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REPORT CARD Entry Class View Subject View Student View

Please visit for more information about this template.

Step 1: Enter information in cells underlined below.
Step 2: Enter information in Entry worksheet.
Step 3: Go to Class View to view and print Class Report Card
Step 4: Go to Subject View to view and print Subject Report Card
Step 5: Go to Student View to view and print Student Report Card


Slogan Academic Year

Please update the information below before you enter data in Entry sheet.

Enter up to 12 different tests Enter up to 12 different subjects

Test Name Weight for Final Marks Subject Name

Please enter test names successively without blanks Please enter subjects successively without blanks
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
Settings Class View
Subject View Student View

Step 1: Enter Maximum Marks for each test

Step 2: Enter Student info and marks.
Max Marks
Roll No. Student Name
CLASS VIEW Settings Entry Subject View Student View

School Name Number of Students 0 % Required to Pass 0.0%

Class Number of Tests 0
Class Teacher Number of Subjects 0
Academic Year


Subject with the lowest average in each test is highlighted in dark orange font.


Subjects with at least one failure is highlighted in dark red font.

SUBJECT VIEW Settings Entry Class View Student View

School Name Number of Students 0 % Required to Pass 0.0%

Class Number of Tests 0
Class Teacher Subject
Academic Year


Highest marks in each test is highlighted in dark green font.

Marks which failed to meet the pass percentage requirement are highlighted in dark red font.
STUDENT VIEW Settings Entry Class View Subject View




Total Marks
Maximum Marks
Overall %
Class Rank

Total Marks is the sum of actual marks scored in all the subjects in a test.
Maximum Marks is the sum of maximum possible marks in all the subjects in a test.
Overall % is calculated as Total Marks/Maximum Marks in each test.
Result is 'PASS' if the student has scored at least the "% Required to Pass" in each of the subjects in the test. Otherwise the Result is 'FAIL'.
Class Rank is calculated based on students whose result is 'PASS' in the test. For students with a 'FAIL' result, the class rank is NR (No Rank).


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