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DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.

12236 Epidemiology

Caesarean section and risk for endometriosis: a

prospective cohort study of Swedish registries
E Andolf,a M Thorsell,a K Ka  nb
Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Department of Clinical Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Centre of Reproduction Epidemiology, Institution of Clinical Sciences, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
Correspondence: Dr E Andolf, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Department of Clinical Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Danderyd
Hospital, SE182 88 Stockholm, Sweden. Email

Accepted 1 March 2013. Published Online 13 May 2013.

Objective To investigate the association between caesarean childlessness at study entry. KaplanMeier estimates were
section and later endometriosis. performed to calculate the risk according to time elapsed.
Design A prospective cohort study. Main outcome In-hospital diagnosis of endometriosis.

Setting The Swedish Patient Register (PAR) and the Results The Cox analyses yielded a hazard ratio of 1.8
Swedish Medical Birth Registry (MBR). (95% CI 1.71.9) for endometriosis in women who had had a
previous caesarean section compared with women with vaginal
Sample Women who were delivered in Sweden between
deliveries only. The risk of endometriosis increased over time:
1986 and 2004.
one additional case of endometriosis was found for every 325
Methods Women with the diagnosis of endometriosis, defined as women undergoing caesarean section within 10 years. No
codes 617 (International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision, increase in risk could be seen after two caesarean deliveries.
ICD9) or N80 (ICD10), were retrieved from the PAR. Obstetric The risk of caesarean scar endometrioma was 0.1%.
outcome was assessed through linkage with the MBR. Out of
Conclusion In addition to the recognised risk of
709 090 women, 3110 were treated as inpatients with a first
scar endometrioma, we found an association between caesarean
diagnosis of endometriosis after their first delivery. Women with a
section and general pelvic endometriosis. Further studies are
diagnosis of endometriosis before their first delivery were
needed to confirm our findings.
excluded. Cox analyses were performed to obtain hazard ratios for
endometriosis and adjusted for maternal age at first delivery, body Keywords Caesarean section, casecontrol study, endometriosis,
mass index, maternal smoking, and years of involuntary epidemiology.

Please cite this paper as: Andolf E, Thorsell M, Kallen K. Caesarean section and risk for endometriosis: a prospective cohort study of Swedish registries.
BJOG 2013;120:10611065.

but the risk of endometriosis developing within the pelvis

after caesarean section has not been extensively explored.
The increasing rate of caesarean sections has raised con- Endometriosis is associated with substantial morbidity,
cerns about both the short- and the long-term maternal being associated with a reduction in health-related quality
consequences of the procedure.16 The literature on endo- of life,12 an increased risk for ovarian cancer,13 and possibly
metriosis as a sequel of caesarean section has focused on even malignant transformation within scar endometri-
the risk for scar endometrioma,79 which has also been oma.14
described in women who delivered vaginally after an episi- A previous caesarean section is known to be associated
otomy.10 Scar endometriomas usually present as a lump in with an increased risk of chronic pelvic pain.15 Whether
the incision, sometimes mistaken for an incisional hernia, this is related to endometriosis is unknown. The patho-
and occasionally with cyclic pain, making surgery neces- physiology behind endometriosis is uncertain, but one the-
sary.7 However, it is possible that the development of pelvic ory is that degenerating endometrial components undergo
endometriosis after caesarean section is overlooked because metaplastic transformation when introduced into the
symptoms of chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrheal, and abdominal cavity,16 and this may theoretically happen
dyspareunia are less specific. Endometriotic lesions have when the uterine cavity is opened in the course of
been found following laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy,11 abdominal delivery. Therefore, the objective of this study

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Andolf et al.

was to investigate the association, if any, between in-hospi- section versus the first vaginal labour. The time at risk for
tal diagnosis of endometriosis and caesarean section. each woman and time to diagnosis, respectively, was
defined as explained above. Adjustments were made for
maternal age at first delivery (continuous variable, qua-
dratic model), BMI (linear, continuous), maternal smoking
In a prospective cohort study the Swedish Patient Register (yes/no), and years of involuntary childlessness (linear,
(PAR), kept by the National Board of Health and Welfare, continuous) at study entry (the first delivery). Kaplan
Stockholm, was used to identify women with a diagnosis of Meier estimates were computed to produce a graph
endometriosis (International Classification of Diseases, illustrating the percentage of women who had ever been
ninth revision, ICD9, 617; ICD10, N80). For scar endome- diagnosed with endometriosis by the time elapsed from the
triosis the diagnosis of 617G (ICD9) and N80.6 (ICD10) first delivery, and delivery mode. The COX- and the
was used. Using the personal identification number KaplanMeier analyses were performed using GAUSS.18 A
assigned to each resident in Sweden, the data were linked comparison between the descriptive characteristics of
to the Swedish Medical Birth Registry (MBR), which is also women with caesarean section and women with vaginal
kept by the National Board of Health. births only was evaluated using chi-square analyses:
The PAR contains information on diagnoses (19871996, P < 0.05 was considered to be significant.
ICD9; 1997 and onwards, ICD10) and operation codes of
all inpatients admitted to any Swedish hospital. The MBR
is also kept by the National Board of Health and Welfare,
and contains medical information on nearly all deliveries in Table 1 shows the descriptive characteristics at first delivery,
Sweden (with a coverage of about 99%). Standardised of women who had at least one caesarean section or vaginal
record forms are used at all antenatal clinics, all delivery deliveries only, respectively, during the study period.
units, and at all paediatric examinations of newborn infants Women who had any caesarean section were older, were
in the maternity ward. Information on maternal smoking more often overweight, smoked more, and had longer peri-
and body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) are prospectively ods of involuntary childlessness, than had women with vagi-
recorded by the midwife at the first visit to the antenatal nal births only. Therefore, all these factors were considered
centre. Copies of the standardised record forms are sent to to be possible confounders in the analyses of a possible asso-
the National Board of Health and Welfare, where they are ciation between caesarean section and endometriosis.
computerised.17 Table 2 displays the percentage of women with a diagnosis
Women were included if they gave birth to their first of endometriosis reported to the PAR register in 19872005
child between 1986 and 2004, a period that was covered by by mode of delivery and length of follow-up. From Table 2
the PAR register. Cases were excluded if they had a reported it is evident that the estimated endometriosis rate is heavily
diagnosis of endometriosis before their first delivery, and for dependent on the length of follow-up. The crude rates indi-
women who had been diagnosed more than once, only the cate that the incidence of endometriosis was higher among
first diagnosis was counted. The time for entry to the study women who underwent at least one caesarean section than
was set to the date of the first delivery. The time for the among women who had vaginal deliveries only.
study exit was set at the date of the first diagnosis of endo- Cox analyses were performed in order to adequately con-
metriosis, the date of the 55th birthday, or on 31 Decem- sider the different lengths of follow-up. These analyses
ber 2004 (when the data set was retrieved), depending on yielded an almost doubled risk for endometriosis in women
which event happened first. In the descriptive tables, women who had had at least one caesarean section (HR 1.8,
with vaginal births before their first caesarean section were 95% CI 1.661.94), compared with women who had vaginal
displayed only once, and are presented in the caesarean sec- deliveries only (Table 3). The estimate was only marginally
tion group only. However, in the analyses, women with vag- altered when adjustments for maternal age, BMI, smoking,
inal births before their first caesarean section contributed or years of involuntary childlessness were made. The results
with person-months to the vaginal births group before the from the Cox analysis, in combination with the absolute
first caesarean section. The main hypothesis was that a cae- risk for endometriosis in the current population, concluded
sarean section may increase the risk for endometriosis sev- that the numbers needed to harm within 10 years were 325,
eral years after the operation. Thus, after a womans first that is one additional case of endometriosis was found for
caesarean section, all her person-months were designated to every 325 women undergoing caesarean section within
the caesarean section group, irrespectively of whether the 10 years. We did not detect any increased risk of endometri-
caesarean section was followed by vaginal deliveries or not. osis in women with two caesarean sections, compared with
Cox analyses were performed in order to obtain hazard women with one caesarean section (HR 0.77, 95% CI
ratios (HRs) for endometriosis after the first caesarean 0.491.22). The risk for scar endometriosis in all women

1062 2013 The Authors BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2013 RCOG
Caesarean section and risk for endometriosis

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of women in Sweden who Table 2. Incidence of endometriosis by mode of delivery and length
gave birth between 1986 and 2004, by study group of follow-up

Study group P* At least one caesarean Vaginal births only

At least one Vaginal births
caesarean section only Endometriosis Total Endometriosis Total
n (%) n (%) n (%) n n (%) n

Maternal age Total n 749 (0.6) 130 305 2361 (0.4) 578 785
<20 years 4832 (3.7) 29 155 (5.0) <0.001 Follow-up 715 (0.8) 86 831 2288 (0.5) 438 449
2024 years 30 525 (23.4) 171 536 (29.6) of at least
2529 years 47 483 (36.4) 227 057 (39.2) 5 years
3034 years 32 399 (24.9) 115 656 (20.0) Follow-up 608 (1.1) 54 388 2042 (0.7) 310 908
3539 years 12 205 (9.4) 30 458 (5.3) of at least
40+ years 2861 (2.2) 4923 (0.9) 10 years
Maternal BMI (kg/m2)** Follow-up 311 (1.5) 21 096 1211 (0.9) 136 468
<20 11 236 (12.3) 65 765 (16.0) <0.001 of at least
2024 50 357 (55.1) 248 377 (60.6) 15 years
2529 20 960 (22.9) 73 637 (18.0)
30+ 8829 (9.7) 22 026 (5.4)
Not known 38 923 168 980
Maternal smoking**
respectively. The curve showing the proportion of women
No smoking 97 557 (80.6) 441 702 (81.3) <0.001
<10 cigaretes/day 15 757 (13.0) 68 908 (12.7)
who had ever had a diagnosis of endometriosis among
 10 cigaretes/day 7782 (6.4) 32 673 (6.0) women who underwent caesarean section had a consider-
Not known 9209 35 502 ably steeper slope than the corresponding slope for women
Involuntary childlessness who had vaginal deliveries only.
No 11 5854 (88.9) 533 439 (92.2) <0.001
12 years 6739 (5.2) 25 606 (4.4)
34 years 3852 (3.0) 10 754 (1.9) Discussion
5+ years 3855 (3.0) 8957 (1.5)
Main findings
1 44 089 (33.8) 186 442 (32.2) <0.001 In this large population-based prospective cohort study, we
2 61 467 (47.2) 286 991 (49.6) have found an association between in-hospital diagnosis of
3 19 318 (14.8) 87 393 (15.1) any endometriosis and at least one previous caesarean sec-
4+ 5431 (4.2) 17 959 (3.1) tion. The risk was related to time of follow-up. No
Minimum follow-up time**** increased risk could be shown after two caesarean sections.
At least 5 years 86 831 (66.6) 438 449 (75.8) <0.001
The risk for abdominal endometriosis was higher than for
At least 10 years 54 388 (41.7) 310 908 (53.7)
At least 15 years 21 096 (16.2) 136 468 (23.6)
scar endometrioma, which is not previously known (any
endometriosis 0.6%, scar endometriosis 0.1%).
*P value (chi-square test) for differences between study groups.
**Percentages based on known numbers. Strengths
***Summary of womans number of deliveries between 1986 and
The main advantage is the large size of this study. The
****Time elapsed from the first delivery to the end of the study Swedish registries contain information on practically all
period (31 December 2004). women delivered, and validation has shown that the data
are reliable.17 All Swedish citizens obtain health care funded
publicly, and few seek care outside the system.
delivered by caesarean section was 0.1%. In women with the
diagnosis of endometriosis after caesarean section the pro- Weaknesses
portion with scar endometriosis was 7/749 (9%). We were unable to control for all confounding factors. The
Figure 1 shows the KaplanMeier estimates (with diagnosis of endometriosis is often delayed,19 and
95% CIs) for endometriosis by years after the first vaginal undiagnosed endometriotic lesions may have been present
delivery or the first caesarean section, respectively. For both prior to the first caesarean section. However, this could
groups, the proportion of women who had ever had a also be the case in the vaginal delivery control group. We
diagnosis of endometriosis increased linearly with the time excluded women who had had the diagnosis of endometri-
elapsed from the first vaginal or first abdominal delivery, osis before the first delivery, but as the PAR started in

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Table 3. Hazard ratios for endometriosis obtained by Cox analyses

Factor Univariate models Multivariate model*

HR 95% CI HR 95% CI

Maternal age
5year increase, linear term 0.59 0.450.78 0.74 0.560.98
Quadratic term 1.06 1.031.08 1.03 1.001.06
Simultaneous** Simultaneous**
P = 4.0 9 10 9 P = 0.073
Body mass index (kg/m2)
One-step increase 0.99 0.981.00 0.98 0.970.99
Any smoking
Yes versus no 1.22 1.131.33 1.20 1.111.30
Years of involuntary childlessness
1-year step increase, linear term 1.11 1.091.13 1.09 1.071.11
Any caesarean section
Yes versus no 1.82 1.691.97 1.79 1.661.94

*The multivariate model included all of the listed variables.

**P value for the the simultaneous effect of the linear and quadratic term.

Breastfeeding has been reported to be less frequent after

caesarean section.20 Women with previous infertility may
be less inclined to use hormonal contraceptives. Both may
decrease the risk for endometriosis by inhibiting ovulation.
Likewise, previous abdominal surgery has been linked to an
increased risk for endometriosis.21 We lacked this informa-
tion also, which could influence the results. We did not
have access to information on marital status or educational
level; however, previous experience from the Swedish Medi-
cal Birth Register has shown that maternal smoking, parity,
age, and BMI are the factors that are most strongly linked
with delivery mode. Despite this, adjusting for these factors
no more than marginally changed the HR for endometri-
osis (caesarean section versus vaginal birth). Therefore, we
do not think that the analysis would benefit from including
more possible confounding factors.

Figure 1. Percentage of women who have been diagnosed with Endometriosis is clinically important in increasing the risk
endometriosis by years after first vaginal delivery or first caesarean for pelvic pain, infertility, and cancer; however, it is unclear
section, respectively. from our study whether the observed HR of 1.8 is merely
an association, or is truly indicative that caesarean section
increases the risk of developing endometriosis. Two caesar-
1987, women with an in-hospital diagnosis of endometri- ean sections did not increase the risk of being diagnosed
osis before that time could not be excluded. Also, no reli- with endometriosis in our study. This absence of a dose
able register on outpatients is available in Sweden for the response effect may, however, reflect the fact that women
period studied. If the diagnosis of endometriosis was made who develop endometriosis after a first caesarean section
before 1987, or merely as an outpatient diagnosis, this and may be less likely to have another delivery because of pain
the ensuing infertility may have contributed to the indica- symptoms and possible subfertility. Furthermore, women
tion for caesarean section, and thus may have distorted the diagnosed with endometriosis after first caesarean section
results. On the other hand, adjustment for years of invol- are no longer at risk of developing endometriosis for the
untary childlessness only marginally altered our results. first time.

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Caesarean section and risk for endometriosis

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