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Food Chemistry xxx (2016) xxxxxx

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Nutrients and natural toxic substances in commonly consumed

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) tuber
Kunchit Judprasong a,, Nidthida Archeepsudcharit a, Kedsiri Chantapiriyapoon b,
Pharrunrat Tanaviyutpakdee a, Piya Temviriyanukul a
Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Putthamonthon 4 Rd., Salaya, Phutthamonthon, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand
Office of Agricultural Research and Development, Region 6, Tapoon, Klung, Chanthaburi 22110, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study determined nutrients, chemical contaminants, (insecticide residues and heavy metals), and
Received 27 June 2016 natural toxic substances (nitrate, nitrite, cyanide, oxalate, phytate, and trypsin inhibitor) in tubers of
Received in revised form 5 September 2016 Jerusalem artichokesKaentawan in the Thai languagegrown in four major provinces in Thailand.
Accepted 17 September 2016
They were purchased, prepared, homogenized, and freeze-dried for further analysis using standard meth-
Available online xxxx
ods. All Kaentawan samples contained considerable amounts of fructans and dietary fiber
(15.40.2 g and 3.20.8 g/100 g fresh weight [FW], respectively), as well as potassium and iron
(33961 and 0.320.05 mg/100 g FW, respectively). All samples had very low amounts of insecticide resi-
Jerusalem artichoke
dues (37 compounds), cyanide, and trypsin inhibitor, as well as Pb, Cd, nitrate, and nitrite (0.820.09,
Nutrient 0.100.02, 1.917.5, and 0.010.24 mg kg 1 FW, respectively), in addition to oxalate and phytate
Toxic substance (149 and 0.170.02 mg/100 g FW, respectively). This studys data can be used for food composition data-
Contaminant bases and for safety consumption.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (PYR) is another choice and has naturally synthetic analogues. PYR
insecticides have greater photostability and relatively low toxicity
Kaentawan, or Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.), is compared to OC, OP, and CRB insecticides (Ware & Whitacre,
known as an easy growing crop plant (Bach, Clausen, & 2004). Heavy metal contents can contaminate the environment
Edelenbos, 2015; Kays & Nottingham, 2008). Kaentawan tuber before plants are grown, such as in water and soil, (McGrath,
has been reported as a rich source of inulin and fructo- Zhao, & Lombi, 2001). For example, cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb),
oligosaccharide (FOS). Many studies have shown that inulin-type arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg) may be found at certain levels in
fructans have beneficial effects in terms of dietary fiber and prebi- plants (Onianwa, Adetola, Iwegbue, Ojo, & Tella, 1999).
otics. Since Kaentawan has a low caloric value, is fat-free, and has a For natural toxins, nitrate and nitrite are naturally present in a
high mineral content (Kays & Nottingham, 2008), it can be devel- wide range of vegetables. They accumulate in the stem, leaves, and
oped and applied as a functional food. Generally, this tuber, though roots of plants and may relate to high levels of ammonia or nitrates
a good source of nutrients, can also contain toxic substances in in the soil (Nicholson, 2007). Oxalate is widely found in plants in a
terms of either chemical contaminants (i.e., insecticide residues water soluble form (sodium, potassium, and ammonium) and an
or heavy metals) or natural toxins (i.e., nitrate, nitrite, cyanide, insoluble (calcium) form, which may be present at different levels
phytate, oxalate, and trypsin inhibitor) (Jaworska, 2005; Kays & in different plant parts (Holloway, Argall, Jealous, Lee, & Bradbury,
Nottingham, 2008). 1989; Judprasong, Charoenkiatkul, Sungpuag, Vasanachitt, &
For chemical contaminants, insecticides contain a variety of Nakjamanong, 2006). Oxalate can bind strongly with calcium, iron,
toxic substances. Most organochlorine (OC) insecticides have been and magnesium (Noonan & Savage, 1999), which can have adverse
banned, since they can persist in the environment. Carbamate health effects (Jaworska, 2005). A diet high in oxalates can cause
(CRB) and organophosphorus (OP) can replace OC which is most excessive urinary excretion of oxalate (hyperoxaluria) and can
widely used for crop plants (Bai, Zhou, & Wang, 2006). Pyrethroid increase the risk of developing kidney stones (Nguy n & Savage,
2013). Trypsin is a serine protease that is produced in the pancreas
as zymogen trypsinogen and stored in active form (Horton, Moram,
Corresponding author. Acrimgeour, Perry, & Rawn, 2006). Trypsin inhibitor (TI) inhibits
E-mail address: (K. Judprasong).
0308-8146/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Judprasong, K., et al. Nutrients and natural toxic substances in commonly consumed Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus
tuberosus L.) tuber. Food Chemistry (2016),
2 K. Judprasong et al. / Food Chemistry xxx (2016) xxxxxx

the activities of protein digesting enzymes in the digestive tract fat). Total dietary fiber was determined using enzymatic gravimet-
and reduces the bodys capability to use protein in foods ric method following AOAC method no. 985.29 (AOAC, 2012).
(Srinivasan, Giri, Harsullkar, Gatehouse, & Gupta, 2005).
Currently, there is limited, to no, information available on nutri- 2.3.2. Fructans
ents, chemical contaminants (insecticide residues and heavy met- Fructans (inulin and fructooligosaccharides) were analyzed fol-
als), and natural toxic substances (nitrate, nitrite, cyanide, oxalate, lowing the AOAC method no. 997.08 (AOAC, 2012) by extracting
phytate, and trypsin inhibitor) in Kaentawan tubers. Consequently, with hot water and hydrolysing by inulinase (SigmaAldrich,
these components should be investigated to ensure healthy and USA, I2017 inulinase from Aspergillus niger, CAS Number 9025-
safe consumption. 67-6 which has enzyme activity of 1740 inu/g). Both hot water
extracted and enzyme hydrolysed fractions were derivatized into
volatile oxime-trimethylsilyl derivatives. Each individual sugar,
2. Materials and methods both before and after enzyme hydrolysis, was then determined
by high temperature gas chromatography (Joye & Hoebregs,
2.1. Samples and sample preparation 2000; Judprasong, Tanjor, Puwastien, & Sungpuag, 2011) and the
fructans in each sample were calculated.
Kaentawan tubers were purchased from four major growing
areas in Thailand (Nakhon Pathom, Khonkaen, Nakhon Ratchasima, 2.3.3. Minerals
and Phetchabun provinces) during April to May 2014. The tubers The acid solution dissolved from ash residue after incineration
were transported to the laboratory at Institute of Nutrition, Mahi- at 550 C for 2 h was used for calcium, sodium, and potassium con-
dol University. Kaentawan tubers from each source were classified tent analyses by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)
to two groups, namely, fresh Kaentawan without skin and boiled following method no. 975.03 (AOAC, 2012). The acid solution was
Kaentawan without skin. Each sample was peeled, weighed edible also determined for phosphorus by the gravimetric method follow-
part, and washed with deionized water (DI water). Each sample ing AOAC no, 920.55 (AOAC, 2012). Acid digestion in a closed
was homogenized using a food processor (Mara, Thailand) and Teflon vessel was employed for determining magnesium, iron, cop-
separated into two portions as fresh sample and dried sample by per, and zinc using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission
freeze drying (lyophilization). The prepared samples were then spectrophotometer (ICP-OES), method no. 984.27 (AOAC, 2012).
stored at 20 C until analysis.
2.4. Toxic substances determination
2.2. Reagents and standards
2.4.1. Insecticide residue
Deionized water was obtained by means of a Millipore water Each sample (about 20 g) was weighed into an Erlenmeyer flask
purification system with resistivity 18.2 MX cm 1 (Millipore containing 20 g of DI water. Fifty mL acetone, 50 mL dichloro-
RiOs-DITM134, Bedford, MA, USA). Nitric acid, perchloric acid, sul- methane, and a little sodium chloride were added to the mixture.
furic acid, hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, cadmium standard, lead The extraction was blended and mixed with ultra-turrax at high
standard, silver nitrate, potassium cyanide, potassium hydroxide, speed for 3 min. The organic phase was transferred into a beaker
sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, oxalic acid dehydrate (99.5 and dried with Na2SO4 for 10 min. For the organic phase, 50 mL
102.0%), phytic acid, sodium salt hydrate, hexane, and other chem- was taken and reduced in volume to 35 mL with rotary evapora-
icals were obtained from MERCK (Germany). Acetone, dichloro- tor. Thereafter, it was adjusted to the volume of 5 mL with ethyl
methane, ethyl acetate, 2, 2, 4 trimethylpentane (Isooctane), acetate and re-concentrated (repeat the evaporation twice with
silica gel (60200 mesh), and sodium sulfate anhydrous (1260 ethyl acetate to make sure the complete removal of acetone). The
mesh) were analytical grade from Sigma-Aldrich, USA. All other solution was injected into gas liquid chromatography, GLC (Agilent
chemicals and solvents used were of analytical and HPLC grade. 6890 N, USA), for organophosphorus analysis. Another 2 mL of
solution was cleaned up by silica gel and then eluted with hex-
ane:dichrolomethane (4:1) and injected into GLC (Agilent 6890 N,
2.3. Nutrient determination
USA) for organochlorine and pyrethroids analyses. The solution
was dissolved into methanol:water and injected into high perfor-
Nutrient analyses (proximate compositions and minerals) were
mance liquid chromatography, HPLC (Agilent 1100 Series, USA),
conducted using standard AOAC methods (AOAC, 2012). All sam-
for carbamate analysis.
ples were analyzed by the accredited ISO 17025:2005 laboratory
at the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand. The
2.4.2. Heavy metals
results of all measurements were presented as mean standard
Each sample (0.5 g) was extracted with 5 mL of 65% HNO3 and
deviation in fresh weight of the edible portion.
1 mL HClO4 into a Teflon jar. The extraction was digested at
100 C for 9 h in a hot air oven (Memmert, USA) and then left to
2.3.1. Proximate composition cool under the fume hood. The solution was transferred to a
Total nitrogen was determined using the Kjeldahl method fol- 25 mL volumetric flask and diluted with DI water to the mark.
lowing AOAC method number 981.10 (AOAC, 2012) and calculated Heavy metals (Pb and Cd) were determined using Inductively Cou-
into protein content using 6.25 as the specific (Jones) factor. Mois- ple Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES, PerkinElmer,
ture was analyzed using a drying method at 100 2 C until a con- Optima 4300, USA) with WinLab32 software against standard addi-
stant weight, following AOAC method no. 952.45 (AOAC, 2012). tion methods.
Crude fat was determined by acid digestion prior to continuous
extraction using petroleum ether in Soxtec system following AOAC 2.4.3. Nitrite and nitrate
method no. 945.16 (AOAC, 2012). Ash was analyzed by incinerating Nitrate and nitrite content in all study samples were deter-
all organic matter at 550 5 C in accordance with AOAC method mined by the cadmium column method (AOAC, 2012). Each sample
no. 945.46 (AOAC, 2012). Carbohydrate was calculated using the (5 g) was extracted with 5 mL saturated borax solution and 100 mL
formula 100-moisture-protein-fat-ash; energy was calculated by hot water, mixed thoroughly, heated in a boiling water bath at
Atwater factor (4 for protein and carbohydrate and 9 for total 100 C for 20 min, and then shaken repeatedly. The solution was

Please cite this article in press as: Judprasong, K., et al. Nutrients and natural toxic substances in commonly consumed Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus
tuberosus L.) tuber. Food Chemistry (2016),
K. Judprasong et al. / Food Chemistry xxx (2016) xxxxxx 3

diluted with DI water, shaken, and left to stand at room tempera- 2.4.7. Trypsin inhibitor
ture for 30 min. Two grams of activated charcoal was added to the Trypsin inhibitor activity in all samples was determined accord-
solution to remove pigment and filtered through Whatman No.1 ing to AOCS. (1997). Each sample (1 g) was extracted with 50 mL of
filter paper. 0.01 N NaOH solution. The extraction was slowly agitated at room
temperature for 3 h, adjusted for pH to 8.410.0, and diluted with
DI water (6080% of standard). DI water was added to the solutions Determination of nitrite content. A 3 mL filtrate was pipetted
(0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, and 1.8 mL) to bring the total volume up to 2 mL in
into a test tube along with 3 mL of color mixture reagent. The solu-
each test tube. Two mL of trypsin solution was added to each test
tion was mixed, left to stand for 15 min at room temperature in the
tube, mixed on vortex, and immediately placed in a 37 C water
dark, and then measured by using a spectrophotometer (Shimadzu
bath. Time was prepared for a 10 min interval. Thereafter, 5 mL
UV-1601PC UVVisible, Japan) at 540 nm.
of BAPA solution was added, mixed on vortex, and incubated in a
37 C water bath; timing of the 10 min interval started immedi- Reduction of nitrate to nitrite. Twenty mL of the filtrate was ately. After the 10 min interval, the reaction in each tube was
pipetted into the reservoir on the top of the column; thereafter, stopped by adding 1 mL of acetic acid solution and mixed on vor-
5 mL of ammonium buffer solution pH 9.69.7 and 80 mL of DI tex. The solution was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 5 min. Clear
water were added. The effluent was collected from the column in supernatant was determined for absorbance in a spectrophotome-
a 100 mL volumetric flask (eluate). Three mL of the eluate was ter at 410 nm.
pipetted into a test tube for determining nitrite in the eluate. Three
mL of color reagents were added to the eluate. The solution was 3. Results and discussion
vortex-mixed, left 15 min at room temperature in the dark, and
measured by using a spectrophotometer at 540 nm. Nutrients and toxic substances were analyzed by the accredited
ISO 17025:2005 laboratory in which a quality control system had
been regularly undertaken. For some important quality parame-
2.4.4. Cyanide
ters, most of these were studied along with standard reference
Cyanide in all samples was determined using titration by fol-
materials or spiked standard (% recovery) as shown in Tables 1A
lowing AOAC official method number 920.30 (AOAC, 2012). Each
and B. For precision, in-house quality control (QC) samples were
sample (1.0 g) was extracted with DI water, a small amount of
used, for instance, milk powder (for total nitrogen, moisture, and
PbCO3, and diluted to 100 mL with DI water. The extraction was
fat analyses) and defatted soybean flour (for ash, total dietary fiber,
mixed thoroughly and filtered through a dry filter. The solution
and mineral analyses). Each analyzed parameter was conducted in
(25 mL) was transferred into an Erlenmeyer flask, along with the
duplicate or triplicate with each accepted criteria.
addition of 100 mL DI water, 5 mL NaOH solution, and 2 g of KI.
Each sample was then titrated to faint opalescence with AgNO3
3.1. Nutrients
solution. The calculation of cyanide content was made.
Since Kaentawan tubers have very thin skin, the percentage of
2.4.5. Oxalate edible portion in this plant was 82.5 1.2% (Table 2), which is close
Oxalate content in all samples was determined by the HPLC to what Judprasong et al. (2011) have reported (79.0%).
method (Judprasong et al., 2006; Savage, Vanhanen, Mason, &
Ross, 2000). In brief, each sample (1 g) was extracted with 50 mL 3.1.1. Proximate compositions
HCl and heated in a water bath at 80 C for 15 min. The extraction As shown in Table 2, fresh and boiled Kaentawan tuber con-
was adjusted to volume to 50 mL with HCl, centrifuged for 15 min tained high moisture (7880 g/100 g fresh weight [FW]), moderate
at 3000 rpm, and filtered through a 0.45 lm cellulose acetate protein (2.22.3 g/100 g FW), and very low fat (0.1 g/100 g FW).
membrane. The solution was injected into the HPLC system with Carbohydrate content was the second main nutrient (17.5
a UV detector set at 210 nm. The organic acid, including oxalic acid, 18.6 g/100 g FW). However, most carbohydrate was in the form
was separated in an HPLC column (Aminex HPX-87H, of fructans (15.416.9 g/100 g FW) and dietary fiber (3.2
300 mm  7.8 mm), using an isocratic elution at 0.65 mL/min with 4.1 g/100 g FW). Fructan levels in this study were slightly lower
0.00125 M sulfuric acid as a mobile phase. The amount of oxalic than previously reported by Judprasong et al. (2011), but were in
acid in each sample was determined against a standard calibration the range of 14.120.4 g/100 g FW as reported by Tanjor,
curve of oxalic acid and shown as mg oxalate in 100 g sample. Judprasong, Chaito, and Jogloy (2012). Total sugar (1.1
1.5 g/100 g FW), mainly sucrose, was found at the same level as
in a previous study (Judprasong et al., 2011).
2.4.6. Phytate
Phytate contents in all samples were determined using spec-
trophotometer following the method of Gao et al. (2007). Each Table 1A
Accuracy test using standard reference material (SRM) for nutrient substances (per
sample (0.5 g) was extracted with 10 mL of 2.4% HCl in a 14 mL
100 g).
screw-cap tube for 16 h. The extraction was centrifuged at
1000 g under 10 C for 20 min. The crude acid extracts were trans- Analytical components Certified value Analyzed value (n = 10)
ferred to screw-cap tubes containing 1 g of NaCl and shaken at SRM NIST 8435 (Milk powder):
350 rpm for 20 min. Thereafter, they were settled at 4 C for Moisture (g) 3.54 0.57 3.61 0.15
60 min (or 20 C for 20 min) and centrifuged 1000 g under Protein (g) 25.86 0.67 25.30 0.14
Fat (g) 21.3 2.4 21.5 0.6
10 C for 20 min. The clear supernatants were diluted 25 times in Ash (g) 5.97 0.11 5.98 0.04
screw-cap tubes with 24 mL of DI water. Three mL of the diluted
SRM NIST 1849 (Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula):
supernatants were pipetted into test tubes, with the addition of Sugar (g) 49.8 1.8 49.7 0.49
1 mL of wade reagent, and mixed on vortex. Finally, they were cen- Mg (mg) 157.8 6.9 159.7 1.7
trifuged at 1000 g under 10 C for 10 min and then measured for Cu (mg) 2.03 0.04 1.98 0.03
absorbance using a spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-1601PC Fe (mg) 17.71 0.33 17.70 0.29
Zn (mg) 15.23 0.51 15.68 0.36
UVVisible, Japan) at 500 nm.

Please cite this article in press as: Judprasong, K., et al. Nutrients and natural toxic substances in commonly consumed Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus
tuberosus L.) tuber. Food Chemistry (2016),
4 K. Judprasong et al. / Food Chemistry xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Table 1B 0.270.28 mg/100 g, respectively). Since this study is the first to

Percentage recovery of analysis of nutrient and toxic substances (n = 10 each). report these constituents, the values cannot be compared with
Analytical component Acceptance recovery Analyzed value those of other studies.
(%) (%)
Fructans (g/100 g) 98102* 100.4 0.8 3.2. Insecticide residues
Phytate (g/100 g) 98102* 101.9 4.5
Oxalate (mg/100 g) 90107* 95.6 5.1 Kaentawan has several advantageous characteristics over tradi-
Nitrate (mg/kg) 80110* 94.4 5.1
Cyanide (mg/kg) 80110* 102.9 3.9
tional plants including high growth rate, good tolerance to cold and
drought, the lowest fertilizer requirement for growth, and strong
Insecticide residues:
Alpha-endosulfan (mg/kg) 70120** 86.3 4.9
resistance to plant diseases and pests because generally Kaenta-
Beta-endosulfan (mg/kg) 70120** 87.5 6.8 wan has hairy oval shaped leaves and stems (Monti, Amaducci, &
Endosulfan-sulfate (mg/kg) 70120** 85.6 5.3 Venturi, 2005; Kays & Nottingham, 2008; Bach et al., 2015;
Lambda-cyhalothrin (mg/kg) 70120** 83.3 3.1 Slimestad, Seljaasen, Meijer, & Skar, 2010; Tassoni et al., 2010).
Permethrin (mg/kg) 70120** 84.2 4.0
Insecticide residues (organophosphorus, organochlorine, carba-
Cypermethrin (mg/kg) 70120** 95.8 9.6
Deltamethrin (mg/kg) 70120** 99.0 4.9 mate, pyrethroid) in fresh and boiled Kaentawan tubers were not
Diazinon (mg/kg) 70120** 84.6 3.5 detected (less than the detection limit) in almost all samples. Eigh-
Dicrotophos (mg/kg) 70120** 84.0 3.8 teen compounds of organophosphorus were studied including
Chlorpy-met (mg/kg) 70120** 84.6 7.7 dicrovos, methamidophos, mevinphos, diazinon, omethoate, dicro-
Piri-met (mg/kg) 70120** 82.1 7.9
tophos, monocrotophos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, dimethoate,
Chlorpy (mg/kg) 70120** 85.4 6.8
Malathion (mg/kg) 70120** 83.3 7.8 pirimiphos-methyl, chlopyrifos, parathion-methyl, pirimiphos-
Fenitrothion (mg/kg) 70120** 85.0 6.6 ethyl, malathion, and fenitrothion. All of these compounds had
Parathion (mg/kg) 70120** 84.4 8.7 limited detection (LOD) at 0.005 mg kg 1, whereas parathion-
Prothiofos (mg/kg) 70120** 88.5 6.3
ethyl, prothiofos, and profenofos had LOD at the level of
Ethion (mg/kg) 70120** 87.5 6.9
Triazophos (mg/kg) 70120** 82.3 8.4 0.01 mg kg 1. Four types of organophosphorus, namely, methi-
EPN (mg/kg) 70120** 88.3 7.4 dathion, ethion, triazophos, and ethyl p-nitrophenyl thionoben-
Oxamyl (mg/kg) 70120** 87.8 4.6 zenephosphonate (EPN), were included with LOD at
Methomyl (mg/kg) 70120** 92.8 4.7 0.01 mg kg 1. Four compounds of organochlorine, alpha-
Carbofuran (mg/kg) 70120** 88.0 3.4
endosulfan, beta-endosulfan, and endosulfan-sulfate had an LOD
Carbaryl (mg/kg) 70120** 89.6 4.8
Methiocarb (mg/kg) 70120** 88.6 4.2 at 0.0005 mg kg 1. Seven types of pyrethroid (bifentrin, lambda-
cyhalothrin, permethrin, cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate,
AOAC (2012).
** and deltamethrin) had LOD at 0.0005 mg kg 1. Only chlopyrifos
Codex Alimentarius Commission (2002) at concentration of P0.01 mg/kg to
60.1 mg/kg. was found in Kaentawan tuber with skin from Khonkaen province.
However, the level was lower than the Maximum Residue Level
(<0.01 mg kg 1 FW) as noted in the Thai Agriculture Standard
(0.05 mg kg 1 FW) (Thai Agriculture Standard, 2013). The source
Table 2
Nutrient compositions and toxic substances of fresh and boiled Kaentawan tuber.
of the insecticide possibly came from insecticide contaminated
soil, water, and/or air (Bruzzoniti, Sarzanini, Costantino, & Fungi,
Parameters (per 100 g edible fresh weight) Kaentawan tuber (Mean SD, 2006; Dasciana et al., 2011).
n = 4 each)
Peeled, Fresh Peeled, Boiled 3.3. Heavy metals
Edible (%) 82.5 1.2
Proximate composition: Heavy metal contents (Cd, Pb, As, and Hg) in all samples are
Energy (kcal) 10 1 92
shown in Table 3. Cadmium contents in all samples ranged from
Moisture (g) 78.0 0.9 80.2 1.7
Protein (g) 2.3 0.3 2.2 0.4 0.06 to 0.14 mg kg 1 FW. The average Cd level was slightly higher
Fat (g) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 than the maximum contaminant contents stipulated by the Euro-
Ash (g) 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.2 pean Union (0.1 mg kg 1 for root vegetables and potatoes FW),
Carbohydrate (g) 18.6 1.0 17.5 1.9 though there is no specification of Cd for food in Thailand. Lead
Total Dietary fiber (g) 4.1 1.3 3.2 0.8
Fructans (g) 16.9 0.3 15.4 0.2
contents in all samples ranged from 0.20 to 0.47 mg kg 1 FW.
Sum of dietary fiber (g) 20.9 1.6 18.5 0.6 The average Pb level was lower than the level for food intended
Total sugars (g) 1.1 0.5 1.5 1.2 for direct human consumption as stipulated by the Thai Ministry
Minerals: of Public Health (1 mg kg 1 food). However, it was higher than
Calcium (mg) 20 4 20 4 the maximum levels of certain contaminants in foodstuffs as noted
Magnesium (mg) 16 1 16 2 by the European Union (0.1 mg kg 1 FW for root vegetables and
Phosphorus (mg) 74 7 72 10
potatoes). Arsenic content was very low in the studied samples
Sodium (mg) 30 1 28 6
Potassium (mg) 339 61 301 66 (ND). Mercury (Hg) was found only in peeled fresh Kaentawan
Iron (mg) 0.32 0.05 0.37 0.07 from Nakhon Ratchasima province (0.019 mg/kg FW), but it was
Copper (mg) 0.17 0.05 0.16 0.04 lower than the level of Hg for food intended for direct human con-
Zinc (mg) 0.27 0.04 0.28 0.04 sumption as stipulated by the Thai Ministry of Public Health
(0.5 mg kg 1 food).

3.1.2. Minerals 3.4. Nitrate and nitrite

In fresh and boiled Kaentawan tuber, potassium (301
339 mg/100 g FW) had the highest macro mineral content (Table 2). Nitrate content in all samples was lower than the quantitation
Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium (20, 16, 7274, and limit (<7.23 mg kg 1), whereas nitrite values were not detected
2830 mg/100 g FW, respectively) were also presented. Trace ele- in all samples (<LOD, 0.39 mg kg 1) (Table 4). The average of
ments were iron, copper, and zinc (0.320.37, 0.160.17, and nitrate and nitrite values was lower than the level of nitrate and

Please cite this article in press as: Judprasong, K., et al. Nutrients and natural toxic substances in commonly consumed Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus
tuberosus L.) tuber. Food Chemistry (2016),
K. Judprasong et al. / Food Chemistry xxx (2016) xxxxxx 5

Table 3
Heavy metal contents of Kaentawan tubers in Thailand, mg kg fresh weight.

Samples/Sources Cd Pb As Hg
LOD 0.001 0.017 0.145 0.010
LOQ 0.004 0.058 0.495 0.018
Kaentawan, peeled, fresh:
Nakhon Ratchasima 0.11 0.20 ND 0.019
Phetchabun 0.13 0.24 ND ND
Nakhon Pathom 0.13 0.29 ND ND
Khonkaen 0.13 0.32 ND ND
Mean SD 0.13 0.01 0.26 0.05 ND ND
Kaentawan, peeled, boiled:
Nakhon Ratchasima 0.11 0.29 ND ND
Phetchabun 0.06 0.25 ND ND
Nakhon Pathom 0.14 0.47 ND ND
Khonkaen 0.12 0.32 ND ND
Mean SD 0.11 0.03 0.33 0.10 ND ND

ND = not detectable (<LOD).

3.5. Oxalate, phytate, cyanide, and trypsin inhibitor activity

Table 4
Nitrate and nitrite contents of Kaentawan tubers in Thailand, mg/kg fresh weight. Oxalates in fresh and boiled samples ranged from 5 to
Sample/Sources Nitrate *
Nitrite** 22 mg/100 g FW (Table 5), which is less than 50 mg/100 g FW
Kaentawan, peeled, fresh:
when compared to several plants reported by Judprasong et al.
Nakhon Ratchasima 3.44 ND (2006). Foods with total oxalate levels over 50 mg/100 g FW are
Nakhon Pathom 2.46 ND classified as high oxalate foods (Boontaganon, Jhanno, & Savage,
Khonkaen 2.07 ND 2009; Chai & Liebman, 2005). Generally, oxalate is widely found
Phetchabun 6.33 ND
in small amounts in plants, such as blueberries, boysenberries,
Kaentawan, peeled, boiled: blackcurrants, red currants, red raspberries, black raspberries,
Nakhon Ratchasima 3.44 ND
and red tomatoes (26 mg/100 g FW). Rhubarb is high in oxalate,
Nakhon Pathom 2.46 ND
Khonkaen 2.07 ND up to 2751336 mg/100 g FW (Nguy n & Savage, 2013; Noonan
Phetchabun 6.33 ND & Savage, 1999). In Thailand, Judprasong et al. (2006) have
* 1 reported some plant foods that contain large amounts of oxalate
Nitrate values below limit of quantitation (7.23 kg FW).
ND = not detectable (<LOD, 0.39 mg kg 1 FW). (more than 100 mg/100 g FW), including acacia pennata, Chinese
convolvulus, bamboo shoot cultivated, coconut heart, peanut, and
soybean. They also reported a reduction in oxalate content due
nitrite in food (500 and 125 mg/kg, respectively) as recommended to cooking by boiling (loss more than 30%). This study found that
by the Thai Ministry of Public Health (2004). Plants accumulate oxalate content in all sources was reduced after boiling (45% from
nitrate in their roots, leaves, and stems and may lead to high levels. Nakhon Ratchasima and 75% from Khonkaen). The high percentage
Moreover, the concentration of nitrate and nitrite depends on of oxalate content reduction during boiling is probably due to its
types or varieties of plants, season, temperatures, light soil, types solubility in boiling water.
of fertilizer, and fertilizer use (EFSA, 2008). As mentioned earlier, Phytate content in all samples was low (0.100.19 g/100 g FW).
Kaentawan has several advantageous characteristics over tradi- In general, phytate is mainly found in cereal grains, legumes, and
tional plants, especially the very small fertilizer requirement for seeds (0.51.0 g/100 g FW), and in a lower concentration in tubers
growth [Monti et al., 2005; Kays & Nottingham, 2008; Slimestad and roots (0.050.10 g/100 g FW) (Lnnerdal, 2002; Reddy, 2002;
et al., 2010; Tassoni et al., 2010; Bach et al., 2015]. Phillippy, Lin, & Rascob, 2004). Phytate has a strong ability
to chelate metal ions including zinc, calcium, and iron

Table 5
Oxalate and phytate contents, cyanide, and trypsin inhibitor activity (per fresh weight, FW) of Kaentawan tubers in Thailand.

Samples/Sources Oxalate Phytate Cyanide Tyrpsin inhibitor activity

(mg/100 g FW) (g/100 g FW) (mg/k 1 FW) (TIU/mg)
LOD 0.9 0.03 2.79 0.15
LOQ 3.0 0.08 9.31 0.50
Kaentawan, peeled, fresh:
Nakhon Ratchasima 22.0 0.19 ND ND
Nakhon Pathom 7.0 0.14 ND ND
Khonkaen 21.0 0.18 ND ND
Phetchabun 7.2 0.15 ND ND
Kaentawan, peeled, boiled:
Nakhon Ratchasima 12.1 0.13 ND ND
Nakhon Pathom <LOQ 0.10 ND ND
Khonkaen 5.2 0.18 ND ND
Phetchabun <LOQ 0.14 ND ND

ND = not detectable (<LOD).

Please cite this article in press as: Judprasong, K., et al. Nutrients and natural toxic substances in commonly consumed Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus
tuberosus L.) tuber. Food Chemistry (2016),
6 K. Judprasong et al. / Food Chemistry xxx (2016) xxxxxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Judprasong, K., et al. Nutrients and natural toxic substances in commonly consumed Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus
tuberosus L.) tuber. Food Chemistry (2016),

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