Naseeha On Ikhlas

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Verse 40:

Mukhlas means to be chosen. There are different levels of being chosen

Prophets AS are the most chosen. It is Allahs decision to choose them chosen people
Thats why after a general theme Allah talks about different stories of different prophets
The lower level of being chosen: when a person is sincere of Allah

Link between being mukhlas and mukhlis:

Mukhlas is something that Allah bestows on a person
Mukhlis is the own effort of a person making an action on yourself. The effort of that
person is that they have the quality of ikhlaas, they are a true person. This word comes
in the Quran they are sincere to the deen of Allah taala.
The connection: the people who are mukhlis, Allah eventually makes them mukhlas

What do we have to be true to? How can we become a true believer?

For a woman it would include being true as a daughter, a student, a mother, a wife. The
most important aspect is being true to Allah SWT as the servant of Allah SWT at all
times, even during times of difficulty, when we see no way out and we think we are in a
lot of trials. This is real tawheed
Surah ikhlaas: the message that is being given is of tawheed alone. It has been named
ikhlaas although it talks about tawheed to show us that true tawheed can only be
reached by being sincere to Allah SWT only then will we be able to be saved from all
kinds of shirk including shirk e khafi which is the hidden shirk being obedient to
someone more than Allah SWT e.g. teacher, parent or husband. Sometimes we listen to
them even though it means being disobedient to Allah SWT. This is against Quran and
Sunnah. If we do this, it means we are not truly sincere to Allah SWT
There is no obedience to the creation when it involves disobedience to the Creator.

There are 3 aspects required of tazkiyyah and being saved from hellfire
1. Ilm
2. Ikhlaas
3. Amal
We need to have all three of these things in order to be successful
We think so many time is required for ilm, and in regards to amal we feel we dont have
enough motivation for amal but the most difficult one is ikhlaas. Just like our clothes get
dirty our hearts get dirty also. We need to keep refreshing our intentions. We need to
begin our journey with ikhlaas and in sha Allah Allah will include ilm and amal in our lives

In this Surah, after mentioning chosen servants Allah discusses about chosen prophets as
they are the most chosen. Sometimes we dont focus on the fact that they are the most
tested and they were the truest to Allah throughout their tests, which makes them the chosen
ones. When someone is beloved to Allah SWT, He tests them more to elevate their status
and rank. Sometimes we dont realise the intensity of the problems of the prophets, because
if we do then we can use their problems in our own lives. Allah is consoling all of us maybe
He wants to elevate our ranks which is why He is testing me.

Tests come on us for two reasons only:

1. Our own sins
2. To elevate rank
We know which one it is through explanations of scholars. We should have fear about Allah
but we should also have good hope for Allah. Allah is for His servant the way he thinks about
Allah. Through this mind-set we will gain some sort of hope and positive thoughts.


Test 1: father
We dont realise when reading about his father that every word is talking to us. It is a
personal conversation between our Rabb and us
All of us have someone in our life who is not getting hidayah and we are upset about it
because we love that persona and are close to them, or we may be sad because we
have to part ways with that person
In regards to the prophets, their close ones were not even accepting Imaan

Test 2: fire
Allah cooled that fire
Lesson: the ultimate yakeen on Allah SWT, not just believing but having so much
tawakkul that we know that an angel came to him and said that he can help Ibrahim AS,
so he said that if Allah SWT is there then its enough
If we know that Allah will get us out of our hard times and difficulties, then we are not only
rewarded in the Akhirah but also in the Dunya without count. Only Allah knows the
amount of reward if we do sabr in times of
Allah is maassabireen this is a special attribute of Allah. Allah will assist His slaves
Himself. Even the Dunya trials will become easy if we are true. This is the real sidq,
when in times of difficulty we dont say why me or even maybe Allah is wanting to
reward me but that Allah is with me and Allah WILL get me out of this situation and He
will get us out of it. Allah is sufficient for me

Test 3: sacrificing Ismail AS

Nowadays we follow the Sunnah of Ibrahim AS but not with that feeling of sacrifice.
Sometimes when a couple want to have children and finally they have a child after so
many years that child is so beloved. This lesson we get is to sacrifice something we love,
even if it is not in the form of slaughtering the person we might need to leave that person.
Sometimes Allah makes us leave people we even love for Allah SWT to see if we can
leave them for Allahs sake as well e.g. teachers, students, etc. there is nothing wrong in
these types of loves but we choose Allah SWTs love above all lawful love as well. This is
what Allah means when He says that when people believe they are extremely intense in
their love for Allah. This highest amount of love, Allah has reserved for Himself only.
Sometimes as mothers or students we are so in love with people that we dont find
something wrong if that love is stronger than our love for Allah SWT.
Our purpose in life is to please Allah SWT. Ibadaat is obedience to a very high level, not
just to prostrate etc. we should have love for Allah above everything else because only
this pure and high level of love can lead to true obedience. If another love is
overshadowing our love for Allah then we will see one day we will not be able to be true
to Allah SWT during some situations

Imagine such a close relationship Imagine knowing for sure that Allah has decreed that
our husband or loved ones has not been destined hidayah. It is a big test to see our
loved ones in such a state and to accept it
Similarly with Qabil killing his brother. Imagine that both of them are the sons of Adam
AS! We might be mothers of two sons, and imagine one son killing another son out of
jealousy. What feeling will we go through if one brother kills another brother?
Allah made the prophets go through the most because they were the sincerest ones

Nuh ASs son also was not given hidayah
Allah once said that He will save Nuhs family we would think of physical family, but
Nuh AS still saw his son drowning and getting destroyed and that he will be punished in
the hereafter. Seeing your own son going through such a thing
There is a lot of stress caused due to children, which overrides all other stress in life. We
should see these verses to see how Allah SWT tested these prophets with regards to
their children


His life was full of tests
One similar aspect in his life: his uncle Abu Talib who did not accept Islam although he
SAW kept trying even at his uncles deathbed.
Imagine his Saws state his uncle helped and supported him so much. Imagine the
level of wanting his uncle to accept Islam, but it was Allahs decision to give hidayah to
His creation, to whoever He wants
We have to be accepting of Allahs decisions, no matter which situations we go through
in life.

The Sahaba RAA were the sincerest and the trust ummati


A big boulder would be thrown on his chest all the time
The thing that gave him the status he got later was was being true to Allah SWT. He had
no physical degree or intellect, but just the ahad ahad that he used to cry out.
What does ahad mean? That he had that true tawheed and he was free from all kinds of
shirk. He did not compromise anything and this is how true he was
We should read stories of Sahaba RAA to learn about their lives and see why they had
reached the level that had reached
People used to go to him and say just say that laat and uzza are my god so he used to
get peer pressure and pressure of elders. The only thing that came out of his mouth was
ahad ahad. We might come across a situation where we have to choose between truth
and falsehood, even if no one will know but we should keep in mind that Allah SWT will
It is about having that true love of Allah SWT
He became the muadhin of RasoolAllah SWT. He had proven in his life that Allah is the
Greatest no matter what. Allah is the first and last in his life. This is the status he gained
in the Dunya. In the Akhirah he got the status of his footsteps being heard in Jannah
This is the mukhlas he got because of the mukhlis he had in the Dunya


If a point comes in our life to hold the Dunya or let go of it then we have to choose
choosing between Allah and Allahs blessings
He was one of the most affluent Sahaba RAA. He was the best dressed, but still, when
the era of sacrificing came and he realised he has to accept tawheed he sacrificed all
these things. His own mother and brother turned against him and he had to leave his
house and everything. When he was passing away he didnt even have the full garment
for the grave. He had to go through all of these difficulties, but he was so accepted by
Allah SWT and RasoolAllah SAW
RasoolAllah SAW was shedding tears when he was passing away
All of us have to make some sort of sacrifice in our lives. When we go through such
situations there are always two ways to look at a particular thing. One way is the why
me experience and self-pity and the other is, thinking that Allah is my Rabb and He has
the right to do whatever He wants to do. We should take things positively and realise the
real destination of our life and purpose of Allah SWT, which is to be true to Allah SWT in
worshipping Him.
If a person makes his only grief the hereafter then Allah will make his other griefs ok for
him. This is something we should work towards. The hereafter should be something to
be concerned about

Ayaat to make us see the bigger picture:

If worldly life itself is temporary then of course our problems are temporary
Our own sins cause problems
Eventually we have to return to Allah and we should keep this in mind

Allah is saying that we only have the responsibility of our own selves. Even if a person is
being unjust with you, know that they will not harm you. Focus on your duty to worship
Allah SWT
When we are in a test, we should be true to Allah in having yakeen and tawakkul in Him
Complete justice can only be on the day of judgement. Complete justice cannot be
established in this world, but the help of Allah

Allah has informed us from beforehand that He will test us in any form
There is so much ajr for those who have sabr

This is not something a believer would do, but those whose hearts who have diseases in
them. They are the ones who believe that the help of Allah will not come

Ahadith of how to accept things that are happening and how to be content:

When Allah wants to be good to someone He treats them with hardship:

Positive attitude is important
Even health problems we should say the dua
They are always expiations for our sins

The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, The affair of the believer is amazing! The
whole of his life is beneficial, and that is only in the case of the believer. When good times
come to him, he is thankful and it is good for him, and when bad times befall him, he is
patient and it is also good for him. [Muslim]

The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor
sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a
thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that. [Bukhari]

Every matter Allah decrees for His slave is better for him.
We might think a situation is bad for us but it is actually good for us
We should accept that Allah SWTs plan is better for us than our own plans
Allah Himself tells us that Allah knows what is good for us and bad for us

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