Grade 7a - March 10

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March 10th, 2017 (Ms.

Grade 7A: Writing Exemplars

Exemplar 1:

I am Britton and I want go on a exciting adventure outside of treegap. I brought a dilicoas lunch to eat.

Hopefully I dont get eaten by the wolf king. While i was skipping along the sky started to get dark and

the wolves started howling. And all of a sudden a wolf jumped out of the blue, and dragged me along

the bumpy path till I say him. The Wolf King sat on his own little wood seat. All the wolves were

howling and started surounding my. There was no escape!

The wolves lead me to the wolve king, i yelled for help but nobody came. I pleaded with him not to eat

me but he wouldnt listen. Just when was about to eat me, spit fell on me and i heard a horn, help has

came. All the wolves focused on the warriors so i ran away back home.

the end.

Exemplar 2:

Sean set foot in the woods. The shadows loomed over his body and he felt the slightest chill slither

down his spine. As he was walking he crushed brown leaves and snapped small twigs. Every time he

would go he would hear a scurrying noise. He thought they were just squirrels but the shadows were

much larger and bulkier. One time he thought he saw a large wild bear.

Suddenly, everything went quiet. The wind stopped blowing, and even the birds seemed to have shut

up. Then out of nowhere, a humoungus bear jumped out. Sean screamed, like a girl. Because something

even stranger happened. The bear turned to a giant man. Oh I know you! Youre Beorn! chirped


But Sean want there to be no more skin changers so he grabed out his knife that was still dripping with

blood from the squirl he had just killed. Sean crepped back up to Beorn an stabbed him right in the

heart. A sun beem shon right through the forest and bearn asended to space.
March 10th, 2017 (Ms. Ct)

Exemplar 3:

Brooklyn was walking down the road and came apon the square cottage with a unfriendly appearance.

She saw a little girl standing by the fence of the cottage and wondered what she was doing.

Curiously, I walked towards her. She was trying to help a sick squirell. I went up towards her and she

was crying. Whats wrong? I asked. But she didnt reply. All of a sudden she fell onto the ground and

started to shake terribly. HELP I screamed but no one heard me. Shes been bit.

all of a sudden she began to get hair She grew a tail and looked into my eyes, they were red with a firey

look. She yelled you DIDDONT HELP! then she took out her claws and scratched me I became a

squirell mutant to!

Exemplar 4:

I grabbed by axe und stepped out the doorway and right away my eyes found the path. I followed thut

to where it curved around the wood right to the center where stood the giant ash tree with the spring

under it. I started chopping. this wood will make u fine tuble.

The tree took hours to chop but everytime I glanced at it I hadnt even gone through the bark. CRACK

my ace broke. When I looked down I saw a bright light coming from the ground. I just pulled it out

when the earth started to shake.

I started to panic and I started screaming. So i tried to find something to hold on to but there was

nothing. But as soon as it started it stoped. So I ran as fast as I could. but i triped over a root and

sprained my ancle. But just then i hurd someone and they came out of a bush and helped me.

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