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CoDeSys V3.

x System Libraries

CoDeSys V3.x System Libraries

Overview, Last Update: 28/02/2008
Library Functionality

SysCom.library Serial synchronous communikation with a target device

SysComAsync.library Serial asynchronous communikation with a target device
SysCpuHandling.library IEC function call, test and reset of bits
SysDir.library Handling of a file system on the target device (synchron)
SysDirAsync.library Handling of a file system on the target device (asynchronous)
SysEvent.library Synchronisation and controlling the processing between two (IEC-) tasks
SysFile.library Handling of a file system (synchronous accesses) on the target device
SysFileAsync.library Handling of a file system (asynchronous accesses) on the target device
SysInt.library Applying an interrupt handler on a function
SysMem.library Memory management
SysPci.library Access on PCI-cards connected to the system
SysPort.library Communication with external hardware modules via their port addresses,
e.g. realtime clock, graphic controller etc. (synchronous)
SysPortAsync.library Communication with external hardware modules via their port addresses,
e.g. realtime clock, graphic controller etc. (asynchronous)
SysProcess.library Process handling on a single-processing target system
SysSem.library Creating and using semaphores for task synchronization
SysSemProcess.library Using semaphores for process synchronisation
SysShm.library Creating and accessing a Shared Memory
SysSocket.library Access on sockets for the communication via TCP/IP and UDP
SysSocketAsync.library Asynchronous access on sockets for the communication via TCP/IP and
UDP (asynchronous)

SysTask.library Task management (see also SysIECTasks.library)

SysTime.library Additional functions for reading the realtime clock of the computer (see also
SysRtc.library); is needed in addition to the SysTaskInfo.library for displaying
the task time evaluation in the CoDeSys Task Configuration
SysTimer.library Implementing a timer for triggering an event of calling a function
SysTypes.library Platform comprehensive constants and file types for the runtime system / V1.2

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