scores will indicate -33% if there are no reponses are not keyed in.

Human Resource

Human Resource Function

0 0 0 0
Basically nonexist Weak Adequate Very Good

Total Score 0

Maintaning Human Resource

0 0 0 0
Basically nonexist Weak Adequate Very Good

Total Score 0

Analysis of Efficiency of Human Resouc

0 0 0
Basically nonexist Weak Adequate
an Resource Audit

Managerial Compliance
0 0 0 0
Basically nonexist Weak Adequate Very Good

Total Score 0

Human Resource Climate

0 0 0 0
Basically nonexist Weak Adequate Very Good

Total Score 0

cy of Human Resouce Department

0 0
Adequate Very Good

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