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Chapter 7
I. Presentations: Teaching as Telling and Showing
a. What Is a Presentation?
b. Purpose and Characteristics ofTeacher Presentations
c. Good Presenters
d. Good Presentations
e. Computer Presentations: Pros and Cons
f. When Teacher Presentations Should Be Used
g. Limitations of Presentations
h. Summary on Presentations
II. Discussion: Learning through Informative Interaction
a. What Is a Discussion?
b. Purposes and Characteristics of Discussion
c. Good Discussion Leaders
d. Good Discussions
e. When Discussions Should Be Used
f. Research on Discussion
g. Limitations of Discussions
h. Summary on Discussion
III. Independent Study: Teaching as Giving and Guiding Seat Work and Homework
a. What Is Independent Study?
b. Purpose and Characteristics of Independent Study
c. Good Independent Study Leaders
d. Good Independent Study
e. When Independent Study Should Be Used
f. Limitations of Independent Study
g. Making Good Homework Assignments
h. Summary on Independent Study
IV. Individualized or D ifferentiated Instruction: Tailoring Teaching
a. What Is Individualized Instruction?
b. Purpose and Characteristics of Individualized Instruction
c. Types of Individualized Instruction
d. Good Users of Individualized Instruction
e. Good Individualized Education Programs
f. When Individualized Instruction Should Be Used
g. Limitations of Individualized Instruction
h. Summary on Individualized Instruction
V. Matching Instructional Alternatives to Learners
VI. Overview of 31 Instructional Alternatives
VII. Using Technology in Teaching
a. Selecting Quality Software and Websites
b. Utilizing Digital Content
c. Get Better Prepared for the Digital Age
Chapter 8
I. Cooperative learning: Teaching learners to like and Care
a. for One Another
b. What Is Cooperative Learning?
c. Purpose and Characteristics of Cooperative Learning
d. Some Variations on the Theme of Cooperative Learning
e. Good Leaders of Cooperative Learning
f. Good Cooperative Learning
g. When Cooperative Learning Should Be Used
h. Limitations of Cooperative Learning
i. Summary on Cooperative Learning
II. Discovery learning: figuring Things Out for Yourself
a. What Is Discovery Learning?
b. Purposes and Characteristics of Discovery Learning
c. Good Facilitators of Discovery Learning
d. Good Discovery Learning
e. Facilitating Discovery Learning Online
f. When Discovery Learning Should Be Used
g. Limitations of Discovery Learning
h. Summary on Discovery Learning
III. Constructivist Teaching and learning: Problem Solving under Teacher Guidance
a. What Is Constructivism?
b. Purposes and Characteristics of Constructivism
c. Good Constructivist Teaching and Learning
d. Good Facilitators of Constructivist Learning
e. When Constructivism Should Be Used
f. Limitations of Constructivism
g. Summary on Constructivism
IV. Direct Instruction: Teaching in the Most Efficient and Effective Way
a. What Is Direct Instruction?
b. Purpose and Characteristics of Direct Instruction
c. Exam ples of Direct I nstruction Programs
d. Good Direct Instructors
e. Good Direct Instruction
f. When Direct Instruction Should Be Used
g. Limitations of Direct I nstruction
h. Summary on Direct Instruction
V. Is There a Single Best Instructional Alternative?
Taken from Chapter 7 and 8.

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