Local Service PROJECT: 25 Hong Kong Union For Young Leaders

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Local service PROJECT





The Local Service Project Orientation Day was held on 4th February, 2017, in Cheung
Chuk Shan College. After the Global Awareness Project, the action plans proposed by
Campers could finally be put into action and take a step forward to contribute to our
community. Campers are separated into 3 groups according to their corresponding colour,
and each group shall compete in the programmes held that day in order to opt for the
services they would like to participate in. After some ice-breaking games in the morning
for Campers to familiarise themselves with their newly-met group mates, a new cheer
Unions in the front was taught and Campers are ready to take part in the highlight of the
Orientation Day - the paper bag game. In order to demonstrate the class consciousness
and unfairness which are currently striking vigorously in our society, the paper bag game
is designed for Campers to experience and feel the unfortunateness of the lower class and
grassroots are now undergoing. Confined spaces, without freedom, Campers are unable
to manage their own destiny and are destined to keep producing paper bags with limited
materials in order to earn a living, just as the lower class working forces daily routine. In
the circumstance of no choices and independence, Campers have shown perseverance
and tenacity, and was never intended to give in. After that a sharing session was held,
Campers able to recognise the underlying meaning of the game, discussed the prejudice
and grievance in our community, and finally the meaningful discussion and sharing marks
the end of the paper bag game.

Following the paper bag game is a mass game featuring cookery. Ingredients for
sandwiches such as peanut butter and ham are distributed among Campers. They are
required to make their own sandwich in limited amount of time with their limited amount of
resources. Yet, the sandwich they made arent consumed by themselves, they were then
distributed to another group, as a result, they do not have to eat up the sandwich made
by themselves, instead they are consuming others fruits. The underlying meaning of this
programme is what you contribute in this society may not become what you get in return.
However, although this might be the case, we shall always learn to share and strive for the
best for others. As a leader, it is always important to have a compassionate heart and the
sense to help the surroundings, no matter a person, a group or the world. As long as we
always remember to contribute what we have, we could definitely continue to inspire more
individuals, or even the society as a whole. By then an introduction video of the Local
Service Project is presented to the Campers, raising their awareness towards local issues
and conflicts, enabling them to realise how urgent and severe Hong Kongs situation is
at the moment. Campers are then notified of their assigned service projects, to help our
society, with their dedicated heart and soul.

After the Orientation Day, the three groups are each assigned with a respective area
of the society, including environmental, social, and community. Each group then started to
prepare for their Service Experience in their field.

For environmental, the group was assigned to carry out a shoreline cleaning
experience in Tong Wan of Ping Chau. The experience allowed the Campers to gain
invaluable knowledge on Hong Kongs natural environment, as they were required to
conduct research prior the cleaning experience. They were also presented with the issue
of environmental pollution in Hong Kong while carrying out the cleaning, as the site of clean
up was polluted with a wide variety of solid waste.

For community, the group organised a Community Fun Day for children. The fun day
involved game stalls and a cooking session. Campers were given the opportunity interact
with children to gain insights into their lives. In addition, Campers also gained experience in
organising program for an event. Throughout the Fun Day, both Campers and participants
shared a joyous and memorable experience.

For social, the group conducted a visit to an Elderly Home. The visit allowed Camper
to know more about the life of elderlies in Hong Kong, it also taught them compassion,
kindness, and care. During the visit, the group conducted a magic show for the elderlies,
and left behind warm gifts.

While the Service Experience only lasted for a short period of time, the experience
definitely rang an alarm, reminding campers on the importance of contributing to the society.

Followed by the Service Day was the Closing Ceremony of LSP. It was held on the 5th
March in St. Pauls college. A new cheer Boom Snap Clap was taught once the Campers
had settled down. This cheer was unlike the previous ones, Campers could perform this
cheer either by themselves or with people around them and the pace of chanting this cheer
could vary. The three groups were given opportunities to share their experiences with their
fellow Campers after they had mastered the new cheer. They have to deliver a post-service
presentation for around 30 minutes. Every Camper took turns to voice out their thoughts and
feelings as well as reviewing their performances on the service day. Through this sharing
session, Campers could exchange ideas and knowledge gained when serving the society.

Up next was a mass game featuring disability in the society. Within every group,
several Campers are assigned with special characters who were deficient while the rest are
normal. Some have to blindfold their eyes to act like they are blind, while some have to use
strings to tie their legs with one another to act like they have a disabled leg. Meanwhile, they
have to perform different tasks located in the corners of the school. As they were deficient,
they required assistance from the normal Campers in order to accomplish the task.

Lastly, the video session has provided the perfect chance for Campers to reminisce this
short yet unforgettable journey. The Closing Ceremony was concluded with the distribution
of Certificates and back-writing.


Presented by
25th Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

www.hkuyl.org.hk info@hkuyl.org.hk GPO Box 10379

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