Project Report Format: Chapter 1: Introduction

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Project report format

Cover Page
Company / Internship certificate
List of figures
Table of contents

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Topic Introduction
1.2 Objective of the project
1.3 Motivation for the project
1.4 Project Overview
1.5 Introduction of company / company profile
1.6 Literature Survey
1.7 Organization of report
Chapter 2: User Application Environment
Chapter 3: System Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Scope of the project
3.3 Hardware / Software Requirements
3.3.1 Hardware Requirements
3.3.2 Software Requirements
3.4 Functional Requirements
3.5 Non - Functional Requirements
3.6 User Requirements
3.7 Feasibility Study
3.7.1 Economic Feasibility
3.7.2 Technical Feasibility
3.7.3 Operational Feasibility
3.7.4 Social Feasibility
3.7.5 Schedule Feasibility
Chapter 4: System Design
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Existing System
4.3 Proposed System
4.4 Definition of the Application Modules
4.5 System Architecture Diagram
4.6 Data Flow Diagram
4.7 Entity Relationship Diagram
4.8 Use case Diagram
4.9 Sequence Diagram / Activity Diagram
4.10 Schema of Normalized Database
Chapter 5: System Implementation
5.1 Description of Application Modules in details
(Pseudo codes, Name Space, Assembly Algorithms and important function definitions)
Chapter 6: Testing
6.1 Unit Testing
6.2 Integration Testing
6.3 Regression Testing
6.4 System Testing
6.5 Security Testing
6.6 Functional Testing
6.7 Performance Testing
6.8 Test Cases (Tables)
Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Enhancements
7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Future Enhancements
Screen Shots
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