Observation On The Hyperbola

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ISSN: 2456-1312

Volume 1, Number 1
Universal Journal of Mathematics


y 2 220 x 2 9

M.A.Gopalan 1 , S.Vidhyalakshmi 2 , E.Premalatha 3 , M.Vanitha 4

1 2
, Professor, Dept.of mathematics, SIGC,Trichy
Asst.Professor, Dept.of mathematics, NCT,Trichy
PG Scholar, Department of Mathematics, SIGC, Trichy-620002, Tamilnadu;
2 2
The binary quadratic equation represented by the positive pellian y 220 x 9 is analyzed for its distinct integer
solutions. A few interesting relations among the solutions are also given. Further, employing the solutions of the above
hyperbola, we have obtained solutions of other choices of hyperbolas, parabolas and special Pythagorean triangle.

Binary quadratic; hyperbola; parabola; integral solutions; pell equation; Special numbers.
2010 mathematics subject classification : 11D09

n(n 1)(m 2)n (5 m)
prn n(n 1)

cp 6, n n 3

(n 1)
t m, n n
2 2
The binary quadratic equation of the form y Dx 1 , where D is non- square positive integer, has been studied by
various mathematicians for its non- trivial integral solutions when D takes different integral values [1-4]. In [5] infinitely
many Pythagorean triangle in each of which hypotenuse is four times the product of the generators added with unity are
obtained by employing the non-integral solutions of binary quadratic equation of y 2 3x 2 1 . In [6], a special

Pythagorean triangle is obtained by employing the integral solutions of y 2 10 x 2 1 . In [7], different patterns of
infinitely many Pythagorean triangle are obtained by employing the non-trivial solutions of y 12 x 1 . In this context
2 2

one may also refer [8-18]. These results have motivated us to search for the integral solutions of yet another binary
2 2
quadratic equation y 220 x 9 representing a hyperbola. A few interesting properties among the solutions are
presented. Employing the integral solutions of the equation under the consideration, a special Pythagorean triangle is

Consider the binary quadratic equation

y 2 220 x 2 9 (1)

with the least positive integer solutions x0 =18, y 0 =267

April 20, 2016

Universal Publishing & Research Organization

ISSN: 2456-1312
Volume 1, Number 1
Universal Journal of Mathematics

To obtain the other solutions of equation (1) ,Consider the pellian equation

y 2 220 x 2 1
whose general solution,

gn f
xn yn n
4 55 2
in which

f n 89 12 55 n 1 89 12 55 n 1
g n 89 12 55 89 12 55
n 1 n 1

where n= -1, 0, 1, 2

Applying Brahmagupta lemma between the solution s of ( x0 , y 0 ) and ( xn , y n ) the general solutions of equation (1)
are found to be

267 g n
xn 1 = 9 f n (2)
4 55

267 f n
y n 1 = 18 55 g n (3)
Thus, (2) and (3) represent the non-zero distinct integer solutions of (1) which represent a hyperbola.
The recurrence relations satisfied by the values of x and y are respectively

178 xn 2 xn 1 xn 3 0

178 y n 2 y n 1 y n 3 0
A few numerical examples are presented in the table below

n xn 1 y n 1

-1 18 267

0 3204 47523

1 570294 8458827

April 20, 2016

Universal Publishing & Research Organization

ISSN: 2456-1312
Volume 1, Number 1
Universal Journal of Mathematics

2 101509128 1505623683

3 18068054490 267992556747

4 3216012190092 47701169477283

A few interesting properties are given below:

The values of x are even while the values of y are odd
Each of the following is a Nasty number

801267 x2n 4 8458827 x2n 2 9612

62267 y2n 2 3960 x2n 2 18

6247523 y2n 3 704880 x 2n 3 18

4(267 yn 1 3960 xn 1 ) * 47523 yn 2 704880 xn 2 is a Square number

Each of the following is a cubical integer

267 x3n 4 47523x3n 3 18267 yn 1 3960 xn 1

395046 y3n 4 140976 x3n 4 267 xn 2 47523xn 1

267 x3n 5 8458827 x3n 3 142578xn 2 25377282 xn 1
267 xn 2 1602 yn 1 23763xn 1

267 yn 1 3960 xn 1 47523 yn 2 704880 xn 2

x n 1 0(mod 9)

yn 1 0(mod 3)

x2n 1 0(mod 4)
1. Employing the solutions ( x, y ) of (1), each of the following expressions among the special polygonal and pyramidal
numbers is a congruent to zero under modulo 9

April 20, 2016

Universal Publishing & Research Organization

ISSN: 2456-1312
Volume 1, Number 1
Universal Journal of Mathematics

2 p 5 y 1 3
6 p3 y 2 4
; 220
220 3 p x 6 p x 1
t 4, y 1 t3, x 1 pr t 3,2 x 1
y 2
2. Employing the linear combinations among the integer solution of (1), one may obtain integer solutions for different
geometrical representations. For simplicity and clear understanding, a few illustrations are presented in the table
1 below:
Table 1:
Relation Geometrical
between X1 , representation
X1 X2 Y1
X 2 and Y1
534 yn 1 7920 xn 1 - 95046 yn 1 7920 xn 2 Y1 89X 1 Straight line

178 y n 1 534 y 2n 2 58740 xn 1 Y12 495 X 2
2640 xn 1 7920 x 2n 2 3960 y n 1 17820
18 &
X 2 X 12
178 y n 1 534 y 2n 2 58740 xn 1 Y12 495 X 12
2640 xn 1 7920 x 2n 2 3960 y n 1 17820

3. Using the integer solutions of (1), one may obtain relations among special numbers. A few relations are exhibited
in the following table 2.
Table 2:
Relations among special numbers
m n

y3 N 3 2 y3 N 3 2 2t3, m 275t12, n 222

, N 1,2,3,..
2 5
y s 1 1 x s 1 55np n5
2 t3, m 1
y s 1 1 x s 1 2(t3, m 1) * n 55cp6, n
y s 1 1 x s 1 1 2(t3, m 1)t3, n 1 55(n 1) pn5 1

4. Consider r xn 1 yn 1 , s xn 1 . Observe that r>s>0.Treat r,s as the generators of the

Pythagorean triangle T( , , ),where 2rs, r 2 s 2 , r 2 s 2 .

Let A,P represent the area and perimeter of T( , , )

Then the following interesting relations are observed.

April 20, 2016

Universal Publishing & Research Organization

ISSN: 2456-1312
Volume 1, Number 1
Universal Journal of Mathematics

110 109 9
111 9 440
In this paper , we have presented infinitely many integer solutions for the hyperbola represented by the positive Pell
2 2
equation y 220 x 9 . As the binary quadratic Diophantine equations are rich in variety , one may search for the
other choices of negative Pell equations and determine their integer solutions along with suitable properties.
The financial support from the UGC, New Delhi (F.MRP-5123/14 (SERO/UGC) dated March 2014) for a part of this work is
gratefully acknowledged.
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April 20, 2016

Universal Publishing & Research Organization

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