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Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 33 (2016) 19

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Recent insights for the green recovery of inulin from plant food materials
using non-conventional extraction technologies: A review
Zhenzhou Zhu a,, Jingren He a, Gang Liu a, Francisco J. Barba b,, Mohamed Koubaa c, Luhui Ding c, Olivier Bals c,
Nabil Grimi c, Eugne Vorobiev c
School of Food Science and Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023, China
Universitat de Valncia, Faculty of Pharmacy, Nutrition and Food Science Area, Avda. Vicent Andrs Estells, s/n 46100 Burjassot, Valncia, Spain
Sorbonne Universits, Universit de Technologie de Compigne, Dpartement de Gnie des Procds Industriels, Unit Transformations Intgres de la Matire Renouvelable (UTC/ESCOM, EA 4297
TIMR), Centre de Recherche de Royallieu, B.P. 20529, 60205 Compigne Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Inulin constitutes an important food ingredient, widely used for its ber content, and its ability to substitute fat
Received 26 August 2015 and sugar ingredients. Traditionally, industrial inulin production from chicory roots requires high extraction tem-
Received in revised form 20 December 2015 perature (7080 C) and long extraction time (12 h). This conventional extraction is generally accompanied
Accepted 21 December 2015
with the presence of a large amount of impurities in the extracted juice, mainly due to the application of high
Available online 4 January 2016
temperature, requiring thus further purication steps. To overcome these issues, developing novel extraction
technologies, consuming less energy, faster, and providing high yield and purity, is of paramount importance
Inulin to meet the requirements of a green extraction concept. In this review, the feasibility of using conventional
Conventional extraction and new promising technologies (enzyme assisted extraction, ultrasounds, microwaves, supercritical uid ex-
Non-conventional extraction traction, and pulsed electric elds) to recover inulin from plant food materials and by-products from an environ-
Acoustic technologies mental and economical point of view will be discussed.
Supercritical uid extraction Industrial relevance: Inulin is widely used in food industries mainly due to its ability to substitute fat and sugar
Pulsed electric elds ingredients. However, the current industrial recovery process of this molecule is mainly carried out by diffusion
in hot water (7080 C), followed by a relatively complex purication process, due to the presence of a large
amount of impurities generated by the application of high temperatures. The need for obtaining greener, sustain-
able, and viable processes has led food scientists to develop new processes in full correspondence with the green
extraction concept based on the use of non-conventional technologies (i.e. pulsed electric elds, ultrasounds, mi-
crowaves, etc). The submitted review discusses the potential of some of these new promising technologies to
allow the industrial sustainability and green recovery of inulin, which have as benets: energy- and time-saving
along with higher yields and milder temperatures, reducing thus the subsequent purication steps.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Inulin food applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Conventional inulin production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4. Non-conventional extraction techniques of inulin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.1. Enzyme-assisted extraction (EAE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.2. Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.3. Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.4. Supercritical uid extraction (SFE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.5. Pulsed-electric eld assisted extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Correspondence to: Z. Zhu, School of Food Science and Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023, China.
Correspondence to: F. J. Barba, Nutrition and Food Science Area, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitat de Valncia, Avda. Vicent Andrs Estells, s/n 46100 Burjassot, Valncia, Spain.
Tel.: +34 963544972; fax: +34 963544954.
E-mail addresses:, (Z. Zhu), (F.J. Barba).
1466-8564/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Z. Zhu et al. / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 33 (2016) 19

5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1. Introduction This review aims to evaluate and compare the conventional and new
promising technologies that can be useful for the extraction of inulin
Inulin is a generic term to cover all -(2 1) linear fructans from plant food materials and by-products from a green and economical
(Roberfroid, 2005). It is present in numerous plants such as point of view.
asparagus leeks, onion, garlic, wheat, chicory, artichokes and banana
(Azorn-Ortuo et al., 2009; Liu, 2007). Inulin was isolated for the rst 2. Inulin food applications
time, as a peculiar substance, from a boiling water extract of the Inula
helenium plant in 1804 by a German scientist, Rose. The isolated Inulin has become a widely used ingredient in food industries,
substance was then named inulin by Thomson in 1818 (Franck & De mainly due to its functional properties (Franck & De Leenheer, 2005).
Leenheer, 2005). For instance, the increased interest of food industries to produce health-
Inulin is composed of a mixture of oligosaccharides and polysaccha- ier products over the last decade has led food scientists to explore the
rides and composed of fructose units constituting a (2 1)--D- potential of inulin as a fat replacer in low-fat foods (e.g. low-fat dairy
fructosyl-fructose (Fn) structure (Fig. 1a) and eventually a terminal products) due to its similar technological function and its ability to
glucose unit linked to a fructan structure by an -D-glucopyranosyl retain similar sensorial characteristics than animal fat or seed oil
bond (GFn) (Fig. 1b) (Lpez-Molina et al., 2005). Both Fn and GFn (Arcia, Costell, & Trrega, 2011; Bayarri, Chuli, & Costell, 2010).
represent inulin molecules, where n is the degree of polymerization Moreover, inulin could be used as a ber ingredient to improve the
(DP) or the number of -D-fructofuranose units, dening the physico- taste and the texture, and as a sugar replacer in chocolate to reduce
chemical properties and applications of inulin. Depending on the chain the sugar content (Nehir El & Simsek, 2012). When the DP is below 10
length and structure, inulin has become more and more in use in both (oligofructose), the solubility and sweetness of this short-chain fraction
food and non-food industries, mainly due to its health benets. In fact, in- are higher than those of long-chain inulin. It could thus be used to im-
ulin has a prebiotic effect, is able to enhance the gastrointestinal absorp- prove taste, as it has close properties to other sugars. Long-chain inulin
tion of minerals, decreases atherosclerosis risk, and increases satiety molecules are less soluble and more viscous than short-chain inulin
(Azorn-Ortuo et al., 2009; Liu, 2007). The industrial inulin production molecules (Wada, Sugatani, Terada, Ohguchi, & Miwa, 2005). Therefore,
process has been established for years, and consists mainly of they could be used in food products as a texture enhancer (Meyer,
water diffusion followed by several purication steps. This Bayarri, Trrega, & Costell, 2011). Other physicochemical properties re-
conventional process, although used for large-scale production, lated to DP include glass transition temperature (Schaller-Povolny,
requires high-energy consumption and long extraction time. Smith, & Labuza, 2000), melting point (Blecker et al., 2003), and gel
Alternative extraction processes, replacing the traditional ones, formation ability and strength (Bot, Erle, Vreeker, & Agterof, 2004). Inu-
have been established to meet the green concept requirements lin molecules are also able to interact with food constituents such as
(Chemat, Vian, & Cravotto, 2012; Koubaa et al., 2015). These non- starch and hydrocolloids, making them relevant modiers for food
conventional processes are able to shorten the treatment time (12 h texture improvements. A detailed overview of the application of inulin
for inulin extraction using the conventional process), decrease the in food products is presented in Table 1.
diffusion temperature (usually occurred at 7080 C) and reduce the
solvent's consumption. Among the non-conventional procedures 3. Conventional inulin production
applied to inulin extraction, enzyme assisted extraction, ultrasounds,
microwaves, supercritical uid extraction, and pulsed electric elds Due to their high inulin content (N10%), dahlia tubers, Jerusalem ar-
have attracted a special interest. tichoke tubers and chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) roots (Fig. 2) represent

a. OH


n-2 n-1

Fig. 1. Chemical structure of inulin. a. Inulin molecule containing only fructosyl residues. b. Inulin molecule containing a glucose unit at the end of the chain.
Z. Zhu et al. / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 33 (2016) 19 3

Table 1
Main food applications of inulin.

Applications Functionality/advantage References

Dairy products Sugar and fat replacement, synergy with sweeteners, body and Arcia et al. (2011), Bayarri et al. (2010)
mouthfeel, foam stability, ber and prebiotic
Frozen desserts Sugar and fat replacement, texture and melting, synergy with Franck (2002)
sweeteners, ber and prebiotic
Table spreads Fat replacement, texture and spreadability, emulsion stability, Franck (2002)
ber and prebiotic
Baked goods and breads Moisture retention, sugar replacement, ber and prebiotic Salinas and Puppo (2014), Tripkovic, Muirhead, Hart, Frost, and Lodge (2014)
Breakfast cereals Crispness and expansion, ber and prebiotic Brennan, Monro, and Brennan (2008), Brighenti, Casiraghi,
Canzi, and Ferrari (1999)
Fillings Sugar and fat replacement, texture improvement Franck (2002)
Fruit preparations Sugar replacement, synergy with sweeteners, body and Franck (2002), Kaur and Gupta (2002)
mouthfeel, ber and prebiotic
Salad-dressings Fat replacement, body and mouthfeel Franck (2002), Kaur and Gupta (2002)
Meat products Fat replacement, texture and stability, ber Angiolillo, Conte, and Del Nobile (2014), Felisberto, Galvao, Picone,
Cunha, and Pollonio (2014), Keenan, Resconi, Kerry, and Hamill (2014),
Sevane et al. (2014)
Dietetic products and Sugar and fat replacement, synergy with sweeteners, Franck (2002)
meal replacers low caloric value, body and mouthfeel, ber and prebiotic
Chocolate Sugar replacement, heat resistance, ber Aidoo, Afoakwa, and Dewettinck (2014), Morais, Morais,
Cruz, and Bolini (2014), Norhayati and Ayob (2014)
Tablets Sugar replacement, ber and prebiotic Franck (2002)

the most important plant materials used for the industrial production of the most convenient technology to convert rened inulin into a stor-
inulin (Apolinrio et al., 2014). In fact, they contain 1012%, 1418%, able, microbiologically safe, and commercial end product.
and 14.918.3% of inulin, respectively (Table 2). Although dahlia tubers Numerous approaches have been tested for inulin production. For
have high inulin content, this plant is mainly cultivated for its owers instance, solidliquid phase extraction along with the application of
rather than for inulin production. The Jerusalem artichoke, on the high temperature and water was previously reported (Gaafar, Boudy,
other hand, has more sensitive inulin metabolism to cold than that of & El-Gazar, 2010; Margaritis & Bajpai, 1982; Yamazaki & Matsumoto,
chicory. Moreover, its tubers are small, irregular, attaching high 1994). Results through these works demonstrated that inulin extraction
amounts of soil, and containing only 20% long-chain inulin (DP N 10). was performed at a temperature range of 70100 C, showing effective
All of these properties make chicory an interesting crop for the industri- recovery (88.5593.36%) from Jerusalem artichokes. Moreover, the au-
al production of inulin. In fact, besides its high inulin content, it contains thors have concluded that a solid:liquid ratio of 1:5 (w:v) increased
regular roots and has good tolerance to cold, making it nowadays the the efciency of inulin extraction.
most widely used plant for industrial inulin production. In addition, the effects of conventional solvents with ethanol at
Traditionally, the industrial production of inulin consists mainly of different percentages as well as the impact of pH on inulin recovery
two steps: extraction and purication (Fig. 3) (Franck & De Leenheer, have been well documented in literature. One of the most important
2005). During the rst step, chicory roots are cut into homogeneous reasons for using ethanol is its relatively low evaporation temperature
slices, and then diffused at 7080 C during 1 to 2 h, in order to ensure (78.3 C), which facilitates the sustainable recovery of inulin. For in-
satisfactory chicory root extraction. This extraction generates an impure stance, 80% ethanol/water extraction was used to extract inulin from
inulin-containing juice, which is puried during the second step of the yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia or Passiora edulis) (Ohyama et al., 1990).
process by primary liming and carbonation methods. The impurities In this study, although 90% of yacon's dry matter was shown to be
such as peptides, some anions, degraded proteins and colloids are pre- extractible, inulin was detected in the insoluble fraction of the extract
cipitated by CaCO3 sludge, removed later by ltration. The pre-puried with a signicantly low extraction yield. Therefore, the authors conclud-
juice is then further rened, using cationic and anionic ion-exchange ed that unlike other accumulating plants (e.g. Jerusalem artichokes),
resins for demineralization, and active carbon for decolorization. The yacon was not suitable for inulin production.
generated juice is then sterilized by ltration (through 0.2-m lters), Furthermore, the effects of ethanol concentration (060%) and pH
evaporated, and nally spray-dried. Spray-drying has been, until now, (69) on inulin precipitation from C. intybus (chicory) were evaluated

Fig. 2. Chicory production candidates. a. Dahlia tubers, b. Jerusalem artichoke tubers and c. chicory roots (taken from Google images).
4 Z. Zhu et al. / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 33 (2016) 19

Table 2 Replacing the traditionally used methods for inulin extraction, by

Yield and inulin content in dahlia, Jerusalem artichokes and chicory (Franck & De non-conventional ones with less energy consumption, shorter process-
Leenheer, 2005).
ing time, and increased yields and purity is of primary importance. Re-
Dahlia Jerusalem artichoke Chicory search studies have been mainly focused on nding either new cell
tubers tubers roots membrane disintegrating techniques, or new environmentally friendly
Roots or tubers (tons/ha) 25 3560 2575 methods, which are more suitable for inulin extraction and have the po-
Dry weight (%) 1522 1925 2025 tential for possible scaling-up. The most important non-conventional
Inulin (%) 1012 1418 14.918.3
methods applied for inulin extraction are discussed below.
Inulin (tons/ha) 2.53 4.58.5 511
Average DP 1320 610 1014
4. Non-conventional extraction techniques of inulin

by several research groups (Gaafar et al., 2010; Margaritis & Bajpai, 4.1. Enzyme-assisted extraction (EAE)
1982). In these studies, using 2040% ethanol at pH 7 allowed the recov-
ery of high yields of inulin. In the same line, Hu, Qui, Wang, Zhou, and EAE has been widely used for cell wall disintegration, leading to im-
Tang (2007) investigated the effect of pH on inulin extraction from provement of the releases of target molecules from intracellular to extra-
Jerusalem artichoke powder. The authors revealed that the extraction cellular compartments. Enzymes are widely applied in juice processing to
yield reached a plateau after 90100 min extraction time at pH 56, increase the extraction yields. It has been well documented that adding
compared to 100110 min when operating at pH of 79. The extraction specic enzymes (e.g. cellulase, -amylase, and pectinase) during the ex-
yield was proportional to the increased pH. traction process, enhances the recovery of high-added value compounds
In another study, different ethanol/water concentrations (0.10.4%) (Rosenthal, Pyle, & Niranjan, 1996; Singh, Sarker, Kumbhar, Agrawal, &
were used at 70 C for inulin extraction from chicory roots under contin- Kulshreshtha, 1999).
uous stirring (Dobre, Stroescu, Stoica, Draghici, & Antohe, 2008). How- As early as 1983, the EAE method was applied for inulin extraction
ever, the authors reported low extraction yields due to the presence of from Jerusalem artichokes based on the assumption that adding inulinase
ethanol. may facilitate the extraction (Kierstan, 1983). It has been reported that
The conventional procedure is thus energy- and time-consuming inulinase is able to hydrolyze long chain inulin, having low solubility in
and requires relatively large amounts of solvents. In addition, it involves water, into shorter chains with higher solubility. However, the obtained
the use of high temperatures, which could enhance the releases of im- results were contradictory to the predicted ones, and no improvement
purities and the uses of expensive, toxic and non-environmentally of the extraction efciency has been noticed by adding inulinase.
friendly solvents. Removing these impurities makes the process rela- In a similar study, dual enzyme hydrolysis has been successfully
tively complex, as it requires a compromise between maximal removals applied for inulin extraction from burdock roots, showing promising re-
of impurities and preserving inulin chains from degradation, color sults. The authors reported that the extraction yields were 8.83%, 8.67%
formation, Maillard reactions, contaminations and the presence of and 8.21% by adding papain, plant protease, and acid protease, respec-
non-desired taste and odors. Therefore, high-energy consumption tively. They found that the optimum extraction conditions for dual
(use of temperature) and complex purication steps are the weak enzyme hydrolysis were 10% papain + 20% plant protease, using a
points of the conventional extraction process of inulin at industrial solid:liquid ratio of 1:15, at 45 C, during 8 h and pH 8. The extraction
scales. yield of inulin was therefore 13.41% with 67.86% purity (Cao, Dong,
Miao, & Lu, 2010).
A bio-enzyme assisted inulin extraction process from Jerusalem arti-
chokes was patented by Fan, Liu, and Wang (2010). The authors extract-
Preliming ed efciently inulin by adding cellulase and pectinase, which mainly
hydrolyze both -1,4 and -1,4 glycosidic bonds of plant cell walls,
and lead to the increase of their permeability. Based on this method, a
Chicory roots Liming
great reduction of hot-water extraction time from 30 min to 510 min
was noticed, with an increased yield from 50% to 70%.

Slicer Carbonatation
4.2. Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE)

Filtration Ultrasound is a sound wave having the feature to be heard beyond

human capacities. It is widely used in food processing industries with
Demineralization frequency ranging from 20 kHz to 1 MHz (Soria & Villamiel, 2010). Ul-
trasounds are able to go through a liquid medium or a liquid containing
solid materials, by creating compression and expansion, producing a
Decolorization phenomenon called cavitation, which means the production of bubbles,
their growth, and then their collapse. The cavitation phenomenon en-
hances thus the biomass diffusion, the cell disruption and nally the sol-

70-80 C Evaporation
90 min vent penetration (Rosell-Soto, Galanakis, et al., 2015; Vilkhu, Mawson,
Simons, & Bates, 2008). Among other non-conventional extraction tech-
Spray-drying niques, UAE is more favorable in terms of lower extraction temperature
and cheaper operating costs. However, the drawback of UAE is that it
requires a special design of the ultrasonic apparatus to avoid the
blind spots: the spaces that ultrasound waves cannot reach (Barba,
Grimi, & Vorobiev, 2014). The application of UAE is based on the fact
Chicory juice that ultrasound energy facilitates the releasing of organic and inorganic
Inulin powder
compounds from plant matrices (Herrera & de Castro, 2005), which in-
Fig. 3. Industrial process of inulin production from chicory roots. tensify the mass transfer and accelerates the access of the solvent to the
Adapted from Franck and De Leenheer (2005). intracellular content (Vinatoru, 2001). The extraction mechanism by
Z. Zhu et al. / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 33 (2016) 19 5

ultrasound involves mainly two physical phenomena: i) the diffusion et al., 2015). The principle of heating using microwaves is based upon
across the cell walls and ii) the cell content rinsing after breaking the its direct impacts on polar materials. Electromagnetic energy is trans-
walls (Mason, Paniwnyk, & Lorimer, 1996). formed to heat following ionic conduction and dipole rotation (Jain,
For instance, UAE has been applied by several research groups for in- Jain, Vyas, & Shukla, 2009). The extraction mechanism using MAE in-
ulin extraction. In this line, Lingyun et al. (2007) studied the optimal ex- volves three sequential steps: i) the separation of solutes from the active
traction conditions of inulin from Jerusalem artichoke tubers, which are sites of the sample matrix under increased temperature and pressure;
widely cultivated in the northern part of China for environmental protec- ii) the solvent's diffusion across the sample matrix; and iii) the release
tion. The plant material was rst powdered and sieved through a of solutes from the sample matrix to the solvent (Alupului and Lavric,
0.125 mm sieve. The effects of conventional, direct and indirect sonication 2012). Based on its features such as faster heating, reduced thermal gra-
extractions on inulin recovery have been evaluated and optimized using dients, reduced equipment size and increased extraction yield, MAE is
an experimental design based on fractional factorial design (FFD), path widely applied for natural compounds' extraction, compared to conven-
of steepest ascent, central composite design (CCD), and response surface tional methods (Chemat et al., 2012; Cravotto et al., 2008). Due to its
methodology (RSM). The authors reported that the optimal extraction several benets, MAE was successfully applied for inulin extraction.
conditions of inulin yielding 83.6% were found at neutral pH, 20 min ex- For instance, Hu et al. (2007) compared inulin extraction efciency
traction time, 77 C temperature, and a solvent:solid ratio of 11:1 (v:w). from fresh Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) powder by con-
Under these optimum conditions, direct (the sonication probe horn was ventional and MAE processes. At the same extraction temperature
tted into the sample tube with its tip dipped into the solvent), and indi- (95 C), extraction time (60 min) and solid:liquid ratio (1:20), a micro-
rect (the sample tube was immersed in an ultrasound bath) ultrasound wave treatment at 400 W power, during 120 s, led to a better inulin ex-
methods were used to assist inulin extraction. As compared to the con- traction yield (82.97%), compared to that of conventional extraction
ventional method, reaching the maximum inulin extraction yield after (65.50%). The authors performed orthogonal experiments to optimize
about 16 min, UAE shortened the plateau to about 8 min, which the MAE conditions (power, treatment duration, extraction tempera-
represents a 2 times faster rate than that of the conventional method. ture and solid:liquid ratio). They reported reaching a maximum extrac-
Moreover, the authors revealed that the indirect ultrasound method tion yield of about 99% under the optimal conditions of 270 s treatment
was more suitable for inulin extraction than the direct ultrasound duration, 400 W microwave power, 40 min extraction time, 95 C ex-
method, which induces partial degradation of inulin releasing thus traction temperature, and 1:18 solid:liquid ratio.
more oligosaccharides in the extract. In another study, the impact of MAE and conventional hot water
Similarly, Abbasi and Farzanmehr (2009) optimized the aqueous ex- extraction on the recovery of inulin from Jerusalem artichokes was
traction of inulin from Iranian artichokes using direct and indirect ultra- evaluated (Xiao, Zhu, Wang, & Zhang, 2013). Single factor and orthogo-
sonic waves at various combinations of time, temperature and solvent nal experiments were applied to evaluate the effect of extraction tem-
ratio. The optimum recovery of inulin was obtained at 80 C with perature, extraction time, and solid:liquid ratio on inulin extraction
5 min treatment duration, and a liquid/solid ratio of 5:1. The authors re- efciency. The authors reported that by using hot water extraction,
ported a signicant increase in inulin recovery proportionally to the the inulin recovery yield was maximal at around 80 C, 100 min and a
power input of ultrasound. solid:liquid ratio of 1:15. However, by using MAE, the highest inulin re-
In another study conducted by Milani, Koocheki, and Golimovahhed covery yield, which was 20% more than that of hot water extraction, was
(2011), the effects of the independent variables for ultrasound extrac- obtained after only 6 min under the optimum conditions of 450 W, and
tion, including sonication amplitude (20100%), sonication tempera- solid:liquid ratio of 1:18.
ture (2060 C), and sonication time (525 min), were investigated. Simultaneous ultrasonic/microwave assisted extraction (UMAE) of
The authors reported that the use of ultrasound with high intensity, im- inulin from grinded Burdock roots was investigated by Lou, Wang,
proves signicantly the inulin extraction from Burdock roots, powdered Wang, and Zhang (2009). The authors reported that at an ultrasonic
and sieved through a 0.125 mm sieve. The obtained results showed that power of 50 W, a microwave power of 400 W, and a solid:liquid ratio
increasing the amplitude and the extraction time increased the extrac- of 1:15, the UMAE process shortened the extraction time from 300 s
tion yield, with minor effect of temperature. The optimum extraction to 60 s, compared to conventional stirring extraction (at 50 C) without
conditions were found using a sonication time of 25 min, a sonication additional treatment, and for a similar inulin extraction yield (10%). This
amplitude of 83%, and a temperature of 37 C. Using these conditions advantage was reported to be related to the cavitation phenomenon of
an extraction yield of about 24% was reached, which represents more ultrasound and to the internal heating of microwave. The combination
than two times higher that of conventional extraction (11%), using the of the two treatments: ultrasound and microwave could dramatically
same plant material. improve the release of soluble compounds from plant matrices by
More recently, the effects of UAE (20 kHz, 200 W, 20100%, disrupting the cell walls, enhancing the mass transfer and facilitating
3070 C, 540 min) on inulin recovery from Eremurus spectabilis root the solvent's access to the intracellular compartments. In fact, micro-
powder were evaluated, and the proposed process was compared with waves heat the whole sample volumetrically, which disrupts the weak
the conventional one (Pourfarzad, Naja, Khodaparast, & Khayyat, hydrogen bonds and promotes the rotation of molecular dipoles. The
2014). The authors reported that the direct UAE process led to the heating effect increases the temperature of the solvent, which leads to
highest inulin recovery (62%), compared to both indirect (60%) and the increase of the solubility of the target compound. Table 3 summa-
conventional (52%) extractions. Moreover, they observed that direct rizes the applications of UAE and MAE processes for inulin extraction
UAE extraction provided the highest purity of the extract. However, it from various plant materials.
caused a decrease in the DP when compared to both indirect UAE and
conventional extraction. These observations could be explained by the 4.4. Supercritical uid extraction (SFE)
ability of direct UAE to induce higher cavitation effects (Chemat,
Zill-e-Huma, & Khan, 2011; Veillet, Tomao, & Chemat, 2010), which The SFE technique has been widely applied for the extraction of
facilitates the mass transfer as well as the split of the fructan chains high-added value compounds (i.e. essential oils) from plant matrices.
into lower lengths. Unlike other processes, the use of SFE has the advantage to provide a
nal product without residual solvent, as it could be easily removed
4.3. Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) by simple depressurization.
The supercritical state is different from basic ones (solid, liquid and
Microwaves are electromagnetic elds in which the frequency gas) and could only be reached beyond the critical point of a given sub-
ranges from 300 MHz to 300 GHz (Chemat & Cravotto, 2013; Koubaa stance. The critical point is dened as the characteristic temperature
6 Z. Zhu et al. / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 33 (2016) 19

Table 3
Effects of ultrasound and microwave technologies on inulin recovery from plant materials.

Plant material Treatment conditions Inulin yield increase References

W C min

Ultrasound assisted extraction

Eremurus spectabilis root powder (Serish) 200 3070 540 62% Pourfarzad et al. (2014)
Artichoke 200 80 5 4% Abbasi and Farzanmehr (2009)
150 77 20 84% Lingyun et al. (2007)
Burdock roots 2060 525 11% Milani et al. (2011)

Microwave-assisted extraction
Jerusalem artichokes 400 95 2 83% Hu et al. (2007)
450 80 10 83% Xiao et al. (2013)

Ultrasonic/microwave-assisted extraction
Burdock root 50/400 50 1 10% Lou et al. (2009)

*Ultrasonic power, **Microwave power.

(Tc) and pressure (Pc) above which there is no distinction between gas The review of literature shows that the SFE process was not very
and liquid phases. Thus supercritical uid has gas-like properties for dif- well studied for inulin extraction, besides the work performed by
fusion, viscosity, and surface tension, and liquid-like properties for den- Mendes, Cataldo, da Silva, Nogueira, and Freitas (2005). In this study,
sity and solvation power. Due to these properties, SFE was successfully supercritical CO2 was applied to assist inulin extraction from chicory.
applied for compound extraction from plant matrices in a shorter The plant material was cut into small pieces, and the effects of extrac-
time, and higher yields compared to conventional methods (Sihvonen, tion temperatures (40, 60 and 80 C) and pressures (62, 100, 150 and
Jrvenp, Hietaniemi, & Huopalahti, 1999). 170 bar) were investigated during 2 h. The authors reported that, de-
Carbon dioxide is considered as the ideal solvent for supercritical spite the numerous advantages of SFE, the highest inulin extraction
uid extraction (Black, 1996; Rosell-Soto, Koubaa, et al., 2015). In yield was only 0.06%, calculated by the ratio between the weights of
fact, it has the feature of low critical temperature ( 31 C), close to the extract and the sample.
room temperature, as well as low critical pressure (73 bars), which
offers the possibility to operate at moderate pressures, generally be- 4.5. Pulsed-electric eld assisted extraction
tween 100 and 450 bars. Moreover, CO2 is non-toxic, non-ammable,
odorless, tasteless, inert, and inexpensive (Fiori et al., 2014). Therefore, Pulsed electric eld (PEF) treatment is an innovative and promising
this solvent was known to be perfectly adapted for industrial food appli- method for non-thermal processing of foodstuff (Koubaa et al., 2015).
cations, aromas and essential oils. The treatment by pulsed electrical voltage is applied to a material placed

Treatment area

electrode Electric field
direction direction

HV Insulator Treatment HV
electrode Chamber electrode

- Pore
Permeabilization - +
- +
- Cell
Cell content

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of a continuous pulsed electric eld (PEF) treatment chamber. Inset represents a schematic representation of plant cell permeabilization phenomenon
following PEF treatment.
Z. Zhu et al. / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 33 (2016) 19 7

Filtration Preliming

Chicory roots Liming

Slicer Carbonatation


Demineralization PEF pre-treatment Demineralization

Decolorization Decolorization

Evaporation Evaporation

70-80 C
Spray-drying 90 min Spray-drying

Inulin powder Inulin powder

Chicory juice

Fig. 5. Two different schematic processes for inulin production assisted by pulsed electric eld (PEF).

between a high voltage electrode and a grounded one. PEF treatment is conventional (thermal) or PEF (600 V/cm) treatment, applied separate-
generally conducted at ambient temperature, for a short treatment ly, POH (600 V/cm) resulted in faster and effective chicory tissue perme-
time of less than 1 s (s or ms) (Barbosa-Cnovas, Pierson, Zhang, & abilization. After PEF application at high intensity ( 1000 V/cm), the
Schaffner, 2000; Vorobiev & Lebovka, 2010). In general, the applied solute diffusivity was similar to that of conventional extraction applied
eld strength ranges from 0.1 to 80 kV/cm for a pulse duration ranging at 7080 C (3 1010 m2/s), which provides an interesting method
from several s to several ms (Barba et al., 2014; Vorobiev & Lebovka, for inulin recovery at mild and low temperatures. Furthermore, the
2010). When the cells are exposed to a given electric eld, their mem- purity of the obtained juice using this non-conventional method was
branes are generally permeabilized. This phenomenon is called electro- higher than that obtained by the conventional thermal process (Zhu,
poration, forming temporary (reversible) or permanent (irreversible) Bals, Grimi, Ding, & Vorobiev, 2013). Based on this nding, the conven-
pores through the membranes, which facilitates the releasing of the tional inulin production process from chicory roots could be modied.
intracellular content (Fig. 4). Fig. 5 shows two alternative possibilities for inulin production.
PEF-assisted extraction has been applied through several The rst one consists of the application of PEF pre-treatment
studies for the extraction of inulin. For instance, chicory slices (1000 V/cm) before cold diffusion (at 3035 C), instead of hot water
(2 mm 10 mm 20 mm) were subjected to inulin extraction diffusion (7080 C), followed by simplied calco-carbonic purication.
using PEF (Loginova, Shynkaryk, Lebovka, & Vorobiev, 2010). The The second process consists of the application of PEF before cold diffu-
authors reported that the diffusion coefcient of the soluble matter sion, followed by a ltration step instead of the complex calco-
was tremendously increased by the PEF treatment, especially at mild carbonic purication process. Indeed, Loginova, Loginov, Vorobiev, and
extraction temperatures. In fact, the diffusion coefcients for conven- Lebovka (2012) observed that the purication of sugar beet juice
tional extraction and PEF-assisted extraction were 9 1011 m2/s and extracted at 30 C resulted in faster juice ltration after the rst carbon-
3 10 10 m2/s at 50 C, and 7 10 12 m2/s and 2 10 10 m2/s at ation and lower coloration of the nal thin juice as compared to that pu-
40 C, respectively. ried after extraction at 70 C. The authors suggested a 2-fold decrease
In another study conducted by Zhu, Bals, Grimi, and Vorobiev of CaO quantity required for efcient juice purication.
(2012), a pilot countercurrent extraction of inulin from chicory slices
was carried out using PEF. The intensity of the applied electric eld 5. Conclusions
was 600 V/cm with a treatment duration of 50 ms. The authors reported
a reduction of the diffusion's temperature by 1015 C with comparable In this review, non-conventional extraction techniques for inulin re-
concentration of inulin in the extract (11.5 g/100 ml juice). Less ener- covery from plant food materials were discussed. Among the different
gy consumption was then achieved by reducing the PEF treatment dura- extraction methods (pulsed electric eld-, ultrasound-, enzyme-, micro-
tion to 10 ms. Moreover, the purity of the extract obtained using the PEF wave-, and supercritical uid-assisted extraction), PEF was shown to be
treatment of chicory slices was higher than that obtained from the the most promising technology to replace the current high temperature
untreated ones. The juice obtained from PEF-treated chicory slices was extraction process. By applying PEF pre-treatment, the extraction tem-
puried by membrane ltration, which reduces the number of conven- perature decreased and the amount of impurities is highly reduced.
tional purication steps through the liming-carbonation process. The inulin yield and quality of the extracts are mainly inuenced by
Recently, the combination of PEF and ohmic heating (pulsed ohmic two factors: plant cell permeabilization degree and extraction tempera-
heating, POH) was investigated for inulin extraction from chicory ture. Reaching lower temperatures to achieve a cold extraction pro-
roots (Zhu, Bals, Grimi, Ding, & Vorobiev, 2015). Compared to either cess of inulin requires further PEF pre-treatment investigations. Such
8 Z. Zhu et al. / Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 33 (2016) 19

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